m.ray 4d20151abd
feat: 1537 LP view data provider subscriptions after 0.58 release ()
* fix:  add lp provider sub

* fix: change LP title & update

* fix:  fix obligation and supplied

* fix:  add min width on accounts

* fix:  consistent null check

* fix:  update lp data providers

* fix:  add acounts data provider but requires party id

* feat:  LP data provider -  marketID & query or subscribe for accounts - partyId

* fix:  remove log and fix build

* fix:  fix build console lite and lp dashboard

* fix:  fix tsconfig lp dahsboard

* fix:  use interval to poll LP data - sub not working yet
2022-10-24 20:42:53 +01:00

26 lines
558 B

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