#!/bin/bash set -e echo "Setting up BSC $CERC_BSC_NETWORK" echo DATA_DIR: ${DATA_DIR} echo BSC_HOME: ${BSC_HOME} BSC_CONFIG=${BSC_HOME}/config/config.toml BSC_GENESIS=${BSC_HOME}/config/genesis.json # Setup config if [ -f "$BSC_CONFIG" ]; then echo "Config file found at $BSC_CONFIG" else echo "Config file not found at $BSC_CONFIG, downloading config for $CERC_BSC_NETWORK..." # Download and unzip the config files wget -O config.zip $(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/bnb-chain/bsc/releases/latest | grep browser_ | grep $CERC_BSC_NETWORK | cut -d\" -f4) unzip config.zip -d config fi # Use snapshot if provided # Take first file with extension .tar.lz4 from the snapshot dir snapshot_file=$((ls /var/dev/snapshot/*.tar.lz4) 2>/dev/null | head -1) geth_dir=${DATA_DIR}/geth ADDITIONAL_FLAGS="" if [ ! -d "$geth_dir" ] && [ "${CERC_USE_SNAPSHOT}" = "true" ] && [ -n "$snapshot_file" ]; then echo "Using snapshot $snapshot_file" if [ "$CERC_BSC_NETWORK" = "testnet" ]; then # Snapshot dir structure for testnet is different than that for mainnet lz4 -d ${snapshot_file} | tar -C ${DATA_DIR}/ -xvf - --strip-components=3 server/testnet/dataseed/geth else lz4 -d ${snapshot_file} | tar -C ${DATA_DIR}/ -xvf - --strip-components=2 server/data-seed/geth fi if [ "${CERC_FAST_NODE}" = "true" ]; then echo "Pruning trie data and turning snapshot verification off" # Prune all trie data from the snapshot geth snapshot insecure-prune-all --datadir ${DATA_DIR} ${BSC_GENESIS} # Turn off snapshot verification ADDITIONAL_FLAGS="--tries-verify-mode none" fi fi # Init genesis state if geth sub dir does not exist if [ ! -d "$geth_dir" ]; then STATE_SCHEME_OPTS="" if [ "$CERC_GETH_GCMODE" = "archive" ]; then # Archive mode only works with state.scheme set to hash STATE_SCHEME_OPTS="--state.scheme=hash" fi echo "Initializing geth..." geth --datadir ${DATA_DIR} ${STATE_SCHEME_OPTS} init ${BSC_GENESIS} echo "Initialization done" fi exec "geth" \ --config="${BSC_CONFIG}" \ --datadir="${DATA_DIR}" \ --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs \ --history.transactions 0 \ --http \ --http.addr="" \ --http.port 8545 \ --http.vhosts="*" \ --http.corsdomain="*" \ --ws \ --ws.addr="" \ --ws.port 8546 \ --ws.origins="*" \ --gcmode=${CERC_GETH_GCMODE} \ --verbosity=${CERC_GETH_VERBOSITY} \ --metrics \ --metrics.addr="" \ ${ADDITIONAL_FLAGS} \ "$@"