add chinese translation
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,14 +8,269 @@
"uptime": "状态",
"uptime": "状态",
"consensus": "共识引擎",
"consensus": "共识引擎",
"supply": "资产供应量",
"supply": "资产供应量",
"account": "账户列表"
"account": "账户列表",
"state-sync": "状态同步",
"cosmwasm": "Cosmwasm",
"widget": "Widgets",
"ibc": "IBC",
"ecosystem": "生态系统",
"favorite": "收藏夹",
"add_to_favorite": "加入收藏夹",
"all_blockchains": "全部区块链",
"sponsors": "赞助商",
"links": "链接"
"pages": {
"title": "Ping Dashboard",
"slogan": "Ping Dashboard 是一个区块链浏览器,也是一个网页钱包,还有更多 ... 🛠",
"description": "Cosmos Ecosystem Blockchains 🚀",
"search_placeholder": "搜索区块链",
"add_to_favorite": "加入收藏夹",
"title_all": "404",
"tag": "测试版",
"tag_all": "哦呦,页面搞丢了!",
"description_all": "We couldn't find the page you are looking for.",
"btn_index": "返回主页"
"account": {
"type": "类型",
"address": "地址",
"acc": "账户",
"acc_num": "账户号",
"sequence": "序列号",
"pub_key": "公钥",
"assets": "资产",
"btn_send": "转账",
"btn_transfer": "跨链转账",
"total_value": "总市值",
"delegations": "质押列表",
"no_delegations": "没有质押",
"btn_delegate": "质押",
"btn_redelegate": "再质押",
"btn_withdraw": "提取",
"btn_unbond": "赎回",
"validator": "验证人",
"delegation": "质押",
"rewards": "奖励",
"action": "操作",
"unbonding_delegations": "赎回质押",
"creation_height": "创建高度",
"initial_balance": "初始余额",
"balance": "余额",
"completion_time": "完成时间",
"transactions": "交易",
"no_transactions": "没有交易",
"height": "高度",
"hash": "哈希",
"messages": "消息",
"time": "时间",
"error": "区块链上没有这个账号!"
"block": {
"estimated_time": "预计时间",
"countdown_for_block": "倒计时区块",
"countdown_for_block_input": "请输入一个新的目标高度",
"btn_update": "应用",
"current_height": "当前高度",
"remaining_blocks": "剩余区块",
"average_block_time": "平均出块时间",
"block_header": "区块高度",
"last_commit": "最后提交",
"recent": "最近区块",
"future": "未来区块",
"fees": "GAS费用",
"only_tx": "本页面只显示最近区块里包含的交易"
"consensus": {
"monitor": "更新",
"onboard_rate": "上线率",
"o": "O",
"h": "H",
"r": "R",
"s": "S",
"round": "轮次",
"step": "步骤",
"updated_at": "更新于",
"proposer_sign": "Proposer Signed",
"proposer_not_sign": "Proposer Not Signed",
"sign": "Signed",
"not_sign": "Not Signed",
"tips": "Tips",
"tips_description_1": "This tool is useful for validators to monitor who is onboard during an upgrade",
"tips_description_2": "If you want to change the default rpc endpoint. make sure that `https` and `CORS` are enabled on your server."
"cosmwasm": {
"title": "CosmWasm智能合约",
"code_id": "代码ID",
"code_hash": "代码哈希",
"creator": "创建人",
"permissions": "权限",
"btn_up_sc": "上传合约",
"contract_list_code": "合约列表",
"contract_list": "合约",
"btn_contract": "合约",
"btn_funds": "资金",
"btn_states": "状态",
"btn_fees": "手续费",
"btn_query": "查询",
"btn_execute": "执行",
"instantiate_contract": "实例化智能合约",
"contract_detail": "合约详情",
"contract_balances": "合约余额",
"no_escrowed_assets": "没有托管地址",
"contract_states": "合约状态",
"query_contract": "查询合约"
"gov": {
"voting": "投票中",
"passed": "已通过",
"rejected": "已否决",
"tally": "统计",
"btn_vote": "投票",
"btn_deposit": "质押",
"timeline": "时间线",
"submit_at": "提交时间",
"deposited_at": "质押时间",
"vote_start_from": "开始投票时间",
"vote_end": "投票截止时间",
"current_status": "当前状态",
"upgrade_plan": "升级计划",
"votes": "投票"
"ibc": {
"title": "IBC 连接",
"title_2": "IBC 客户端",
"registry": "注册表",
"connection_id": "连接 Id",
"btn_apply": "应用",
"trust_parameters": "信任参数",
"trust_level": "信任级别",
"trusting_period": "信任周期",
"unbonding_period": "赎回周期",
"max_clock_drift": "Max clock drift",
"frozen_height": "冻结高度",
"latest_height": "解冻高度",
"upgrade_parameters": "升级参数",
"allow_update_after_expiry": "允许过期后升级",
"allow_update_after_misbehaviour": "允许不当行为后升级",
"upgrade_path": "升级路径",
"channels": "通道",
"txs": "交易",
"channel_id": "通道 Id",
"port_id": "端口 Id",
"state": "状态",
"counterparty": "对手方",
"hops": "跳",
"version": "版本",
"ordering": "排序",
"height": "高度",
"txhash": "哈希",
"messages": "消息",
"time": "时间",
"btn_out": "出",
"btn_in": "进"
"staking": {
"infalation": "通胀率",
"unbonding_time": "赎回时间",
"double_sign_slashing": "双签惩罚",
"downtime_slashing": "离线惩罚",
"popular": "推荐",
"active": "活跃",
"inactive": "不活跃",
"rank": "排名",
"validator": "验证人",
"voting_power": "权重",
"24h_changes": "24小时变化",
"commission": "佣金",
"actions": "操作",
"jailed": "囚禁",
"top": "前",
"description": "委托给排名靠后的验证人将有助于提高网络的整体安全性",
"about_us": "关于我们",
"website": "网站",
"contact": "联系方式",
"validator_status": "验证人状态",
"status": "状态",
"total_bonded": "总质押",
"self_bonded": "自质押",
"min_self": "最小自质押",
"annual_profit": "年利率",
"unbonding_height": "赎回高度",
"commissions_&_rewards": "提成和奖励",
"commissions": "提成",
"outstanding": "奖励",
"addresses": "地址",
"account_addr": "账户地址",
"operator_addr": "操作员地址",
"hex_addr": "Hex 地址",
"signer_addr": "验证人地址",
"consensus_pub_key": "验证人公钥"
"statesync": {
"title": "What's State Sync?",
"title_2": "Starting New Node From State Sync",
"title_3": "Enable Snapshot For State Sync",
"description": "The Tendermint Core 0.34 release includes support for state sync, which allows a new node to join a network by fetching a snapshot of the application state at a recent height instead of fetching and replaying all historical blocks. This can reduce the time needed to sync with the network from days to minutes. Click",
"here": "Here",
"version": "Version",
"for_more_info": "For more infomation",
"text_1": "Install Binary",
"text_1_1": "We need to install the binary first and make sure that the version is the one currently in use on mainnet",
"text_2": "Enable State Sync",
"text_2_1": "We can configure Tendermint to use state sync in $DAEMON_HOME/config/config.toml",
"text_3": "Start the daemon",
"text_3_1": "If you are resetting node, run",
"text_3_2": "before you start the daemon",
"text_title_3": "To make state sync works, we can enable snapshot in $DAEMON_HOME/config/app.toml"
"tx": {
"title": "概要",
"tx_hash": "Tx 哈希",
"gas": "Gas",
"fee": "手续费",
"memo": "备注",
"no_messages": "没有消息"
"uptime": {
"overall": "整体",
"customize": "自定义",
"only_consumer_set": "Only Consumer Set",
"last_jailed_time": "上次禁闭时间",
"signed_precommits": "Signed Precommits",
"start_height": "Start Height",
"tombstoned": "Tombstoned",
"minimum_uptime": "最少在线窗口",
"my_validators": "我的验证人",
"add_validators_monitor": "添加我的验证人",
"no": "No",
"signed_blocks": "已签名数量",
"missing_blocks": "未签名数量",
"add_validators": "添加验证人",
"add": "添加"
"widget": {
"title": "初始设置",
"endpoint": "接口地址",
"select_endpoint": "选择接口地址",
"text_1": "引入全局设置",
"text_2": "连接钱包",
"text_3": "闪兑"
"index": {
"index": {
"slogan": "Ping Dashboard 是一个区块链浏览器,也是一个网页钱包,还有更多 ... 🛠",
"rank": "排名",
"search_placeholder": "搜索区块链",
"price_calculator": "价格计算器",
"add_to_favorite": "加入收藏夹"
"close": "关闭",
"buy": "买入",
"Ecosystem": "生态系统",
"active_proposals": "进行中的提案",
"All Blockchains": "全部区块链",
"no_active_proposals": "没有进行中的提案",
"Favorite": "收藏夹"
"more": "更多",
"reward": "奖励",
"unbonding": "赎回",
"btn_withdraw_reward": "提取奖励",
"btn_swap": "Swap",
"receive": "Receive",
"app_versions": "应用版本",
"node_info": "节点信息"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user