import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
import { useAssetsDataProvider } from '@vegaprotocol/assets';
import { EtherscanLink } from '@vegaprotocol/environment';
import { formatNumber, toBigNum } from '@vegaprotocol/utils';
import { t } from '@vegaprotocol/i18n';
import type { Toast, ToastContent } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import { ToastHeading } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import { Panel } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import { CLOSE_AFTER } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import { useToasts } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import { Intent, ProgressBar } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
import compact from 'lodash/compact';
import type { EthStoredTxState } from '@vegaprotocol/web3';
import {
} from '@vegaprotocol/web3';
const intentMap: { [s in EthTxStatus]: Intent } = {
Default: Intent.Primary,
Requested: Intent.Warning,
Pending: Intent.Warning,
Error: Intent.Danger,
Complete: Intent.Warning,
Confirmed: Intent.Success,
const isWithdrawTransaction = (tx: EthStoredTxState) =>
tx.methodName === 'withdraw_asset';
const isDepositTransaction = (tx: EthStoredTxState) =>
tx.methodName === 'deposit_asset';
const EthTransactionDetails = ({ tx }: { tx: EthStoredTxState }) => {
const { data: assets } = useAssetsDataProvider();
if (!assets) return null;
const isWithdraw = isWithdrawTransaction(tx);
const isDeposit = isDepositTransaction(tx);
let assetInfo: ReactNode;
if ((isWithdraw || isDeposit) && tx.args.length > 2 && tx.assetId) {
const asset = assets.find((a) => === tx.assetId);
if (asset) {
let label = '';
if (isWithdraw) label = t('Withdraw');
if (isDeposit) label = t('Deposit');
assetInfo = (
{label}{' '}
{formatNumber(toBigNum(tx.args[1], asset.decimals), asset.decimals)}{' '}
if (assetInfo || tx.requiresConfirmation) {
return (
{t('Awaiting confirmations')}{' '}
{t( 'Please go to your wallet application and approve or reject the transaction.' )}
{t('Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed.')}
{tx.txHash && ({errorMessage}
{t('Your transaction has been confirmed.')}
{tx.txHash && ({t('Your transaction has been completed.')}{' '} {isDeposit && t('Waiting for deposit confirmation.')}
{tx.txHash && (