// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license.
// See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details.

package elastic

//go:generate easyjson bulk_update_request.go

import (

// BulkUpdateRequest is a request to update a document in Elasticsearch.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/docs-bulk.html
// for details.
type BulkUpdateRequest struct {
	index string
	typ   string
	id    string

	routing         string
	parent          string
	script          *Script
	scriptedUpsert  *bool
	version         int64  // default is MATCH_ANY
	versionType     string // default is "internal"
	retryOnConflict *int
	upsert          interface{}
	docAsUpsert     *bool
	detectNoop      *bool
	doc             interface{}
	returnSource    *bool
	ifSeqNo         *int64
	ifPrimaryTerm   *int64

	source []string

	useEasyJSON bool

type bulkUpdateRequestCommand map[string]bulkUpdateRequestCommandOp

type bulkUpdateRequestCommandOp struct {
	Index  string `json:"_index,omitempty"`
	Type   string `json:"_type,omitempty"`
	Id     string `json:"_id,omitempty"`
	Parent string `json:"parent,omitempty"`
	// RetryOnConflict is "_retry_on_conflict" for 6.0 and "retry_on_conflict" for 6.1+.
	RetryOnConflict *int   `json:"retry_on_conflict,omitempty"`
	Routing         string `json:"routing,omitempty"`
	Version         int64  `json:"version,omitempty"`
	VersionType     string `json:"version_type,omitempty"`
	IfSeqNo         *int64 `json:"if_seq_no,omitempty"`
	IfPrimaryTerm   *int64 `json:"if_primary_term,omitempty"`

type bulkUpdateRequestCommandData struct {
	DetectNoop     *bool       `json:"detect_noop,omitempty"`
	Doc            interface{} `json:"doc,omitempty"`
	DocAsUpsert    *bool       `json:"doc_as_upsert,omitempty"`
	Script         interface{} `json:"script,omitempty"`
	ScriptedUpsert *bool       `json:"scripted_upsert,omitempty"`
	Upsert         interface{} `json:"upsert,omitempty"`
	Source         *bool       `json:"_source,omitempty"`

// NewBulkUpdateRequest returns a new BulkUpdateRequest.
func NewBulkUpdateRequest() *BulkUpdateRequest {
	return &BulkUpdateRequest{}

// UseEasyJSON is an experimental setting that enables serialization
// with github.com/mailru/easyjson, which should in faster serialization
// time and less allocations, but removed compatibility with encoding/json,
// usage of unsafe etc. See https://github.com/mailru/easyjson#issues-notes-and-limitations
// for details. This setting is disabled by default.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) UseEasyJSON(enable bool) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.useEasyJSON = enable
	return r

// Index specifies the Elasticsearch index to use for this update request.
// If unspecified, the index set on the BulkService will be used.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Index(index string) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.index = index
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Type specifies the Elasticsearch type to use for this update request.
// If unspecified, the type set on the BulkService will be used.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Type(typ string) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.typ = typ
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Id specifies the identifier of the document to update.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Id(id string) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.id = id
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Routing specifies a routing value for the request.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Routing(routing string) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.routing = routing
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Parent specifies the identifier of the parent document (if available).
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Parent(parent string) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.parent = parent
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Script specifies an update script.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/docs-bulk.html#bulk-update
// and https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/modules-scripting.html
// for details.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Script(script *Script) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.script = script
	r.source = nil
	return r

// ScripedUpsert specifies if your script will run regardless of
// whether the document exists or not.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/docs-update.html#_literal_scripted_upsert_literal
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) ScriptedUpsert(upsert bool) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.scriptedUpsert = &upsert
	r.source = nil
	return r

// RetryOnConflict specifies how often to retry in case of a version conflict.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) RetryOnConflict(retryOnConflict int) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.retryOnConflict = &retryOnConflict
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Version indicates the version of the document as part of an optimistic
// concurrency model.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Version(version int64) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.version = version
	r.source = nil
	return r

// VersionType can be "internal" (default), "external", "external_gte",
// or "external_gt".
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) VersionType(versionType string) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.versionType = versionType
	r.source = nil
	return r

// IfSeqNo indicates to only perform the index operation if the last
// operation that has changed the document has the specified sequence number.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) IfSeqNo(ifSeqNo int64) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.ifSeqNo = &ifSeqNo
	return r

// IfPrimaryTerm indicates to only perform the index operation if the
// last operation that has changed the document has the specified primary term.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) IfPrimaryTerm(ifPrimaryTerm int64) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.ifPrimaryTerm = &ifPrimaryTerm
	return r

// Doc specifies the updated document.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Doc(doc interface{}) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.doc = doc
	r.source = nil
	return r

// DocAsUpsert indicates whether the contents of Doc should be used as
// the Upsert value.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/docs-update.html#_literal_doc_as_upsert_literal
// for details.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) DocAsUpsert(docAsUpsert bool) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.docAsUpsert = &docAsUpsert
	r.source = nil
	return r

// DetectNoop specifies whether changes that don't affect the document
// should be ignored (true) or unignored (false). This is enabled by default
// in Elasticsearch.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) DetectNoop(detectNoop bool) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.detectNoop = &detectNoop
	r.source = nil
	return r

// Upsert specifies the document to use for upserts. It will be used for
// create if the original document does not exist.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Upsert(doc interface{}) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.upsert = doc
	r.source = nil
	return r

// ReturnSource specifies whether Elasticsearch should return the source
// after the update. In the request, this responds to the `_source` field.
// It is false by default.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) ReturnSource(source bool) *BulkUpdateRequest {
	r.returnSource = &source
	r.source = nil
	return r

// String returns the on-wire representation of the update request,
// concatenated as a single string.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) String() string {
	lines, err := r.Source()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Sprintf("error: %v", err)
	return strings.Join(lines, "\n")

// Source returns the on-wire representation of the update request,
// split into an action-and-meta-data line and an (optional) source line.
// See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.0/docs-bulk.html
// for details.
func (r *BulkUpdateRequest) Source() ([]string, error) {
	// { "update" : { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "type1", "_id" : "1", ... } }
	// { "doc" : { "field1" : "value1", ... } }
	// or
	// { "update" : { "_index" : "test", "_type" : "type1", "_id" : "1", ... } }
	// { "script" : { ... } }

	if r.source != nil {
		return r.source, nil

	lines := make([]string, 2)

	// "update" ...
	updateCommand := bulkUpdateRequestCommandOp{
		Index:           r.index,
		Type:            r.typ,
		Id:              r.id,
		Routing:         r.routing,
		Parent:          r.parent,
		Version:         r.version,
		VersionType:     r.versionType,
		RetryOnConflict: r.retryOnConflict,
		IfSeqNo:         r.ifSeqNo,
		IfPrimaryTerm:   r.ifPrimaryTerm,
	command := bulkUpdateRequestCommand{
		"update": updateCommand,

	var err error
	var body []byte
	if r.useEasyJSON {
		// easyjson
		body, err = command.MarshalJSON()
	} else {
		// encoding/json
		body, err = json.Marshal(command)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lines[0] = string(body)

	// 2nd line: {"doc" : { ... }} or {"script": {...}}
	var doc interface{}
	if r.doc != nil {
		// Automatically serialize strings as raw JSON
		switch t := r.doc.(type) {
			doc = r.doc
		case string:
			if len(t) > 0 {
				doc = json.RawMessage(t)
		case *string:
			if t != nil && len(*t) > 0 {
				doc = json.RawMessage(*t)
	data := bulkUpdateRequestCommandData{
		DocAsUpsert:    r.docAsUpsert,
		DetectNoop:     r.detectNoop,
		Upsert:         r.upsert,
		ScriptedUpsert: r.scriptedUpsert,
		Doc:            doc,
		Source:         r.returnSource,
	if r.script != nil {
		script, err := r.script.Source()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		data.Script = script

	if r.useEasyJSON {
		// easyjson
		body, err = data.MarshalJSON()
	} else {
		// encoding/json
		body, err = json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lines[1] = string(body)

	r.source = lines
	return lines, nil