import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { gql, useSubscription } from '@apollo/client'; import { ethers } from 'ethers'; import { SHA3 } from 'sha3'; import { Order } from '@vegaprotocol/deal-ticket'; import { OrderType, useVegaWallet } from '@vegaprotocol/wallet'; import { useVegaTransaction } from './use-vega-transaction'; import { OrderEvent, OrderEventVariables, OrderEvent_busEvents_event_Order, } from '@vegaprotocol/graphql'; import { removeDecimal } from '@vegaprotocol/react-helpers'; const ORDER_EVENT_SUB = gql` subscription OrderEvent($partyId: ID!) { busEvents(partyId: $partyId, batchSize: 0, types: [Order]) { eventId block type event { ... on Order { type id status rejectionReason createdAt size price market { name decimalPlaces } } } } } `; interface UseOrderSubmitMarket { id: string; decimalPlaces: number; } export const useOrderSubmit = (market: UseOrderSubmitMarket) => { const { keypair } = useVegaWallet(); const { send, transaction, reset: resetTransaction } = useVegaTransaction(); const [id, setId] = useState(''); const [finalizedOrder, setFinalizedOrder] = useState(null); // Start a subscription looking for the newly created order useSubscription(ORDER_EVENT_SUB, { variables: { partyId: keypair?.pub || '' }, skip: !id, onSubscriptionData: ({ subscriptionData }) => { if (! { return; } // No types available for the subscription result const matchingOrderEvent = => { if (e.event.__typename !== 'Order') { return false; } if ( === id) { return true; } return false; }); if ( matchingOrderEvent && matchingOrderEvent.event.__typename === 'Order' ) { setFinalizedOrder(matchingOrderEvent.event); } }, }); useEffect(() => { if (finalizedOrder) { resetTransaction(); } }, [finalizedOrder, resetTransaction]); const submit = useCallback( async (order: Order) => { if (!keypair || !order.side) { return; } setFinalizedOrder(null); const res = await send({ pubKey:, propagate: true, orderSubmission: { marketId:, price: order.type === OrderType.Limit && order.price ? removeDecimal(order.price, market.decimalPlaces) : undefined, size: order.size, type: order.type, side: order.side, timeInForce: order.timeInForce, expiresAt: order.expiration ? // Wallet expects timestamp in nanoseconds, we don't have that level of accuracy so // just append 6 zeroes order.expiration.getTime().toString() + '000000' : undefined, }, }); if (res?.signature) { setId(determineId(res.signature).toUpperCase()); } }, [market, keypair, send] ); const reset = useCallback(() => { resetTransaction(); setFinalizedOrder(null); setId(''); }, [resetTransaction]); return { transaction, finalizedOrder, id, submit, reset, }; }; /** * This function creates an ID in the same way that core does on the backend. This way we * Can match up the newly created order with incoming orders via a subscription */ export const determineId = (sig: string) => { // Prepend 0x if (sig.slice(0, 2) !== '0x') { sig = '0x' + sig; } // Create the ID const hash = new SHA3(256); const bytes = ethers.utils.arrayify(sig); hash.update(Buffer.from(bytes)); const id = ethers.utils.hexlify(hash.digest()); // Remove 0x as core doesn't keep them in the API return id.substring(2); };