import { useEnvironment, useNodeHealth } from '@vegaprotocol/environment';
import { useNavigatorOnline } from '@vegaprotocol/react-helpers';
import { t } from '@vegaprotocol/i18n';
import { Indicator, Intent } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import type { ButtonHTMLAttributes, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { useGlobalStore } from '../../stores';
export const Footer = () => {
const { VEGA_URL } = useEnvironment();
const setNodeSwitcher = useGlobalStore(
(store) => (open: boolean) => store.update({ nodeSwitcherDialog: open })
const { blockDiff, datanodeBlockHeight } = useNodeHealth();
return (
interface NodeHealthProps {
url: string;
blockHeight: number | undefined;
blockDiff: number | null;
onClick: () => void;
export const NodeHealth = ({
}: NodeHealthProps) => {
return (
interface NodeUrlProps {
url: string;
export const NodeUrl = ({ url }: NodeUrlProps) => {
// get base url from api url, api sub domain
const urlObj = new URL(url);
const nodeUrl = urlObj.origin.replace(/^[^.]+\./g, '');
return {nodeUrl};
interface HealthIndicatorProps {
blockDiff: number | null;
// How many blocks behind the most advanced block that is
// deemed acceptable for "Good" status
export const HealthIndicator = ({ blockDiff }: HealthIndicatorProps) => {
const online = useNavigatorOnline();
let intent = Intent.Success;
let text = 'Operational';
if (!online) {
text = t('Offline');
intent = Intent.Danger;
} else if (blockDiff === null) {
// Block height query failed and null was returned
text = t('Non operational');
intent = Intent.Danger;
} else if (blockDiff >= BLOCK_THRESHOLD) {
text = t(`${blockDiff} Blocks behind`);
intent = Intent.Warning;
return (
type FooterButtonProps = ButtonHTMLAttributes;
const FooterButton = (props: FooterButtonProps) => {
const buttonClasses = classNames(
'px-2 py-0.5 rounded-md',
return ;
const FooterButtonPart = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
return (