from os import environ
from subprocess import check_output
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import json

projects = []
projects_e2e = []

previews = {
  'governance': 'not deployed',
  'explorer': 'not deployed',
  'trading': 'not deployed',
  'tools': 'not deployed',

main_apps = ['governance', 'explorer', 'trading']

preview_governance="not deployed"
preview_trading="not deployed"
preview_explorer="not deployed"
preview_tools="not deployed"

# take input from the pipeline
parser = ArgumentParser()

# let's generate slug from bash spell for now
parser.add_argument('--branch-slug', help='slug of branch')
parser.add_argument('--github-ref', help='current github ref')
parser.add_argument('--event-name', help='name of event in CI')
args = parser.parse_args()

# run yarn affected command
affected=check_output(f'yarn nx print-affected --base={environ["NX_BASE"]} --head={environ["NX_HEAD"]} --select=projects'.split()).decode('utf-8')

# print useful information
print(">>>> debug")
print(f"NX_BASE: { environ['NX_BASE'] }")
print(f"NX_HEAD: { environ['NX_HEAD'] }")
print(f"Branch slug: {args.branch_slug}")
print(f"Current ref: {args.github_ref}")
print(">> Affected output")
print(">>>> eof debug")

# define affection actions -> add to projects arrays and generate preview link
def affect_app(app, preview_name=None):
  print(f"{app} is affected")
  if not preview_name:
  previews[app] = f'https://{preview_name}.{args.branch_slug}'

# check appearance in the affected string for main apps
for app in main_apps:
  if app in affected:

# if non of main apps is affected - test all of them
if not projects:
  for app in main_apps:

# generate e2e targets
projects_e2e = [f'{app}-e2e' for app in projects]

# check affection for multisig-signer which is deployed only from develop and pull requests
if args.event_name == 'pull_request' or 'develop' in args.github_ref:
  if 'multisig-signer' in affected:
    affect_app('multisig-signer', 'tools')

# now parse apps that are deployed from develop but don't have previews
if 'develop' in args.github_ref:
  for app in ['static', 'ui-toolkit']:
    if app in affected:

# if ref is in format release/{env}-{app} then only {app} is deployed
if 'release' in args.github_ref:
  for app in main_apps:
    if f'{args.github_ref}'.endswith(app):
      projects = [app]
      projects_e2e = [f'{app}-e2e']

projects = json.dumps(projects)
projects_e2e = json.dumps(projects_e2e)

print(f'Projects: {projects}')
print(f'Projects E2E: {projects_e2e}')

print('>> Previews')
for preview, preview_value in previews.items():
  print(f'{preview}: {preview_value}')
print('>> EOF Previews')

lines_to_write = [
env_file = environ['GITHUB_ENV']
print(f'Line to add to GITHUB_ENV file: {env_file}')
with open(env_file, 'a') as _f: