#!/bin/bash # Exit on error set -e set -u # Note: Needs to be run in a docker container with image cerc/laconicd:local CHAINID="laconic_9000-1" STAGE1_MONIKER=localtestnet-stage-1 NODE_HOME="/root/.laconicd" stage1_participants_file="$NODE_HOME/stage1-participants.json" stage1_allocations_file="$NODE_HOME/stage1-allocations.json" stage1_genesis_file="$NODE_HOME/config/genesis.json" laconicd init $STAGE1_MONIKER --chain-id $CHAINID --default-denom alnt # Update onboarding module state with participants jq --argfile p "$stage1_participants_file" '.app_state.onboarding.participants = $p' "$stage1_genesis_file" > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json "$stage1_genesis_file" # Disable bank module transfers # jq '.app_state["bank"]["params"]["default_send_enabled"]=false' "$stage1_genesis_file" > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json "$stage1_genesis_file" # Update staking module params jq '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["max_validators"]=100' "$stage1_genesis_file" > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json "$stage1_genesis_file" # Update slashing module params jq '.app_state["slashing"]["params"]["signed_blocks_window"]="2400"' "$stage1_genesis_file" > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json "$stage1_genesis_file" jq '.app_state["slashing"]["params"]["min_signed_per_window"]="0.5"' "$stage1_genesis_file" > tmp.$$.json && mv tmp.$$.json "$stage1_genesis_file" # Read and assign allocations echo "Adding genesis accounts with allocations..." jq -c '.[]' "$stage1_allocations_file" | while IFS= read -r line; do cosmos_address=$(jq -r '.cosmos_address' <<< "$line") balance=$(jq -r '.balance' <<< "$line") # Add a genesis account for participant's laconic address with required balance laconicd genesis add-genesis-account $cosmos_address ${balance}alnt done # Ensure that resulting genesis file is valid laconicd genesis validate