import { render } from '@testing-library/react'; import { OrderStatus, OrderTimeInForce, OrderType, Side, } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import type { VegaStoredTxState } from '@vegaprotocol/wallet'; import { VegaTxStatus } from '@vegaprotocol/wallet'; import { VegaTransactionDetails, getVegaTransactionContentIntent, } from './use-vega-transaction-toasts'; import { Intent } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit'; jest.mock('@vegaprotocol/assets', () => { const A1 = { decimals: 2, id: 'asset-1', name: 'A1', quantum: '10', symbol: '$A', }; return { ...jest.requireActual('@vegaprotocol/assets'), useAssetsDataProvider: jest.fn(() => ({ data: [A1] })), }; }); jest.mock('@vegaprotocol/market-list', () => { const M1 = { id: 'market-1', decimalPlaces: 2, positionDecimalPlaces: 2, tradableInstrument: { instrument: { id: 'M1', name: 'M1', code: 'M1', product: { quoteName: '', settlementAsset: { id: 'asset-1', symbol: '$A', decimals: 2, }, }, }, }, }; return { ...jest.requireActual('@vegaprotocol/market-list'), useMarketList: jest.fn(() => ({ data: [M1] })), }; }); jest.mock('@vegaprotocol/orders', () => { return { ...jest.requireActual('@vegaprotocol/orders'), useOrderByIdQuery: jest.fn(({ variables: { orderId } }) => { if (orderId === '0') { return { data: { orderByID: { id: '0', side: 'SIDE_BUY', size: '10', timeInForce: 'TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK', type: 'TYPE_MARKET', price: '1234', createdAt: new Date(), status: 'STATUS_ACTIVE', market: { id: 'market-1' }, }, }, }; } else { return { data: undefined }; } }), }; }); const unsupportedTransaction: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { delegateSubmission: { nodeId: '1', amount: '0' } }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, }; const withdraw: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { withdrawSubmission: { amount: '1234', asset: 'asset-1', ext: { erc20: { receiverAddress: '0x0' } }, }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, }; const submitOrder: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { orderSubmission: { marketId: 'market-1', side: Side.SIDE_BUY, size: '10', timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK, type: OrderType.TYPE_MARKET, price: '1234', }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, order: { id: '0', side: Side.SIDE_BUY, size: '10', timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK, type: OrderType.TYPE_MARKET, price: '1234', createdAt: new Date(), marketId: 'market-1', status: OrderStatus.STATUS_ACTIVE, }, }; const editOrder: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { orderAmendment: { marketId: 'market-1', orderId: '0', timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK, price: '1000', sizeDelta: 1, }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, order: { id: '0', side: Side.SIDE_BUY, size: '10', timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK, type: OrderType.TYPE_MARKET, price: '1234', createdAt: new Date(), marketId: 'market-1', status: OrderStatus.STATUS_ACTIVE, }, }; const cancelOrder: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { orderCancellation: { marketId: 'market-1', orderId: '0', }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, }; const cancelAll: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { orderCancellation: { marketId: undefined, orderId: undefined, }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, }; const closePosition: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { batchMarketInstructions: { cancellations: [{ marketId: 'market-1', orderId: '' }], submissions: [ { marketId: 'market-1', side: Side.SIDE_BUY, size: '10', timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK, type: OrderType.TYPE_MARKET, price: '1234', }, ], }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, }; const batch: VegaStoredTxState = { id: 0, createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), body: { batchMarketInstructions: { submissions: [ { marketId: 'market-1', side: Side.SIDE_BUY, size: '10', timeInForce: OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK, type: OrderType.TYPE_MARKET, price: '1234', }, ], }, }, status: VegaTxStatus.Default, error: null, txHash: null, signature: null, dialogOpen: false, }; describe('VegaTransactionDetails', () => { it('does not display details if tx type cannot be determined', () => { const { queryByTestId } = render( ); expect(queryByTestId('toast-panel')).toBeNull(); }); it.each([ { tx: withdraw, details: 'Withdraw 12.34 $A' }, { tx: submitOrder, details: 'Submit order - activeM1+0.10 @ 12.34 $A' }, { tx: editOrder, details: 'Edit order - activeM1+0.10 @ 12.34 $A+0.11 @ 10.00 $A', }, { tx: cancelOrder, details: 'Cancel orderM1+0.10 @ 12.34 $A' }, { tx: cancelAll, details: 'Cancel all orders' }, { tx: closePosition, details: 'Close position for M1' }, { tx: batch, details: 'Batch market instruction' }, ])('display details for transaction', ({ tx, details }) => { const { queryByTestId } = render(); expect(queryByTestId('toast-panel')?.textContent).toEqual(details); }); }); describe('getVegaTransactionContentIntent', () => { it('returns the correct intent for a transaction', () => { expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(withdraw).intent).toBe( Intent.Primary ); expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(submitOrder).intent).toBe( Intent.Success ); expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(editOrder).intent).toBe( Intent.Success ); expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(cancelOrder).intent).toBe( Intent.Primary ); expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(cancelAll).intent).toBe( Intent.Primary ); expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(closePosition).intent).toBe( Intent.Primary ); expect(getVegaTransactionContentIntent(batch).intent).toBe(Intent.Primary); }); });