import compact from 'lodash/compact'; import { isAfter } from 'date-fns'; import type { VegaICellRendererParams, VegaValueFormatterParams, } from '@vegaprotocol/datagrid'; import { AgGridLazy as AgGrid } from '@vegaprotocol/datagrid'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { t } from '@vegaprotocol/i18n'; import { MarketState, MarketStateMapping } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { addDecimalsFormatNumber, getMarketExpiryDate, } from '@vegaprotocol/utils'; import { usePositionsQuery } from '@vegaprotocol/positions'; import type { MarketMaybeWithData } from '@vegaprotocol/market-list'; import { closedMarketsWithDataProvider } from '@vegaprotocol/market-list'; import { useVegaWallet } from '@vegaprotocol/wallet'; import { useAssetDetailsDialogStore } from '@vegaprotocol/assets'; import type { ColDef } from 'ag-grid-community'; import { SettlementDateCell } from './settlement-date-cell'; import { SettlementPriceCell } from './settlement-price-cell'; import { useDataProvider } from '@vegaprotocol/data-provider'; import { AsyncRenderer } from '@vegaprotocol/ui-toolkit'; type SettlementAsset = MarketMaybeWithData['tradableInstrument']['instrument']['product']['settlementAsset']; interface Row { id: string; code: string; name: string; decimalPlaces: number; state: MarketState; metadata: string[]; closeTimestamp: string | null; bestBidPrice: string | undefined; bestOfferPrice: string | undefined; markPrice: string | undefined; settlementDataOracleId: string; settlementDataSpecBinding: string; tradingTerminationOracleId: string; settlementAsset: SettlementAsset; realisedPNL: string | undefined; } export const Closed = () => { const { pubKey } = useVegaWallet(); const { data: marketData, loading, error, reload, } = useDataProvider({ dataProvider: closedMarketsWithDataProvider, variables: undefined, }); const { data: positionData } = usePositionsQuery({ variables: { partyId: pubKey || '', }, skip: !pubKey, }); // find a position for each market and add the realised pnl to // a normalized object const rowData = compact(marketData).map((market) => { const position = positionData?.party?.positionsConnection?.edges?.find( (edge) => { return ===; } ); const row: Row = { id:, code: market.tradableInstrument.instrument.code, name:, decimalPlaces: market.decimalPlaces, state: market.state, metadata: market.tradableInstrument.instrument.metadata.tags ?? [], closeTimestamp: market.marketTimestamps.close, bestBidPrice:, bestOfferPrice:, markPrice:, settlementDataOracleId: market.tradableInstrument.instrument.product, settlementDataSpecBinding: market.tradableInstrument.instrument.product.dataSourceSpecBinding .settlementDataProperty, tradingTerminationOracleId: market.tradableInstrument.instrument.product, settlementAsset: market.tradableInstrument.instrument.product.settlementAsset, realisedPNL: position?.node.realisedPNL, }; return row; }); return (