# Ping Explorer

Look is a light explorer for Cosmos-based Blockchains.  https://ping.pub .

## What is the difference between Look and other explorers? 

Look is designed to explore blockchain data as real as possible, therefore there is no cache, no analysis. Look does not cache/save blockchain data on its server. Look only fetch data from Cosmos full node via LCD/RPC endpoints. We call it "Light Explorer".

## Do you want Look to explore your blockchain?

If you want Look to explore your blockchain, pull a request [here](https://github.com/liangping/look/issues), We will explore your chains as soon as possibe. And the most important thing is that Look is free for all public cosmos-based blockchains.

## Why LOOK explorer use official/trusted third party public LCD/rpc server? 

We have two considerations: 1, Trust, In decentralize system, everything controled by one single team/orgnization could be risks. So we decided to co-build LOOK explorer with the community. 2. Look explorer will explose handreds and thousands cosmos-based blockchains in the future, it's impossible for our team to run validators or fullnodes for all of those chains.

## Contributors

Developers: @liangping @dingyiming

Data providers: [full list](https://github.com/ping-pub/look/blob/master/hosts.json)

* irisnet.org, 
* nylira.net, 
* kava.io

*If you don't want to provide data services for LOOK exporer, let us know.*

## Blockchains on LOOK explorer:
* https://ping.pub/cosmos
* https://ping.pub/iris
* https://ping.pub/akash
* https://ping.pub/kava

# LOOK 浏览器


## Look 和其他区块链浏览器有什么不同?


## 你希望Look来浏览你的区块链吗?

如果你需要Look来浏览你的区块链,请在[这里](https://github.com/liangping/look/issues) 提交申请,我们会尽快开通。而且是免费的。

## 为什么LOOK要使用官方或者可信赖的第三方的LCD/RPC服务器? 


## 项目贡献者

开发者: @liangping @dingyiming

数据服务方: [列表](https://github.com/ping-pub/look/blob/master/hosts.json)

* irisnet.org, 
* nylira.net, 
* 01node.com, 
* kava.io


## LOOK explorer 上的区块链:
* https://ping.pub/cosmos
* https://ping.pub/iris
* https://ping.pub/akash
* https://ping.pub/kava

# Contact Us