botond afeb772702
Feat/718 integrate node validation (#741)
* feat: add node swicther

* chore: remove hook form from node switcher

* feat: generate apollo types and add tests

* fix: format

* fix: types

* fix: remove redundant wrapper

* fix: layout styles

* fix: add controlled value to radio group

* fix: flaky node hook test

* feat: add custom input for node and more tests

* feat: wip refactor config hook to run on init

* fix: dont open node switcher on init

* fix: lint

* fix: lint

* fix: cache key error

* fix: format

* fix: lint

* feat: validate connected node on init WIP

* chore: refactor useconfig and usenodes

* fix: revert custom node branch changes

* feat: fix config loading errors and custom node handling

* feat: add test for nodes init

* fix: env error states

* fix: add more tests

* fix: format

* fix: lint and format

* fix: mock type in test

* fix: clean up queries

* fix: node block heights

* fix: make git variables optional

* fix: dialog width on lg screens

* feat: improve mobile looks

* fix: format

* fix: remove commented out styles

* fix: use node data url instead of key

* fix: clean up node switcher dialog props

* fix: add missing title and subtitle for dialog

* fix: show confiug load errors
2022-07-15 12:00:57 +01:00

172 lines
5.4 KiB

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