import type { CellClickedEvent } from 'ag-grid-community'; import compact from 'lodash/compact'; import { isAfter } from 'date-fns'; import type { VegaICellRendererParams, VegaValueFormatterParams, } from '@vegaprotocol/datagrid'; import { AgGrid, COL_DEFS } from '@vegaprotocol/datagrid'; import { useDataProvider } from '@vegaprotocol/data-provider'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import type { Asset } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import type { ProductType } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { MarketState, MarketStateMapping } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { addDecimalsFormatNumber, getMarketExpiryDate, } from '@vegaprotocol/utils'; import { closedMarketsWithDataProvider, getAsset } from '@vegaprotocol/markets'; import type { DataSourceFilterFragment } from '@vegaprotocol/markets'; import { useAssetDetailsDialogStore } from '@vegaprotocol/assets'; import { useMarketClickHandler } from '../../lib/hooks/use-market-click-handler'; import { SettlementDateCell } from './settlement-date-cell'; import { SettlementPriceCell } from './settlement-price-cell'; import { MarketCodeCell } from './market-code-cell'; import { MarketActionsDropdown } from './market-table-actions'; import { useT } from '../../lib/use-t'; type SettlementAsset = Pick< Asset, 'decimals' | 'name' | 'quantum' | 'id' | 'symbol' >; interface Row { id: string; code: string; name: string; decimalPlaces: number; state: MarketState; metadata: string[]; closeTimestamp: string | null; bestBidPrice: string | undefined; bestOfferPrice: string | undefined; markPrice: string | undefined; settlementDataOracleId: string; settlementDataSpecBinding: string; settlementDataSourceFilter: DataSourceFilterFragment | undefined; tradingTerminationOracleId: string; settlementAsset: SettlementAsset; productType: ProductType | undefined; successorMarketID: string | null | undefined; parentMarketID: string | null | undefined; } export const Closed = () => { const { data: marketData, error } = useDataProvider({ dataProvider: closedMarketsWithDataProvider, variables: undefined, }); const rowData = compact(marketData).map((market) => { const instrument = market.tradableInstrument.instrument; const spec = (instrument.product.__typename === 'Future' || instrument.product.__typename === 'Perpetual') && .__typename === 'DataSourceDefinitionExternal' ? .sourceType : undefined; const filters = (spec && 'filters' in spec && spec.filters) || []; const settlementDataSpecBinding = instrument.product.__typename === 'Future' || instrument.product.__typename === 'Perpetual' ? instrument.product.dataSourceSpecBinding.settlementDataProperty : ''; const filter = filters && Array.isArray(filters) ? filters?.find((filter) => { return === settlementDataSpecBinding; }) : undefined; const row: Row = { id:, code: instrument.code, name:, decimalPlaces: market.decimalPlaces, state: market.state, metadata: instrument.metadata.tags ?? [], closeTimestamp: market.marketTimestamps.close, bestBidPrice:, bestOfferPrice:, markPrice:, settlementDataOracleId: instrument.product.__typename === 'Future' || instrument.product.__typename === 'Perpetual' ? : '', settlementDataSpecBinding, settlementDataSourceFilter: filter, tradingTerminationOracleId: instrument.product.__typename === 'Future' ? : '', settlementAsset: getAsset({ tradableInstrument: { instrument } }), productType: instrument.product.__typename, successorMarketID: market.successorMarketID, parentMarketID: market.parentMarketID, }; return row; }); return ; }; const components = { MarketCodeCell, }; const ClosedMarketsDataGrid = ({ rowData, error, }: { rowData: Row[]; error: Error | undefined; }) => { const t = useT(); const handleOnSelect = useMarketClickHandler(); const openAssetDialog = useAssetDetailsDialogStore((store) =>; const colDefs = useMemo(() => { return [ { headerName: t('Market'), field: 'code', cellRenderer: 'MarketCodeCell', }, { headerName: t('Status'), field: 'state', valueFormatter: ({ value }: VegaValueFormatterParams) => { if (!value) return '-'; return MarketStateMapping[value]; }, }, { headerName: t('Settlement date'), colId: 'settlementDate', // colId needed if no field property provided otherwise column order is ruined in tests valueGetter: ({ data }: { data: Row }) => { return getMarketExpiryDate(data.metadata); }, cellRenderer: ({ value, data }: { value: Date | null; data: Row }) => { return ( ); }, cellClassRules: { 'text-danger': ({ value, data, }: { value: Date | null; data: Row; }) => { const date = data.closeTimestamp ? new Date(data.closeTimestamp) : value; if (!date) return false; if ( // expiry has passed and market is not yet settled isAfter(new Date(), date) && data.state !== MarketState.STATE_SETTLED ) { return true; } return false; }, }, }, { headerName: t('Best bid'), field: 'bestBidPrice', type: 'numericColumn', cellClass: 'font-mono ag-right-aligned-cell', valueFormatter: ({ value, data, }: VegaValueFormatterParams) => { if (!value || !data) return '-'; return addDecimalsFormatNumber(value, data.decimalPlaces); }, }, { headerName: t('Best offer'), field: 'bestOfferPrice', cellClass: 'font-mono ag-right-aligned-cell', type: 'numericColumn', valueFormatter: ({ value, data, }: VegaValueFormatterParams) => { if (!value || !data) return '-'; return addDecimalsFormatNumber(value, data.decimalPlaces); }, }, { headerName: t('Mark price'), field: 'markPrice', cellClass: 'font-mono ag-right-aligned-cell', type: 'numericColumn', valueFormatter: ({ value, data, }: VegaValueFormatterParams) => { if (!value || !data) return '-'; return addDecimalsFormatNumber(value, data.decimalPlaces); }, }, { headerName: t('Settlement price'), type: 'numericColumn', field: 'settlementDataOracleId', // '', cellRenderer: ({ value, data, }: VegaICellRendererParams) => ( ), }, { headerName: t('Settlement asset'), field: 'settlementAsset', cellRenderer: ({ value, }: VegaValueFormatterParams) => ( ), }, { colId: 'market-actions', ...COL_DEFS.actions, cellRenderer: ({ data }: VegaICellRendererParams) => { if (!data) return null; return ( ); }, }, ]; }, [openAssetDialog, t]); return (} overlayNoRowsTemplate={error ? error.message : t('No markets')} components={components} rowHeight={45} onCellClicked={({ data, column, event }: CellClickedEvent) => { if (!data) return; // prevent navigating to the market page if any of the below cells are clicked // event.preventDefault or event.stopPropagation dont seem to apply for aggird const colId = column.getColId(); if ( [ 'settlementDate', 'settlementDataOracleId', 'settlementAsset', 'market-actions', ].includes(colId) ) { return; } handleOnSelect(, // @ts-ignore metaKey exists event ? event.metaKey : false ); }} /> ); };