m.ray 0523b56e39
feat: market list mega dropdown (rich popover) (#889)
* feat: use MarketList query only

* fix: remove Market.ts from index

* feat: 30 refactor dialog, market list, change query

* feat: #30 add indicativeVolume, total fees, tooltip, large dialog, tooltip accepts html description

* fix: #30 total fees display in tooltip

* fix: #30 toggle title on dialog open

* fix: #30 fix order, price, high, low utils

* fix: #30 fix test for market utils

* feat: #30 add popover with markets to select

* feat: #30 storybook popover

* feat: #30 remove border on trigger and add some other classes

* fix:  #30 fix format check with format:write

* feat: #30 add tooltip on taker fee

* feat: #30 add tooltip on taker fee

* fix: #30 format on select market list

* fix: #30 remove unknown cast in test mock data

* fix: #30 show markets where you have open positions

* fix: #30 double check if open positions

* fix: #30 dialog has only small/large sizes

* feat: #30 add border on trigger and change padding and no wrap

* fix: #30 if fees or factors are not found

* fix: #30 remove tests as markets page is now gone

* fix #30 remove view full market list test

* fix: #30 add rotating arrow on market title

* fix: #30 add ease-in-out on popover

* fix: #30 add ease-in-out on popover

* fix: #30 align select a market table

* fix: #30 select a market title

* fix: #30 select a market title

* fix: #30 fix any validateDOMnesting issues

* fix: #30 show loading market data

* fix: #30 add list of header columns

* fix: #30 add list of header columns

* fix: #30 small refactoring after review

* fix: #30 update bold undreline class names

* fix: #30 add large-mobile size

* feat: #30 refactor select markets tables to render array of columns

* fix: #30 remove size from select market dialog

* fix: #30 add extra file for columns

* fix: #30 update formtting

* fix: #30 make sure popup closes on same market navigation

* fix: rename market-utils, add calcCandle methods, store market id on select

* fix: useMemo ondata and marketPositionData + orderbook stories fix

* feat: #30 add open volume positions

* fix: add market summary back

* fix: update formatting

* fix: use currentcolor on arrow

* fix: create all markets page

* fix: add overflow-y auto

* fix: enlarge select market to get started dialog

* fix: revert markets container

* fix: use query to fix flickering on position markets

* fix: edit unordered list in tooltips

* fix: fix tooltip table

* fix: fix

* chore: skip /markets tests
2022-08-11 12:56:35 +01:00

176 lines
5.5 KiB

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