import { useMarketList } from '@vegaprotocol/market-list'; import { addDecimalsFormatNumber, LocalStorage, titlefy, } from '@vegaprotocol/react-helpers'; import { AsyncRenderer } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit'; import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; import { useGlobalStore } from '../stores'; export function Index() { const { replace } = useRouter(); // The default market selected in the platform behind the overlay // should be the oldest market that is currently trading in continuous mode(i.e. not in auction). const { data, error, loading } = useMarketList(); const { riskNoticeDialog, update } = useGlobalStore((store) => ({ riskNoticeDialog: store.riskNoticeDialog, update: store.update, })); useEffect(() => { update({ landingDialog: true }); if (data) { const marketId = LocalStorage.getItem('marketId') ||[0]?.id; const marketName =[0]?; const marketPrice = data.marketsData[0]?.markPrice ? addDecimalsFormatNumber( data.marketsData[0]?.markPrice,[0].decimalPlaces ) : null; const pageTitle = titlefy([marketName, marketPrice]); if (marketId) { replace(`/markets/${marketId}`); update({ marketId, pageTitle }); } // Fallback to the markets list page else { replace('/markets'); } } }, [data, replace, riskNoticeDialog, update]); return ( {/* Render a loading and error state but we will redirect if markets are found */} {null} ); } Index.getInitialProps = () => ({ page: 'home', }); export default Index;