const nodeErrorType = 'node-error-type'; const nodeErrorMsg = 'node-error-message'; const nodeId = 'node-url-0'; const customNodeBtn = 'custom-node'; const closeDialogBtn = 'dialog-close'; context('Node switcher', function () { before('visit home page', function () { cy.intercept('GET', '', { hosts: ['http://localhost:3028/query'], }).as('nodeData'); cy.visit('/'); cy.wait('@nodeData'); }); describe('form validations and responses', function () { beforeEach('open node selector', function () { cy.getByTestId('git-network-data').within(() => { cy.getByTestId('link').click(); }); }); it('node data is displayed', function () { cy.getByTestId('node-row').should('', 1); cy.getByTestId('node-row') .eq(0) .within(() => { cy.getByTestId(nodeId) .should('exist') .and('have.attr', 'aria-checked', 'true'); cy.get('label').should('have.text', Cypress.env('networkQueryUrl')); cy.getByTestId('response-time-cell') .should('') .and('contain.text', 'ms'); cy.getByTestId('block-cell').should(''); cy.getByTestId('ssl-cell').should('have.text', 'Yes'); }); }); it('Incorrect network displayed', function () { const errorTypeTxt = 'Error: incorrect network'; const nodeErrorTxt = 'This node is not on the CUSTOM network.'; validateNodeError(errorTypeTxt, nodeErrorTxt); }); it('cannot connect to network using invalid url', function () { const errorTypeTxt = 'Error: invalid url'; const nodeErrorTxt = 'fakeUrl is not a valid url.'; cy.getByTestId('node-url-custom').click(); cy.getByTestId(customNodeBtn).within(() => { cy.get('input').clear().type('fakeUrl'); cy.getByTestId('link').click(); }); validateNodeError(errorTypeTxt, nodeErrorTxt); }); it('Cannot connect to network from different chain ID', function () { const errorTypeTxt = 'Error: incorrect network'; const nodeErrorTxt = 'This node is not on the CUSTOM network.'; cy.getByTestId('node-url-custom').click(); cy.getByTestId(customNodeBtn).within(() => { cy.get('input').clear().type(''); cy.getByTestId('link').click(); }); validateNodeError(errorTypeTxt, nodeErrorTxt); }); afterEach('Close node switcher', function () { cy.getByTestId(closeDialogBtn).click(); }); function validateNodeError(errortype, errorMsg) { cy.getByTestId(nodeErrorType, { timeout: 10000 }).should( 'have.text', errortype ); cy.getByTestId(nodeErrorMsg).should('have.text', errorMsg); } }); });