import { determineId, normalizeOrderAmendment, normalizeOrderSubmission, } from './utils'; import type { OrderSubmissionBody } from './connectors/vega-connector'; import * as Schema from '@vegaprotocol/types'; describe('determineId', () => { it('produces a known result for an ID', () => { const res = determineId( 'cfe592d169f87d0671dd447751036d0dddc165b9c4b65e5a5060e2bbadd1aa726d4cbe9d3c3b327bcb0bff4f83999592619a2493f9bbd251fae99ce7ce766909' ); expect(res).toStrictEqual( '2fca514cebf9f465ae31ecb4c5721e3a6f5f260425ded887ca50ba15b81a5d50' ); }); }); describe('normalizeOrderSubmission', () => { it('sets and formats price only for limit orders', () => { expect( normalizeOrderSubmission( { price: '100' } as unknown as OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'], 2, 1 ).price ).toBeUndefined(); expect( normalizeOrderSubmission( { price: '100', type: Schema.OrderType.TYPE_LIMIT, } as unknown as OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'], 2, 1 ).price ).toEqual('10000'); }); it('sets and formats expiresAt only for time in force orders', () => { expect( normalizeOrderSubmission( { expiresAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', } as OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'], 2, 1 ).expiresAt ).toBeUndefined(); expect( normalizeOrderSubmission( { expiresAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', timeInForce: Schema.OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTT, } as OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'], 2, 1 ).expiresAt ).toEqual('1640995200000000000'); }); it('formats size', () => { expect( normalizeOrderSubmission( { size: '100', } as OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'], 2, 1 ).size ).toEqual('1000'); }); }); describe('normalizeOrderAmendment', () => { type Order = Parameters[0]; type Market = Parameters[1]; const order: Order = { id: '123', timeInForce: Schema.OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTT, size: '100', expiresAt: '2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z', }; const market: Market = { id: '456', decimalPlaces: 1, positionDecimalPlaces: 1, }; it('sets and formats order id, market id, expires and timeInForce as given', () => { const orderAmendment = normalizeOrderAmendment(order, market, '1', '1'); expect(orderAmendment.orderId).toEqual('123'); expect(orderAmendment.marketId).toEqual('456'); expect(orderAmendment.expiresAt).toEqual('1640995200000000000'); expect(orderAmendment.timeInForce).toEqual( Schema.OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTT ); }); it.each([ ['1.1', 1, '11'], ['1.1', 2, '110'], ['0.001', 8, '100000'], ])('sets and formats price', (price, decimalPlaces, output) => { const orderAmendment = normalizeOrderAmendment( order, {, decimalPlaces }, price, '1' ); expect(orderAmendment.price).toEqual(output); }); it.each([ ['9', 1, -10], ['90', 2, 8900], ['0.001', 8, 99900], ])('sets and formats size delta', (size, positionDecimalPlaces, output) => { const orderAmendment = normalizeOrderAmendment( order, {, positionDecimalPlaces }, '1', size ); expect(orderAmendment.sizeDelta).toEqual(output); }); });