import type { ApolloClient, DocumentNode, FetchPolicy, TypedDocumentNode, OperationVariables, } from '@apollo/client'; import type { Subscription } from 'zen-observable-ts'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import type { Pagination as PaginationWithoutSkip } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; interface UpdateData { delta?: Delta; insertionData?: Data | null; isUpdate?: boolean; isInsert?: boolean; } export interface UpdateCallback { ( arg: UpdateData & { data: Data | null; error?: Error; loading: boolean; loaded: boolean; pageInfo: PageInfo | null; totalCount?: number; } ): void; } export interface Load { (start?: number, end?: number): Promise; } type Pagination = PaginationWithoutSkip & { skip?: number; }; export interface PageInfo { startCursor?: string; endCursor?: string; hasNextPage?: boolean; hasPreviousPage?: boolean; } export interface Subscribe { ( callback: UpdateCallback, client: ApolloClient, variables?: OperationVariables ): { unsubscribe: () => void; reload: (forceReset?: boolean) => void; flush: () => void; load?: Load; }; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any export type Query = DocumentNode | TypedDocumentNode; export interface Update { (data: Data, delta: Delta, reload: (forceReset?: boolean) => void): Data; } export interface Append { ( data: Data | null, insertionData: Data | null, insertionPageInfo: PageInfo | null, pagination?: Pagination, totalCount?: number ): { data: Data | null; totalCount?: number; }; } interface GetData { (queryData: QueryData): Data | null; } interface GetPageInfo { (queryData: QueryData): PageInfo | null; } interface GetTotalCount { (queryData: QueryData): number | undefined; } interface GetDelta { (subscriptionData: SubscriptionData): Delta; } export function defaultAppend( data: Data | null, insertionData: Data | null, insertionPageInfo: PageInfo | null, pagination?: Pagination, totalCount?: number ) { if (data && insertionData && insertionPageInfo) { if (!(data instanceof Array) || !(insertionData instanceof Array)) { throw new Error( 'data needs to be instance of { cursor: string }[] when using pagination' ); } if (pagination?.after) { const cursors = => item && item.cursor); const startIndex = cursors.lastIndexOf(pagination.after); if (startIndex !== -1) { const start = startIndex + 1 + (pagination.skip ?? 0); const end = start + insertionData.length; let updatedData = [, start), ...insertionData,, ]; if (!insertionPageInfo.hasNextPage && end !== (totalCount ?? 0)) { // adjust totalCount if last page is shorter or longer than expected totalCount = end; updatedData = updatedData.slice(0, end); } return { data: updatedData, // increase totalCount if last page is longer than expected totalCount: totalCount && Math.max(updatedData.length, totalCount), }; } } } return { data, totalCount }; } interface DataProviderParams { query: Query; subscriptionQuery?: Query; update?: Update; getData: GetData; getDelta?: GetDelta; pagination?: { getPageInfo: GetPageInfo; getTotalCount?: GetTotalCount; append: Append; first: number; }; fetchPolicy?: FetchPolicy; } /** * @param subscriptionQuery query that will be used for subscription * @param update function that will be executed on each onNext, it should update data base on delta, it can reload data provider * @param getData transforms received query data to format that will be stored in data provider * @param getDelta transforms delta data to format that will be stored in data provider * @param fetchPolicy * @returns subscribe function */ function makeDataProviderInternal({ query, subscriptionQuery, update, getData, getDelta, pagination, fetchPolicy, }: DataProviderParams): Subscribe< Data, Delta > { // list of callbacks passed through subscribe call const callbacks: UpdateCallback[] = []; // subscription is started before initial query, all deltas that will arrive before initial query response are put on queue const updateQueue: Delta[] = []; let variables: OperationVariables | undefined; let data: Data | null = null; let error: Error | undefined; let loading = true; let loaded = false; let client: ApolloClient; let subscription: Subscription | undefined; let pageInfo: PageInfo | null = null; let totalCount: number | undefined; // notify single callback about current state, delta is passes optionally only if notify was invoked onNext const notify = ( callback: UpdateCallback, updateData?: UpdateData ) => { callback({ data, error, loading, loaded, pageInfo, totalCount, ...updateData, }); }; // notify all callbacks const notifyAll = (updateData?: UpdateData) => { callbacks.forEach((callback) => notify(callback, updateData)); }; const load = async (start?: number, end?: number) => { if (!pagination || !pageInfo || !(data instanceof Array)) { return Promise.reject(); } const paginationVariables: Pagination = { first: pagination.first, after: pageInfo.endCursor, }; if (start !== undefined) { if (!start) { paginationVariables.after = undefined; } else if (data && data[start - 1]) { paginationVariables.after = ( data[start - 1] as { cursor: string } ).cursor; } else { let skip = 1; while (!data[start - 1 - skip] && skip <= start) { skip += 1; } paginationVariables.skip = skip; if (skip === start) { paginationVariables.after = undefined; } else { paginationVariables.after = ( data[start - 1 - skip] as { cursor: string } ).cursor; } } } else if (!pageInfo.hasNextPage) { return null; } const res = await client.query({ query, variables: { ...variables, pagination: paginationVariables, }, fetchPolicy: fetchPolicy || 'no-cache', }); const insertionData = getData(; const insertionPageInfo = pagination.getPageInfo(; ({ data, totalCount } = pagination.append( data, insertionData, insertionPageInfo, paginationVariables, totalCount )); pageInfo = insertionPageInfo; totalCount = (pagination.getTotalCount && pagination.getTotalCount( ?? totalCount; notifyAll({ insertionData, isInsert: true }); return insertionData; }; const initialFetch = async () => { if (!client) { return; } try { const res = await client.query({ query, variables: pagination ? { ...variables, pagination: { first: pagination.first } } : variables, fetchPolicy, errorPolicy: 'ignore', }); data = getData(; if (data && pagination) { if (!(data instanceof Array)) { throw new Error( 'data needs to be instance of { cursor: string }[] when using pagination' ); } pageInfo = pagination.getPageInfo(; if (pageInfo && !pageInfo.hasNextPage) { totalCount = data.length; } else { totalCount = pagination.getTotalCount && pagination.getTotalCount(; } if (data && totalCount && data.length < totalCount) { data.push( Array(totalCount - data.length).fill(null)); } } // if there was some updates received from subscription during initial query loading apply them on just received data if (update && data && updateQueue && updateQueue.length > 0) { while (updateQueue.length) { const delta = updateQueue.shift(); if (delta) { data = update(data, delta, reload); } } } loaded = true; } catch (e) { // if error will occur data provider stops subscription error = e as Error; if (subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } subscription = undefined; } finally { loading = false; notifyAll(); } }; // reload function is passed to update and as a returned by subscribe function const reload = (forceReset = false) => { if (loading) { return; } // hard reset on demand or when there is no apollo subscription yet if (forceReset || !subscription) { reset(); initialize(); } else { loading = true; error = undefined; initialFetch(); } }; const initialize = async () => { if (subscription) { return; } loading = true; error = undefined; notifyAll(); if (!client) { return; } if (subscriptionQuery && getDelta && update) { subscription = client .subscribe({ query: subscriptionQuery, variables, fetchPolicy, }) .subscribe( ({ data: subscriptionData }) => { if (!subscriptionData) { return; } const delta = getDelta(subscriptionData); if (loading || !data) { updateQueue.push(delta); } else { const updatedData = update(data, delta, reload); if (updatedData === data) { return; } data = updatedData; notifyAll({ delta, isUpdate: true }); } }, () => reload() ); } await initialFetch(); }; const reset = () => { if (subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe(); subscription = undefined; } data = null; error = undefined; loading = false; loaded = false; notifyAll(); }; // remove callback from list, and unsubscribe if there is no more callbacks registered const unsubscribe = (callback: UpdateCallback) => { callbacks.splice(callbacks.indexOf(callback), 1); if (callbacks.length === 0) { reset(); } }; return (callback, c, v) => { callbacks.push(callback); if (callbacks.length === 1) { client = c; variables = v; initialize(); } else { notify(callback); } return { unsubscribe: () => unsubscribe(callback), reload, flush: () => notify(callback), load, }; }; } /** * Memoizes data provider instances using query variables as cache key * * @param fn * @returns subscibe function */ const memoize = ( fn: (variables?: OperationVariables) => Subscribe ) => { const cache: { subscribe: Subscribe; variables?: OperationVariables; }[] = []; return (variables?: OperationVariables) => { const cached = cache.find((c) => isEqual(c.variables, variables)); if (cached) { return cached.subscribe; } const subscribe = fn(variables); cache.push({ subscribe, variables }); return subscribe; }; }; /** * @param query Query * @param subscriptionQuery Query query that will be used for subscription * @param update Update function that will be executed on each onNext, it should update data base on delta, it can reload data provider * @param getData transforms received query data to format that will be stored in data provider * @param getDelta transforms delta data to format that will be stored in data provider * @param pagination pagination related functions { getPageInfo, getTotalCount, append, first } * @returns Subscribe subscribe function * @example * const marketMidPriceProvider = makeDataProvider({ * query: gql`query MarketMidPrice($marketId: ID!) { market(id: $marketId) { data { midPrice } } }`, * subscriptionQuery: gql`subscription MarketMidPriceSubscription($marketId: ID!) { marketDepthUpdate(marketId: $marketId) { market { data { midPrice } } } }`, * update: (draft: Draft, delta: Delta, reload: (forceReset?: boolean) => void) => { draft.midPrice = delta.midPrice } * getData: (data:QueryData) => * getDelta: (delta:SubscriptionData) => * }) * * const { unsubscribe, flush, reload } = marketMidPriceProvider( * ({ data, error, loading, delta }) => { ... }, * apolloClient, * { id: '1fd726454fa1220038acbf6ff9ac701d8b8bf3f2d77c93a4998544471dc58747' } * ) * */ export function makeDataProvider( params: DataProviderParams ): Subscribe { const getInstance = memoize(() => makeDataProviderInternal(params) ); return (callback, client, variables) => getInstance(variables)(callback, client, variables); } /** * Dependency subscribe needs to use any as Data and Delta because it's unknown what dependencies will be used. * This effects in parts in combine function has any[] type */ type DependencySubscribe = Subscribe; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any type DependencyUpdateCallback = Parameters['0']; export type CombineDerivedData = ( data: Parameters['0']['data'][], variables?: OperationVariables ) => Data | null; export type CombineDerivedDelta = ( parts: Parameters['0'][], variables?: OperationVariables ) => Delta | undefined; function makeDerivedDataProviderInternal( dependencies: DependencySubscribe[], combineData: CombineDerivedData, combineDelta?: CombineDerivedDelta ): Subscribe { let subscriptions: ReturnType[] | undefined; let client: ApolloClient; const callbacks: UpdateCallback[] = []; let variables: OperationVariables | undefined; const parts: Parameters['0'][] = []; let data: Data | null = null; let error: Error | undefined; let loading = true; let loaded = false; const notify = ( callback: UpdateCallback, updateData?: UpdateData ) => { callback({ data, error, loading, loaded, pageInfo: parts[0]?.pageInfo || null, ...updateData, }); }; // notify all callbacks const notifyAll = (updateData?: UpdateData) => callbacks.forEach((callback) => { notify(callback, updateData); }); const combine = (updatedPartIndex: number) => { let delta: Delta | undefined; let isUpdate = false; const isInsert = false; let newError: Error | undefined; let newLoading = false; let newLoaded = true; dependencies .map((dependency, i) => parts[i]) .forEach((part) => { newError = newError || (part && part.error); newLoading = newLoading || !part || part.loading; newLoaded = newLoaded && part && part.loaded; }); const newData = newLoaded ? combineData( =>, variables ) : data; if (newLoaded) { const updatedPart = parts[updatedPartIndex]; if (updatedPart.isUpdate && && combineDelta) { delta = combineDelta(parts, variables); delete updatedPart.isUpdate; delete; if (delta) { isUpdate = true; } } } if ( newLoading !== loading || newError !== error || newLoaded !== loaded || newData !== data ) { loading = newLoading; error = newError; loaded = newLoaded; data = newData; notifyAll({ isUpdate, isInsert, delta, }); } }; const initialize = () => { if (subscriptions) { return; } subscriptions =, i) => dependency( (updateData) => { parts[i] = updateData; combine(i); }, client, variables ) ); }; // remove callback from list, and unsubscribe if there is no more callbacks registered const unsubscribe = (callback: UpdateCallback) => { callbacks.splice(callbacks.indexOf(callback), 1); if (callbacks.length === 0) { subscriptions?.forEach((subscription) => subscription.unsubscribe()); subscriptions = undefined; data = null; error = undefined; loading = true; loaded = false; } }; return (callback, c, v) => { callbacks.push(callback); if (callbacks.length === 1) { client = c; variables = v; initialize(); } else { notify(callback); } return { unsubscribe: () => unsubscribe(callback), reload: (forceReset) => subscriptions && subscriptions.forEach((subscription) => subscription.reload(forceReset) ), flush: () => notify(callback), load: subscriptions && subscriptions[0]?.load, }; }; } export function makeDerivedDataProvider( dependencies: DependencySubscribe[], combineData: CombineDerivedData, combineDelta?: CombineDerivedDelta ): Subscribe { const getInstance = memoize(() => makeDerivedDataProviderInternal(dependencies, combineData, combineDelta) ); return (callback, client, variables) => getInstance(variables)(callback, client, variables); }