Add a script to generate genesis file using given allocation amounts #10

nabarun merged 6 commits from pm-update-genesis-gen into main 2024-08-08 07:44:19 +00:00
2 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 0f2e27055a - Show all commits

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@ -53,18 +53,18 @@ echo "Calculated allocations for stage 1 chain"
# Run a script with cerc/laconicd:local to generate the genesis file
# with onboarding module state and given allocations
docker run -it \
-v ./stage1-genesis:/root/.laconicd \
-v ./$STAGE1_GENESIS_DIR:/root/.laconicd \
-v ./scripts:/scripts \
cerc/laconicd:local bash -c "/scripts/"
# Copy over the genesis file to output folder
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
cp ./stage1-genesis/config/genesis.json $OUTPUT_DIR/genesis.json
cp ./$STAGE1_GENESIS_DIR/config/genesis.json $OUTPUT_DIR/genesis.json
echo "Genesis file for stage1 written to $OUTPUT_DIR/genesis.json"
# --------
# Clean up
echo "Please remove the temporary data directory: sudo rm -rf stage1-genesis"
echo "Please remove the temporary data directory: sudo rm -rf $STAGE1_GENESIS_DIR"

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@ -61,18 +61,18 @@ echo "Calculated allocations for stage 1 chain"
# Run a script with cerc/laconicd:local to generate the genesis file
# with onboarding module state and given allocations
docker run -it \
-v ./stage1-genesis:/root/.laconicd \
-v ./$STAGE1_GENESIS_DIR:/root/.laconicd \
-v ./scripts:/scripts \
cerc/laconicd:local bash -c "/scripts/"
# Copy over the genesis file to output folder
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
cp ./stage1-genesis/config/genesis.json $OUTPUT_DIR/genesis.json
cp ./$STAGE1_GENESIS_DIR/config/genesis.json $OUTPUT_DIR/genesis.json
echo "Genesis file for stage1 written to $OUTPUT_DIR/genesis.json"
# --------
# Clean up
echo "Please remove the temporary data directory: sudo rm -rf stage1-genesis"
echo "Please remove the temporary data directory: sudo rm -rf $STAGE1_GENESIS_DIR"