import { type GameFieldsFragment, type TeamEntityFragment, GamesDocument, type GamesQuery, } from './__generated__/Games'; import orderBy from 'lodash/orderBy'; import { isSafeInteger, removePaginationWrapper } from '@vegaprotocol/utils'; import { useEpochInfoQuery } from './__generated__/Epoch'; import { useApolloClient, type ApolloError } from '@apollo/client'; import { TEAMS_STATS_EPOCHS } from './constants'; import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react'; const findTeam = (entities: GameFieldsFragment['entities'], teamId: string) => { const team = entities.find( (ent) => ent.__typename === 'TeamGameEntity' && === teamId ); if (team?.__typename === 'TeamGameEntity') return team; // drops __typename === 'IndividualGameEntity' from team object return undefined; }; export type Game = GameFieldsFragment & { /** The team entity data accessible only if scoped to particular team. */ team?: TeamEntityFragment; }; export type TeamGame = Game & { team: NonNullable }; const isTeamGame = (game: Game): game is TeamGame => !== undefined; export const areTeamGames = (games?: Game[]): games is TeamGame[] => Boolean(games && games.filter((g) => isTeamGame(g)).length > 0); type GamesData = { data?: Game[]; loading: boolean; error?: Error | ApolloError; }; const MAX_EPOCHS = 30; /** * Converts the given variables (`teamId`, `epochFrom`, `epochTo`) of * `GamesQuery` into chunks so that the maximum difference between given * `epochFrom` and `epochTo` is not greater than the limit of `MAX_EPOCHS`. * * Example: When `epochFrom == 1` and `epochTo == 59` this function should * produce an array of variables consisting of two entries where: * - 1st chunk: `epochFrom == 1` and `epochTo == 31` * - 2nd chunk: `epochFrom == 32` and `epochTo == 59` */ const prepareVariables = ( teamId?: string, epochFrom?: number, epochTo?: number ) => { let from = epochFrom; const to = epochTo; if (isSafeInteger(from) && from < 1) from = 1; // make sure it's not negative let variables = [ { teamId, epochFrom: from, epochTo: to, }, ]; if (isSafeInteger(from) && isSafeInteger(to)) { // if the difference between "from" and "to" is greater than MAX_EPOCHS // then we need to divide the variables into N chunks. if (to - from > MAX_EPOCHS) { const N = Math.ceil((to - from) / MAX_EPOCHS); variables = Array(N) .fill(null) .map((_, i) => { const segmentFrom = Number(from) + MAX_EPOCHS * i; let segmentTo = Number(from) + MAX_EPOCHS * (i + 1) - 1; if (segmentTo > to) segmentTo = to; return { teamId, epochFrom: segmentFrom, epochTo: segmentTo, }; }); } } return variables; }; export const useGames = ( teamId?: string, epochFrom?: number, epochTo?: number ): GamesData => { const client = useApolloClient(); const { data: epochData, loading: epochLoading, error: epochError, } = useEpochInfoQuery({ skip: Boolean(epochFrom), }); const [games, setGames] = useState(undefined); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [error, setError] = useState( undefined ); const variables = useMemo(() => { let from = epochFrom; let to = epochTo; if (epochData? && !epochFrom) { const currentEpoch = Number(; from = currentEpoch - TEAMS_STATS_EPOCHS; to = currentEpoch; } if (!from) return []; return prepareVariables(teamId, from, to); }, [epochData?, epochFrom, epochTo, teamId]); /** * Because of the games API limitation to alway return max up to 30 epochs * worth of data (regardless of the actual span of given variables * `epochFrom` and `epochTo`) we need to do a trick of asking for longer * periods in a way of chunks that are then combined into one `games`. * * The code below uses the direct reference to the `ApolloClient` and runs * N queries (see `prepareVariables` function) in order to obtain the whole * set of data. */ useEffect(() => { if (loading || games || variables.length === 0) return; if (!loading) setLoading(true); const processChunks = async () => { const chunks = => client .query({ query: GamesDocument, variables: v, context: { isEnlargedTimeout: true }, }) .then(({ data, loading, error }) => ({ data, loading, error })) .catch(() => { /* NOOP */ }) ); try { const results = await Promise.allSettled(chunks); const games = results.reduce((all, r) => { if (r.status === 'fulfilled' && r.value) { const { data, error } = r.value; if (error) setError(error); const allGames = removePaginationWrapper(data?.games.edges); const allOrScoped = allGames .map((g) => ({ ...g, team: teamId ? findTeam(g.entities, teamId) : undefined, })) .filter((g) => { // passthrough if not scoped to particular team if (!teamId) return true; return isTeamGame(g); }); return [...all, ...allOrScoped]; } return all; }, [] as Game[]); if (games.length > 0) setGames(orderBy(games, 'epoch', 'desc')); } finally { setLoading(false); } }; processChunks(); }, [client, games, loading, teamId, variables]); return { data: games, loading: loading || epochLoading, error: error || epochError, }; };