import { gql, useSubscription } from '@apollo/client'; import type { DepositEvent, DepositEventVariables, DepositEvent_busEvents_event_Deposit, } from './__generated__/DepositEvent'; import { DepositStatus } from '@vegaprotocol/types'; import { useState } from 'react'; import { useEthereumTransaction } from '@vegaprotocol/react-helpers'; import type { VegaErc20Bridge } from '@vegaprotocol/smart-contracts-sdk'; const DEPOSIT_EVENT_SUB = gql` subscription DepositEvent($partyId: ID!) { busEvents(partyId: $partyId, batchSize: 0, types: [Deposit]) { eventId block type event { ... on Deposit { id txHash status } } } } `; export const useSubmitDeposit = ( contract: VegaErc20Bridge | null, confirmations: number ) => { const [confirmationEvent, setConfirmationEvent] = useState(null); // Store public key from contract arguments for use in the subscription, // NOTE: it may be different from the users connected key const [partyId, setPartyId] = useState(null); const transaction = useEthereumTransaction<{ assetSource: string; amount: string; vegaPublicKey: string; }>((args) => { if (!contract) { return null; } // New deposit started clear old confirmation event and start // tracking deposits for the new public key setConfirmationEvent(null); setPartyId(args.vegaPublicKey); return contract.depositAsset( args.assetSource, args.amount, args.vegaPublicKey ); }, confirmations); useSubscription(DEPOSIT_EVENT_SUB, { variables: { partyId: partyId || '' }, skip: !partyId, onSubscriptionData: ({ subscriptionData }) => { if (! { return; } const matchingDeposit = => { if (e.event.__typename !== 'Deposit') { return false; } if ( e.event.txHash === transaction.txHash && // Note there is a bug in data node where the subscription is not emitted when the status // changes from 'Open' to 'Finalized' as a result the deposit UI will hang in a pending state right now // e.event.status === DepositStatus.Finalized ) { return true; } return false; }); if (matchingDeposit && matchingDeposit.event.__typename === 'Deposit') { setConfirmationEvent(matchingDeposit.event); } }, }); return { ...transaction, confirmationEvent, }; };