#!/bin/bash if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi ETHERBASE=`cat /opt/testnet/build/el/accounts.csv | head -1 | cut -d',' -f2` NETWORK_ID=`cat /opt/testnet/el/el-config.yaml | grep 'chain_id' | awk '{ print $2 }'` NETRESTRICT=`ip addr | grep -w inet | grep -v '127.0' | awk '{print $2}'` CERC_ETH_DATADIR="${CERC_ETH_DATADIR:-$HOME/ethdata}" CERC_PLUGINS_DIR="${CERC_PLUGINS_DIR:-/usr/local/lib/plugeth}" cd /opt/testnet/build/el python3 -m http.server 9898 & cd $HOME START_CMD="geth" if [ "true" == "$CERC_REMOTE_DEBUG" ] && [ -x "/usr/local/bin/dlv" ]; then START_CMD="/usr/local/bin/dlv --listen=:40000 --headless=true --api-version=2 --accept-multiclient exec /usr/local/bin/geth --continue --" fi # See https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-propagate-a-signal-to-child-processes-from-a-bash-script cleanup() { echo "Signal received, cleaning up..." # Kill the child process first (CERC_REMOTE_DEBUG=true uses dlv which starts geth as a child process) pkill -P ${geth_pid} sleep 2 kill $(jobs -p) wait echo "Done" } trap 'cleanup' SIGINT SIGTERM if [ "true" == "$RUN_BOOTNODE" ]; then $START_CMD \ --datadir="${CERC_ETH_DATADIR}" \ --nodekeyhex="${BOOTNODE_KEY}" \ --nodiscover \ --ipcdisable \ --networkid=${NETWORK_ID} \ --netrestrict="${NETRESTRICT}" \ & geth_pid=$! else cd /opt/testnet/accounts ./import_keys.sh echo -n "$JWT" > /opt/testnet/build/el/jwtsecret OTHER_OPTS="" if [ "$CERC_ALLOW_UNPROTECTED_TXS" == "true" ]; then # Allow for unprotected (non EIP155) txs to be submitted via RPC OTHER_OPTS+=" --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs" fi $START_CMD \ --datadir="${CERC_ETH_DATADIR}" \ --bootnodes="${ENODE}" \ --allow-insecure-unlock \ --http \ --http.addr="" \ --http.vhosts="*" \ --http.api="${CERC_GETH_HTTP_APIS:-eth,web3,net,admin,personal,debug}" \ --http.corsdomain="*" \ --authrpc.addr="" \ --authrpc.vhosts="*" \ --authrpc.jwtsecret="/opt/testnet/build/el/jwtsecret" \ --ws \ --ws.addr="" \ --ws.origins="*" \ --ws.api="${CERC_GETH_WS_APIS:-eth,web3,net,admin,personal,debug}" \ --http.corsdomain="*" \ --networkid="${NETWORK_ID}" \ --netrestrict="${NETRESTRICT}" \ --state.scheme hash \ --gcmode archive \ --txlookuplimit=0 \ --cache.preimages \ --syncmode=full \ --mine \ --metrics \ --metrics.addr="" \ --verbosity=${CERC_GETH_VERBOSITY:-3} \ --log.vmodule="${CERC_GETH_VMODULE}" \ --miner.etherbase="${ETHERBASE}" \ ${OTHER_OPTS} \ & geth_pid=$! fi wait $geth_pid if [ "true" == "$CERC_KEEP_RUNNING_AFTER_GETH_EXIT" ]; then while [ 1 -eq 1 ]; do sleep 60 done fi