Rewrite ipfs-deploy to work differently

Feedback on the initial PR pointed out the flaw that just assuming
that the previous commit was HEAD~1 would be inaccurate, so this
rewrite instead fetches the appropriate commit for each Fleek project,
does the appropriate nx affected call, and triggers a deploy.

This allows for each project to independently get deployed only when
there is a change that affects it on master.

The script is written to have no dependencies, and lazily uses curl
instead of node http. It feels a bit icky, but for a build script feels
reasonable. Also as the header comment notes, it seems like an nx build
script would be more appropriate, but because it needs the appropriate
commit for each project, I resorted to a shell script.

- Rewrite ./tools/ipfs-deploy.js
This commit is contained in:
Edd 2022-04-11 18:51:32 +01:00
parent 079d09e3d9
commit bfdb1e0b62

View File

@ -1,73 +1,140 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
* Runs the fleek deploy process based on nx:affected, but only for sites
* that have a .fleek.json file
* Run on Github by commits to master, this script:
* 1. Gets all projects with a fleek configuration file
* 2. Gets the last commit for the relevant site id
* 3. Runs nx:affected for that commit ID and checks if the site has changed
* 4. Calls deploy if it has
* This would probably be best as an NX task, but the circular nature of getting
* the fleek ID for the project, then checking if it was affected didn't fit within the
* build-only-affected cycle, and as each fleek deploy will have been triggered by
* a different commit, it seemed best to do this outwith nx. Feel free to re-implement
* this if the assumptions are wrong.
* It has also been written to skip external dependencies.
const { existsSync } = require('fs');
const { existsSync, readdirSync, lstatSync, readFileSync } = require('fs');
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
* Parses the last commit hash out of the Fleek API response
* @param {String} siteId
* @returns string Last commit that triggered a build
function getFleekLastBuildCommit(siteId) {
const curl = `curl '' --silent -X POST -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: ${process.env['FLEEK_API_KEY']}' --data-raw '{"query":"{getSiteById(siteId: \\"${siteId}\\"){publishedDeploy{repository{commit}}}}","variables":null}'`;
const fleekRes = execSync(curl);
const res = JSON.parse(fleekRes.toString());
let commit =;
return commit;
function triggerDeploy(siteId) {
const curl = `curl '' --silent -X POST -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: ${process.env['FLEEK_API_KEY']}' --data-raw '{"query":"mutation {triggerDeploy(commit: \\"HEAD\\", siteId: \\"${siteId}\\"){status}}","variables":null}'`;
const fleekRes = execSync(curl);
const res = JSON.parse(fleekRes.toString());
// Will have thrown if it failed
return true;
// The folder containing NX projects
const projectPath = './apps/';
// The Fleek project file, the existence indicates a deployed app
const fleekFile = '.fleek.json';
// Some simple stats for the end
let fleekProjects = 0;
let deployedProjects = 0;
// Fleek CLI requires this variable to be set
if (!process.env['FLEEK_API_KEY']) {
console.error('Error: FLEEK_API_KEY must be set');
// The folder containing NX projects
const projectPath = './apps/';
// The Fleek project file, the existence indicates a deployed app
const fleekFile = '.fleek.json';
// Command to run in each app that needs to be deployed
const deployCommand = 'npx @fleekhq/fleek-cli@0.1.8 site:deploy';
// Await piped input
// This hangs for input, and process.exit ensures it only triggers one
process.stdin.on('data', function (affectedProjectsString) {
// If there is no input, nothing is affected. Bail early.
if (affectedProjectsString.trim().length === 0) {
console.log('Success: No projects affected');
readdirSync(projectPath).forEach((proj) => {
try {
const project = `${projectPath}${proj}`;
if (!lstatSync(project).isDirectory()) {
// It's not a project folder, skip it
// Handle multiple projects or a single project being affected
let affectedProjects =
affectedProjectsString.indexOf(',') !== -1
? affectedProjectsString.split(',')
: [affectedProjectsString.trim()];
const config = `${project}/${fleekFile}`;
if (!existsSync(config)) {
// No fleek file, skip it
let affectedProjectsCount = 0;
affectedProjects.forEach((p) => {
const cleanedProjectName = p.trim();;
// Path (from cwd) for the project, used for execSync if it's a fleek project
const project = `${projectPath}${cleanedProjectName}/`;
// The UID for the site according to the config
let siteId;
// Specific file to check for the existence of
const fleekFilePath = `${project}${fleekFile}`;
try {
const fleekConfig = JSON.parse(readFileSync(config));
siteId =;
if (existsSync(fleekFilePath)) {
console.log(`Fleek site ID: ${siteId}`);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to read Fleek site id for ${proj}`);
}`${cleanedProjectName} requires deployment`);
// The last commit that triggered a build
let baseCommit;
// This will throw if it fails to trigger
execSync(deployCommand, { cwd: project });
try {
baseCommit = getFleekLastBuildCommit(siteId);
console.log(`Last deploy: ${baseCommit}`);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to fetch last deploy for ${proj}`);
// Now run nx affected
let isAffected;
try {
const affectedSinceCommit = execSync(
`yarn nx print-affected --base=${baseCommit} --head=master --select=projects`
isAffected = affectedSinceCommit.toString().indexOf(proj) !== -1;
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to run nx:affected for ${baseCommit}:master`);
if (isAffected) {
console.log(`Triggering deploy for: ${siteId}`);
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to trigger deploy for ${proj}`);
} else {
console.log(`Has not changed since last build, skipping...`);
} catch (e) {
// If we made it here, either we didn't have any projects to deploy...
if (affectedProjectsCount === 0) {
console.log('Success: No Fleek projects affected');
} else {
// ... or all the projects deployed successfully...
console.log(`Success: ${affectedProjectsCount} deployments triggered`);
// ... so either way it's considered success
console.log(`Fleek projects: ${fleekProjects}`);
console.log(`Deploys triggered: ${deployedProjects}`);