import { getErrorMessage, logMessage, } from './helpers'; function extractField(data, field, arrayIndex, valueIsArray) { var value = data[field]; if (Array.isArray(value) && (!valueIsArray || Array.isArray(value[0]))) { return value[arrayIndex]; } return value; } function symbolWithCurrencyKey(symbol, currency) { // here we're using a separator that quite possible shouldn't be in a real symbol name return symbol + (currency !== undefined ? '_%|#|%_' + currency : ''); } var SymbolsStorage = /** @class */ (function () { function SymbolsStorage(datafeedUrl, datafeedSupportedResolutions, requester) { this._exchangesList = ['NYSE', 'FOREX', 'AMEX']; this._symbolsInfo = {}; this._symbolsList = []; this._datafeedUrl = datafeedUrl; this._datafeedSupportedResolutions = datafeedSupportedResolutions; this._requester = requester; this._readyPromise = this._init(); this._readyPromise.catch(function (error) { // seems it is impossible // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console console.error("SymbolsStorage: Cannot init, error=" + error.toString()); }); } // BEWARE: this function does not consider symbol's exchange SymbolsStorage.prototype.resolveSymbol = function (symbolName, currencyCode) { var _this = this; return this._readyPromise.then(function () { var symbolInfo = _this._symbolsInfo[symbolWithCurrencyKey(symbolName, currencyCode)]; if (symbolInfo === undefined) { return Promise.reject('invalid symbol'); } return Promise.resolve(symbolInfo); }); }; SymbolsStorage.prototype.searchSymbols = function (searchString, exchange, symbolType, maxSearchResults) { var _this = this; return this._readyPromise.then(function () { var weightedResult = []; var queryIsEmpty = searchString.length === 0; searchString = searchString.toUpperCase(); var _loop_1 = function (symbolName) { var symbolInfo = _this._symbolsInfo[symbolName]; if (symbolInfo === undefined) { return "continue"; } if (symbolType.length > 0 && symbolInfo.type !== symbolType) { return "continue"; } if (exchange && exchange.length > 0 && !== exchange) { return "continue"; } var positionInName =; var positionInDescription = symbolInfo.description.toUpperCase().indexOf(searchString); if (queryIsEmpty || positionInName >= 0 || positionInDescription >= 0) { var alreadyExists = weightedResult.some(function (item) { return item.symbolInfo === symbolInfo; }); if (!alreadyExists) { var weight = positionInName >= 0 ? positionInName : 8000 + positionInDescription; weightedResult.push({ symbolInfo: symbolInfo, weight: weight }); } } }; for (var _i = 0, _a = _this._symbolsList; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var symbolName = _a[_i]; _loop_1(symbolName); } var result = weightedResult .sort(function (item1, item2) { return item1.weight - item2.weight; }) .slice(0, maxSearchResults) .map(function (item) { var symbolInfo = item.symbolInfo; return { symbol:, full_name: symbolInfo.full_name, description: symbolInfo.description, exchange:, params: [], type: symbolInfo.type, ticker:, }; }); return Promise.resolve(result); }); }; SymbolsStorage.prototype._init = function () { var _this = this; var promises = []; var alreadyRequestedExchanges = {}; for (var _i = 0, _a = this._exchangesList; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var exchange = _a[_i]; if (alreadyRequestedExchanges[exchange]) { continue; } alreadyRequestedExchanges[exchange] = true; promises.push(this._requestExchangeData(exchange)); } return Promise.all(promises) .then(function () { _this._symbolsList.sort(); logMessage('SymbolsStorage: All exchanges data loaded'); }); }; SymbolsStorage.prototype._requestExchangeData = function (exchange) { var _this = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { _this._requester.sendRequest(_this._datafeedUrl, 'symbol_info', { group: exchange }) .then(function (response) { try { _this._onExchangeDataReceived(exchange, response); } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); }) .catch(function (reason) { logMessage("SymbolsStorage: Request data for exchange '" + exchange + "' failed, reason=" + getErrorMessage(reason)); resolve(); }); }); }; SymbolsStorage.prototype._onExchangeDataReceived = function (exchange, data) { var symbolIndex = 0; try { var symbolsCount = data.symbol.length; var tickerPresent = data.ticker !== undefined; for (; symbolIndex < symbolsCount; ++symbolIndex) { var symbolName = data.symbol[symbolIndex]; var listedExchange = extractField(data, 'exchange-listed', symbolIndex); var tradedExchange = extractField(data, 'exchange-traded', symbolIndex); var fullName = tradedExchange + ':' + symbolName; var currencyCode = extractField(data, 'currency-code', symbolIndex); var ticker = tickerPresent ? extractField(data, 'ticker', symbolIndex) : symbolName; var symbolInfo = { ticker: ticker, name: symbolName, base_name: [listedExchange + ':' + symbolName], full_name: fullName, listed_exchange: listedExchange, exchange: tradedExchange, currency_code: currencyCode, original_currency_code: extractField(data, 'original-currency-code', symbolIndex), description: extractField(data, 'description', symbolIndex), has_intraday: definedValueOrDefault(extractField(data, 'has-intraday', symbolIndex), false), has_no_volume: definedValueOrDefault(extractField(data, 'has-no-volume', symbolIndex), false), minmov: extractField(data, 'minmovement', symbolIndex) || extractField(data, 'minmov', symbolIndex) || 0, minmove2: extractField(data, 'minmove2', symbolIndex) || extractField(data, 'minmov2', symbolIndex), fractional: extractField(data, 'fractional', symbolIndex), pricescale: extractField(data, 'pricescale', symbolIndex), type: extractField(data, 'type', symbolIndex), session: extractField(data, 'session-regular', symbolIndex), timezone: extractField(data, 'timezone', symbolIndex), supported_resolutions: definedValueOrDefault(extractField(data, 'supported-resolutions', symbolIndex, true), this._datafeedSupportedResolutions), force_session_rebuild: extractField(data, 'force-session-rebuild', symbolIndex), has_daily: definedValueOrDefault(extractField(data, 'has-daily', symbolIndex), true), intraday_multipliers: definedValueOrDefault(extractField(data, 'intraday-multipliers', symbolIndex, true), ['1', '5', '15', '30', '60']), has_weekly_and_monthly: extractField(data, 'has-weekly-and-monthly', symbolIndex), has_empty_bars: extractField(data, 'has-empty-bars', symbolIndex), volume_precision: definedValueOrDefault(extractField(data, 'volume-precision', symbolIndex), 0), format: 'price', }; this._symbolsInfo[ticker] = symbolInfo; this._symbolsInfo[symbolName] = symbolInfo; this._symbolsInfo[fullName] = symbolInfo; if (currencyCode !== undefined) { this._symbolsInfo[symbolWithCurrencyKey(ticker, currencyCode)] = symbolInfo; this._symbolsInfo[symbolWithCurrencyKey(symbolName, currencyCode)] = symbolInfo; this._symbolsInfo[symbolWithCurrencyKey(fullName, currencyCode)] = symbolInfo; } this._symbolsList.push(symbolName); } } catch (error) { throw new Error("SymbolsStorage: API error when processing exchange " + exchange + " symbol #" + symbolIndex + " (" + data.symbol[symbolIndex] + "): " + error.message); } }; return SymbolsStorage; }()); export { SymbolsStorage }; function definedValueOrDefault(value, defaultValue) { return value !== undefined ? value : defaultValue; }