name: PR Validations on: push: branches: - develop - main pull_request: types: - opened - reopened - synchronize - ready_for_review jobs: pr: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout frontend mono repo uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Check node version id: node-version run: | npmVersion=$(cat .nvmrc | head -n 1) echo ::set-output name=npmVersion::${npmVersion} - name: Setup node uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: ${{ steps.node-version.outputs.npmVersion }} # Check SHAs - name: Derive appropriate SHAs for base and head for `nx affected` commands uses: nrwl/nx-set-shas@v2 with: main-branch-name: ${{ github.base_ref || github.ref_name }} set-environment-variables-for-job: true # See affected apps - name: See affected apps run: | nx_version=$(cat package.json | grep '"nx"' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d '",[:space:]') rm package.json yarn.lock yarn add nx@$nx_version affected=$(yarn nx print-affected --base=${{ env.NX_BASE }} --head=${{ env.NX_HEAD }} --select=projects) echo -n "Affected projects: $affected" projects_e2e="" if [[ $affected == *"governance"* ]]; then projects_e2e+='"governance-e2e" '; fi if [[ $affected == *"trading"* ]]; then projects_e2e+='"trading-e2e" '; fi if [[ $affected == *"explorer"* ]]; then projects_e2e+='"explorer-e2e" '; fi if [[ -z "$projects_e2e" ]]; then projects_e2e+='"governance-e2e" "trading-e2e" "explorer-e2e" '; fi projects_e2e=${projects_e2e%?} projects_e2e=[${projects_e2e// /,}] echo PROJECTS_E2E=$projects_e2e >> $GITHUB_ENV echo PROJECTS=$(echo $projects_e2e | sed 's|-e2e||g') >> $GITHUB_ENV outputs: projects: ${{ env.PROJECTS }} projects-e2e: ${{ env.PROJECTS_E2E }} run-cypress: needs: pr if: ${{ != '[]' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/cypress-run.yml secrets: inherit with: projects: ${{ }} tags: '@smoke @regression' run-docker-build: needs: pr if: ${{ != '[]' }} uses: ./.github/workflows/publish-docker-containers.yml secrets: inherit with: projects: ${{ }} # Report single result at the end, to avoid mess with required checks in PR result: if: ${{ always() }} needs: run-cypress runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Cypress result steps: - run: | result="${{ }}" if [[ $result == "success" || $result == "skipped" ]]; then exit 0 else exit 1 fi