import { removeDecimal, toNanoSeconds } from '@vegaprotocol/react-helpers'; import type { Market, Order } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { OrderTimeInForce, OrderType } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { ethers } from 'ethers'; import { sha3_256 } from 'js-sha3'; import type { OrderAmendmentBody, OrderSubmissionBody, Transaction, } from './connectors'; /** * Creates an ID in the same way that core does on the backend. This way we * Can match up the newly created order with incoming orders via a subscription */ export const determineId = (sig: string) => { return sha3_256(ethers.utils.arrayify('0x' + sig)); }; /** * Base64 encode a transaction object */ export const encodeTransaction = (tx: Transaction): string => { return ethers.utils.base64.encode( ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(JSON.stringify(tx)) ); }; export const normalizeOrderSubmission = ( order: OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'], decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number ): OrderSubmissionBody['orderSubmission'] => ({ ...order, price: order.type === OrderType.TYPE_LIMIT && order.price ? removeDecimal(order.price, decimalPlaces) : undefined, size: removeDecimal(order.size, positionDecimalPlaces), expiresAt: order.expiresAt && order.timeInForce === OrderTimeInForce.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTT ? toNanoSeconds(order.expiresAt) : undefined, }); export const normalizeOrderAmendment = ( order: Pick, market: Pick, price: string, size: string ): OrderAmendmentBody['orderAmendment'] => ({ orderId:, marketId:, price: removeDecimal(price, market.decimalPlaces), timeInForce: order.timeInForce, sizeDelta: size ? new BigNumber(removeDecimal(size, market.positionDecimalPlaces)) .minus(order.size) .toNumber() : 0, expiresAt: order.expiresAt ? toNanoSeconds(order.expiresAt) // Wallet expects timestamp in nanoseconds : undefined, });