--- - name: Setup Environment tags: - k8s - k8s-config block: - name: gather local facts set_fact: local_user: "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}" delegate_to: localhost # resolve actual node type, boostrap is not recognized - name: set true node type set_fact: node_type: "{{ 'server' if k8s_node_type == 'bootstrap' else k8s_node_type }}" - name: load type specific values ansible.builtin.include_vars: file: "types/{{ k8s_type }}.yml" - name: load system specific values ansible.builtin.include_vars: "{{ item }}" with_first_found: - files: - "systems/{{ ansible_os_family }}-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.yml" - "systems/{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml" - "systems/{{ ansible_distribution }}.yml" - "systems/{{ ansible_system }}.yml" skip: true # # CREATE CLUSTER # - name: Create Cluster tags: - k8s block: - name: add generic server taint ansible.builtin.include_vars: file: "server-taint.yml" when: - k8s_taint_servers and k8s_node_type != "agent" - name: add generic agent label ansible.builtin.include_vars: file: "agent-label.yml" when: - k8s_label_agents and k8s_node_type == "agent" - name: increase open file limit ansible.posix.sysctl: name: fs.inotify.max_user_instances value: "{{ k8s_inotify_max }}" state: present - name: download install script ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "{{ k8s_install_url | d(k8s_default_install_url) }}" timeout: 120 dest: "{{ k8s_install_script }}" owner: root group: root mode: 0755 # CLUSTER CONFIG - name: check config paths ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory mode: 0755 loop: - "{{ k8s_config_path }}" - "{{ k8s_manifests_path }}" tags: - k8s-config - name: template cluster config ansible.builtin.template: src: "templates/{{ k8s_type }}/config.yaml.j2" dest: "{{ k8s_config_path }}/config.yaml" mode: 0600 tags: - k8s-config - name: type specific configuration ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "{{ k8s_type }}/config.yml" tags: - k8s-config # DEPLOY CLUSTER - name: begining cluster creation ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "{{ k8s_type }}/main.yml" # END Cluster Creation when: - k8s_action == "create" # # POST-DEPLOY # - name: Post Deployments tags: - k8s - k8s-post-deploy block: - name: include kubeconf block ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "shared/kubeconf.yml" when: - k8s_node_type == "bootstrap" tags: - k8s-get-kubeconf - "{{ k8s_get_kubeconf | d('always') }}" - name: include secret block ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "shared/secrets.yml" when: - k8s_node_type == "bootstrap" - k8s_secrets is defined tags: - k8s-apply-secrets - name: include manifest block ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "shared/manifests.yml" when: - k8s_node_type == "bootstrap" - k8s_manifests is defined tags: - k8s-apply-manifests - name: include chart block ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "shared/charts.yml" when: - k8s_node_type == "bootstrap" - k8s_charts is defined tags: - k8s-apply-charts # END Post Deployments when: - k8s_action == "create" # # DESTORY CLUSTER # # this is very dangerous and should be handled with care when not actively testing with disposable cluster iterations - name: Destroy Cluster tags: k8s block: - name: confirm cluster destruction delegate_to: localhost run_once: true become: false pause: prompt: "=== WARNING === Are you sure you want to DESTROY the cluster: {{ k8s_cluster_name | string | upper }}? (yes/no)" register: destroy_confirmation - name: set confirmation fact set_fact: cluster_destruction: "{{ destroy_confirmation.user_input }}" - name: delete cluster config delegate_to: localhost run_once: true become: false file: path: "~/.kube/config-{{ k8s_cluster_name }}.yaml" state: absent when: - cluster_destruction - name: destroy nodes ansible.builtin.shell: "{{ k8s_cmd_path }}/{{ k8s_type }}-uninstall.sh" when: - k8s_node_type != "agent" or k8s_type == "rke2" - cluster_destruction - name: destroy k3s agent nodes ansible.builtin.shell: "{{ k8s_cmd_path }}/{{ k8s_type }}-agent-uninstall.sh" when: - k8s_node_type == "agent" and k8s_type == "k3s" - cluster_destruction # END Cluster Destruction when: - k8s_action == "destroy"