import { LocalStorage, t } from '@vegaprotocol/react-helpers'; import type { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import type { VegaKeyExtended, VegaWalletContextShape } from '.'; import type { VegaConnector } from './connectors'; import { VegaWalletContext } from './context'; import { WALLET_KEY } from './storage-keys'; import type { OrderSubmissionBody, WithdrawSubmissionBody, } from '@vegaprotocol/vegawallet-service-api-client'; interface VegaWalletProviderProps { children: ReactNode; } export const VegaWalletProvider = ({ children }: VegaWalletProviderProps) => { // Current selected publicKey, default with value from local storage const [publicKey, setPublicKey] = useState(() => { const pk = LocalStorage.getItem(WALLET_KEY); return pk ? pk : null; }); // Keypair objects retrieved from the connector const [keypairs, setKeypairs] = useState(null); // Reference to the current connector instance const connector = useRef(null); const connect = useCallback( async (c: VegaConnector) => { connector.current = c; try { const res = await connector.current.connect(); if (!res) { return null; } const publicKeysWithName = => { const nameMeta = pk.meta?.find((m) => m.key === 'name'); return {, name: nameMeta?.value ? nameMeta.value : t('None'), }; }); setKeypairs(publicKeysWithName); if (publicKey === null) { setPublicKey(publicKeysWithName[0].pub); } return publicKeysWithName; } catch (err) { return null; } }, [publicKey] ); const disconnect = useCallback(async () => { try { await connector.current?.disconnect(); setKeypairs(null); connector.current = null; LocalStorage.removeItem(WALLET_KEY); return true; } catch (err) { console.error(err); return false; } }, []); const sendTx = useCallback( (body: OrderSubmissionBody | WithdrawSubmissionBody) => { if (!connector.current) { return null; } return connector.current.sendTx(body); }, [] ); // Current selected keypair derived from publicKey state const keypair = useMemo(() => { const found = keypairs?.find((x) => === publicKey); if (found) { return found; } return null; }, [publicKey, keypairs]); // Whenever selected public key changes store it useEffect(() => { if (publicKey) { LocalStorage.setItem(WALLET_KEY, publicKey); } }, [publicKey]); const contextValue = useMemo(() => { return { keypair, keypairs, selectPublicKey: setPublicKey, connect, disconnect, connector: connector.current, sendTx, }; }, [keypair, keypairs, setPublicKey, connect, disconnect, connector, sendTx]); return ( {children} ); };