add state-sync and cosmwasm

This commit is contained in:
liangping 2023-05-03 13:54:27 +08:00
parent fbc5d0f298
commit b65c684fc5
10 changed files with 376 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import { fetchData } from '@/libs';
import { DEFAULT } from '@/libs'
import { adapter, type Request, type RequestRegistry } from './registry';
import { adapter, withCustomAdapter, type Request, type RequestRegistry, type Registry, type AbstractRegistry } from './registry';
export class CosmosRestClient {
export class BaseRestClient<R extends AbstractRegistry> {
endpoint: string;
registry: RequestRegistry;
constructor(endpoint: string, registry?: RequestRegistry) {
registry: R;
constructor(endpoint: string, registry: R) {
this.endpoint = endpoint
this.registry = registry || DEFAULT
this.registry = registry
async request<T>(request: Request<T>, args: Record<string, any>, query="") {
let url = `${this.endpoint}${request.url}${query}`
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ export class CosmosRestClient {
return fetchData<T>(url, adapter)
export class CosmosRestClient extends BaseRestClient<RequestRegistry> {
// Auth Module
async getAuthAccounts() {
return this.request(this.registry.auth_accounts, {})

View File

@ -13,8 +13,12 @@ export interface Request<T> {
adapter: (source: any) => T
export interface AbstractRegistry {
[key: string]: Request<any>
// use snake style, since the all return object use snake style.
export interface RequestRegistry {
export interface RequestRegistry extends AbstractRegistry {
auth_params: Request<any>
auth_accounts: Request<PaginabledAccounts>;
auth_account_address: Request<{account: AuthAccount}>;
@ -102,8 +106,8 @@ export interface Registry {
[key: string]: RequestRegistry;
export function withCustomAdapter<T extends RequestRegistry>(target: T, source: Partial<T>): T {
return Object.assign({}, target, source);
export function withCustomAdapter<T extends RequestRegistry>(target: T, source?: Partial<T>): T {
return source ? Object.assign({}, target, source): target;
export function findConfigByName(name: string, registry: Registry): RequestRegistry {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import { BaseRestClient } from "@/libs/client";
import { adapter, type AbstractRegistry, type Request } from "@/libs/registry";
import type { PaginabledAccounts } from "@/types";
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import type { CodeInfo, PaginabledCodeInfos, PaginabledContractHistory, PaginabledContracts, PaginabledStates, WasmParam } from "./types";
import { toBase64 } from "@cosmjs/encoding";
import { useBlockchain } from "@/stores";
export interface WasmRequestRegistry extends AbstractRegistry {
cosmwasm_code: Request<PaginabledCodeInfos>;
cosmwasm_code_id: Request<CodeInfo>;
cosmwasm_code_id_contracts: Request<PaginabledContracts>;
cosmwasm_param: Request<WasmParam>;
cosmwasm_contract_address: Request<any>;
cosmwasm_contract_address_history: Request<PaginabledContractHistory>;
cosmwasm_contract_address_raw_query_data: Request<any>;
cosmwasm_contract_address_smart_query_data: Request<any>;
cosmwasm_contract_address_state: Request<PaginabledStates>;
export const DEFAULT: WasmRequestRegistry = {
cosmwasm_code: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/code", adapter },
cosmwasm_code_id: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/code/{code_id}", adapter },
cosmwasm_code_id_contracts: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/code/{code_id}/contracts", adapter },
cosmwasm_param: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/codes/params", adapter },
cosmwasm_contract_address: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/{address}", adapter },
cosmwasm_contract_address_history: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/{address}/history", adapter },
cosmwasm_contract_address_raw_query_data: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/{address}/raw/{query_data}", adapter },
cosmwasm_contract_address_smart_query_data: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/{address}/smart/{query_data}", adapter },
cosmwasm_contract_address_state: { url: "/cosmwasm/wasm/v1/contract/{address}/state", adapter }
class WasmRestClient extends BaseRestClient<WasmRequestRegistry> {
getWasmCodeList() {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_code, {})
getWasmCodeById(code_id: string) {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_code, {code_id}) // `code_id` is a param in above url
getWasmCodeContracts(code_id: string) {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_code_id_contracts, {code_id})
getWasmParams() {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_param, {})
getWasmContracts(address: string) {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_contract_address, {address})
getWasmContractHistory(address: string) {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_contract_address_history, {address})
getWasmContractRawQuery(address: string, query: string) {
const query_data = toBase64(new TextEncoder().encode(query))
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_contract_address_raw_query_data, {address, query_data})
getWasmContractSmartQuery(address: string, query: string) {
const query_data = toBase64(new TextEncoder().encode(query))
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_contract_address_smart_query_data, {address, query_data})
getWasmContractStates(address: string) {
return this.request(this.registry.cosmwasm_contract_address_state, {address})
export const useWasmStore = defineStore('module-wasm', {
state: () => {
return {}
getters: {
wasmClient() {
const blockchain = useBlockchain()
return new WasmRestClient(blockchain.endpoint.address, DEFAULT)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useBlockchain, useFormatter } from '@/stores';
import { useWasmStore } from '../WasmStore';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import type { PaginabledCodeInfos, PaginabledContracts } from '../types';
const props = defineProps(['code_id', 'chain', ])
const response = ref({} as PaginabledContracts)
const wasmStore = useWasmStore()
wasmStore.wasmClient.getWasmCodeContracts(props.code_id).then(x =>{
response.value = x
<VCardTitle>Contract List of Code: {{ props.code_id }}</VCardTitle>
<tr><th>Contract List</th><th>Actions</th></tr>
<tr v-for="v in response.contracts">
<td>{{ v }}</td><td></td>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useBlockchain, useFormatter } from '@/stores';
import { useWasmStore } from './WasmStore';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import type { PaginabledCodeInfos } from './types';
const props = defineProps(['chain'])
const codes = ref({} as PaginabledCodeInfos)
const wasmStore = useWasmStore()
wasmStore.wasmClient.getWasmCodeList().then(x =>{
codes.value = x
<VCardTitle>Cosmos Wasm</VCardTitle>
<tr><th>Code Id</th><th>Creator</th><th>Code Hash</th><th>Permissions</th></tr>
<tr v-for="v in codes.code_infos">
<td>{{ v.code_id }}</td>
<td>{{ v.creator }}</td>
<td><RouterLink :to="`/${props.chain}/cosmwasm/${v.code_id}/contracts`"><div class="text-truncate" style="max-width: 200px;">{{ v.data_hash }}</div></RouterLink></td>
<td>{{ v.instantiate_permission }}</td>
meta: {
i18n: 'cosmwasm'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import type { PaginatedResponse } from "@/types"
export interface CodeInfo {
code_id: string,
creator: string,
data_hash: string,
instantiate_permission: {
permission: string,
address: string,
addresses: string[]
export interface WasmParam {
params: {
code_upload_access: {
permission: string,
address: string,
addresses: string[]
instantiate_default_permission: string
export interface HistoryEntry {
operation: string,
code_id: string,
updated: {
block_height: string,
tx_index: string
msg: string
export interface Models {
key: string,
value: string
export interface PaginabledContractHistory extends PaginatedResponse {
entries: HistoryEntry[]
export interface PaginabledStates extends PaginatedResponse {
models: Models[]
export interface PaginabledCodeInfos extends PaginatedResponse {
code_infos: CodeInfo[]
export interface PaginabledContracts extends PaginatedResponse {
contracts: string[]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useBaseStore, useBlockchain, useFormatter } from '@/stores';
import type { NodeInfo } from '@/types';
import { fromBase64, toHex } from '@cosmjs/encoding';
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { computed } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps(['hash', 'chain'])
const blockchain = useBlockchain()
const base = useBaseStore()
const nodeInfo = ref({} as NodeInfo)
const state = computed(()=> {
const rpcs = blockchain.current?.endpoints?.rpc?.map(x => x.address).join(',')
return `[statesync]
enable = true
rpc_servers = "${rpcs}"
trust_height = ${base.latest.block?.header?.height || 'loading'}
trust_hash = "${base.latest.block_id? toHex(fromBase64(base.latest.block_id?.hash)) : ''}"
trust_period = "168h" # 2/3 of unbonding time"
const appName = computed(()=> {
return nodeInfo.value.application_version?.app_name || "gaiad"
onMounted(() => {
blockchain.rpc.getBaseNodeInfo().then(x => {
console.log('node info', x)
nodeInfo.value = x
<VCardTitle>What's State Sync?</VCardTitle>
The Tendermint Core 0.34 release includes support for state sync, which allows a new node to join a network by fetching a snapshot of the application state at a recent height instead of fetching and replaying all historical blocks. This can reduce the time needed to sync with the network from days to minutes. Click <a class="text-primary" href="">here</a> for more infomation.
<VCard class="my-5">
<VCardTitle>Starting New Node From State Sync</VCardTitle>
1. Install Binary ({{ appName }} Version: {{ nodeInfo.application_version?.version || "" }})
We need to install the binary first and make sure that the version is the one currently in use on mainnet.
2. Enable State Sync<br>
We can configure Tendermint to use state sync in $DAEMON_HOME/config/config.toml.
<VTextarea auto-grow :model-value="state"></VTextarea>
3. Start the daemon: <code>{{ appName }} start</code>
If you are resetting node, run <code>{{ appName }} unsafe-reset-all</code> or <code>{{ appName }} tendermint unsafe-reset-all --home ~/.HOME</code> before you start the daemon.
<VCardTitle>Enable Snapshot For State Sync</VCardTitle>
To make state sync works, we can enable snapshot in $DAEMON_HOME/config/app.toml
<VTextarea auto-grow model-value="[state-sync]
# snapshot-interval specifies the block interval at which local state sync snapshots are
# taken (0 to disable). Must be a multiple of pruning-keep-every.
snapshot-interval = 1000
# snapshot-keep-recent specifies the number of recent snapshots to keep and serve (0 to keep all). Each snapshot is about 500MiB
snapshot-keep-recent = 2">
meta: {
i18n: 'state-sync'

View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
"staking": "Staking",
"governance": "Governance",
"parameters": "Parameters",
"uptime": "Uptime"
"uptime": "Uptime",
"state-sync": "State Sync",
"cosmwasm": "Cosmwasm"
"index": {
"slogan": "Ping Dashboard is not just an explorer but also a wallet and more ... 🛠",

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { useRouter } from "vue-router";
import { CosmosRestClient } from "@/libs/client";
import { useBankStore, useBaseStore, useGovStore, useMintStore, useStakingStore } from ".";
import { useBlockModule } from "@/modules/[chain]/block/block";
import { DEFAULT } from "@/libs";
export const useBlockchain = defineStore("blockchain", {
state: () => {
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ export const useBlockchain = defineStore("blockchain", {
async setRestEndpoint(endpoint: Endpoint) {
this.connErr = ''
this.endpoint = endpoint
this.rpc = new CosmosRestClient(endpoint.address)
this.rpc = new CosmosRestClient(endpoint.address, DEFAULT)
setCurrent(name: string) {
this.chainName = name

View File

@ -2,100 +2,100 @@ import type { Key } from "./common"
import type { Tx } from "./tx"
export interface NodeInfo {
"default_node_info": {
"protocol_version": {
"p2p": string,
"block": string,
"app": string
default_node_info: {
protocol_version: {
p2p: string,
block: string,
app: string
"default_node_id": string,
"listen_addr": string,
"network": string,
"version": string,
"channels": string,
"moniker": string,
"other": {
"tx_index": string,
"rpc_address": string
default_node_id: string,
listen_addr: string,
network: string,
version: string,
channels: string,
moniker: string,
other: {
tx_index: string,
rpc_address: string
"application_version": {
"name": string,
"app_name": string,
"version": string,
"git_commit": string,
"build_tags": string,
"go_version": string,
"build_deps": [
application_version: {
name: string,
app_name: string,
version: string,
git_commit: string,
build_tags: string,
go_version: string,
build_deps: [
"path": string,
"version": string,
"sum": string,
path: string,
version: string,
sum: string,
"cosmos_sdk_version": string,
cosmos_sdk_version: string,
export interface BlockId {
"hash": string,
"part_set_header": {
"total": number,
"hash": string
hash: string,
part_set_header: {
total: number,
hash: string
export interface Signature
"block_id_flag": string,
"validator_address": string,
"timestamp": string,
"signature": string,
block_id_flag: string,
validator_address: string,
timestamp: string,
signature: string,
export interface Block {
"block_id": BlockId,
"block": {
"header": {
"version": {
"block": string,
"app": string
block_id: BlockId,
block: {
header: {
version: {
block: string,
app: string
"chain_id": string,
"height": string,
"time": string,
"last_block_id": BlockId,
"last_commit_hash": string,
"data_hash": string,
"validators_hash": string,
"next_validators_hash": string,
"consensus_hash": string,
"app_hash": string,
"last_results_hash": string,
"evidence_hash": string,
"proposer_address": string,
chain_id: string,
height: string,
time: string,
last_block_id: BlockId,
last_commit_hash: string,
data_hash: string,
validators_hash: string,
next_validators_hash: string,
consensus_hash: string,
app_hash: string,
last_results_hash: string,
evidence_hash: string,
proposer_address: string,
"data": {
"txs": any[]
data: {
txs: any[]
"evidence": {
"evidence": any[]
evidence: {
evidence: any[]
"last_commit": Commit
last_commit: Commit
export interface Commit {
"height": string,
"round": number,
"block_id": BlockId,
"signatures": Signature[]
height: string,
round: number,
block_id: BlockId,
signatures: Signature[]
export interface TendermintValidator {
"address": string,
"pub_key": Key,
"voting_power": string,
"proposer_priority": string
address: string,
pub_key: Key,
voting_power: string,
proposer_priority: string
export interface PaginatedTendermintValidator {