import '../src/styles.scss'; export const parameters = { actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' }, backgrounds: { disable: true }, layout: 'fullscreen', a11y: { config: { rules: [ { // Disabled only for storybook because we display both the dark and light variants of the components on the same page without differentiating the ids, so it will always error. id: 'duplicate-id-aria', selector: '[data-testid="form-group"] > label', }, { // Disabled because we can't control the radix radio group component and it claims to be accessible to begin with, so hopefully no issues. id: 'button-name', selector: '[role=radiogroup] > button', }, ], }, }, }; export const globalTypes = { theme: { name: 'Theme', description: 'Global theme for components', defaultValue: 'dark', toolbar: { icon: 'circlehollow', items: [ { value: 'light', title: 'Light' }, { value: 'dark', title: 'Dark' }, { value: 'sideBySide', title: 'Side by side' }, ], showName: true, }, }, }; const StoryWrapper = ({ children, className, style }) => (