import { render, screen, within } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; import type { VegaWalletContextShape } from '@vegaprotocol/wallet'; import { VegaWalletContext } from '@vegaprotocol/wallet'; import { Navbar } from './navbar'; import { useGlobalStore } from '../../stores'; import { ENV, FLAGS } from '@vegaprotocol/environment'; jest.mock('@vegaprotocol/proposals', () => ({ ProtocolUpgradeCountdown: () => null, })); describe('Navbar', () => { const pubKey = '000'; const pubKeys = [ { publicKey: pubKey, name: 'Pub key 0', }, { publicKey: '111', name: 'Pub key 1', }, ]; const marketId = 'abc'; const navbarContent = 'navbar-menu-content'; const renderComponent = ( initialEntries?: string[], walletContext?: Partial ) => { const context = { pubKey, pubKeys, selectPubKey: jest.fn(), disconnect: jest.fn(), ...walletContext, } as VegaWalletContextShape; return render( ); }; beforeAll(() => { useGlobalStore.setState({ marketId }); const mockedFLAGS = jest.mocked(FLAGS); mockedFLAGS.REFERRALS = true; const mockedENV = jest.mocked(ENV); mockedENV.VEGA_TOKEN_URL = 'governance'; }); afterAll(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it('should be properly rendered', () => { renderComponent(); const expectedLinks = [ ['/', ''], ['/markets', 'Markets'], [`/markets/${marketId}`, 'Trading'], ['/portfolio', 'Portfolio'], ['/referrals', 'Referrals'], ['/fees', 'Fees'], ['/rewards', 'Rewards'], [expect.stringContaining('governance'), 'Governance'], ]; const links = screen.getAllByRole('link'); links.forEach((link, i) => { const [href, text] = expectedLinks[i]; expect(link).toHaveAttribute('href', href); expect(link).toHaveTextContent(text); }); }); it('Markets page route should not match empty market page', () => { renderComponent(['/markets']); expect(screen.getByRole('link', { name: 'Markets' })).toHaveClass('active'); expect(screen.getByRole('link', { name: 'Trading' })).not.toHaveClass( 'active' ); }); it('can open menu and navigate on small screens', async () => { renderComponent(); await'button', { name: 'Menu' })); const menuEl = screen.getByTestId(navbarContent); expect(menuEl).toBeInTheDocument(); const menu = within(menuEl); const expectedLinks = [ ['/markets', 'Markets'], [`/markets/${marketId}`, 'Trading'], ['/portfolio', 'Portfolio'], ['/referrals', 'Referrals'], ['/fees', 'Fees'], ['/rewards', 'Rewards'], [expect.stringContaining('governance'), 'Governance'], ]; const links = menu.getAllByRole('link'); links.forEach((link, i) => { const [href, text] = expectedLinks[i]; expect(link).toHaveAttribute('href', href); expect(link).toHaveTextContent(text); }); await'button', { name: 'Close menu' })); expect(screen.queryByTestId(navbarContent)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('can close menu by clicking overlay', async () => { renderComponent(); await'button', { name: 'Menu' })); expect(screen.getByTestId(navbarContent)).toBeInTheDocument(); await'navbar-menu-overlay')); expect(screen.queryByTestId(navbarContent)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('can open wallet menu on small screens and change pubkey', async () => { const mockSelectPubKey = jest.fn(); renderComponent(undefined, { selectPubKey: mockSelectPubKey }); await'button', { name: 'Wallet' })); const menuEl = screen.getByTestId(navbarContent); expect(menuEl).toBeInTheDocument(); const menu = within(menuEl); expect(menu.getAllByTestId(/key-\d+-mobile/)).toHaveLength(pubKeys.length); const activeKey = within(menu.getByTestId('key-000-mobile')); expect(activeKey.getByText(pubKeys[0].name)).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(activeKey.getByTestId('icon-tick')).toBeInTheDocument(); const inactiveKey = within(menu.getByTestId('key-111-mobile')); await[1].name)); expect(mockSelectPubKey).toHaveBeenCalledWith(pubKeys[1].publicKey); }); it('can transfer and close menu', async () => { renderComponent(); await'button', { name: 'Wallet' })); const menuEl = screen.getByTestId(navbarContent); expect(menuEl).toBeInTheDocument(); const menu = within(menuEl); await'Transfer')); expect(screen.queryByTestId(navbarContent)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('can disconnect and close menu', async () => { const mockDisconnect = jest.fn(); renderComponent(undefined, { disconnect: mockDisconnect }); await'button', { name: 'Wallet' })); const menuEl = screen.getByTestId(navbarContent); expect(menuEl).toBeInTheDocument(); const menu = within(menuEl); await'Disconnect')); expect(mockDisconnect).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(screen.queryByTestId(navbarContent)).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); });