
647 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <>.
// Contains a batch of utility type declarations used by the tests. As the node
// operates on unique types, a lot of them are needed to check various features.
package statediff
import (
iter ""
sd ""
var (
nullHashBytes = common.Hex2Bytes("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
emptyNode, _ = rlp.EncodeToBytes([]byte{})
emptyContractRoot = crypto.Keccak256Hash(emptyNode)
// Builder interface exposes the method for building a state diff between two blocks
type Builder interface {
BuildStateDiffObject(args Args, params Params) (sd.StateObject, error)
BuildStateTrieObject(current *types.Block) (sd.StateObject, error)
type builder struct {
stateCache state.Database
type iterPair struct {
older, newer trie.NodeIterator
// NewBuilder is used to create a statediff builder
func NewBuilder(stateCache state.Database) Builder {
return &builder{
stateCache: stateCache, // state cache is safe for concurrent reads
// BuildStateTrieObject builds a state trie object from the provided block
func (sdb *builder) BuildStateTrieObject(current *types.Block) (sd.StateObject, error) {
currentTrie, err := sdb.stateCache.OpenTrie(current.Root())
if err != nil {
return sd.StateObject{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating trie for block %d: %v", current.Number(), err)
it := currentTrie.NodeIterator([]byte{})
stateNodes, err := sdb.buildStateTrie(it)
if err != nil {
return sd.StateObject{}, fmt.Errorf("error collecting state nodes for block %d: %v", current.Number(), err)
return sd.StateObject{
BlockNumber: current.Number(),
BlockHash: current.Hash(),
Nodes: stateNodes,
}, nil
func resolveNode(it trie.NodeIterator, trieDB *trie.Database) (sd.StateNode, []interface{}, error) {
nodePath := make([]byte, len(it.Path()))
copy(nodePath, it.Path())
node, err := trieDB.Node(it.Hash())
if err != nil {
return sd.StateNode{}, nil, err
var nodeElements []interface{}
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(node, &nodeElements); err != nil {
return sd.StateNode{}, nil, err
ty, err := sd.CheckKeyType(nodeElements)
if err != nil {
return sd.StateNode{}, nil, err
return sd.StateNode{
NodeType: ty,
Path: nodePath,
NodeValue: node,
}, nodeElements, nil
func (sdb *builder) buildStateTrie(it trie.NodeIterator) ([]sd.StateNode, error) {
stateNodes := make([]sd.StateNode, 0)
for it.Next(true) {
// skip value nodes
if it.Leaf() || bytes.Equal(nullHashBytes, it.Hash().Bytes()) {
node, nodeElements, err := resolveNode(it, sdb.stateCache.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch node.NodeType {
case sd.Leaf:
var account state.Account
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(nodeElements[1].([]byte), &account); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding account for leaf node at path %x nerror: %v", node.Path, err)
partialPath := trie.CompactToHex(nodeElements[0].([]byte))
valueNodePath := append(node.Path, partialPath...)
encodedPath := trie.HexToCompact(valueNodePath)
leafKey := encodedPath[1:]
storageNodes, err := sdb.buildStorageNodesEventual(account.Root, nil, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed building eventual storage diffs for account %+v\r\nerror: %v", account, err)
stateNodes = append(stateNodes, sd.StateNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
LeafKey: leafKey,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
StorageNodes: storageNodes,
case sd.Extension, sd.Branch:
stateNodes = append(stateNodes, sd.StateNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %s", node.NodeType)
return stateNodes, it.Error()
// BuildStateDiff builds a statediff object from two blocks and the provided parameters
func (sdb *builder) BuildStateDiffObject(args Args, params Params) (sd.StateObject, error) {
if len(params.WatchedAddresses) > 0 {
// if we are watching only specific accounts then we are only diffing leaf nodes
log.Info("Ignoring intermediate state nodes because WatchedAddresses was passed")
params.IntermediateStateNodes = false
// Load tries for old and new states
oldTrie, err := sdb.stateCache.OpenTrie(args.OldStateRoot)
if err != nil {
return sd.StateObject{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating trie for old state root: %v", err)
newTrie, err := sdb.stateCache.OpenTrie(args.NewStateRoot)
if err != nil {
return sd.StateObject{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating trie for new state root: %v", err)
nWorkers := params.Workers
if nWorkers == 0 {
nWorkers = 1
// Split old and new tries into corresponding subtrie iterators
oldIterFac := iter.NewSubtrieIteratorFactory(oldTrie, nWorkers)
newIterFac := iter.NewSubtrieIteratorFactory(newTrie, nWorkers)
iterChan := make(chan []iterPair, nWorkers)
// Create iterators ahead of time to avoid race condition in state.Trie access
for i := uint(0); i < nWorkers; i++ {
// two state iterations per diff build
iterChan <- []iterPair{
older: oldIterFac.IteratorAt(i),
newer: newIterFac.IteratorAt(i),
older: oldIterFac.IteratorAt(i),
newer: newIterFac.IteratorAt(i),
nodeChan := make(chan []sd.StateNode)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for w := uint(0); w < nWorkers; w++ {
go func(iterChan <-chan []iterPair) error {
defer wg.Done()
if iters, more := <-iterChan; more {
subtrieNodes, err := sdb.buildStateDiff(iters, params)
if err != nil {
return err
nodeChan <- subtrieNodes
return nil
go func() {
defer close(nodeChan)
defer close(iterChan)
stateNodes := make([]sd.StateNode, 0)
for subtrieNodes := range nodeChan {
stateNodes = append(stateNodes, subtrieNodes...)
return sd.StateObject{
BlockHash: args.BlockHash,
BlockNumber: args.BlockNumber,
Nodes: stateNodes,
}, nil
func (sdb *builder) buildStateDiff(args []iterPair, params Params) ([]sd.StateNode, error) {
// collect a slice of all the intermediate nodes that were touched and exist at B
// a map of their leafkey to all the accounts that were touched and exist at B
// and a slice of all the paths for the nodes in both of the above sets
createdOrUpdatedIntermediateNodes, diffAccountsAtB, diffPathsAtB, err := sdb.createdAndUpdatedState(
args[0], params.WatchedAddresses, params.IntermediateStateNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error collecting createdAndUpdatedNodes: %v", err)
// collect a slice of all the nodes that existed at a path in A that doesn't exist in B
// a map of their leafkey to all the accounts that were touched and exist at A
emptiedPaths, diffAccountsAtA, err := sdb.deletedOrUpdatedState(args[1], diffPathsAtB)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error collecting deletedOrUpdatedNodes: %v", err)
// collect and sort the leafkey keys for both account mappings into a slice
createKeys := sortKeys(diffAccountsAtB)
deleteKeys := sortKeys(diffAccountsAtA)
// and then find the intersection of these keys
// these are the leafkeys for the accounts which exist at both A and B but are different
// this also mutates the passed in createKeys and deleteKeys, removing the intersection keys
// and leaving the truly created or deleted keys in place
updatedKeys := findIntersection(createKeys, deleteKeys)
// build the diff nodes for the updated accounts using the mappings at both A and B
// as directed by the keys found as the intersection of the two
updatedAccounts, err := sdb.buildAccountUpdates(
diffAccountsAtB, diffAccountsAtA, updatedKeys,
params.WatchedStorageSlots, params.IntermediateStorageNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error building diff for updated accounts: %v", err)
// build the diff nodes for created accounts
createdAccounts, err := sdb.buildAccountCreations(
diffAccountsAtB, params.WatchedStorageSlots, params.IntermediateStorageNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error building diff for created accounts: %v", err)
// assemble all of the nodes into the statediff object, including the intermediate nodes
res := append(
append(updatedAccounts, createdAccounts...),
var paths [][]byte
for _, n := range res {
paths = append(paths, n.Path)
return res, nil
// createdAndUpdatedState returns
// a slice of all the intermediate nodes that exist in a different state at B than A
// a mapping of their leafkeys to all the accounts that exist in a different state at B than A
// and a slice of the paths for all of the nodes included in both
func (sdb *builder) createdAndUpdatedState(iters iterPair, watchedAddresses []common.Address, intermediates bool) ([]sd.StateNode, AccountMap, map[string]bool, error) {
createdOrUpdatedIntermediateNodes := make([]sd.StateNode, 0)
diffPathsAtB := make(map[string]bool)
diffAcountsAtB := make(AccountMap)
it, _ := trie.NewDifferenceIterator(iters.older, iters.newer)
for it.Next(true) {
if it.Leaf() || bytes.Equal(nullHashBytes, it.Hash().Bytes()) {
node, nodeElements, err := resolveNode(it, sdb.stateCache.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
switch node.NodeType {
case sd.Leaf:
// created vs updated is important for leaf nodes since we need to diff their storage
// so we need to map all changed accounts at B to their leafkey, since account can change pathes but not leafkey
var account state.Account
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(nodeElements[1].([]byte), &account); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding account for leaf node at path %x nerror: %v", node.Path, err)
partialPath := trie.CompactToHex(nodeElements[0].([]byte))
valueNodePath := append(node.Path, partialPath...)
encodedPath := trie.HexToCompact(valueNodePath)
leafKey := encodedPath[1:]
if isWatchedAddress(watchedAddresses, leafKey) {
diffAcountsAtB[common.Bytes2Hex(leafKey)] = accountWrapper{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
LeafKey: leafKey,
Account: &account,
case sd.Extension, sd.Branch:
// create a diff for any intermediate node that has changed at b
// created vs updated makes no difference for intermediate nodes since we do not need to diff storage
if intermediates {
createdOrUpdatedIntermediateNodes = append(createdOrUpdatedIntermediateNodes, sd.StateNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %s", node.NodeType)
// add both intermediate and leaf node paths to the list of diffPathsAtB
diffPathsAtB[common.Bytes2Hex(node.Path)] = true
return createdOrUpdatedIntermediateNodes, diffAcountsAtB, diffPathsAtB, it.Error()
// deletedOrUpdatedState returns a slice of all the paths that are emptied at B
// and a mapping of their leafkeys to all the accounts that exist in a different state at A than B
func (sdb *builder) deletedOrUpdatedState(iters iterPair, diffPathsAtB map[string]bool) ([]sd.StateNode, AccountMap, error) {
emptiedPaths := make([]sd.StateNode, 0)
diffAccountAtA := make(AccountMap)
it, _ := trie.NewDifferenceIterator(iters.newer, iters.older)
for it.Next(true) {
if it.Leaf() || bytes.Equal(nullHashBytes, it.Hash().Bytes()) {
node, nodeElements, err := resolveNode(it, sdb.stateCache.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// if this nodePath did not show up in diffPathsAtB
// that means the node at this path was deleted (or moved) in B
// emit an empty "removed" diff to signify as such
if _, ok := diffPathsAtB[common.Bytes2Hex(node.Path)]; !ok {
emptiedPaths = append(emptiedPaths, sd.StateNode{
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: []byte{},
NodeType: sd.Removed,
switch node.NodeType {
case sd.Leaf:
// map all different accounts at A to their leafkey
var account state.Account
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(nodeElements[1].([]byte), &account); err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error decoding account for leaf node at path %x nerror: %v", node.Path, err)
partialPath := trie.CompactToHex(nodeElements[0].([]byte))
valueNodePath := append(node.Path, partialPath...)
encodedPath := trie.HexToCompact(valueNodePath)
leafKey := encodedPath[1:]
diffAccountAtA[common.Bytes2Hex(leafKey)] = accountWrapper{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
LeafKey: leafKey,
Account: &account,
case sd.Extension, sd.Branch:
// fall through, we did everything we need to do with these node types
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %s", node.NodeType)
return emptiedPaths, diffAccountAtA, it.Error()
// buildAccountUpdates uses the account diffs maps for A => B and B => A and the known intersection of their leafkeys
// to generate the statediff node objects for all of the accounts that existed at both A and B but in different states
// needs to be called before building account creations and deletions as this mutates
// those account maps to remove the accounts which were updated
func (sdb *builder) buildAccountUpdates(creations, deletions AccountMap, updatedKeys []string, watchedStorageKeys []common.Hash, intermediateStorageNodes bool) ([]sd.StateNode, error) {
updatedAccounts := make([]sd.StateNode, 0, len(updatedKeys))
var err error
for _, key := range updatedKeys {
createdAcc := creations[key]
deletedAcc := deletions[key]
var storageDiffs []sd.StorageNode
if deletedAcc.Account != nil && createdAcc.Account != nil {
oldSR := deletedAcc.Account.Root
newSR := createdAcc.Account.Root
storageDiffs, err = sdb.buildStorageNodesIncremental(oldSR, newSR, watchedStorageKeys, intermediateStorageNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed building incremental storage diffs for account with leafkey %s\r\nerror: %v", key, err)
updatedAccounts = append(updatedAccounts, sd.StateNode{
NodeType: createdAcc.NodeType,
Path: createdAcc.Path,
NodeValue: createdAcc.NodeValue,
LeafKey: createdAcc.LeafKey,
StorageNodes: storageDiffs,
delete(creations, key)
delete(deletions, key)
return updatedAccounts, nil
// buildAccountCreations returns the statediff node objects for all the accounts that exist at B but not at A
func (sdb *builder) buildAccountCreations(accounts AccountMap, watchedStorageKeys []common.Hash, intermediateStorageNodes bool) ([]sd.StateNode, error) {
accountDiffs := make([]sd.StateNode, 0, len(accounts))
for _, val := range accounts {
// For account creations, any storage node contained is a diff
storageDiffs, err := sdb.buildStorageNodesEventual(val.Account.Root, watchedStorageKeys, intermediateStorageNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed building eventual storage diffs for node %x\r\nerror: %v", val.Path, err)
accountDiffs = append(accountDiffs, sd.StateNode{
NodeType: val.NodeType,
Path: val.Path,
LeafKey: val.LeafKey,
NodeValue: val.NodeValue,
StorageNodes: storageDiffs,
return accountDiffs, nil
// buildStorageNodesEventual builds the storage diff node objects for a created account
// i.e. it returns all the storage nodes at this state, since there is no previous state
func (sdb *builder) buildStorageNodesEventual(sr common.Hash, watchedStorageKeys []common.Hash, intermediateNodes bool) ([]sd.StorageNode, error) {
if bytes.Equal(sr.Bytes(), emptyContractRoot.Bytes()) {
return nil, nil
log.Debug("Storage Root For Eventual Diff", "root", sr, sr.Hex())
sTrie, err := sdb.stateCache.OpenTrie(sr)
if err != nil {
log.Info("error in build storage diff eventual", "error", err)
return nil, err
it := sTrie.NodeIterator(make([]byte, 0))
return sdb.buildStorageNodesFromTrie(it, watchedStorageKeys, intermediateNodes)
// buildStorageNodesFromTrie returns all the storage diff node objects in the provided node iterator
// if any storage keys are provided it will only return those leaf nodes
// including intermediate nodes can be turned on or off
func (sdb *builder) buildStorageNodesFromTrie(it trie.NodeIterator, watchedStorageKeys []common.Hash, intermediateNodes bool) ([]sd.StorageNode, error) {
storageDiffs := make([]sd.StorageNode, 0)
for it.Next(true) {
if it.Leaf() || bytes.Equal(nullHashBytes, it.Hash().Bytes()) {
node, nodeElements, err := resolveNode(it, sdb.stateCache.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch node.NodeType {
case sd.Leaf:
partialPath := trie.CompactToHex(nodeElements[0].([]byte))
valueNodePath := append(node.Path, partialPath...)
encodedPath := trie.HexToCompact(valueNodePath)
leafKey := encodedPath[1:]
if isWatchedStorageKey(watchedStorageKeys, leafKey) {
storageDiffs = append(storageDiffs, sd.StorageNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
LeafKey: leafKey,
case sd.Extension, sd.Branch:
if intermediateNodes {
storageDiffs = append(storageDiffs, sd.StorageNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %s", node.NodeType)
return storageDiffs, it.Error()
// buildStorageNodesIncremental builds the storage diff node objects for all nodes that exist in a different state at B than A
func (sdb *builder) buildStorageNodesIncremental(oldSR common.Hash, newSR common.Hash, watchedStorageKeys []common.Hash, intermediateNodes bool) ([]sd.StorageNode, error) {
if bytes.Equal(newSR.Bytes(), oldSR.Bytes()) {
return nil, nil
log.Debug("Storage Roots for Incremental Diff", "old", oldSR.Hex(), "new", newSR.Hex())
oldTrie, err := sdb.stateCache.OpenTrie(oldSR)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newTrie, err := sdb.stateCache.OpenTrie(newSR)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
createdOrUpdatedStorage, diffPathsAtB, err := sdb.createdAndUpdatedStorage(oldTrie.NodeIterator([]byte{}), newTrie.NodeIterator([]byte{}), watchedStorageKeys, intermediateNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deletedStorage, err := sdb.deletedOrUpdatedStorage(oldTrie.NodeIterator([]byte{}), newTrie.NodeIterator([]byte{}), diffPathsAtB, watchedStorageKeys, intermediateNodes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return append(createdOrUpdatedStorage, deletedStorage...), nil
func (sdb *builder) createdAndUpdatedStorage(a, b trie.NodeIterator, watchedKeys []common.Hash, intermediateNodes bool) ([]sd.StorageNode, map[string]bool, error) {
createdOrUpdatedStorage := make([]sd.StorageNode, 0)
diffPathsAtB := make(map[string]bool)
it, _ := trie.NewDifferenceIterator(a, b)
for it.Next(true) {
if it.Leaf() || bytes.Equal(nullHashBytes, it.Hash().Bytes()) {
node, nodeElements, err := resolveNode(it, sdb.stateCache.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
switch node.NodeType {
case sd.Leaf:
partialPath := trie.CompactToHex(nodeElements[0].([]byte))
valueNodePath := append(node.Path, partialPath...)
encodedPath := trie.HexToCompact(valueNodePath)
leafKey := encodedPath[1:]
if isWatchedStorageKey(watchedKeys, leafKey) {
createdOrUpdatedStorage = append(createdOrUpdatedStorage, sd.StorageNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
LeafKey: leafKey,
case sd.Extension, sd.Branch:
if intermediateNodes {
createdOrUpdatedStorage = append(createdOrUpdatedStorage, sd.StorageNode{
NodeType: node.NodeType,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: node.NodeValue,
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %s", node.NodeType)
diffPathsAtB[common.Bytes2Hex(node.Path)] = true
return createdOrUpdatedStorage, diffPathsAtB, it.Error()
func (sdb *builder) deletedOrUpdatedStorage(a, b trie.NodeIterator, diffPathsAtB map[string]bool, watchedKeys []common.Hash, intermediateNodes bool) ([]sd.StorageNode, error) {
deletedStorage := make([]sd.StorageNode, 0)
it, _ := trie.NewDifferenceIterator(b, a)
for it.Next(true) {
if it.Leaf() || bytes.Equal(nullHashBytes, it.Hash().Bytes()) {
node, nodeElements, err := resolveNode(it, sdb.stateCache.TrieDB())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if this node path showed up in diffPathsAtB
// that means this node was updated at B and we already have the updated diff for it
// otherwise that means this node was deleted in B and we need to add a "removed" diff to represent that event
if _, ok := diffPathsAtB[common.Bytes2Hex(node.Path)]; ok {
switch node.NodeType {
case sd.Leaf:
partialPath := trie.CompactToHex(nodeElements[0].([]byte))
valueNodePath := append(node.Path, partialPath...)
encodedPath := trie.HexToCompact(valueNodePath)
leafKey := encodedPath[1:]
if isWatchedStorageKey(watchedKeys, leafKey) {
deletedStorage = append(deletedStorage, sd.StorageNode{
NodeType: sd.Removed,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: []byte{},
case sd.Extension, sd.Branch:
if intermediateNodes {
deletedStorage = append(deletedStorage, sd.StorageNode{
NodeType: sd.Removed,
Path: node.Path,
NodeValue: []byte{},
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected node type %s", node.NodeType)
return deletedStorage, it.Error()
// isWatchedAddress is used to check if a state account corresponds to one of the addresses the builder is configured to watch
func isWatchedAddress(watchedAddresses []common.Address, stateLeafKey []byte) bool {
// If we aren't watching any specific addresses, we are watching everything
if len(watchedAddresses) == 0 {
return true
for _, addr := range watchedAddresses {
addrHashKey := crypto.Keccak256(addr.Bytes())
if bytes.Equal(addrHashKey, stateLeafKey) {
return true
return false
// isWatchedStorageKey is used to check if a storage leaf corresponds to one of the storage slots the builder is configured to watch
func isWatchedStorageKey(watchedKeys []common.Hash, storageLeafKey []byte) bool {
// If we aren't watching any specific addresses, we are watching everything
if len(watchedKeys) == 0 {
return true
for _, hashKey := range watchedKeys {
if bytes.Equal(hashKey.Bytes(), storageLeafKey) {
return true
return false