import groupBy from 'lodash/groupBy'; import { render, screen, within } from '@testing-library/react'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import { RewardHistoryTable } from './rewards-history'; import { AccountType, AssetStatus } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { type AssetFieldsFragment } from '@vegaprotocol/assets'; const assets: Record = { asset1: { id: 'asset1', name: 'Asset 1', status: AssetStatus.STATUS_ENABLED, symbol: 'A ASSET', decimals: 0, quantum: '1', // @ts-ignore not needed source: {}, }, asset2: { id: 'asset2', name: 'Asset 2', status: AssetStatus.STATUS_ENABLED, symbol: 'B ASSET', decimals: 0, quantum: '1', // @ts-ignore not needed source: {}, }, }; const rewardSummaries = [ { node: { epoch: 9, assetId:, amount: '60', rewardType: AccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_MAKER_PAID_FEES, }, }, { node: { epoch: 8, assetId:, amount: '20', rewardType: AccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_MAKER_PAID_FEES, }, }, { node: { epoch: 8, assetId:, amount: '20', rewardType: AccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_AVERAGE_POSITION, }, }, { node: { epoch: 7, assetId:, amount: '300', rewardType: AccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_MARKET_PROPOSERS, }, }, { node: { epoch: 7, assetId:, amount: '300', rewardType: AccountType.ACCOUNT_TYPE_FEES_INFRASTRUCTURE, }, }, ]; const getCell = (cells: HTMLElement[], colId: string) => { return within( cells.find((c) => c.getAttribute('col-id') === colId) as HTMLElement ); }; describe('RewardsHistoryTable', () => { const props = { epochRewardSummaries: { edges: rewardSummaries, }, partyRewards: { edges: [], }, assets, pubKey: 'pubkey', epoch: 10, epochVariables: { from: 1, to: 10, }, onEpochChange: jest.fn(), loading: false, }; it('renders table with accounts summed up by asset', () => { render(); const containerLeft = within( document.querySelector('.ag-pinned-left-cols-container') as HTMLElement ); const pinnedRows = containerLeft.getAllByRole('row'); const containerCenter = within( document.querySelector('.ag-center-cols-container') as HTMLElement ); const rows = containerCenter.getAllByRole('row'); expect(rows).toHaveLength( Object.keys(groupBy(rewardSummaries, 'node.assetId')).length ); let row = within(rows[0]); let pinnedRow = within(pinnedRows[0]); let cells = [ ...pinnedRow.getAllByRole('gridcell'), ...row.getAllByRole('gridcell'), ]; let assetCell = getCell(cells, 'asset.symbol'); expect(assetCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-primary')).toHaveTextContent( assets.asset2.symbol ); expect(assetCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-secondary')).toHaveTextContent( ); // First row const marketCreationCell = getCell(cells, 'marketCreation'); expect( marketCreationCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-primary') ).toHaveTextContent('300'); expect( marketCreationCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-secondary') ).toHaveTextContent('50.00%'); const infrastructureFeesCell = getCell(cells, 'infrastructureFees'); expect( infrastructureFeesCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-primary') ).toHaveTextContent('300'); expect( infrastructureFeesCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-secondary') ).toHaveTextContent('50.00%'); let totalCell = getCell(cells, 'total'); expect(totalCell.getByText('600.00')).toBeInTheDocument(); // Second row row = within(rows[1]); pinnedRow = within(pinnedRows[1]); cells = [ ...pinnedRow.getAllByRole('gridcell'), ...row.getAllByRole('gridcell'), ]; assetCell = getCell(cells, 'asset.symbol'); expect(assetCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-primary')).toHaveTextContent( assets.asset1.symbol ); expect(assetCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-secondary')).toHaveTextContent( ); // check cells are summed and percentage of totals are shown const priceTakingCell = getCell(cells, 'priceTaking'); expect(priceTakingCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-primary')).toHaveTextContent( '80' ); expect( priceTakingCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-secondary') ).toHaveTextContent('80.00%'); const avgPositionCell = getCell(cells, 'averagePosition'); expect(avgPositionCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-primary')).toHaveTextContent( '20' ); expect( avgPositionCell.getByTestId('stack-cell-secondary') ).toHaveTextContent('20.00%'); totalCell = getCell(cells, 'total'); expect(totalCell.getByText('100.00')).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('changes epochs using pagination', async () => { const epochVariables = { from: 3, to: 4, }; const onEpochChange = jest.fn(); render( ); const fromInput = screen.getByLabelText('From epoch'); const toInput = screen.getByLabelText('to'); expect(fromInput).toHaveValue(epochVariables.from); expect(toInput).toHaveValue(; const buttons = within(screen.getByTestId('fromEpoch')).getAllByRole( 'button' ); const fromInc = buttons[0]; const decInc = buttons[1]; await; expect(onEpochChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ from: 4, to: 4 }); await; expect(onEpochChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ from: 2, to: 4 }); onEpochChange.mockClear(); await userEvent.type(fromInput, '1'); // no state control so typing will just append to whats there expect(onEpochChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ from: 31, to: 4 }); }); });