# Vega front-end monorepo The front-end monorepo provides a toolkit for building apps that interact with Vega, as well as the apps themselves. This repository is managed using [Nx](https://nx.dev). # 🔎 Applications in this repo ### [Block explorer](./apps/explorer) The Vega block explorer provides an interface that allows users to search for and see transactions, blocks, parties, assets, markets and more on the Vega chain. ### [Trading UI](./apps/trading) The trading interface built based on a component toolkit. It will provide a way for participants to interact with markets and provide resources for others to build additional open-source user interfaces. ### [Token](./apps/token) The utlity dApp for interacting with the Vega token and using its' utility. This includes; delegation, nomination, governance and redemption of tokens. ### [Explorer](./apps/explorer) The block explorer for the Vega network, showing details of raw chain states and the state of markets on the Vega network. ### [Stats](./apps/stats) An application for the status of the Vega network. Showing block height and other network activity. ### [Static](./apps/static) Hosting for static content being shared across apps, for example fonts. # 🧱 Libraries in this repo ### [UI toolkit](./libs/ui-toolkit) The UI toolkit contains a set of components used to build interfaces that can interact with the Vega protocol, and follow the design style of the project. It contains a storybook that can be served with `yarn nx run ui-toolkit:storybook`. ### [Tailwind CSS config](./libs/tailwindcss-config) The Tailwind CSS config contains theme that align default config with Vega design system. ### [Cypress](./libs/cypress) For shared Cypress logic, commands and steps. ### [Web3](./libs/web3) A ulitity library for connecting to the Ethereum network and interacting with Vega Web3 contracts. ### [React Helpers](./libs/react-helpers) Generic react helpers that can be used across multilpe applications, along with other utilties. # 💻 Develop ### Set up Check you have the correct version of Node. You can [install NVM to switch between node versions](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installing-and-updating). Then `NVM install`. Before you build you will need to `yarn install` in the root directory. The repository includes a number of template .env files for different networks. Copy from these to the .env file before `serve` to launch app with different network. You can serve any application with `yarn nx run :serve`. ### Build Run `nx build my-app` to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the `dist/` directory. Use the `--prod` flag for a production build. Run `nx serve my-app` for a dev server. Navigate to the port specified in `app//project.json`. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. ### Running tests Run `yarn nx run -e2e:e2e` to execute the e2e tests with [cypress](https://docs.cypress.io/), or `nx affected:e2e` will execute just the end-to-end tests affected by a change. You can use the `--watch` flag to open the cypress tests UI in watch mode, see [cypress executor](https://nx.dev/packages/cypress/executors/cypress) for all CLI flags. Run `nx test my-app` to execute the unit tests with [Jest](https://jestjs.io), or `nx affected:test` to execute just unit tests affected by a change. You can also use `--watch` with these test to run jest in watch mode, see [Jest executor](https://nx.dev/packages/jest/executors/jest) for all CLI flags. ### Formatting In CI linting, formatting and also run. These checks can be seen in the [CI workflow file](.github/workflows//test.yml). - To fix linting errors locally run `yarn nx lint --fix` - To fix formatting errors local run `yarn nx format` - For either command you may use `--all` to run across the entire repository ### Further help with Nx Visit the [Nx Documentation](https://nx.dev/getting-started/intro) to learn more. # Vegacapsule ## Explorer Follow the following steps to start using a local network with the Vega Explorer: 1. Prepare vegacapsule. Follow the [Vegacapsule instructions](https://github.com/vegaprotocol/vegacapsule#quick-start) 2. Build the explorer frontend application 3. Start the explorer frontend application with the `.env.vegacapsule` env file 4. Go to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your browser If you simply want to run Explorer locally, without using a local network: ```bash cd apps/explorer && cp .env.testnet .env.local yarn nx run explorer:serve ``` # 📑 License [MIT](./LICENSE)