# Find markets
## Closed Markets
- **Must** see market's instrument code (6001-MARK-001)
- **Must** see market's instrument name (sometimes labelled 'description') (6001-MARK-002)
- **Must** see status (6001-MARK-003)
- **Must** see the settlement date (6001-MARK-004)
- **Must** use `marketTimestamps.closed` field if market is indeed closed (6001-MARK-005)
- **Must** fallback to using the `settlement-expiry-date:` if market is not fully settled but trading is terminated (6001-MARK-006)
- **Must** indicate if the date shown is 'expected' (metadata value) or if it is the true closed datetime (`marketTimestamps.closed`) (6001-MARK-007)
- **Must** show the date formatted for the user's locale (6001-MARK-008)
- **Must** link to the trading termination oracle spec (6001-MARK-009)
- **Could** show the settlement date as words relative to now (E.G. '2 days ago') (6001-MARK-010)
- **Must** show the last best bid price (6001-MARK-011)
- **Must** show the last best offer price (6001-MARK-012)
- **Must** show the final mark price (6001-MARK-013)
- **Must** show the settlement price (6001-MARK-014)
- **Must** link to the settlement data oracle spec (6001-MARK-015)
- **Must** retrieve settlement data from corresponding oracle spec (6001-MARK-016)
- **Must** show the settlement asset (6001-MARK-018)
- **Must** be able to view full asset details (6001-MARK-019)
- **Must** provide a way to copy the market ID (6001-MARK-020)
- **Must** show when a closed market has a successor market (6001-MARK-068)
- **Must** get to a successor market from a closed market i.e. there is a link (6001-MARK-069)
- if there is no markets:
- **Must** show No markets info (6001-MARK-034)
## Market Selector
- **Must** see market's instrument code (6001-MARK-021)
- **Must** see market's instrument name (sometimes labelled 'description') (6001-MARK-022)
- **Must** see 24hr price change (6001-MARK-023)
- **Must** see current price (6001-MARK-024)
- **Must** price movements over last 24hr (sparkline) (6001-MARK-025)
- **Must** be linked to all markets page (6001-MARK-026)
- **Must** be able to filter by product type (6001-MARK-027)
- **Must** be able to filter by settlement asset (6001-MARK-028)
- **Must** be able to search by instrument code and instrument name (6001-MARK-029)
- **Must** be able to sort
- by top gaining market (6001-MARK-030)
- by top losing market (6001-MARK-031)
- by newest markets (opening timestamp) (6001-MARK-032)
- **Must** be able to close and open the market selector (6001-MARK-066)
- **Must** must change color and have + or negative suffix of the price change and change color for the sparkline (6001-MARK-067)
## All Markets
- **Must** see market's instrument code (6001-MARK-035)
- **Must** see market's instrument name (sometimes labelled 'description') (6001-MARK-036)
- **Must** see Trading mode (6001-MARK-037)
- **Must** see status (6001-MARK-038)
- **Must** show the last best bid price (6001-MARK-039)
- **Must** show the last best offer price (6001-MARK-040)
- **Must** show the final mark price (6001-MARK-041)
- **Must** show the settlement asset (6001-MARK-042)
- **Must** be able to view full asset details (6001-MARK-043)
- **Must** see status action menu (6001-MARK-044)
- **Must** provide a way to copy the market ID (6001-MARK-045)
- **Must** provide a way to view on Explorer (6001-MARK-046)
- **Must** provide a way to view asset (6001-MARK-047)
- **Must** be able to sort each column by asc and dsc (6001-MARK-064)
- **Must** be able to drag and drop column names to re order (6001-MARK-065)
- if there is no markets:
- **Must** show No markets info (6001-MARK-048)
## Proposed markets
- **Must** see market's instrument code (6001-MARK-049)
- **Must** see market's instrument name (sometimes labelled 'description') (6001-MARK-050)
- **Must** show the settlement asset (6001-MARK-051)
- **Must** see state (6001-MARK-052)
- **Must** see if proposal is set to pass or fail (6001-MARK-053)
- **Must** see voting (6001-MARK-054)
- **Must** see if proposal has enough votes (6001-MARK-055)
- **Must** see closing date (6001-MARK-056)
- **Must** see enactment date (6001-MARK-057)
- **Must** see status action menu (6001-MARK-058)
- **Must** provide a way to view proposal (6001-MARK-059)
- **Must** provide a way to propose a new market (6001-MARK-060)
- **Must** be able to sort each column by asc and dsc (6001-MARK-062)
- **Must** be able to drag and drop column names to re order (6001-MARK-063)
- if there is no markets:
- **Must** show No data info (6001-MARK-061)