import type { RenderResult } from '@testing-library/react'; import { act, render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; import PositionsTable from './positions-table'; import type { Position } from './positions-data-providers'; import { MarketTradingMode } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; const singleRow: Position = { marketName: 'ETH/BTC (31 july 2022)', averageEntryPrice: '133', // 13.3 capitalUtilisation: 11, // 11.00% currentLeverage: 1.1, marketDecimalPlaces: 1, positionDecimalPlaces: 0, decimals: 2, totalBalance: '123456', assetSymbol: 'BTC', liquidationPrice: '83', // 8.3 lowMarginLevel: false, marketId: 'string', marketTradingMode: MarketTradingMode.TRADING_MODE_CONTINUOUS, markPrice: '123', // 12.3 notional: '12300', // 1230.0 openVolume: '100', // 100 realisedPNL: '123', // 1.23 unrealisedPNL: '456', // 4.56 searchPrice: '0', updatedAt: '2022-07-27T15:02:58.400Z', }; const singleRowData = [singleRow]; it('should render successfully', async () => { await act(async () => { const { baseElement } = render(); expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('Render correct columns', async () => { await act(async () => { render(); }); const headers = screen.getAllByRole('columnheader'); expect(headers).toHaveLength(9); expect( => h.querySelector('[ref="eText"]')?.textContent?.trim()) ).toEqual([ 'Market', 'Size', 'Mark price', 'Entry price', 'Leverage', 'Margin allocated', 'Realised PNL', 'Unrealised PNL', 'Updated', ]); }); it('Splits market name', async () => { await act(async () => { render(); }); expect(screen.getByText('ETH/BTC')).toBeTruthy(); expect(screen.getByText('31 july 2022')).toBeTruthy(); }); it('Does not fail if the market name does not match the split pattern', async () => { const breakingMarketName = 'OP/USD AUG-SEP22 - Incentive'; const row = [ Object.assign({}, singleRow, { marketName: breakingMarketName }), ]; await act(async () => { render(); }); expect(screen.getByText(breakingMarketName)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('add color and sign to amount, displays positive notional value', async () => { let result: RenderResult; await act(async () => { result = render(); }); let cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); let values = cells[1].querySelectorAll('.text-right'); expect(values[0].classList.contains('text-vega-green-dark')).toBeTruthy(); expect(values[0].classList.contains('text-vega-red-dark')).toBeFalsy(); expect(values[0].textContent).toEqual('+100'); expect(values[1].textContent).toEqual('1,230.0'); await act(async () => { result.rerender( ); }); cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); values = cells[1].querySelectorAll('.text-right'); expect(values[0].classList.contains('text-vega-green-dark')).toBeFalsy(); expect(values[0].classList.contains('text-vega-red-dark')).toBeTruthy(); expect(values[0].textContent?.startsWith('-100')).toBeTruthy(); expect(values[1].textContent).toEqual('1,230.0'); }); it('displays mark price', async () => { let result: RenderResult; await act(async () => { result = render(); }); let cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); expect(cells[2].textContent).toEqual('12.3'); await act(async () => { result.rerender( ); }); cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); expect(cells[2].textContent).toEqual('-'); }); it("displays properly entry, liquidation price and liquidation bar and it's intent", async () => { let result: RenderResult; await act(async () => { result = render(); }); let cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); let cell = cells[3]; const entryPrice = cell.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild?.textContent; const liquidationPrice = cell.firstElementChild?.lastElementChild?.textContent; const progressBarTrack = cell.lastElementChild; let progressBar = progressBarTrack?.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; const progressBarWidth = progressBar?.style?.width; expect(entryPrice).toEqual('13.3'); expect(liquidationPrice).toEqual('8.3'); expect(progressBar.classList.contains('bg-warning')).toEqual(false); expect(progressBarWidth).toEqual('20%'); await act(async () => { result.rerender( ); }); cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); cell = cells[3]; progressBar = cell.lastElementChild?.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; expect(progressBar?.classList.contains('bg-warning')).toEqual(true); }); it('displays leverage', async () => { await act(async () => { render(); }); const cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); expect(cells[4].textContent).toEqual('1.1'); }); it('displays allocated margin and margin bar', async () => { await act(async () => { render(); }); const cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); const cell = cells[5]; const capitalUtilisation = cell.firstElementChild?.firstElementChild?.textContent; const totalBalance = cell.firstElementChild?.lastElementChild?.textContent; const progressBarTrack = cell.lastElementChild; const progressBar = progressBarTrack?.firstElementChild as HTMLElement; const progressBarWidth = progressBar?.style?.width; expect(capitalUtilisation).toEqual('11.00%'); expect(totalBalance).toEqual('1,234.56'); expect(progressBarWidth).toEqual('11%'); }); it('displays realised and unrealised PNL', async () => { await act(async () => { render(); }); const cells = screen.getAllByRole('gridcell'); expect(cells[6].textContent).toEqual('1.23'); expect(cells[7].textContent).toEqual('4.56'); });