Matthew Russell 8e9c2e4080
Feat/105 Web3 Setup (#119)
* add deposit page

* add web3 provider using web3-react package

* add env setup, add guard for incorrect chain id

* add lib for web3-provider

* make wallet and ethereum connect dialogs look more consistent

* add setup tests file for jest-dom

* remove chain id config and just use appChainId prop, add disconnect button to invalid chainId state

* remove .env file for now, will complete as own ticket

* switch handling of connect dialog state to the consuming app

* rename web3-provider package to just web3

* envs for each environment so we can specify chainId

* remove fallback to testnet for apollo client creation

* make web3container enforce connection before rendering childen

* move infura id to env var
2022-03-25 00:44:10 -07:00

125 lines
3.7 KiB

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