# Defaults # L1 endpoint DEFAULT_CERC_L1_CHAIN_ID=1212 DEFAULT_CERC_L1_RPC="http://fixturenet-eth-geth-1:8545" DEFAULT_CERC_L1_HOST="fixturenet-eth-geth-1" DEFAULT_CERC_L1_PORT=8545 # Default block time matches L1 fixturenet config. DEFAULT_CERC_L1_BLOCK_TIME=3 # This can optionally be set to a preset for common node providers like Infura, Alchemy, etc. # Or, set to "any" to try all available methods. DEFAULT_CERC_L1_RPC_KIND=standard # URL to get CSV with credentials for accounts on L1 # that are used to send balance to Optimism Proxy contract # (enables them to do transactions on L2) DEFAULT_CERC_L1_ACCOUNTS_CSV_URL="http://fixturenet-eth-bootnode-geth:9898/accounts.csv" DEFAULT_CERC_PROPOSER_AMOUNT="0.2ether" DEFAULT_CERC_BATCHER_AMOUNT="0.1ether" DEFAULT_CERC_L1_BEACON=http://fixturenet-eth-lighthouse-1:8001