import { GetStarted } from './get-started'; import { TradingAnchorButton } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit'; import { Links } from '../../lib/links'; import { Networks, useEnvironment } from '@vegaprotocol/environment'; import type { ReactNode } from 'react'; import { useTopTradedMarkets } from '../../lib/hooks/use-top-traded-markets'; import { useOnboardingStore } from '../../stores/onboarding'; import { useT } from '../../lib/use-t'; export const WelcomeDialogContent = () => { const t = useT(); const { VEGA_ENV } = useEnvironment(); const setDialog = useOnboardingStore((store) => store.setDialog); const dismiss = useOnboardingStore((store) => store.dismiss); const { data } = useTopTradedMarkets(); const marketId = data && data[0]?.id; const link = marketId ? Links.MARKET(marketId) : Links.MARKETS(); const lead = VEGA_ENV === Networks.MAINNET ? t('Start trading on the worlds most advanced decentralised exchange.') : t( 'Free from the risks of real trading, Fairground is a safe and fun place to try out Vega yourself with virtual assets.' ); return (