# Select network and nodes
## Startup
- **Must** automatically select a node from the environments network config stored in the [networks repo](https://github.com/vegaprotocol/networks) (0006-NETW-001)
## Network switcher
- **Must** see current network (0006-NETW-002)
- **Must** be able to change network (0006-NETW-003)
## Node health
- **Must** see node status
- Operational if node is less than 3 blocks behind (0006-NETW-004)
- Warning if greater than 3 blocks behind (0006-NETW-005)
- Warning if vega time is 3 seconds behind current time (0006-NETW-006)
- Prominent error if vega time is 10 seconds behind current time (0006-NETW-007)
- **Must** see current connected node (0006-NETW-008)
- **Must** see current block height (0006-NETW-009)
- **Must** see block height progressing (0006-NETW-010)
- **Must** see link to status and incidents site (0006-NETW-011)
## Node switcher
- **Must** be able to click on current node to open node switcher dialog (0006-NETW-012)
- In the node dialog
- **Must** must see all nodes provided by the [network config](https://github.com/vegaprotocol/networks) (0006-NETW-013)
- For each node
- **Must** see the response time of the node (0006-NETW-014)
- **Must** see the current block height (0006-NETW-015)
- **Must** see if subscriptions are working for that node (0006-NETW-016)
- **Must** be able to select and connect to any node, regardless of response time, block height or subscription status (0006-NETW-017)
- **Must** be able to select 'other' to input a node address and connect to it (0006-NETW-018)
- **Must** have disabled connect button if 'other' is selected but no url has been entered (0006-NETW-019)
- **Must** have disabled connect button if selected node is the current node (0006-NETW-020)