import { type AssetFieldsFragment, useAssetsMapProvider, } from '@vegaprotocol/assets'; import { useActiveRewardsQuery } from './__generated__/Rewards'; import { type MarketFieldsFragment, useMarketsMapProvider, getAsset, } from '@vegaprotocol/markets'; import { type RecurringTransfer, type TransferNode, TransferStatus, type DispatchStrategy, EntityScope, MarketState, AccountType, } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { type ApolloError } from '@apollo/client'; import compact from 'lodash/compact'; import { useEpochInfoQuery } from './__generated__/Epoch'; export type RewardTransfer = TransferNode & { transfer: { kind: RecurringTransfer & { dispatchStrategy: DispatchStrategy; }; }; }; export type EnrichedRewardTransfer = RewardTransfer & { /** Dispatch metric asset (reward asset) */ dispatchAsset?: AssetFieldsFragment; /** A flag determining whether a reward asset is being traded on any of the active markets */ isAssetTraded?: boolean; /** A list of markets in scope */ markets?: MarketFieldsFragment[]; }; /** * Checks if given transfer is a reward. * * A reward has to be a recurring transfer and has to have a * dispatch strategy. */ export const isReward = (node: TransferNode): node is RewardTransfer => { if ( (node.transfer.kind.__typename === 'RecurringTransfer' && node.transfer.kind.dispatchStrategy != null) || node.transfer.toAccountType === AccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_GLOBAL_REWARD ) { return true; } return false; }; /** * Checks if given reward (transfer) is has not ended. If it is active or due to start in the future. */ export const isActiveReward = (node: RewardTransfer, currentEpoch: number) => { const { transfer } = node; const pending = transfer.status === TransferStatus.STATUS_PENDING; const withinEpochs = transfer.kind.endEpoch != null ? transfer.kind.endEpoch >= currentEpoch : true; if (pending && withinEpochs) return true; return false; }; /** * Checks if given reward (transfer) is scoped to teams. */ export const isScopedToTeams = (node: EnrichedRewardTransfer) => // scoped to teams node.transfer.kind.dispatchStrategy?.entityScope === EntityScope.ENTITY_SCOPE_TEAMS; /** Retrieves rewards (transfers) */ export const useRewards = ({ // get active by default onlyActive = true, scopeToTeams = false, }: { onlyActive: boolean; scopeToTeams?: boolean; }): { data: EnrichedRewardTransfer[]; loading: boolean; error?: ApolloError | Error; } => { const { data: epochData, loading: epochLoading, error: epochError, } = useEpochInfoQuery({ fetchPolicy: 'network-only', }); const currentEpoch = Number(epochData?; const { data, loading, error } = useActiveRewardsQuery({ variables: { isReward: true, }, skip: onlyActive && isNaN(currentEpoch), fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network', }); const { data: assets, loading: assetsLoading, error: assetsError, } = useAssetsMapProvider(); const { data: markets, loading: marketsLoading, error: marketsError, } = useMarketsMapProvider(); const enriched = compact( data?.transfersConnection?.edges?.map((n) => n?.node) ) .map((n) => n as TransferNode) // make sure we have only rewards here .filter(isReward) // take only active rewards if required, otherwise take all .filter((node) => (onlyActive ? isActiveReward(node, currentEpoch) : true)) // take only those rewards that are scoped to teams if required, otherwise take all .filter((node) => (scopeToTeams ? isScopedToTeams(node) : true)) // enrich with dispatch asset and markets in scope details .map((node) => { if (!node.transfer.kind.dispatchStrategy) return node; const dispatchAsset = (assets && assets[node.transfer.kind.dispatchStrategy.dispatchMetricAssetId]) || undefined; const marketsInScope = compact( node.transfer.kind.dispatchStrategy.marketIdsInScope?.map( (id) => markets && markets[id] ) ); const isAssetTraded = markets && Object.values(markets).some((m) => { try { const mAsset = getAsset(m); return ( === node.transfer.kind.dispatchStrategy.dispatchMetricAssetId && m.state === MarketState.STATE_ACTIVE ); } catch { // NOOP } return false; }); return { ...node, dispatchAsset, isAssetTraded: isAssetTraded != null ? isAssetTraded : undefined, markets: marketsInScope?.length > 0 ? marketsInScope : undefined, }; }); return { data: enriched, loading: loading || assetsLoading || marketsLoading || epochLoading, error: error || assetsError || marketsError || epochError, }; };