2024-06-21 09:11:22 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [ -n "$CERC_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then
set -x
test_name="Fixturenet eth stack deploy test"
echo "Running ${test_name}"
test_fail_exit () {
local fail_message=$1
echo "${test_name}: ${fail_message}"
echo "${test_name}: FAILED"
exit 1
log_info () {
local message=$1
echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T"): ${message}"
get_block_number () {
local result=$(wget -q -O- "$1" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--post-data '{"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "eth_blockNumber"}' | \
jq -r '.result')
printf "%d" $result
# Sanity check the stack dir exists
if [ ! -d "${stack_name}" ]; then
test_fail_exit "stack directory not present"
exit 1
# Set a non-default repo dir
export CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR=~/stack-orchestrator-test/repo-base-dir
reported_version_string=$( $SO_COMMAND version )
echo "SO version is: ${reported_version_string}"
echo "Cloning repositories into: $CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR"
$SO_COMMAND --stack ${stack_name} setup-repositories
echo "Building containers"
2024-06-28 07:55:57 +00:00
$SO_COMMAND --stack ${stack_name} build-containers \
--include cerc/plugeth-statediff,cerc/plugeth
echo "Exiting for debugging"
exit 1
# test_deployment_dir=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-deployment-dir
# test_deployment_spec=$CERC_REPO_BASE_DIR/test-deployment-spec.yml
# $SO_COMMAND --stack ${stack_name} deploy init --output $test_deployment_spec
# # Check the file now exists
# if [ ! -f "$test_deployment_spec" ]; then
# test_fail_exit "deploy init test: spec file not present"
# fi
# echo "deploy init test: passed"
# $SO_COMMAND --stack ${stack_name} deploy create --spec-file $test_deployment_spec --deployment-dir $test_deployment_dir
# # Check the deployment dir exists
# if [ ! -d "$test_deployment_dir" ]; then
# test_fail_exit "deploy create test: deployment directory not present"
# fi
# echo "deploy create test: passed"
# dump_logs () {
# echo "Test failed. Logs from stack:"
# $SO_COMMAND deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir logs
# }
# trap dump_logs ERR
# $SO_COMMAND deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir start
# geth_endpoint=localhost:$($SO_COMMAND deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir port fixturenet-eth-geth-1 8545 | cut -d: -f2)
# timeout=900 # 15 minutes
# log_info "Getting initial block number. Timeout set to $timeout seconds"
# start_time=$(date +%s)
# elapsed_time=0
# initial_block_number=0
# while [ "$initial_block_number" -eq 0 ] && [ $elapsed_time -lt $timeout ]; do
# sleep 10
# log_info "Waiting for initial block..."
# initial_block_number=$(get_block_number $geth_endpoint)
# current_time=$(date +%s)
# elapsed_time=$((current_time - start_time))
# done
# subsequent_block_number=$initial_block_number
# # if initial block was 0 after timeout, assume chain did not start successfully and skip finding subsequent block
# if [[ $initial_block_number -gt 0 ]]; then
# timeout=300
# log_info "Getting subsequent block number. Timeout set to $timeout seconds"
# start_time=$(date +%s)
# elapsed_time=0
# # wait for 5 blocks or timeout
# while [ "$subsequent_block_number" -le $((initial_block_number + 5)) ] && [ $elapsed_time -lt $timeout ]; do
# sleep 10
# log_info "Waiting for five blocks or $timeout seconds..."
# subsequent_block_number=$(get_block_number $geth_endpoint)
# current_time=$(date +%s)
# elapsed_time=$((current_time - start_time))
# done
# fi
# # will return 0 if either of the above loops timed out
# block_number_difference=$((subsequent_block_number - initial_block_number))
# log_info "Results of block height queries:"
# echo "Initial block height: $initial_block_number"
# echo "Subsequent block height: $subsequent_block_number"
# # Block height difference should be between 1 and some small number
# [[ $block_number_difference -gt 1 && $block_number_difference -lt 100 ]]
# # Check that the block hash is present in the ipld-eth-db
# echo "Querying ipld-eth-db for block number $subsequent_block_number"
# block_hash_query="SELECT block_hash from eth.header_cids where block_number = $subsequent_block_number"
# block_hash=$(
# $SO_COMMAND deployment --dir $test_deployment_dir exec ipld-eth-db \
# "psql -qtA -U vdbm -c '$block_hash_query' cerc_testing"
# )
# echo "Block hash in ipld-eth-db: $block_hash"
# [[ -n $block_hash ]]
# echo "Test passed."