urbit files

This commit is contained in:
zramsay 2024-03-13 16:25:25 +00:00
parent 3830ddd2dc
commit 523e8ab90d
113 changed files with 3913 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
self.__SSG_MANIFEST=new Set,self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB&&self.__SSG_MANIFEST_CB();

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
"use strict";(self.webpackChunk_N_E=self.webpackChunk_N_E||[]).push([[521],{11492:function(e,s,l){l.r(s),l.d(s,{default:function(){return _}});var t=l(52322),r=l(2784),i=l(74248),n=l(75720),a=l(27834),d=l(65395),o=l(96291),c=l(91233),x=l(39494),h=l(55168);let j=()=>{let e=(0,h.N)(),{pubKey:s}=(0,x.qt)(),{data:l,error:r}=(0,c.x5)({dataProvider:o.Jg,variables:{partyId:s||""},skip:!s});return s?(0,t.jsx)(o.x4,{rowData:l,overlayNoRowsTemplate:r?r.message:e("No deposits")}):(0,t.jsx)(a.hX,{children:e("Please connect Vega wallet")})};var u=l(95756),p=l(58970),f=l(34209),g=l(17136);let m=()=>{let e=(0,h.N)(),{pubKey:s}=(0,x.qt)(),{data:l,error:r}=(0,c.x5)({dataProvider:n.WS,variables:{partyId:s||""},skip:!s}),{ready:i,delayed:d}=(0,n.Xh)();return s?(0,t.jsx)(n.P7,{"data-testid":"withdrawals-history",rowData:l,overlayNoRowsTemplate:r?r.message:e("No withdrawals"),ready:i,delayed:d}):(0,t.jsx)(a.hX,{children:e("Please connect Vega wallet")})};var v=l(1954),y=l(69022),w=l(84693),b=l(74883);let N=()=>{var e,s,l;let r=(0,h.N)(),i=(0,w.O7)(e=>e.VEGA_URL),{pubKey:n}=(0,x.qt)(),{data:d,loading:o}=(0,b.qg)({variables:{partyId:n||""},skip:!n}),c=(null!==(l=null==d?void 0:null===(e=d.party)||void 0===e?void 0:null===(s=e.accountsConnection)||void 0===s?void 0:s.edges)&&void 0!==l?l:[]).map(e=>{var s;return null==e?void 0:null===(s=e.node)||void 0===s?void 0:s.asset}).filter(e=>!!(null==e?void 0:e.id)).reduce((e,s)=>Object.assign(e,{[s.id]:s.symbol}),{});return n?i?o?(0,t.jsx)("div",{className:"relative flex items-center justify-center w-full h-full",children:(0,t.jsx)(a.aN,{})}):Object.keys(c).length?(0,t.jsx)(y.qy,{partyId:n,vegaUrl:i,assets:c}):(0,t.jsx)(a.hX,{children:(0,t.jsx)("p",{children:r("No ledger entries to export")})}):(0,t.jsx)(a.hX,{children:(0,t.jsx)("p",{children:r("Environment not configured")})}):(0,t.jsx)(a.hX,{children:(0,t.jsx)("p",{children:r("Please connect Vega wallet")})})};var k=l(24417),K=l(39626),O=l(22787),S=l(9834);let C=()=>{let e=(0,h.N)(),s=(0,S.y)(),l=(0,K.Ap)(e=>e.setViews);return(0,t.jsx)(a.ay,{size:"extra-small",onClick:()=>l({type:K.bW.Deposit},s),"data-testid":"deposit-button",children:e("Deposit")})},P=()=>{let e=(0,h.N)(),s=(0,K.Ap)(e=>e.setViews),l=(0,S.y)();return(0,t.jsx)(a.ay,{size:"extra-small",onClick:()=>s({type:K.bW.Withdraw},l),"data-testid":"withdraw-dialog-button",children:e("Make withdrawal")})};var V=l(88484),W=l(55338);let X=()=>{let{ready:e}=(0,n.Xh)();return e&&0!==e.length?(0,t.jsx)("span",{className:"p-1 leading-none rounded bg-vega-clight-500 dark:bg-vega-cdark-500 text-default",children:e.length}):null},E=()=>{let e=(0,S.y)(),{getView:s,setViews:l}=(0,K.Ap)(),t=s(e);return(0,r.useEffect)(()=>{void 0===t&&l({type:K.bW.Transfer},e)},[t,l,e]),null},_=()=>{let e=(0,h.N)();(0,W.T)(e("Portfolio"));let[s,l]=(0,k.Cc)({id:"portfolio"});return(0,t.jsxs)("div",{className:"p-0.5 h-full max-h-full flex flex-col",children:[(0,t.jsx)(E,{}),(0,t.jsxs)(k.t9,{vertical:!0,onChange:l,children:[(0,t.jsx)(k.CV,{minSize:75,children:(0,t.jsx)(q,{children:(0,t.jsxs)(a.BK,{storageKey:"console-portfolio-top-1",children:[(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"positions",name:e("Positions"),menu:(0,t.jsx)(g.H,{}),settings:(0,t.jsx)(f.W7,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-positions",children:(0,t.jsx)(f.Lr,{allKeys:!0})})}),(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"orders",name:e("Orders"),settings:(0,t.jsx)(v.n_,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-orders",children:(0,t.jsx)(v.rx,{})})}),(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"fills",name:e("Fills"),settings:(0,t.jsx)(u.P8,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-fills",children:(0,t.jsx)(u.tE,{})})}),(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"funding-payments",name:e("Funding payments"),settings:(0,t.jsx)(p.o2,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-funding-payments",children:(0,t.jsx)(p.fQ,{})})}),(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"ledger-entries",name:e("Ledger entries"),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-ledger",children:(0,t.jsx)(N,{})})})]})})}),(0,t.jsx)(k.CV,{priority:i.g1.Low,preferredSize:s[1]||300,minSize:50,children:(0,t.jsx)(q,{children:(0,t.jsxs)(a.BK,{storageKey:"console-portfolio-bottom",children:[(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"collateral",name:e("Collateral"),settings:(0,t.jsx)(d.bd,{}),menu:(0,t.jsx)(O.v,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-accounts",children:(0,t.jsx)(d.VJ,{})})}),(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"deposits",name:e("Deposits"),menu:(0,t.jsx)(C,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-deposit",children:(0,t.jsx)(j,{})})}),(0,t.jsx)(a.OK,{id:"withdrawals",name:e("Withdrawals"),indicator:(0,t.jsx)(X,{}),menu:(0,t.jsx)(P,{}),children:(0,t.jsx)(V.S,{feature:"portfolio-deposit",children:(0,t.jsx)(m,{})})})]})})})]})]})},q=e=>{let{children:s}=e;return(0,t.jsx)("section",{className:"h-full p-1",children:(0,t.jsx)("div",{className:"h-full border rounded-sm border-default",children:s})})}}}]);

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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window._env_ = {};

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"{{balance}} above <0>maintenance level</0>": "{{balance}} above <0>maintenance level</0>",
"Account type": "Account type",
"Amount": "Amount",
"Amount below minimum requirement set by transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple": "Amount below minimum requirement set by transfer.minTransferQuantumMultiple",
"Amount below minimum requirements for partial transfer. Use max to bypass": "Amount below minimum requirements for partial transfer. Use max to bypass",
"Amount cannot be 0": "Amount cannot be 0",
"Amount to be transferred": "Amount to be transferred",
"Asset": "Asset",
"Asset is the collateral that is deposited into the Vega protocol.": "Asset is the collateral that is deposited into the Vega protocol.",
"Available": "Available",
"Balance": "Balance",
"balance": "balance",
"Cannot transfer to the same account type for the connected key": "Cannot transfer to the same account type for the connected key",
"Collateral not used": "Collateral not used",
"Confirm transfer": "Confirm transfer",
"Copy asset ID": "Copy asset ID",
"Current key: {{pubKey}}": "Current key: {{pubKey}}",
"Currently allocated to a market as margin or bond. Check the breakdown for details.": "Currently allocated to a market as margin or bond. Check the breakdown for details.",
"Deposit": "Deposit",
"Deposited on the network, but not allocated to a market. Free to use for placing orders or providing liquidity.": "Deposited on the network, but not allocated to a market. Free to use for placing orders or providing liquidity.",
"Enter manually": "Enter manually",
"From account": "From account",
"initial level": "initial level",
"maintenance level": "maintenance level",
"Margin health": "Margin health",
"Market": "Market",
"No accounts": "No accounts",
"None": "None",
"Please select": "Please select",
"Please select an asset": "Please select an asset",
"release level": "release level",
"search level": "search level",
"Select from wallet": "Select from wallet",
"The total amount of each asset on this key. Includes used and available collateral.": "The total amount of each asset on this key. Includes used and available collateral.",
"The total amount taken from your account. The amount to be transferred plus the fee.": "The total amount taken from your account. The amount to be transferred plus the fee.",
"The total amount to be transferred (without the fee)": "The total amount to be transferred (without the fee)",
"To account": "To account",
"To Vega key": "To Vega key",
"Total": "Total",
"Total amount (with fee)": "Total amount (with fee)",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"Transfer fee": "Transfer fee",
"TRANSFER_FUNDS_TO_ANOTHER_KNOWN_VEGA_KEY": "Transfer funds to another Vega key <0>{{pubKey}}</0>. If you are at all unsure, stop and seek advice.",
"TRANSFER_FUNDS_TO_ANOTHER_VEGA_KEY": "Transfer funds to another Vega key. If you are at all unsure, stop and seek advice.",
"usage breakdown": "usage breakdown",
"Use max": "Use max",
"Used": "Used",
"View asset details": "View asset details",
"View on Etherscan": "View on Etherscan",
"View usage breakdown": "View usage breakdown",
"Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"You cannot transfer more than available": "You cannot transfer more than available",
"You have {{value}} {{symbol}} in total.": "You have {{value}} {{symbol}} in total."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"A Vega builtin asset": "A Vega builtin asset",
"An asset originated from an Ethereum ERC20 Token": "An asset originated from an Ethereum ERC20 Token",
"Asset can be used on the Vega network": "Asset can be used on the Vega network",
"Asset details - {{symbol}}": "Asset details - {{symbol}}",
"Asset has been proposed to the network": "Asset has been proposed to the network",
"Asset has been rejected": "Asset has been rejected",
"Asset needs to be added to the Ethereum bridge": "Asset needs to be added to the Ethereum bridge",
"Asset not found": "Asset not found",
"Builtin asset": "Builtin asset",
"Close": "Close",
"Contract address": "Contract address",
"Copy address to clipboard": "Copy address to clipboard",
"Copy id to clipboard": "Copy id to clipboard",
"Decimals": "Decimals",
"Enabled": "Enabled",
"ERC20": "ERC20",
"Fetching balance…": "Fetching balance…",
"Global reward pool account balance": "Global reward pool account balance",
"ID": "ID",
"Infrastructure fee account balance": "Infrastructure fee account balance",
"Lifetime limit": "Lifetime limit",
"Liquidity provision fee reward account balance": "Liquidity provision fee reward account balance",
"Maker paid fees account balance": "Maker paid fees account balance",
"Maker received fees account balance": "Maker received fees account balance",
"Market proposer reward account balance": "Market proposer reward account balance",
"Max faucet amount": "Max faucet amount",
"Maximum amount that can be requested by a party through the built-in asset faucet at a time": "Maximum amount that can be requested by a party through the built-in asset faucet at a time",
"Name": "Name",
"No data": "No data",
"Number of decimal / precision handled by this asset": "Number of decimal / precision handled by this asset",
"Pending listing": "Pending listing",
"Proposed": "Proposed",
"Quantum": "Quantum",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Status": "Status",
"Symbol": "Symbol",
"The address of the contract for the token, on the ethereum network": "The address of the contract for the token, on the ethereum network",
"The global rewards acquired in this asset": "The global rewards acquired in this asset",
"The infrastructure fee account in this asset": "The infrastructure fee account in this asset",
"The lifetime deposit limit per address. Note: this is a temporary measure that can be changed or removed through governance": "The lifetime deposit limit per address. Note: this is a temporary measure that can be changed or removed through governance",
"The minimum economically meaningful amount of the asset": "The minimum economically meaningful amount of the asset",
"The rewards acquired based on fees received for being a maker on trades": "The rewards acquired based on fees received for being a maker on trades",
"The rewards acquired based on the fees paid to makers in this asset": "The rewards acquired based on the fees paid to makers in this asset",
"The rewards acquired based on the liquidity provision fees in this asset": "The rewards acquired based on the liquidity provision fees in this asset",
"The rewards acquired based on the market proposer reward in this asset": "The rewards acquired based on the market proposer reward in this asset",
"The status of the asset in the Vega network": "The status of the asset in the Vega network",
"There is 1 unit of the settlement asset ({{assetSymbol}}) to every 1 quote unit.": "There is 1 unit of the settlement asset ({{assetSymbol}}) to every 1 quote unit.",
"Type": "Type",
"WITHDRAW_THRESHOLD_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "The maximum you can withdraw instantly. There's no limit on the size of a withdrawal, but all withdrawals over the threshold will have a delay time added to them",
"Withdrawal threshold": "Withdrawal threshold"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"No open orders": "No open orders"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"{{orderType}} (Iceberg)": "{{orderType}} (Iceberg)",
"{{reference}} {{side}} {{offset}} Peg limit": "{{reference}} {{side}} {{offset}} Peg limit",
"Depending on data node retention you may not be able see the full history": "Depending on data node retention you may not be able see the full history",
"End": "End",
"Liquidity provision": "Liquidity provision",
"Load more": "Load more",
"Loading...": "Loading...",
"No data": "No data",
"No rows matching selected filters": "No rows matching selected filters",
"paginationAllLoaded": "all {{count}} rows loaded",
"paginationAllLoaded_one": "all {{count}} row loaded",
"paginationAllLoaded_other": "all {{count}} rows loaded",
"paginationLoaded": "{{count}} rows loaded",
"paginationLoaded_one": "{{count}} row loaded",
"paginationLoaded_other": "{{count}} rows loaded",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Start": "Start",
"The earliest data that can be queried is {{maxSubDays}} days ago.": "The earliest data that can be queried is {{maxSubDays}} days ago.",
"The maximum time range that can be queried is {{maxDaysRange}} days.": "The maximum time range that can be queried is {{maxDaysRange}} days."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
"\"Post only\" can not be used on \"Fill or Kill\" or \"Immediate or Cancel\" orders.": "\"Post only\" can not be used on \"Fill or Kill\" or \"Immediate or Cancel\" orders.",
"\"Post only\" will ensure the order is not filled immediately but is placed on the order book as a passive order. When the order is processed it is either stopped (if it would not be filled immediately), or placed in the order book as a passive order until the price taker matches with it.": "\"Post only\" will ensure the order is not filled immediately but is placed on the order book as a passive order. When the order is processed it is either stopped (if it would not be filled immediately), or placed in the order book as a passive order until the price taker matches with it.",
"\"Reduce only\" can be used only with non-persistent orders, such as \"Fill or Kill\" or \"Immediate or Cancel\".": "\"Reduce only\" can be used only with non-persistent orders, such as \"Fill or Kill\" or \"Immediate or Cancel\".",
"\"Reduce only\" will ensure that this order will not increase the size of an open position. When the order is matched, it will only trade enough volume to bring your open volume towards 0 but never change the direction of your position. If applied to a limit order that is not instantly filled, the order will be stopped.": "\"Reduce only\" will ensure that this order will not increase the size of an open position. When the order is matched, it will only trade enough volume to bring your open volume towards 0 but never change the direction of your position. If applied to a limit order that is not instantly filled, the order will be stopped.",
"{{amount}} {{assetSymbol}} is currently required": "{{amount}} {{assetSymbol}} is currently required",
"{{triggerTrailingPercentOffset}}% trailing": "{{triggerTrailingPercentOffset}}% trailing",
"A release candidate for the staging environment": "A release candidate for the staging environment",
"above": "above",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"All available funds in your general account will be used to finance your margin if the market moves against you.": "All available funds in your general account will be used to finance your margin if the market moves against you.",
"An estimate of the most you would be expected to pay in fees, in the market's settlement asset {{assetSymbol}}. Fees estimated are \"taker\" fees and will only be payable if the order trades aggressively. Rebate equal to the maker portion will be paid to the trader if the order trades passively.": "An estimate of the most you would be expected to pay in fees, in the market's settlement asset {{assetSymbol}}. Fees estimated are \"taker\" fees and will only be payable if the order trades aggressively. Rebate equal to the maker portion will be paid to the trader if the order trades passively.",
"Any orders placed now will not trade until the auction ends": "Any orders placed now will not trade until the auction ends",
"below": "below",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Changing the margin mode will move {{amount}} {{symbol}} from your general account to fund the position.": "Changing the margin mode will move {{amount}} {{symbol}} from your general account to fund the position.",
"Changing the margin mode and leverage will move {{amount}} {{symbol}} from your general account to fund the position.": "Changing the margin mode and leverage will move {{amount}} {{symbol}} from your general account to fund the position.",
"Closed": "Closed",
"Closing on {{time}}": "Closing on {{time}}",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"Could not load market": "Could not load market",
"Cross": "Cross",
"Cross margin": "Cross margin",
"Current margin allocation": "Current margin allocation",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Deduction from collateral": "Deduction from collateral",
"DEDUCTION_FROM_COLLATERAL_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "To cover the required margin, this amount will be drawn from your general ({{assetSymbol}}) account.",
"Deposit {{assetSymbol}}": "Deposit {{assetSymbol}}",
"Devnet": "Devnet",
"Discount": "Discount",
"EST_TOTAL_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Estimated total margin that will cover open positions, active orders and this order.",
"Est. uncrossing price": "Est. uncrossing price",
"Est. uncrossing vol": "Est. uncrossing vol",
"Expire": "Expire",
"Expiry time/date": "Expiry time/date",
"Fairground": "Fairground",
"Fairground testnet": "Fairground testnet",
"Fees": "Fees",
"Find out more": "Find out more",
"For full details please see <0>liquidation price estimate documentation</0>.": "For full details please see <0>liquidation price estimate documentation</0>.",
"Iceberg": "Iceberg",
"ICEBERG_TOOLTIP": "Trade only a fraction of the order size at once. After the peak size of the order has traded, the size is reset. This is repeated until the order is cancelled, expires, or its full volume trades away. For example, an iceberg order with a size of 1000 and a peak size of 100 will effectively be split into 10 orders with a size of 100 each. Note that the full volume of the order is not hidden and is still reflected in the order book.",
"Infrastructure fee": "Infrastructure fee",
"Isolated {{leverage}}x": "Isolated {{leverage}}x",
"Isolated margin": "Isolated margin",
"Leverage": "Leverage",
"Limit": "Limit",
"Liquidation": "Liquidation",
"LIQUIDATION_PRICE_ESTIMATE_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "This is an approximation for the liquidation price for that particular contract position, assuming nothing else changes, which may affect your margin and collateral balances.",
"Liquidity fee": "Liquidity fee",
"Long": "Long",
"Mainnet": "Mainnet",
"Mainnet-mirror": "Mainnet-mirror",
"Make a deposit": "Make a deposit",
"Maker fee": "Maker fee",
"Margin required": "Margin required",
"MARGIN_ACCOUNT_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Margin account balance.",
"MARGIN_DIFF_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "The additional margin required for your new position (taking into account volume and open orders), compared to your current margin. Measured in the market's settlement asset ({{assetSymbol}}).",
"Market": "Market",
"Minimum size": "Minimum size",
"Minimum visible size cannot be greater than the peak size ({{peakSize}})": "Minimum visible size cannot be greater than the peak size ({{peakSize}})",
"Minimum visible size cannot be lower than {{sizeStep}}": "Minimum visible size cannot be lower than {{sizeStep}}",
"No public key selected": "No public key selected",
"No trading enabled for this market.": "No trading enabled for this market.",
"Not enough liquidity to open": "Not enough liquidity to open",
"Notional": "Notional",
"NOTIONAL_SIZE_TOOLTIP_TEXT": "The notional size represents the position size in the settlement asset {{quoteName}} of the futures contract. This is calculated by multiplying the number of contracts by the prices of the contract. For example 10 contracts traded at a price of $50 has a notional size of $500.",
"OCO": "OCO",
"One cancels the other": "One cancels the other",
"Only limit orders are permitted when market is in auction": "Only limit orders are permitted when market is in auction",
"Only your allocated margin will be used to fund this position, and if the maintenance margin is breached you will be closed out.": "Only your allocated margin will be used to fund this position, and if the maintenance margin is breached you will be closed out.",
"You have an existing position on this market.": "You have an existing position on this market.",
"youHaveOpenOrders_one": "You have an open order on this market.",
"youHaveOpenOrders_other": "You have open orders on this market.",
"youHaveOpenOrders": "You have open orders on this market.",
"youHaveOpenPositionAndOrders_one": "You have an existing position and and open order on this market.",
"youHaveOpenPositionAndOrders_other": "You have an existing position and open orders on this market.",
"youHaveOpenPositionAndOrders": "You have an existing position and open orders on this market.",
"Peak size": "Peak size",
"Peak size cannot be greater than the size ({{size}})": "Peak size cannot be greater than the size ({{size}})",
"Peak size cannot be lower than {{stepSize}}": "Peak size cannot be lower than {{stepSize}}",
"Place limit order": "Place limit order",
"Place limit stop order": "Place limit stop order",
"Place market order": "Place market order",
"Place market stop order": "Place market stop order",
"Place OCO stop order": "Place OCO stop order",
"Post only": "Post only",
"Price": "Price",
"Price cannot be lower than {{priceStep}}": "Price cannot be lower than {{priceStep}}",
"Projected margin": "Projected margin",
"Propose a network parameter change": "Propose a network parameter change",
"Public testnet run by the Vega team, often used for incentives": "Public testnet run by the Vega team, often used for incentives",
"Reduce only": "Reduce only",
"Referral discount": "Referral discount",
"Set the leverage you want below. The maximum leverage you can take is determined by the risk model of the market.": "Set the leverage you want below. The maximum leverage you can take is determined by the risk model of the market.",
"Short": "Short",
"Size": "Size",
"Size cannot be lower than {{sizeStep}}": "Size cannot be lower than {{sizeStep}}",
"sizeAtPrice-market": "market",
"Stagnet": "Stagnet",
"Stop": "Stop",
"Stop Limit": "Stop Limit",
"Stop Market": "Stop Market",
"Stop order will be triggered immediately": "Stop order will be triggered immediately",
"Strategy": "Strategy",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Subtotal": "Subtotal",
"terminated": "terminated",
"The expiry date that you have entered appears to be in the past": "The expiry date that you have entered appears to be in the past",
"The latest Vega code auto-deployed": "The latest Vega code auto-deployed",
"The mainnet-mirror network": "The mainnet-mirror network",
"The maximum volume that can be traded at once. Must be less than the total size of the order.": "The maximum volume that can be traded at once. Must be less than the total size of the order.",
"The validator deployed testnet": "The validator deployed testnet",
"The vega mainnet": "The vega mainnet",
"There is a limit of {{maxNumberOfOrders}} active stop orders per market. Orders submitted above the limit will be immediately rejected.": "There is a limit of {{maxNumberOfOrders}} active stop orders per market. Orders submitted above the limit will be immediately rejected.",
"This is a new market in an opening auction to determine a fair mid-price before starting continuous trading.": "This is a new market in an opening auction to determine a fair mid-price before starting continuous trading.",
"This is the standard trading mode where trades are executed whenever orders are received.": "This is the standard trading mode where trades are executed whenever orders are received.",
"This market has been suspended via a governance vote and can be resumed or terminated by further votes.": "This market has been suspended via a governance vote and can be resumed or terminated by further votes.",
"This market is {{marketState}} and not accepting orders": "This market is {{marketState}} and not accepting orders",
"This market is in auction due to high price volatility.": "This market is in auction due to high price volatility.",
"This market is in auction until it reaches sufficient liquidity.": "This market is in auction until it reaches sufficient liquidity.",
"This market is in opening auction until it has reached enough liquidity to move into continuous trading.": "This market is in opening auction until it has reached enough liquidity to move into continuous trading.",
"This market may have sufficient liquidity but there are not enough priced limit orders in the order book, which are required to deploy liquidity commitment pegged orders.": "This market may have sufficient liquidity but there are not enough priced limit orders in the order book, which are required to deploy liquidity commitment pegged orders.",
"Time in force": "Time in force",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK": "Fill or Kill (FOK)",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_GFA": "Good for Auction (GFA)",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_GFN": "Good for Normal (GFN)",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC": "Good 'til Cancelled (GTC)",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_GTT": "Good 'til Time (GTT)",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_IOC": "Immediate or Cancel (IOC)",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_SELECTOR_LIQUIDITY_MONITORING_AUCTION": "This market is in auction until it reaches <0>sufficient liquidity</0>. Until the auction ends, you can only place GFA, GTT, or GTC limit orders.",
"TIME_IN_FORCE_SELECTOR_PRICE_MONITORING_AUCTION": "This market is in auction due to <0>high price volatility</0>. Until the auction ends, you can only place GFA, GTT, or GTC limit orders.",
"Total": "Total",
"Total fees": "Total fees",
"Total margin available": "Total margin available",
"TOTAL_MARGIN_AVAILABLE": "Total margin available = general {{assetSymbol}} balance ({{generalAccountBalance}} {{assetSymbol}}) + margin balance ({{marginAccountBalance}} {{assetSymbol}}) + order margin balance ({{orderMarginAccountBalance}} {{assetSymbol}}) - maintenance level ({{marginMaintenance}} {{assetSymbol}}).",
"No trading": "No trading",
"TP / SL": "TP / SL",
"TP_SL_TOOLTIP": "Take profit / Stop loss",
"Take profit": "Take profit",
"Stop loss": "Stop loss",
"The price for take profit.": "The price for take profit.",
"The price for stop loss.": "The price for stop loss.",
"Trailing percent offset cannot be higher than 99.9": "Trailing percent offset cannot be higher than 99.9",
"Trailing percent offset cannot be lower than {{trailingPercentOffsetStep}}": "Trailing percent offset cannot be lower than {{trailingPercentOffsetStep}}",
"Trailing percentage offset": "Trailing percentage offset",
"Trigger": "Trigger",
"Type": "Type",
"TYPE_SELECTOR_LIQUIDITY_MONITORING_AUCTION": "This market is in auction until it reaches <0>sufficient liquidity</0>. Only limit orders are permitted when market is in auction.",
"TYPE_SELECTOR_PRICE_MONITORING_AUCTION": "This market is in auction due to <0>high price volatility</0>. Only limit orders are permitted when market is in auction.",
"Until the auction ends, you can only place GFA, GTT, or GTC limit orders": "Until the auction ends, you can only place GFA, GTT, or GTC limit orders",
"Volume discount": "Volume discount",
"When the order trades and its size falls below this threshold, it will be reset to the peak size and moved to the back of the priority order. Must be less than or equal to peak size, and greater than 0.": "When the order trades and its size falls below this threshold, it will be reset to the peak size and moved to the back of the priority order. Must be less than or equal to peak size, and greater than 0.",
"You are setting this market to cross-margin mode.": "You are setting this market to cross-margin mode.",
"You are setting this market to isolated margin mode.": "You are setting this market to isolated margin mode.",
"You have only {{amount}}.": "You have only {{amount}}.",
"You have an existing position and open orders on this market": "You have an existing position and open orders on this market",
"You may not have enough margin available to open this position.": "You may not have enough margin available to open this position.",
"You need {{symbol}} in your wallet to trade in this market.": "You need {{symbol}} in your wallet to trade in this market.",
"You need a Vega wallet to start trading on this market": "You need a Vega wallet to start trading on this market",
"You need provide a expiry time/date": "You need provide a expiry time/date",
"You need provide a price": "You need provide a price",
"You need provide a trailing percent offset": "You need provide a trailing percent offset",
"You need to connect your own wallet to start trading on this market": "You need to connect your own wallet to start trading on this market",
"You need to provide a minimum visible size": "You need to provide a minimum visible size",
"You need to provide a peak size": "You need to provide a peak size",
"You need to provide a size": "You need to provide a size",
"Your max leverage on each position will be determined by the risk model of the market.": "Your max leverage on each position will be determined by the risk model of the market."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"{{assetSymbol}} has been deposited in your Ethereum wallet": "{{assetSymbol}} has been deposited in your Ethereum wallet",
"Amount": "Amount",
"Approval failed": "Approval failed",
"Approve {{assetSymbol}}": "Approve {{assetSymbol}}",
"Approve again to deposit more than {{allowance}}": "Approve again to deposit more than {{allowance}}",
"USDT approved amount cannot be changed, only revoked. Revoke and reapprove to deposit more than {{allowance}}.": "USDT approved amount cannot be changed, only revoked. Revoke and reapprove to deposit more than {{allowance}}.",
"Asset": "Asset",
"Balance available": "Balance available",
"Before you can make a deposit of your chosen asset, {{assetSymbol}}, you need to approve its use in your Ethereum wallet": "Before you can make a deposit of your chosen asset, {{assetSymbol}}, you need to approve its use in your Ethereum wallet",
"Confirm the transaction in your Ethereum wallet to use the {{assetSymbol}} faucet": "Confirm the transaction in your Ethereum wallet to use the {{assetSymbol}} faucet",
"Connect": "Connect",
"Connect Ethereum wallet": "Connect Ethereum wallet",
"Could not verify balances of account": "Could not verify balances of account",
"Deposit": "Deposit",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Enter manually": "Enter manually",
"Ethereum deposit cap": "Ethereum deposit cap",
"Exempt": "Exempt",
"Faucet of {{symbol}} failed": "Faucet of {{symbol}} failed",
"From (Ethereum address)": "From (Ethereum address)",
"Get {{assetSymbol}}": "Get {{assetSymbol}}",
"Go to your Ethereum wallet and approve the transaction to enable the use of {{assetSymbol}}": "Go to your Ethereum wallet and approve the transaction to enable the use of {{assetSymbol}}",
"Please select": "Please select",
"Please select an asset": "Please select an asset",
"Remaining deposit allowance": "Remaining deposit allowance",
"Revoke {{assetSymbol}} approval": "Revoke {{assetSymbol}} approval",
"Select from wallet": "Select from wallet",
"The {{symbol}} faucet is not available at this time": "The {{symbol}} faucet is not available at this time",
"The deposit cap is set when you approve an asset for use with this app. To increase this cap, approve {{assetSymbol}} again and choose a higher cap. Check the documentation for your Ethereum wallet app for details.": "The deposit cap is set when you approve an asset for use with this app. To increase this cap, approve {{assetSymbol}} again and choose a higher cap. Check the documentation for your Ethereum wallet app for details.",
"The faucet transaction was rejected by the connected Ethereum wallet": "The faucet transaction was rejected by the connected Ethereum wallet",
"This app only works on {{chainId}}. Switch your Ethereum wallet to the correct network.": "This app only works on {{chainId}}. Switch your Ethereum wallet to the correct network.",
"To (Vega key)": "To (Vega key)",
"To date, {{currentDeposit}} {{assetSymbol}} has been deposited from this Ethereum address, so you can deposit up to {{remainingDeposit}} {{assetSymbol}} more.": "To date, {{currentDeposit}} {{assetSymbol}} has been deposited from this Ethereum address, so you can deposit up to {{remainingDeposit}} {{assetSymbol}} more.",
"Use maximum": "Use maximum",
"VEGA has a lifetime deposit limit of {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}} per address. This can be changed through governance": "VEGA has a lifetime deposit limit of {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}} per address. This can be changed through governance",
"View asset details": "View asset details",
"View on Etherscan": "View on Etherscan",
"You approved deposits of up to {{assetSymbol}} {{approvedAllowanceValue}}.": "You approved deposits of up to {{assetSymbol}} {{approvedAllowanceValue}}.",
"You can't deposit more than you have in your Ethereum wallet, {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}}": "You can't deposit more than you have in your Ethereum wallet, {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}}",
"You can't deposit more than your approved deposit amount, {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}}": "You can't deposit more than your approved deposit amount, {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}}",
"You can't deposit more than your remaining deposit allowance, {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}}": "You can't deposit more than your remaining deposit allowance, {{amount}} {{assetSymbol}}",
"You have exceeded the maximum number of faucet attempts allowed": "You have exceeded the maximum number of faucet attempts allowed",
"Your {{assetSymbol}} approval is being confirmed by the Ethereum network. When this is complete, you can continue your deposit": "Your {{assetSymbol}} approval is being confirmed by the Ethereum network. When this is complete, you can continue your deposit",
"Your request for funds from the {{assetSymbol}} faucet is being confirmed by the Ethereum network": "Your request for funds from the {{assetSymbol}} faucet is being confirmed by the Ethereum network"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
"A release candidate for the staging environment": "A release candidate for the staging environment",
"Advanced": "Advanced",
"Block": "Block",
"blocksBehind_one": "{{count}} Block behind",
"blocksBehind_other": "{{count}} Blocks behind",
"blocksBehind": "{{count}} Blocks behind",
"Change node": "Change node",
"Check": "Check",
"Checking": "Checking",
"Connect to this node": "Connect to this node",
"Connected node": "Connected node",
"current": "current",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Devnet": "Devnet",
"Erroneous latency ( >{{errorLatency}} sec): {{blockUpdateLatency}} sec": "Erroneous latency ( >{{errorLatency}} sec): {{blockUpdateLatency}} sec",
"Fairground": "Fairground",
"Fairground testnet": "Fairground testnet",
"Mainnet": "Mainnet",
"Mainnet-mirror": "Mainnet-mirror",
"n/a": "n/a",
"No": "No",
"Node": "Node",
"Non operational": "Non operational",
"not available": "not available",
"Offline": "Offline",
"Operational": "Operational",
"Other": "Other",
"Propose a network parameter change": "Propose a network parameter change",
"Public testnet run by the Vega team, often used for incentives": "Public testnet run by the Vega team, often used for incentives",
"Response time": "Response time",
"Stagnet": "Stagnet",
"Subscription": "Subscription",
"The latest Vega code auto-deployed": "The latest Vega code auto-deployed",
"The mainnet-mirror network": "The mainnet-mirror network",
"The validator deployed testnet": "The validator deployed testnet",
"The vega mainnet": "The vega mainnet",
"This app will only work on {{VEGA_ENV}}. Select a node to connect to.": "This app will only work on {{VEGA_ENV}}. Select a node to connect to.",
"View on Etherscan (opens in a new tab)": "View on Etherscan (opens in a new tab)",
"Warning delay ( >{{warningLatency}} sec): {{blockUpdateLatency}} sec": "Warning delay ( >{{warningLatency}} sec): {{blockUpdateLatency}} sec",
"Yes": "Yes"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"Copy buy order ID": "Copy buy order ID",
"Copy sell order ID": "Copy sell order ID",
"Copy trade ID": "Copy trade ID",
"Date": "Date",
"Fee": "Fee",
"Fee Discount": "Fee Discount",
"Fees to be paid by the taker; discounts are already applied.": "Fees to be paid by the taker; discounts are already applied.",
"During continuous trading the maker pays no infrastructure and liquidity fees.": "During continuous trading the maker pays no infrastructure and liquidity fees.",
"During auction, half the infrastructure and liquidity fees will be paid.": "During auction, half the infrastructure and liquidity fees will be paid.",
"Infrastructure Fee": "Infrastructure Fee",
"Market": "Market",
"No fills": "No fills",
"Notional": "Notional",
"Price": "Price",
"Referral Discount": "Referral Discount",
"Role": "Role",
"Size": "Size",
"Volume Discount": "Volume Discount"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Amount": "Amount",
"Date": "Date",
"Market": "Market",
"No funding payments": "No funding payments"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
"{{address}} has {{balance}} VEGA tokens in {{tranches}} tranches of the vesting contract.": "The connected Ethereum wallet ({{address}}) has {{balance}} $VEGA tokens in {{tranches}} tranche(s) of the vesting contract.",
"{{amount}} VEGA tokens have been returned to Ethereum wallet": "{{amount}} $VEGA tokens have been returned to Ethereum wallet",
"{{amount}} VEGA tokens have been returned to Vesting contract": "{{amount}} $VEGA tokens have been returned to Vesting contract",
"67% voting power required": "67% voting power required",
"AboutThisValidatorDescription": "External URL provided by the validator linking to information about themselves",
"Account": "Account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_BOND": "Bond account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_EXTERNAL": "External account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_FEES_INFRASTRUCTURE": "Infrastructure fees account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_FEES_LIQUIDITY": "Liquidity fees account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_FEES_MAKER": "Maker fees account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_GENERAL": "General account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_GLOBAL_INSURANCE": "Global insurance account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_GLOBAL_REWARD": "Global reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_HOLDING": "Holding account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_INSURANCE": "Insurance account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_LP_LIQUIDITY_FEES": "Liquidity provider fees account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_MARGIN": "Margin account ",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_NETWORK_TREASURY": "Network treasury account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_PENDING_FEE_REFERRAL_REWARD": "Pending fee referral reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_PENDING_TRANSFERS": "Pending transfers account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_AVERAGE_POSITION": "Average position reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_LP_RECEIVED_FEES": "Liquidity provider received fees reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_MAKER_PAID_FEES": "Maker paid fees reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_MAKER_RECEIVED_FEES": "Maker received fees reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_MARKET_PROPOSERS": "Market proposers reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_RELATIVE_RETURN": "Relative return reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_RETURN_VOLATILITY": "Return volatility reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_VALIDATOR_RANKING": "Validator ranking reward account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_SETTLEMENT": "Settlement account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_VESTED_REWARDS": "Vested rewards account",
"ACCOUNT_TYPE_VESTING_REWARDS": "Vesting rewards account",
"Across all tranches": "Across all tranches",
"activeNodes": "active nodes",
"Add Stake": "Add Stake",
"Add the Vega vesting token to your wallet to track how much you Vega you have in the vesting contract.": "Add the Vega vesting token to your wallet to track how much you Vega you have in the vesting contract.",
"addressMismatch": "<red>Error:</red> The address you are connected to is <bold>not</bold> the address the claim is valid for. To claim these tokens please connect with <bold>{{target}}</bold>.",
"addTokenToWallet": "Show this token in your Ethereum wallet",
"against": "Against",
"All the tokens in this tranche are locked and can not be redeemed yet.": "All the tokens in this tranche are locked and can not be redeemed yet.",
"All the tokens in this tranche are locked and must be assigned to a tranche before they can be redeemed.": "All the tokens in this tranche are locked and must be assigned to a tranche before they can be redeemed.",
"All VEGA tokens in the connected wallet is already associated with a Vega wallet/key": "All $VEGA tokens in the connected wallet are already associated with a Vega Wallet/key",
"All VEGA tokens vesting in the connected wallet have already been associated.": "All $VEGA tokens vesting in the connected wallet have already been associated.",
"AllProposals": "All proposals",
"AllValidators": "All validators",
"alreadyRedeemed": "Already redeemed",
"Amount of VEGA": "Amount of $VEGA",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Any Tokens that have been nominated to a node will sacrifice any Rewards they are due for the current epoch. If you do not wish to sacrifices fees you should remove stake from a node at the end of an epoch before disassocation.": "If you disassociate tokens that have been nominated to a node, you will sacrifice any rewards they are due for the current epoch. If you do not wish to sacrifice rewards, remove your stake from a node at the end of an epoch before disassociating.",
"approval (% validator voting power)": "approval (% validator voting power)",
"approvalStatus": "Approval status",
"Approve VEGA tokens for staking on Vega": "Approve $VEGA tokens for staking on Vega",
"approvers": "Approvers",
"as soon as possible": "now",
"Asset change": "Asset change",
"Asset ID: <lozenge>{{id}}</lozenge>": "Asset ID: <lozenge>{{id}}</lozenge>",
"assets": "Assets",
"assetSpecification": "Asset specification",
"associate": "Associate",
"Associate VEGA tokens": "Associate $VEGA tokens",
"Associate VEGA Tokens with key": "Associate $VEGA Tokens with key",
"associateButton": "Associate $VEGA tokens with wallet",
"Associated": "Associated",
"associated": "Associated",
"associatedVega": "Associated",
"associatedWithVegaKeys": "Associated with Vega keys",
"associateInfo1": "To participate in governance or to nominate a Validator you'll need to associate $VEGA tokens with a Vega wallet/key.",
"associateInfo2": "If you already have $VEGA tokens nominated to validators, your newly associated tokens will automatically be nominated to the same validators, in the same proportion.",
"associateNoVega": "Your connected Ethereum address does not have any $VEGA to associate",
"associateVegaNow": "Associate $VEGA now",
"Associating {{amount}} VEGA tokens with Vega key {{vegaKey}}": "Associating {{amount}} $VEGA tokens with Vega key {{vegaKey}}",
"Associating Tokens": "Associating with Vega key",
"associationChoice": "You have $VEGA tokens held by the vesting contract. Would you like to associate those or associate $VEGA directly from your wallet?",
"associationPendingWaitingForVega": "Waiting for Vega to credit key...",
"at the end of epoch": "at the end of epoch",
"Awaiting action in Ethereum wallet (e.g. MetaMask)": "Awaiting action in Ethereum wallet (e.g. MetaMask)",
"Awaiting next epoch": "Waiting for next epoch to start...",
"Back": "Back",
"back": "back",
"backToStaking": "Back to Staking",
"Balance": "Balance",
"Batch proposal": "Batch proposal",
"BenefitTierMinimumActivityStreak": "Minimum activity streak",
"BenefitTierMinimumActivityStreakDescription": "The minimum number of times the party needs to have completed the activity",
"BenefitTierMinimumEpochs": "Minimum epochs",
"BenefitTierMinimumEpochsDescription": "The minimum number of epochs the party needs to be in the referral set to be eligible for the benefit",
"BenefitTierMinimumQuantumBalance": "Minimum quantum balance",
"BenefitTierMinimumQuantumBalanceDescription": "The minimum amount of the vesting token to qualify",
"BenefitTierMinimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume": "Minimum running notional taker volume",
"BenefitTierMinimumRunningNotionalTakerVolumeDescription": "The minimum running notional for the given benefit tier",
"BenefitTierReferralDiscountFactor": "Referral discount factor",
"BenefitTierReferralDiscountFactorDescription": "The proportion of the referee's taker fees to be discounted",
"BenefitTierReferralRewardFactor": "Referral reward factor",
"BenefitTierReferralRewardFactorDescription": "The proportion of the referee's taker fees to be rewarded to the referrer",
"BenefitTierRewardMultiplier": "Reward multiplier",
"BenefitTierRewardMultiplierDescription": "The multiplier",
"BenefitTiers": "Benefit tiers",
"BenefitTierVestingMultiplier": "Vesting multiplier",
"BenefitTierVestingMultiplierDescription": "Vesting multiplier for the tier",
"BenefitTierVolumeDiscountFactor": "Volume discount factor",
"BenefitTierVolumeDiscountFactorDescription": "Discount given to those in this benefit tier",
"blockCountdown": "Waiting for {{amount}} more confirmations...",
"byLiquidityVote": "by liquidity vote",
"byLPVote": "by LP vote",
"byTokenVote": "by token vote",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"cancelPendingEpochNomination": "Cancel pending epoch nomination",
"CancelTransfer": "Cancel transfer",
"CancelTransferProposal": "Cancel transfer proposal",
"castYourVote": "Cast your vote",
"Change <lozenge>{{key}}</lozenge> to <lozenge>{{value}}</lozenge>": "Change <lozenge>{{key}}</lozenge> to <lozenge>{{value}}</lozenge>",
"changeVote": "Change vote",
"Check to see if you can redeem unlocked VEGA tokens": "Check to see if you can redeem unlocked $VEGA tokens",
"Check your vesting VEGA tokens": "Check your vesting $VEGA tokens",
"checkBackSoon": "Check back soon",
"Checking Vega wallet status": "Checking Vega Wallet status",
"checkingForProvider": "Checking for provider",
"Circulating supply": "Circulating supply",
"claim": "This code ({{code}}) entitles <bold>{{user}}</bold> to <bold>{{amount}} $VEGA</bold> tokens from <trancheLink>{{linkText}}</trancheLink> of the vesting contract. {{expiry}}.",
"Claim {amount} Vega": "Claim {{amount}} $VEGA",
"Claim expires": "Claim expires",
"Claim tokens": "Claim tokens",
"Claim transaction": "Claim transaction",
"claimComplete": "Claim successful",
"claimCompleteMessage": "Ethereum address {{address}} now has a vested right to {{balance}} $VEGA tokens, and can redeem these once unlocked",
"claimExpiry": "The code expires on {{date}}",
"claimNoExpiry": "It has no expiry date",
"claimNotReady": "You must complete step 2 first.",
"closedOn": "Closed on",
"closedProposals": "Closed proposals",
"closesOn": "Closes on",
"CloseTimeTooLate": "Close time too late",
"CloseTimeTooSoon": "Close time too soon",
"Code": "Code",
"codeExpired": "Code expired",
"codeUsed": "Code already used",
"codeUsedText": "Looks like that code has already been used. Check the Vesting page to see if you can redeem your tokens.",
"collateral": "Collateral",
"commitBody": "This links your claim to a specific Ethereum address to prevent it being used by another person",
"commitTitle": "Link claim to your Ethereum address",
"Community": "Community",
"Complete": "Complete",
"confirmationsRemaining": "{{confirmations}} of {{required}} blocks to go",
"confirmed": "Confirmed",
"Connect to see your stake": "Connect to see your stake",
"connectAVegaWalletToVote": "Connect a Vega wallet with $VEGA tokens to vote on a proposal.",
"Connected Ethereum address": "Connected Ethereum address",
"Connected Vega key": "Connected Vega key",
"connectedAddress": "Connected to Ethereum key {{address}}.",
"connectEthWallet": "Connect Ethereum wallet",
"connectEthWalletToAssociate": "Connect Ethereum wallet to associate $VEGA",
"connectVegaWallet": "Connect Vega wallet",
"connectVegaWalletToUseAssociated": "Connect Vega wallet to use associated $VEGA",
"connectWalletToSubmitProposal": "Connect your wallet to submit a proposal",
"consensusNodes": "consensus nodes",
"Continue": "Continue",
"ContinueSharingData": "Continue sharing data",
"copied!": "Copied!",
"Copy": "Copy",
"copyToClipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"copyId": "Copy ID to clipboard",
"CouldNotInstantiateMarket": "Could not instantiate market",
"created": "Created",
"CreateProposalAndDownloadJSONToShare": "Create proposal and download JSON to share",
"currently": "currently",
"Currently expected to <0>pass</0>": "Currently expected to <0>pass</0>",
"Currently expected to <0>fail</0>": "Currently expected to <0>fail</0>",
"Currently expected to pass: conditions met for {{count}} of {{total}} proposals": "Currently expected to pass: conditions met for {{count}} of {{total}} Proposals",
"Currently expected to fail: {{count}} of {{total}} proposals are passing": "Currently expected to fail: {{count}} of {{total}} proposals are passing",
"CurrentValue": "Current value",
"dataIsIdentical": "Data is identical",
"date": "Date",
"daysLeft": "{{daysLeft}} left to vote.",
"Deposit": "deposit",
"depositLpAlreadyStaked": "You have already staked your SLP tokens, go to <withdrawLink>withdraw</withdrawLink> in order withdraw these before you can add more.",
"depositLpApproveButton": "Approve SLP tokens for deposit",
"depositLpCalloutBody": "If you want to add more SLP tokens later you will need to unstake first or use a different Ethereum key.",
"depositLpCalloutTitle": "You can only make one deposit at a time",
"depositLpInsufficientBalance": "You do not have tokens to deposit.",
"depositLpSubmitButton": "Deposit SLP",
"depositLpSuccessCalloutBody": "You will be rewarded for each full epoch your SLP tokens are staked",
"depositLpSuccessCalloutTitle": "You SLP tokens have been deposited and will start earning rewards from the next epoch",
"depositLpTokensHeading": "How much would you like to deposit?",
"Desired network": "This app is only configured for {{chain}}",
"disassociate": "Disassociate",
"Disassociate VEGA Tokens from key": "Disassociate $VEGA Tokens from key",
"DisassociateVegaTokensFromWallet": "Disassociate $VEGA tokens from your Vega wallet",
"Disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"disclaimer1": "The Vega Governance App allows the Vega network to arrive at on-chain decisions, where tokenholders can create proposals that other tokenholders can vote to approve or reject. Vega supports on-chain proposals for creating markets and assets, and changing network parameters, markets and assets. Vega also supports freeform proposals for community suggestions that will not be enacted on-chain.",
"disclaimer2": "The Vega Governance App is free, public and open source software. Software upgrades may contain bugs or security vulnerabilities that might result in loss of functionality.",
"disclaimer3": "The Vega Governance App uses data obtained from nodes on the Vega Blockchain. The developers of the Vega Governance App do not operate or run the Vega Blockchain or any other blockchain.",
"disclaimer4": "The Vega Governance App is provided “as is”. The developers of the Vega Governance App make no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise regarding the Vega Governance App. They disclaim all warranties of merchantability, quality, fitness for purpose. They disclaim all warranties that the Vega Governance App is free of harmful components or errors.",
"disclaimer5": "No developer of the Vega Governance App accepts any responsibility for, or liability to users in connection with their use of the Vega Governance App.",
"disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Disconnect all keys": "Disconnect all keys",
"disconnectedNotice": "You have been disconnected. Connect your ETH wallet to the {{correctNetwork}} network to use this app.",
"Dissociate VEGA tokens": "Disassociate $VEGA tokens",
"Dissociating {{amount}} VEGA tokens from Vega key {{vegaKey}}": "Disassociating {{amount}} $VEGA tokens from Vega key {{vegaKey}}",
"Dissociating Tokens": "Disassociating Tokens",
"Done": "Done",
"downloadNewWallet": "Download {{newVersionAvailable}}",
"downloadProposalJson": "Download proposal as JSON",
"Early Investors": "Early Investors",
"earnedByMe": "Earned by me",
"Enacted": "Enacted",
"enactedOn": "Enacted on",
"enactedOn{{date}}": "Enacted on {{enactmentDate}}",
"enactsOn{{date}}": "Enacts on {{enactmentDate}}",
"EnactTimeTooLate": "Enact time too late",
"EnactTimeTooSoon": "Enact time too soon",
"EndOfProgramTimestamp": "End of program",
"EndOfProgramTimestampDescription": "Time after which when the current epoch ends, the programs will end and benefits will be disabled.",
"enterAddress": "Enter address manually",
"Epoch": "Epoch",
"ERC20ContractAddress": "ERC20 contract address",
"errorDetails": "Error details",
"errorLoadingTranches": "Error loading tranches. Please try again later.",
"ersatzDescription1": "To be promoted, a standby validator must have more than the lowest consensus stake, plus a bonus given to existing validators, and only one standby validator can be promoted per epoch. Currently this requires a minimum of",
"ersatzDescription2": "stake assuming no performance penalty incurred.",
"Estimated time to upgrade": "Estimated time to upgrade",
"ethereumKey": "Ethereum key",
"ethTransactionModalTitle": "Ethereum Transactions",
"expectedToPass": "Expected to pass",
"fail": "fail",
"failedToRemovePendingStake": "Failed to remove pending stake of {{pendingAmount}} $VEGA",
"fairgroundTitle": "Fairground token",
"FilterProposals": "Filter proposals",
"FilterProposalsDescription": "Filter by proposal ID or proposer ID",
"finalOutcomeMayDiffer": "Final outcome may differ",
"Find out more about Staking.": "Use your $VEGA tokens to nominate a validator, earn rewards and participate in governance of the Vega network.",
"findOutMoreAboutHowToVote": "Find out more about how to vote on Vega",
"footerLinksText": "Known issues and feedback on the <feedbackLink>Feedback board</feedbackLink> and <githubLink>Github</githubLink>",
"for": "For",
"Freeform": "Freeform",
"Freeform proposal": "Freeform proposal",
"FreeformProposal": "Freeform proposal",
"from": "From",
"fully redeemable": "Tokens in this tranche have fully unlocked and can be redeemed once claimed.",
"Fully unlocked": "Fully unlocked",
"Fully vested on": "Fully vested on {{date}}",
"getWallet": "Don't have a Vega wallet yet?",
"getWalletLink": "Get a Vega wallet",
"Go to <stakingLink>staking</stakingLink> or <governanceLink>governance</governanceLink> to see how you can use your unlocked tokens": "Go to <stakingLink>staking</stakingLink> or <governanceLink>governance</governanceLink> to see how you can use your unlocked tokens",
"Governance": "Governance",
"governance": "Governance",
"Governance is coming soon": "Governance is coming soon",
"governanceRequired": "Required",
"Holders": "Holders",
"Home": "Home",
"homeProposalsButtonText": "See all proposals",
"homeProposalsIntro": "Decisions on the Vega network are on-chain, with tokenholders creating proposals that other tokenholders vote to approve or reject. Network upgrades are proposed and approved by validators.",
"homeRewardsButtonText": "See rewards",
"homeRewardsIntro": "Track rewards you've earned for trading, liquidity provision, market creation, and staking.",
"homeValidatorsButtonText": "Browse, and stake",
"homeValidatorsIntro": "Vega runs on a delegated proof of stake blockchain, where validators earn fees for validating block transactions. Tokenholders can nominate validators by staking tokens to them.",
"homeVegaTokenButtonText": "Manage tokens",
"homeVegaTokenIntro": "VEGA Token is a governance asset used to make and vote on proposals, and nominate validators.",
"hostedSwitchLabel": "Use hosted wallet",
"Hours": "hours",
"How much to Add in next epoch?": "How much do you want to add in next epoch?",
"How much to Remove?": "How much do you want to remove?",
"How much would you like to associate?": "How much would you like to associate?",
"HowToPropose": "How to make a proposal",
"HowToProposeRawStep1": "1. Sense check your proposal with the community on the forum:",
"HowToProposeRawStep2": "2. Use the appropriate proposal template in the docs:",
"HowToProposeRawStep3": "3. Submit on-chain below",
"Id": "ID",
"id": "ID",
"If you have been given a link please double check and try again": "If you have been given a link please double check and try again or the Vesting page to see if you have already claimed",
"ImproveVegaGovernance": "Improve Vega governance",
"In wallet": "In wallet",
"IncompatibleTimestamps": "Incompatible timestamps",
"Incomplete": "Incomplete",
"injected.name": "Injected",
"injected.text": "Connect with the provider in your browser",
"InsufficientTokens": "Insufficient tokens",
"Invalid credentials": "Wallet or passphrase incorrect",
"Invalid tranche!": "Invalid tranche!",
"Invalid wallet URL": "Invalid wallet URL",
"invalidAddress": "Looks like that address isn't a valid Ethereum address, please check and try again",
"InvalidAsset": "Invalid asset",
"InvalidAssetDetails": "Invalid asset details",
"InvalidFeeAmount": "Invalid fee amount",
"InvalidFutureMaturityTimestamp": "Invalid future maturity timestamp",
"InvalidFutureProduct": "Invalid future product",
"InvalidInstrumentSecurity": "Invalid instrument security",
"InvalidRiskParameter": "Invalid risk parameter",
"InvalidShape": "Invalid shape",
"Keep track of locked tokens in your wallet with the VEGA (VESTING) token.": "Keep track of locked tokens in your wallet with the $VEGA (VESTING) token.",
"latestProposals": "Latest proposals",
"learnMore": "Learn more",
"{{time}} left to vote": "{{time}} left to vote",
"Link transaction": "Link transaction",
"liquidityComingSoon": "Liquidity rewards coming soon",
"liquidityIntro": "You can read about our incentive program in this <linkToPost>blog post</linkToPost>.",
"liquidityNav": "DEX Liquidity",
"liquidityOnsenButtonText": "View the SushiSwap Onsen Menu",
"liquidityOnsenFAQ": "FAQ",
"liquidityOnsenHowItWorks": "How it works",
"liquidityOnsenIntro": "Earn rewards for providing liquidity on the",
"liquidityOnsenLinkText": "SushiSwap Onsen Menu",
"liquidityProviderVote": "Liquidity provider vote",
"liquidityProviderVotesAgainst": "LP share against",
"liquidityProviderVotesFor": "LP share for",
"liquidityRewardsTitle": "Active liquidity rewards",
"liquidityRewardsTitlePrevious": "Previous liquidity rewards",
"liquidityStakedBalance": "SLP token balance",
"liquidityStakedIntro": "Withdrawing your SLP tokens from the contract will also claim the reward balance",
"liquidityStakedRewards": "Earned rewards",
"liquidityStakedToken": "SLP Token",
"liquidityStakedWithdraw": "Withdraw",
"liquidityStep1Body": "You will need to add the SushiSwap market/token address to your wallet to see your SLP tokens.",
"liquidityStep1Title": "Provide liquidity on one of the markets below and get your SLP tokens.",
"liquidityStep2Body": "You can't increase your stake without un-staking first so consider how much you stake and when.",
"liquidityStep2Title": "Stake these SLP tokens into the appropriate contract below.",
"liquidityStep3Body": "The reward amount is divided by the amount of SLP tokens staked in that epoch. The APY on each pool is indicative based on the current state, this will change over time and is not guaranteed. You will not be entitled to rewards from the epoch that you un-staked in.",
"liquidityStep3Title": "Wait for a full epoch, get a share of the incentive for each full epoch you stake.",
"liquidityStep4Body": "Upon un-staking, your Ethereum key will be credited with its share of $VEGA tokens for each full epoch that it was staked and all SLP tokens staked. Withdrawing your rewards will credit your earned VEGA to your wallet while leaving you SLP staked to earn further rewards.",
"liquidityStep4Title": "Un-stake or withdraw to receive your rewards.",
"liquidityTokenApprove": "Approve",
"liquidityTokenBalance": "Balance",
"liquidityTokenContractAddress": "Liquidity token contract address",
"liquidityTokenDeposit": "Deposit",
"liquidityTokensContractTitle": "SLP Tokens earning rewards",
"liquidityTokenSushiAddress": "SLP pool/token address",
"liquidityTokensWalletIntro": "The following tokens can be staked to earn $VEGA",
"liquidityTokensWalletTitle": "SLP Tokens in connected wallet",
"liquidityTokenTitle": "SLP Token",
"liquidityTokenWithdrawBalance": "Withdrawal balance",
"liquidityTokenWithdrawRewards": "Withdrawal rewards",
"liquidityTotalAvailableRewards": "Total available rewards",
"liquidityTotalAvailableRewardsBalance": "Balance",
"liquidityVotes": "Liquidity votes",
"ListAsset": "List Asset",
"ListAssetAction": "List asset",
"ListAssetDescription": "This asset needs to be listed on the collateral bridge before it can be used.",
"Loading": "Loading...",
"Locked": "Locked",
"Looks like that code has already been used.": "Looks like that code has already been used.",
"lpDiscordPrompt": "Watch our <discordLink>Discord</discordLink> for future ways to earn $VEGA!",
"lpEndedParagraph": "You can only withdraw your rewards and unstake. Upon unstaking, your Ethereum key will be credited with all SLP tokens staked and its share of $VEGA tokens for each full epoch that it was staked.",
"lpEndedTitle": "This liquidity incentive ended on 03 December 2021 14:52 UTC",
"lpTokensEstimateAPY": "Estimated APY",
"lpTokensInRewardPool": "Tokens in reward pool",
"lpTokensInvalidToken": "Address {{address}} is not a valid SLP token address for $VEGA",
"lpTxSuccessButton": "Review liquidity stake",
"mainnetDisableHome": "You will be able to use your $VEGA tokens on the Vega network to nominate Validator nodes and participate in governance.",
"Majority": "Majority",
"majorityLPMet": "Liquidity majority met",
"majorityMet": "Token majority met",
"majorityNotMet": "Majority not met",
"majorityNotVotedForProposal": "majority not voted for this proposal",
"majorityRequired": "Majority Required",
"majorityThreshold": "majority threshold",
"MajorityThresholdNotReached": "Majority threshold not reached",
"majorityVotedForProposal": "majority voted for this proposal",
"Manage your stake": "Manage your stake",
"Market change": "Market change",
"MarketChange": "Market change",
"MarketCode": "Market code",
"marketCode": "Market code",
"MarketDetails": "Market details",
"MarketId": "Market ID",
"marketId": "Market ID",
"MarketMissingLiquidityCommitment": "Market missing liquidity commitment",
"MarketName": "Market name",
"marketName": "Market name",
"marketSpecification": "Market specification",
"MarketStateChange": "Market state change",
"Max faucet amount mint": "Max faucet amount mint",
"MaxFaucetAmountMint": "Max faucet amount mint",
"met": "met",
"minimumNomination": "Your nomination must be greater than or equal to {{minTokens}} $VEGA",
"minParticipationNotReached": "Min. participation not reached",
"minParticipationReached": "Min. participation reached",
"MinProposalRequirements": "You must have at least {{value}} VEGA associated to make a proposal",
"MinProposalVoteRequirements": "You must have at least {{value}} VEGA associated to vote on this proposal",
"MissingBuiltinAssetField": "Missing builtin asset field",
"MissingCommitmentAmount": "Missing commitment amount",
"MissingERC20ContractAddress": "Missing ERC20 contract address",
"MoreAssetsInfo": "To see Explorer data on existing assets visit",
"MoreMarketsInfo": "To see Explorer data on existing markets visit",
"MoreNetParamsInfo": "To see Explorer data on network params visit",
"MoreProposalsInfo": "To see Explorer data on proposals visit",
"multisigContractIncorrect": "was incorrectly configured as at the end of the last epoch so rewards were penalised. Validator and delegator rewards will continue to be penalised until this is resolved.",
"multisigContractLink": "Ethereum Multisig Contract",
"multisigPenalty": "Multisig penalty",
"multisigPenaltyThisNodeIndicator": "The multisig score for this node is equal to zero.",
"multisigPenaltyDescription": "The multisig score is used in the calculation of rewards. For each validator that gets a multisig score of zero, no staking rewards are paid to that consensus validators and their nominators until the epoch following the one in which the configuration issue is resolved.",
"myPendingStake": "My pending stake",
"myStake": "My stake",
"n/a": "N/A",
"Network parameter": "Network parameter",
"networkDown": "This site is not currently connecting to the network please try again later.",
"networkGovernance": "Network governance",
"NetworkParameter": "Network parameter",
"NetworkParameterInvalidKey": "Network parameter invalid key",
"NetworkParameterInvalidValue": "Network parameter invalid value",
"NetworkParameterProposal": "Update network parameter proposal",
"NetworkParameterValidationFailed": "Network parameter validation failed",
"networkRestoring": "The network is less than {{bootstrapBlockCount}} blocks old, it could be in the process of restoring from a checkpoint",
"networkUpgrade": "Network Upgrade",
"networkUpgrades": "Network upgrades",
"New asset": "New asset",
"New market": "New market",
"NewAsset": "New asset",
"NewAssetProposal": "New asset proposal",
"NewFreeform": "Freeform",
"NewFreeformProposal": "New freeform proposal",
"NewMarket": "New market",
"NewMarketFutureProduct": "New market - future",
"NewMarketPerpetualProduct": "New market - perpetual",
"NewMarketProposal": "New market proposal",
"NewMarketSpotProduct": "New market - spot",
"NewProposal": "New proposal",
"NewProposedValue": "New proposed value",
"NewRawProposal": "New proposal",
"NewTransfer": "New transfer",
"NewTransferProposal": "New transfer proposal",
"newWalletVersionAvailable": "A new Vega wallet is available 🎉. ",
"Next epoch in {{endText}}": "Next epoch in {{endText}}",
"nextEpoch": "Next epoch",
"No holders": "No holders",
"No token": "No token",
"not met": "not met",
"noClosedProposals": "There are no enacted or rejected proposals",
"Node invalid": "Node invalid",
"nodeQueryFailed": "Could not get data for validator {{node}}",
"Nodes": "Nodes",
"NodeUnsuitable": "Node: {{url}} is unsuitable",
"NodeValidationFailed": "Node validation failed",
"noEthereumProviderError": "No Ethereum browser extension detected, install MetaMask on desktop or visit from a dApp browser on mobile",
"noGovernanceTokens": "You need some VEGA tokens to participate in governance",
"noKeys": "No keys",
"Nominate a validator": "Nominate validator",
"Nominate Stake to Validator Node": "Select a validator to nominate",
"NonConsensusVotingPowerDescription": "The voting power of the validator. Only consensus validators have voting power",
"none redeemable": "Tokens in this tranche unlock on {{unlockDate}} and continue to unlock gradually until {{trancheEndDate}} when all tokens are unlocked. Come back to governance.vega.xyz to redeem your tokens once they begin to unlock.",
"noOpenProposals": "There are no open or yet to enact proposals",
"noPenaltyDataFromLastEpoch": "No penalty data from last epoch",
"noPercentage": "No percentage",
"NoProduct": "No product",
"noProposals": "There are no active network change proposals",
"noRejectedProposals": "No rejected proposals",
"noRewards": "The Vega key has not been credited any rewards since the previous network checkpoint.",
"noRewardsHaveBeenDistributedYet": "NO REWARDS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED YET",
"NoRiskParameters": "No risk parameters",
"normalisedVotingPower": "Normalised voting power",
"NormalisedVotingPowerDescription": "The voting power of the validator, adjusted to ensure all validator scores sum to 1, used for distribution of rewards",
"noService": "Looks like the Vega wallet service isn't running. Please start it and refresh the page",
"Not Associated": "Not Associated",
"not reached": "not reached",
"Not showing tranches with <{{trancheMinimum}} VEGA, click to show all tranches": "Not showing tranches with ≤{{trancheMinimum}} $VEGA, click to show all tranches",
"Not staked": "Not staked",
"notAssociated": "Not Associated",
"NoThanks": "No thanks",
"notMet": "not met",
"NoTradingMode": "No trading mode",
"noTransactions": "No transactions",
"noValidators": "No validators",
"noVersionFound": "Version could not be found, most likely your wallet version is <0.9.2 which is not supported.",
"noVestingTokens": "You do not have any vesting $VEGA tokens. Switch to another Ethereum address to check what can be redeemed, or view <tranchesLink>all tranches</tranchesLink>",
"numberOfAgainstVotes": "Number of votes against",
"numberOfForVotes": "Number of votes for",
"numberOfVotingParties": "Number of voting parties",
"of": "of",
"ofTotalDistributed": "of total distributed",
"Once unlocked they can be redeemed from the contract so that you can transfer them between wallets.": "Once unlocked they can be redeemed from the contract so that you can transfer them between wallets.",
"onTheForum": "on the forum",
"OpeningAuctionDurationTooLarge": "Opening auction duration too large",
"OpeningAuctionDurationTooSmall": "Opening auction duration too small",
"openProposals": "Open proposals",
"Optional": "Optional",
"OptOutOfTelemetry": "You can opt out any time via settings",
"Or": "Or",
"overstaked": "Overstaked",
"overstakedPenalty": "Overstaked penalty",
"OverstakedPenaltyDescription": "A penalty applied for having more stake than the optimal stake for the network. Designed to avoid concentration of voting power with a small number of validators",
"pageTitle404": "Page not found",
"pageTitle451": "451 unavailable",
"pageTitleAssociate": "Associate $VEGA tokens with Vega Key",
"pageTitleClaim": "Claim $VEGA tokens",
"pageTitleDepositLp": "Deposit liquidity token for $VEGA rewards",
"pageTitleDisassociate": "Disassociate $VEGA tokens from a Vega key",
"pageTitleHome": "The $VEGA token",
"pageTitleLiquidity": "Incentivised Liquidity Programme",
"pageTitleNotPermitted": "Can not proceed!",
"pageTitleProposals": "Proposals",
"pageTitleRedemption": "Vesting",
"pageTitleRedemptionTranche": "Redeem from Tranche",
"pageTitleRejectedProposals": "Rejected proposals",
"pageTitleRewards": "Rewards and fees",
"pageTitleTranches": "Vesting tranches",
"pageTitleValidators": "Validators",
"pageTitleWithdrawLp": "Withdraw SLP and Rewards",
"parameter": "parameter",
"partially redeemable": "Tokens in this tranche began to unlock on {{unlockDate}} and will continue to unlock gradually until {{trancheEndDate}} when all tokens are unlocked.",
"Participation": "Participation",
"participation": "Participation",
"participationLPMet": "Liquidity participation met",
"participationMet": "Token participation met",
"participationNotMet": "Participation not met",
"participationRequired": "Participation required",
"participationThreshold": "participation threshold",
"ParticipationThresholdNotReached": "Participation threshold not reached",
"pass": "pass",
"Passed": "Passed",
"passphraseLabel": "Passphrase",
"pending": "Pending",
"pendingAssociationText": "The Vega network requires a number of confirmations on Ethereum before crediting your Vega key with your tokens. You can see the number of confirmations that are required in the network parameters. This page will update once complete or you can come back and check your Vega wallet to see if it is ready to use.",
"pendingDescription1": "Anyone can",
"pendingDescription2": ". A node can move from being a candidate into standby based on how much nomination it attracts, assuming it has proven reliability by sending heartbeats to the network.",
"pendingDescriptionLinkText": "set up and run a node on Vega",
"pendingNomination": "Pending Nomination",
"pendingNominationNextEpoch": "Pending nomination for next epoch: {{pendingAmount}} $VEGA",
"pendingStake": "Pending stake",
"PendingStakeDescription": "The amount of stake that will be added or removed from the validator from the next epoch.",
"pendingTransactions": "Pending transactions",
"pendingWithdrawalsCalloutButton": "View incomplete withdrawals",
"pendingWithdrawalsCalloutText": "You have withdrawals that have been released from the Vega network but not yet completed on Ethereum.",
"pendingWithdrawalsCalloutTitle": "You have incomplete withdrawals",
"performancePenalty": "Performance penalty",
"PerformancePenaltyDescription": "Performance score is a measure of how often a validator proposed blocks in the last epoch relative to how many they should be expected to propose based on their voting power. Performance penalty is applied for having a performance score of less than 1",
"Please check wallet": "Please check wallet",
"Please select your country": "Please select your country",
"pleaseTryAgain": "Please try again later.",
"ProductMaturityIsPassed": "Product maturity is passed",
"Proposal": "Proposal",
"proposal": "Proposal",
"Proposal passed: conditions met for {{count}} of {{total}} proposals": "Proposal passed: conditions met for {{count}} of {{total}} proposals",
"Proposal failed: {{count}} of {{total}} proposals passed": "Proposal failed: {{count}} of {{total}} proposals passed",
"Proposal rejected": "Proposal rejected",
"proposalCancelTransferDetails": "Cancel governance transfer details",
"proposalChange": "Change <code>{{key}}</code> to <code>{{value}}</code>",
"ProposalDescription": "Description",
"proposalDescription": "Description",
"ProposalDescriptionText": "Full justification for what you are proposing (20,000 characters or less). Markdown is recommended. When linking to external resources please use IPFS",
"proposalDetails": "Proposal details",
"ProposalDocsPrefix": "For guidance on how to make proposals, see",
"ProposalEnactmentDeadline": "Time till enactment (must be equal to or after vote close)",
"proposalJson": "Full proposal JSON",
"ProposalMinimumAmounts": "Different proposal types can have different minimum token requirements. You must have the greater of the proposal minimum or spam protection minimum from the table below",
"ProposalNotFound": "Proposal not found",
"ProposalNotFoundDetails": "The proposal you are looking for is not here, it may have been enacted before the last chain restore. You could check the Vega forums/discord instead for information about it.",
"ProposalRationale": "Proposal rationale",
"ProposalReference": "Reference",
"Proposals": "Proposals",
"proposals": "Proposals",
"ProposalsGuide": "proposals guide",
"ProposalTerms": "Proposal terms (JSON format)",
"ProposalTermsText": "For more information visit",
"ProposalTitle": "Title",
"ProposalTitleText": "Tell people what you are proposing and why (100 characters or less)",
"proposalTransferDetails": "New governance transfer details",
"ProposalTypeQuestion": "What type of proposal would you like to make?",
"ProposalValidationDeadline": "Time till ERC-20 asset validation. Maximum value is affected by the vote deadline.",
"ProposalVoteAndEnactmentTitle": "Vote deadline and enactment",
"ProposalVoteDeadline": "Time till voting closes",
"ProposalVoteTitle": "Vote deadline",
"ProposalWillFailIfEnactmentIsAboveTheMaximumDeadline": "The proposal will fail if enactment deadline is above the maximum",
"ProposalWillFailIfEnactmentIsBelowTheMinimumDeadline": "The proposal will fail if enactment deadline is below the minimum",
"ProposalWillFailIfEnactmentIsEarlierThanVotingDeadline": "The proposal will fail if enactment is earlier than the voting deadline",
"ProposalWillFailIfVotingIsAboveTheMaximumDeadline": "The proposal will fail if voting deadline is above the maximum",
"ProposalWillFailIfVotingIsBelowTheMinimumDeadline": "The proposal will fail if voting deadline is below the minimum",
"proposedBy": "Proposed by",
"proposedEnactment": "Proposed enactment",
"proposedNewValue": "Proposed new value:",
"proposedOn": "Proposed on",
"ProposeNewMarketTerms": "terms.changes.newMarket (JSON format)",
"ProposeUpdateMarketTerms": "terms.updateMarket.changes (JSON format)",
"PROTOCOL_UPGRADE_PROPOSAL_STATUS_PENDING": "Waiting for validator votes",
"Public Sale": "Public Sale",
"RawProposal": "Let me choose (raw proposal)",
"Read about Vesting on Vega": "Read about Vesting on Vega",
"readMoreGovernance": "Read more about Vega governance",
"readMoreStaking": "Read more about staking on Vega",
"readMoreValidatorForm": "read about staking on Vega",
"readMoreValidators": "Read more about validators",
"received": "Payout time",
"Redeem": "Redeem",
"Redeem unlocked VEGA from tranche {{id}}": "Redeem unlocked $VEGA from tranche {{id}}",
"redeemComingSoon": "Redeem is coming soon",
"Redeemed": "Redeemed",
"RedeemRewardsTooltip": "Click to redeem vested rewards in Console",
"reference": "Reference",
"RejectedProposals": "Rejected proposals",
"rejectionReason": "Rejection reason",
"Remove {{amount}} VEGA tokens": "Remove {{amount}} $VEGA tokens",
"Remove Stake": "Remove Stake",
"Removing stake mid epoch will forsake any staking rewards from that epoch": "Removing stake mid epoch will forsake any staking rewards from that epoch",
"removingPendingStake": "Removing pending stake of {{pendingAmount}} $VEGA",
"required": "Required",
"requiredMajorityNotVotedForProposal": "Required majority not voted for this proposal",
"requiredMajorityVotedForProposal": "Required majority voted for this proposal",
"resourceNotFound": "Resource Not Found",
"reward": "Reward",
"rewardPerEpoch": "Reward per epoch (split between reward pool)",
"Rewards": "Rewards",
"rewardsAndFeesReceived": "Rewards and fees received",
"rewardsCallout": "Rewards are credited {{duration}} after the epoch ends.",
"rewardsCalloutDetail": "This delay is set by a network parameter",
"rewardsColAssetHeader": "ASSET",
"rewardsColInfraHeader": "INFRA FEES",
"rewardsColInfraTooltip": "Infrastructure fees are incurred across the network during trading. They are distributed to validators according to their share of total stake on the network, and passed onto those who stake them, proportionate to their own stake after validator commission is taken",
"rewardsColLiquidityProvisionHeader": "LIQUIDITY PROVISION",
"rewardsColLiquidityProvisionTooltip": "Liquidity provision rewards are distributed based on how much you have earned in liquidity fees, funded by a liquidity reward pool for that market",
"rewardsColMarketCreationHeader": "MARKET CREATION",
"rewardsColMarketCreationTooltip": "Market creation rewards are paid out to the creator of any market that exceeds a set threshold of cumulative volume in a given epoch, currently {{marketCreationQuantumMultiple}}",
"rewardsColPriceMakingHeader": "PRICE MAKING",
"rewardsColPriceMakingTooltip": "Price making rewards are based on the proportion of the total maker fees you received while trading, on markets where there is a funded reward",
"rewardsColPriceTakingHeader": "PRICE TAKING",
"rewardsColPriceTakingTooltip": "Price taking rewards are based on the proportion of the total maker fees you paid while trading, on markets where there is a funded reward",
"rewardsColStakingHeader": "STAKING",
"rewardsColStakingTooltip": "Staking rewards supplement infrastructure fees in the early stages of the network, rewarding validators and those who stake them for maintaining the network",
"rewardsColTotalHeader": "TOTAL",
"rewardsComingSoon": "Rewards is coming soon",
"rewardsIntro": "Earn rewards and infrastructure fees for trading and maintaining the network.",
"rewardTokenContractAddress": "Reward token contract address ($VEGA)",
"rewardType": "Reward type",
"Score": "Score",
"seeHowRewardsAreCalculated": "See how rewards are calculated",
"seeRejectedProposals": "See rejected proposals",
"Select": "Select",
"Select country": "Select country/region of residence",
"Select your country or region of current residence": "Select your country or region of current residence",
"SelectAMarketToChange": "Select a market to change",
"SelectAParameterToChange": "Select a parameter to change",
"selectCountryPrompt": "You must select a country/region first.",
"SelectMarket": "Select market",
"SelectParameter": "Select parameter",
"Service unavailable": "Service unavailable",
"Session expired": "Session expired",
"settled future": "settled future",
"setToFail": "Set to fail",
"setToPass": "Set to pass",
"ShareData": "Share data",
"shareOfReward": "Share of reward",
"shouldPass": "Should pass",
"Showing tranches with <{{trancheMinimum}} VEGA, click to hide these tranches": "Showing tranches with ≤{{trancheMinimum}} $VEGA, click to hide these tranches",
"showRedeem": "You'll be able to redeem your unlocked tokens at governance.vega.xyz/vesting",
"Signature": "Signature",
"signature": "Signature",
"SLP": "SLP",
"SLP Tokens": "SLP Tokens",
"slpTokenContractAddress": "SLP token contract address",
"Something doesn't look right": "Something doesn't look right. Please check the link again or the Vesting page to see if you have already claimed",
"Something went wrong": "Something went wrong",
"Sorry. It is not possible to claim tokens in your country or region.": "It is not possible to claim tokens in your country or region.",
"SpamProtectionMin": "Spam protection minimum",
"stake": "Stake",
"Stake VEGA tokens": "Stake $VEGA tokens",
"Stake your Locked VEGA tokens!": "You can stake your $VEGA tokens even while locked.",
"stakeAddPendingTitle": "Adding {{amount}} $VEGA to validator {{node}}",
"stakeAddSuccessMessage": "You can cancel your nomination at any time",
"stakeAddSuccessTitle": "At the beginning of the next epoch your $VEGA will be nominated to the validator",
"Staked": "Staked",
"Staked on Vega validator": "Associated to Vega key",
"stakedByDelegates": "Staked by delegates",
"StakedByDelegatesDescription": "The stake delegated to the node by other users",
"stakedByMe": "Staked by me",
"stakedByOperator": "Staked by operator",
"StakedByOperatorDescription": "The stake provided as self-stake by the node operator, must be at least the minimum stake as defined by network parameter",
"StakeDescription": "The total amount $VEGA staked to this validator including self-stake and all delegation.",
"stakedValidators": "Staked Validators",
"stakeFailed": "Failed to delegate to validator {{node}}",
"stakeNeededForPromotion": "Stake needed for promotion",
"StakeNeededForPromotionCandidateDescription": "{{prefix}} additional stake needed for promotion to standby, assuming constant performance in line with previous epoch.",
"StakeNeededForPromotionStandbyDescription": "{{prefix}} additional stake needed for promotion to consensus, assuming constant performance in line with previous epoch.",
"stakeNodeNone": "You need to associate some $VEGA before you can stake",
"stakeNodeWrongVegaKey": "Your Ethereum wallet indicates you have associated tokens for staking. However, there are none available to stake. You may be connected to the wrong Vega key, or Vega is still confirming your associations",
"stakeRemoveNowSuccessMessage": "It will be applied immediately",
"stakeRemovePendingTitle": "Removing {{amount}} $VEGA from validator {{node}}",
"stakeRemoveSuccessMessage": "It will be applied in the next epoch",
"stakeRemoveSuccessTitle": "{{amount}} $VEGA has been removed from validator {{node}}",
"stakeShare": "Stake share",
"StakeShareDescription": "The stake a validator represents as a share of total stake across the network.",
"Staking": "Staking",
"staking": "Staking",
"Staking is coming soon": "Staking is coming soon",
"stakingConfirm": "Open your wallet app to confirm",
"stakingIntro": "Earn a share of trading fees and treasury rewards for each full epoch staked.",
"stakingNodeNotFound": "Could not find a node with ID {{node}}",
"stakingStep2Text": "Your tokens need to be associated with a Vega Wallet so that you can control your stake",
"stakingStep3": "Step 3. Select the validator you'd like to nominate",
"StakingTierMinimumStakedTokens": "Minimum staked tokens",
"StakingTierMinimumStakedTokensDescription": "Required number of governance tokens ($VEGA) a referrer must have staked to receive the multiplier",
"StakingTierReferralRewardMultiplier": "Referral reward multiplier",
"StakingTierReferralRewardMultiplierDescription": "Multiplier applied to the referral reward factor when calculating referral rewards due to the referrer",
"StakingTiers": "Staking tiers",
"Started": "Started",
"Starts unlocking": "Unlocking starts",
"state": "State",
"STATE_DECLINED": "Declined",
"STATE_ENACTED": "Enacted",
"STATE_FAILED": "Failed",
"STATE_OPEN": "Open",
"STATE_PASSED": "Passed",
"STATE_REJECTED": "Rejected",
"STATE_WAITING_FOR_NODE_VOTE": "Waiting for node vote",
"status": "Status",
"status-ersatz": "Standby",
"status-pending": "Candidate",
"status-tendermint": "Consensus",
"Step": "Step",
"submit": "Submit",
"SubmitAgreedRawProposal": "Submit agreed raw proposal",
"SubmitAnAgreedProposalFromTheForum": "Submit an agreed proposal from the forum",
"submitProposal": "Submit proposal",
"submittingProposal": "Submitting proposal",
"successfullAssociationMessage": "Vega key {{vegaKey}} can now participate in governance and nominate a validator with your associated $VEGA.",
"Successor market to": "Successor market to",
"Switch to form for immediate removal": "Switch to remove now",
"Switch to form for removal at end of epoch": "Switch to remove at end of epoch",
"Symbol": "Symbol",
"Team": "Team",
"TelemetryModalIntro": "Help us identify bugs and improve Vega Governance by sharing anonymous usage data.",
"The contract is deployed at the following address": "The contract is deployed at the following address:",
"the holder": "the holder",
"The token address is {{address}}. Hit the add token button in your ERC20 wallet and enter this address.": "The token address is {{address}}. Hit the add token button in your ERC20 wallet and enter this address.",
"The VEGA token address is {{address}}, make sure you add this to your wallet to see your tokens": "The $VEGA token address is {{address}}, make sure you add this to your wallet to see your tokens",
"The vesting contract holds VEGA tokens until they have become unlocked.": "The vesting contract holds $VEGA tokens until they have become unlocked.",
"There are {{nodeCount}} nodes with a shared stake of {{sharedStake}} VEGA tokens": "There are {{nodeCount}} nodes with a shared stake of {{sharedStake}} $VEGA tokens",
"This can happen both while held in the vesting contract as well as when redeemed.": "This can happen both while held in the vesting contract as well as when redeemed.",
"This code ({code}) has expired and cannot be used to claim tokens": "This code ({{code}}) has expired and cannot be used to claim tokens.",
"This page can not be found, please check the URL and try again.": "This page can not be found, please check the URL and try again.",
"This service is not available in your country": "This service is not available in your country/region",
"ThisDoesNotIncludeFeesReceivedForMakersOrLiquidityProviders": "This does not include fees received for makers or liquidity providers",
"thisEpoch": "This Epoch",
"ThisWillAdd2MinutesToAllowTimeToConfirmInWallet": "Note: 2 minutes of extra time are added when you choose the minimum value. This gives you time to confirm the proposal in your wallet.",
"ThisWillSetEnactmentDeadlineTo": "This will set the enactment date to",
"ThisWillSetValidationDeadlineTo": "This will set the validation deadline to",
"ThisWillSetVotingDeadlineTo": "This will set the voting deadline to",
"timeForConfirmation": "Waiting for confirmation that your change in nomination has been received",
"title": "Governance",
"To": "To",
"to": "to",
"To use your tokens on the Vega network they need to be associated with a Vega wallet/key.": "To use your tokens on the Vega network they need to be associated with a Vega Wallet/key.",
"toEnactOn": "Enacts on",
"toEthereum": "To (Ethereum)",
"Token": "Token",
"Token address": "Token address",
"Token Vesting": "Vesting",
"tokenForProposal": "Tokens for proposal",
"tokenLPForProposal": "Liquidity shares for proposal",
"Tokens are held in different <trancheLink>Tranches</trancheLink>. Each tranche has its own schedule for how the tokens are unlocked.": "Tokens are held in different <trancheLink>Tranches</trancheLink>. Each tranche has its own schedule for how the tokens are unlocked.",
"Tokens from this Tranche have been redeemed": "Tokens from this Tranche have been redeemed",
"tokensAgainstProposal": "Tokens against proposal",
"tokenVote": "Token vote",
"tokenVotes": "Token votes",
"tokenVotesAgainst": "Token votes against",
"tokenVotesFor": "Token votes for",
"toSeeYourRewardsConnectYourWallet": "TO SEE YOUR REWARDS, CONNECT YOUR WALLET",
"Total": "Total",
"Total stake": "Total stake",
"Total supply": "Total supply",
"totalDistributed": "Total distributed",
"totalLiquidityProviderTokensVoted": "Total LP share voted",
"totalPenalties": "Total penalties",
"TotalPenaltiesDescription": "Total of penalties taking into account performance (considering proportion of blocks proposed against the number of blocks the validator was expected to propose) and any overstaking.",
"totalStake": "Total stake",
"totalSupply": "Total Supply",
"totalTokensVoted": "Total tokens voted",
"totalTokensVotes": "Total tokens voted",
"totalTokenVotedPercentage": "Total tokens voted percentage",
"toVote": "to vote",
"Tranche": "Tranche",
"Tranche breakdown": "Tranche breakdown",
"Tranche not found": "Tranche not found",
"trancheExtraInfo": "placeholder",
"trancheExtraInfoTranche10": "placeholder",
"Tranches": "Tranches",
"transaction": "Transaction",
"Transaction in progress": "Transaction in progress",
"transactionHashPrompt": "Transaction hash will appear here once the transaction is approved in your Ethereum wallet",
"Try again": "Try again",
"txButtonActionRequired": "Action required in Ethereum wallet",
"txButtonAwaiting": "Awaiting Ethereum transaction",
"txButtonComplete": "Complete",
"txButtonFailure": "Ethereum transaction failed",
"txRequested": "Confirm transaction in wallet",
"type": "Type",
"undelegateSubmitButton": "{{amount}} {{when}}",
"Unknown error": "Unknown error",
"Unknown proposal": "Unknown proposal",
"unknownEthereumConnectionError": "An unknown error occurred. Check the console in your browser's web developer tools for more details",
"unknownReason": "unknown reason",
"Unlocked": "Unlocked",
"unnormalisedVotingPower": "Unnormalised voting power",
"UnnormalisedVotingPowerDescription": "The voting power of the validator based on their final validator score after all penalties have been applied",
"unstaked": "Unstaked",
"unsupportedChainIdError": "You're connected to an unsupported network",
"UnsupportedProduct": "Unsupported product",
"UnsupportedTradingMode": "Unsupported trading mode",
"unsupportedVersion": "Looks like you're running an outdated version of GoWallet. You're running {{version}} but {{requiredVersion}} is required.",
"UpdateAsset": "Update asset",
"UpdateAssetProposal": "Update asset proposal",
"UpdateToMarket": "Update to market",
"OpenInConsole": "Open in Console",
"UpdateMarket": "Update market",
"UpdateMarketProposal": "Update market proposal",
"UpdateMarketState": "Update market state",
"UpdateMarketStateProposal": "Update market state proposal",
"updateNetworkParam": "Update Network Parameter",
"UpdateNetworkParameter": "Network parameter",
"UpdateReferralProgram": "Update referral program",
"UpdateReferralProgramProposal": "Update referral program proposal",
"updatesToMarket": "Updates to market",
"UpdateVolumeDiscountProgram": "Update volume discount program",
"UpdateVolumeDiscountProgramProposal": "Update volume discount program proposal",
"upgradeBlockHeight": "Upgrade block height",
"Upgraded at": "Upgraded at",
"Use maximum": "Use maximum",
"Use the Ethereum wallet you want to send your tokens to. You'll also need enough Ethereum to pay gas.": "Connect to the Ethereum wallet that holds your $VEGA tokens to see what can be redeemed from vesting tranches. To redeem tokens you will need some ETH to pay gas fees.\n",
"Use this form to disassociate VEGA tokens with a Vega key. This returns them to either the Ethereum wallet that used the Staking bridge or the vesting contract.": "Use this form to disassociate $VEGA tokens from a Vega key. This returns them to the Ethereum wallet that connected to either the staking bridge or the vesting contract.",
"Use your Vega tokens": "Use your Vega tokens",
"useConnectedWallet": "Use connected wallet",
"UseMax": "Use maximum",
"UseMin": "Use minimum",
"userRejectionError": "Please authorise this website to access your Ethereum account",
"usersAccumulatedRewards": "Your accumulated rewards",
"usersLpTokens": "Your SLP tokens in connected wallet",
"usersPendingStakeLPTokens": "Your SLP tokens in reward pool (next epoch)",
"usersShareOfPool": "Your share of pool",
"usersStakedLPTokens": "Your SLP tokens in reward pool",
"validator": "Validator",
"validatorFormIntro": "To learn more about validators and how scores are calculated,",
"Validators": "Validators",
"ValidatorStatusDescription": "Consensus, Standby or Pending (Candidate), depending on how much stake the validator has attracted",
"validatorTableIntro": "View the validator profile pitches and discussion",
"validatorTitle": "VALIDATOR: {{nodeName}}",
"validatorTitleFallback": "[no name]",
"VEGA": "$VEGA",
"VEGA token holders can nominate a validator node and receive staking rewards.": "$VEGA token holders can nominate a validator node and receive staking rewards.",
"VEGA token holders can vote on proposed changes to the network and create proposals.": "$VEGA token holders can vote on proposed changes to the network and create proposals.",
"VEGA Tokens": "$VEGA Tokens",
"VEGA tokens are approved for staking": "$VEGA tokens are approved for staking",
"VEGA was successfully withdrawn to your wallet": "$VEGA was successfully withdrawn to your wallet",
"vegaAssociatedWithKey": "{{symbol}} associated with a Vega key",
"vegaGovernance": "Vega Governance",
"vegaInWallet": "{{symbol}} in wallet",
"vegaKey": "Vega key",
"vegaRelease{release}": "Vega Release {{release}}",
"vegaReleaseTag": "Vega release tag",
"vegaToken": "VEGA Token",
"vegaTokens": "$VEGA tokens",
"vegaWallet": "Vega Wallet",
"vegaWalletConnect": "Connect",
"vegaWalletConnecting": "Connecting...",
"Verifying your claim": "Verifying your claim",
"verifyingCountryPrompt": "Verifying country/region...",
"VestedRewardsTooltip": "Vested rewards can be redeemed using Console",
"Vesting": "Vesting",
"Vesting associated": "Vesting associated",
"Vesting Balance": "Vesting Balance",
"Vesting contract": "Vesting contract",
"Vesting from": "Vesting from {{fromDate}} to {{endDate}}",
"Vesting VEGA": "Vesting VEGA",
"VESTING VEGA TOKENS": "in vesting contract",
"VestingRewardsTooltip": "Vesting rewards will be moved to vested account at a rate of {{baseRate}} per epoch.",
"viaContract": "via vesting",
"viaWallet": "via wallet",
"View": "View",
"View Governance proposals": "View proposals",
"View on Etherscan (opens in a new tab)": "View on Etherscan (opens in a new tab)",
"View transaction on Etherscan": "View transaction on Etherscan",
"viewAllTranches": "View all tranches",
"viewAsParty": "View as party",
"viewDetails": "View details",
"viewKeys": "View keys",
"viewMarketJson": "View market JSON",
"voteAgainst": "Vote against",
"voteBreakdown": "Vote breakdown",
"voted": "Voted",
"voteError": "Something went wrong, and your vote was not seen by the network",
"voteFailedReason": "Vote closed. Failed due to: ",
"voteFor": "Vote for",
"votePassed": "Vote passed.",
"votePending": "Casting vote",
"voteState_Declined": "Declined",
"voteState_Enacted": "Enacted",
"voteState_Failed": "Failed",
"voteState_No": "Against",
"voteState_NotCast": "Not cast",
"voteState_Open": "Open",
"voteState_Passed": "Passed",
"voteState_Rejected": "Rejected",
"voteState_WaitingForNodeVote": "Waiting for node vote",
"voteState_Yes": "For",
"votingEnded": "Voting has ended.",
"votingPower": "Voting power",
"votingThresholdInfo": "If the token vote passes the participation threshold it will be the deciding vote. If not, the outcome will be determined by liquidity providers on this market.",
"WaitingForNodeVote": "Waiting for nodes to validate asset. ",
"Wallet": "Wallet",
"Wallet associated": "Wallet associated",
"Wallet service unavailable": "Wallet service not running at that url",
"walletConnect.name": "Mobile",
"walletConnect.text": "Scan QR code with your mobile wallet",
"walletLabel": "Wallet name",
"walletServiceLabel": "Wallet service URL",
"Want to remove your stake at the end of the epoch?": "Do you want to remove your stake now?",
"Want to remove your stake before the epoch ends?": "Do you want to remove your stake when the epoch ends?",
"Warning": "Warning",
"What tokens would you like to return?": "What tokens would you like to return?",
"What Vega key is going to control your stake?": "What Vega key is going to control your stake?",
"What Vega wallet are you removing Tokens from?": "What Vega Wallet are you removing tokens from?",
"Where would you like to stake from?": "Where would you like to associate from?",
"WindowLength": "Window length",
"WindowLengthDescription": "Number of epochs over which to evaluate a referral set's running volume",
"Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"withdrawAllLpSuccessCalloutTitle": "Your SLP tokens and rewards have been sent to your Ethereum address",
"withdrawalsCompleteButton": "Finish withdrawal",
"withdrawalsNone": "You don't have any pending withdrawals.",
"withdrawalsPreparedWarningHeading": "Complete these withdrawals before the next checkpoint restore",
"withdrawalsPreparedWarningText": "Prepared withdrawals are not stored between network resets meaning you will not have the information required to complete a withdrawal.",
"withdrawalsSubtitle": "Connect your Vega wallet to complete a withdrawal. These withdrawals will be completed with an Ethereum transaction.",
"withdrawalsText": "These withdrawals need to be completed with an Ethereum transaction.",
"withdrawalsTitle": "Withdrawals",
"withdrawalTransaction": "Transaction ({{foreignChain}})",
"withdrawFormAmountLabel": "How much would you like to withdraw?",
"withdrawFormAssetLabel": "What would you like to withdraw?",
"withdrawFormNoAsset": "You don't have any assets to withdraw",
"withdrawFormSubmitButtonIdle": "Withdraw {{amount}} {{symbol}} tokens",
"withdrawFormSubmitButtonPending": "Preparing",
"withdrawFromRewardPoolButton": "Withdraw rewards and unstake",
"withdrawLpNoneDeposited": "You have no SLP tokens deposited or rewards accumulated",
"withdrawLpWithdrawAllButton": "Unstake SLP and Withdraw $VEGA rewards",
"withdrawPageHeading": "Withdraw",
"withdrawPageInfoCalloutText": "To withdraw from Vega, the network needs to agree that a party can withdraw funds (to ensure they are available). Once that happens, it returns a signature that is used in an Ethereum transaction to send the tokens to the given Ethereum address.",
"withdrawPageInfoCalloutTitle": "How ERC20 withdrawals work on Vega",
"withdrawPageText": "Use this form to withdraw/release assets from your Vega wallet to their native chain.",
"withdrawPreparedWarningHeading": "Only start a withdrawal when you are ready to pay the gas to release on Ethereum",
"withdrawPreparedWarningText1": "If you proceed beyond this stage, but do not complete the withdrawal on Ethereum, it will not be possible to cancel or alter your withdrawal request.",
"withdrawPreparedWarningText2": "To ensure your assets are not lost, you must pay gas on Ethereum to complete the final step of the withdrawal process. Gas costs per withdrawal have been between $100 and $200.",
"wrongNetwork": "Looks like you are on {{chain}}.",
"wrongNetworkUnknownChain": "Looks like you are on not on {{chain}}.",
"yesPercentage": "Yes percentage",
"You can associate tokens while they are held in the vesting contract, when they unlock you will need to disassociate them before they can be redeemed.": "You can associate tokens while they are held in the vesting contract, when they unlock you will need to disassociate them before they can be redeemed.",
"You cannot claim VEGA tokens if you reside in that country": "It is not possible to claim $VEGA tokens if you reside in that country or region",
"You have no VEGA tokens currently staked through your connected Eth wallet.": "You have no $VEGA tokens currently staked through your connected Ethereum wallet.",
"You have no VEGA tokens currently staked through your connected Vega wallet.": "You have no $VEGA tokens currently staked through your connected Vega Wallet.",
"You have no VEGA tokens currently vesting.": "You have no $VEGA tokens currently vesting.",
"You have no VEGA tokens in your connected wallet. You will need to buy some VEGA tokens from an exchange in order to stake using this method.": "You have no $VEGA tokens in your connected wallet. You will need to buy some $VEGA tokens from an exchange in order to stake using this method.",
"You have redeemed {{redeemedAmount}} VEGA tokens from this tranche. They are now free to transfer from your Ethereum wallet.": "You have redeemed {{redeemedAmount}} $VEGA tokens from this tranche. They are now free to transfer from your Ethereum wallet.",
"You must reduce your associated vesting tokens by at least {{amount}} to redeem from this tranche. <stakeLink>Manage your stake</stakeLink> or just <disassociateLink>disassociate your tokens</disassociateLink>.": "You must reduce your associated vesting tokens by at least {{amount}} to redeem from this tranche. <stakeLink>Manage your stake</stakeLink> or just <disassociateLink>disassociate your tokens</disassociateLink>.",
"You must select a valid country": "You must select a valid country/region",
"You will need to connect to an ethereum wallet to pay the gas and claim tokens": "To claim tokens you will need to connect an Ethereum wallet with ETH to pay for gas. It may be easier to connect to the wallet that you wish your tokens to be sent to.",
"youDidNotVote": "Voting has ended. You did not vote",
"Your data couldn't be loaded": "Your data couldn't be loaded",
"Your stake": "Your stake",
"Your Stake On Node (Next Epoch)": "Your Stake On Node (Next Epoch)",
"Your Stake On Node (This Epoch)": "Your Stake On Node (This Epoch)",
"YourIdentityAnonymous": "Your identity is always anonymous on Vega",
"yourStake": "Your stake",
"yourVote": "Your vote",
"youVoted": "You voted",
"rewardsMovedNotification": "Trading and liquidity rewards have moved. Visit <0>Console</0> to view your rewards."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"Date from": "Date from",
"Date from cannot be greater than date to": "Date from cannot be greater than date to",
"Date from cannot be in the future": "Date from cannot be in the future",
"Date to": "Date to",
"Date to cannot be in the future": "Date to cannot be in the future",
"Download": "Download",
"Download all to .csv file": "Download all to .csv file",
"Download has been started": "Download has been started",
"Downloading for {{asset}} from {{startDate}} till {{endDate}}": "Downloading for {{asset}} from {{startDate}} till {{endDate}}",
"Export ledger entries": "Export ledger entries",
"Get file here": "Get file here",
"Please note this can take several minutes.": "Please note this can take several minutes.",
"Select asset": "Select asset",
"Something went wrong": "Something went wrong",
"Still in progress": "Still in progress",
"The downloaded file uses the UTC time zone for all listed times. Your time zone is UTC{{offset}}.": "The downloaded file uses the UTC time zone for all listed times. Your time zone is UTC{{offset}}.",
"Try again later": "Try again later",
"You need to provide a date from": "You need to provide a date from",
"You need to select an asset": "You need to select an asset",
"You will be notified here when your file is ready.": "You will be notified here when your file is ready.",
"Your file is ready": "Your file is ready"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"Adjusted stake": "Adjusted stake",
"Commitment ({{symbol}})": "Commitment ({{symbol}})",
"Commitment details": "Commitment details",
"Created": "Created",
"Current epoch fraction of time on the book.": "Current epoch fraction of time on the book.",
"Fee": "Fee",
"Fees accrued this epoch": "Fees accrued this epoch",
"Last bond penalty": "Last bond penalty",
"Penalty applied on a provider's bond penalty at the end of the last epoch. This percentage increased if an LP: had a shortfall and their bond needed to be used to cover it, did not meet the SLA, and/or reduced their commitment to the point that the market was below its target stake.": "Penalty applied on a provider's bond penalty at the end of the last epoch. This percentage increased if an LP: had a shortfall and their bond needed to be used to cover it, did not meet the SLA, and/or reduced their commitment to the point that the market was below its target stake.",
"Penalty applied on the fees a liquidity provider collected in the last epoch. This number increases if an LP did not meet the SLA, or if they met it but other LPs outscored them in the previous epoch.": "Penalty applied on the fees a liquidity provider collected in the last epoch. This percentage increased if an LP did not meet the SLA, or if they met it but other LPs outscored them in the previous epoch.",
"Fraction of time on the book at the end of the last epoch.": "Fraction of time on the book at the end of the last epoch.",
"Last epoch SLA details": "Last epoch SLA details",
"Last fee penalty": "Last fee penalty",
"Last time on book": "Last time on book",
"Live liquidity data": "Live liquidity data",
"Live liquidity score (%)": "Live liquidity score (%)",
"Live supplied liquidity": "Live supplied liquidity",
"Live time on book": "Live time on book",
"No liquidity provisions": "No liquidity provisions",
"Obligation": "Obligation",
"Party": "Party",
"Share": "Share",
"Status": "Status",
"The amount committed to the market by this liquidity provider.": "The amount committed to the market by this liquidity provider.",
"The amount of liquidity volume supplied by the LP order in order to meet the obligation. If the obligation is already met in full by other limit orders from the same Vega key the LP order is not required and this value will be zero. Also note if the target stake for the market is less than the obligation the full value of the obligation may not be required.": "The amount of liquidity volume supplied by the LP order in order to meet the obligation. If the obligation is already met in full by other limit orders from the same Vega key the LP order is not required and this value will be zero. Also note if the target stake for the market is less than the obligation the full value of the obligation may not be required.",
"The liquidity score of the provider, used to determine allocation of fees to the best performing LPs. Posting volume closer to the mid on both sides of the book will improve this score.": "The liquidity score of the provider, used to determine allocation of fees to the best performing LPs. Posting volume closer to the mid on both sides of the book will improve this score.",
"The current status of this liquidity provision.": "The current status of this liquidity provision.",
"The date and time this liquidity provision was created.": "The date and time this liquidity provision was created.",
"The date and time this liquidity provision was last updated.": "The date and time this liquidity provision was last updated.",
"The equity-like share of liquidity of the market used to determine allocation of LP fees. Calculated based on share of total liquidity, with a premium added for length of commitment.": "The equity-like share of liquidity of the market used to determine allocation of LP fees. Calculated based on share of total liquidity, with a premium added for length of commitment.",
"The fee percentage (per trade) proposed by each liquidity provider.": "The fee percentage (per trade) proposed by each liquidity provider.",
"The liquidity fees accrued by each provider, which will be distributed at the end of the epoch after applying any penalties.": "The liquidity fees accrued by each provider, which will be distributed at the end of the epoch after applying any penalties.",
"The liquidity provider's obligation to the market, calculated as the liquidity commitment amount multiplied by the value of the stake_to_ccy_volume network parameter to convert into units of liquidity volume.": "The liquidity provider's obligation to the market, calculated as the liquidity commitment amount multiplied by the value of the stake_to_ccy_volume network parameter to convert into units of liquidity volume.",
"The public key of the party making this commitment.": "The public key of the party making this commitment.",
"The effective stake of the liquidity provider, adjusted for length of commitment and impact on equity like share.": "The effective stake of the liquidity provider, adjusted for length of commitment and impact on equity like share.",
"This LP's time on the book in the current epoch ({{currentEpoch}}) is less than 100%, so they could lose some fees to a better performing LP.": "This LP's time on the book in the current epoch ({{currentEpoch}}) is less than 100%, so they could lose some fees to a better performing LP.",
"This LP's time on the book in the current epoch ({{currentEpoch}}) is less than the minimum required ({{minimumRequired}}), so they could lose all fee revenue for this epoch.": "This LP's time on the book in the current epoch ({{currentEpoch}}) is less than the minimum required ({{minimumRequired}}), so they could lose all fee revenue for this epoch.",
"Updated": "Updated",
"Updating next epoch": "Updating next epoch"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"Last traded price": "Last traded price",
"No open orders": "No open orders",
"Spread": "Spread"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
"{{liquidityPriceRange}} of mid price": "{{liquidityPriceRange}} of mid price",
"{{probability}} probability price bounds": "{{probability}} probability price bounds",
"A concept derived from traditional markets. It is a calculated value for the current market price on a market.": "A concept derived from traditional markets. It is a calculated value for the current market price on a market.",
"A number that will be calculated by an appropriate stochastic risk model, dependent on the type of risk model used and its parameters.": "A number that will be calculated by an appropriate stochastic risk model, dependent on the type of risk model used and its parameters.",
"A sliding penalty for how much an LP bond is slashed if an LP fails to reach the minimum SLA. This is a network parameter.": "A sliding penalty for how much an LP bond is slashed if an LP fails to reach the minimum SLA. This is a network parameter.",
"ABI specification": "ABI specification",
"Added": "Added",
"Address": "Address",
"All fees are paid by price takers and are a % of the trade notional value. Fees are not paid during auction uncrossing.": "All fees are paid by price takers and are a % of the trade notional value. Fees are not paid during auction uncrossing.",
"Auction extension duration in seconds, should the price breach its theoretical level over the specified horizon at the specified probability level.": "Auction extension duration in seconds, should the price breach its theoretical level over the specified horizon at the specified probability level.",
"Block explorer": "Block explorer",
"Conditions": "Conditions",
"Could not load market": "Could not load market",
"Current fees": "Current fees",
"Data about the sector. Example: 'automotive' for a market based on value of Tesla shares.": "Data about the sector. Example: 'automotive' for a market based on value of Tesla shares.",
"Details": "Details",
"Determines how the probability of trading is scaled from the risk model, and is used to measure the relative competitiveness of an LP's supplied volume. This is a network parameter.": "Determines how the probability of trading is scaled from the risk model, and is used to measure the relative competitiveness of an LP's supplied volume. This is a network parameter.",
"Ethereum Oracle": "Ethereum Oracle",
"every {{duration}}": "every {{duration}}",
"every {{duration}} from {{initialTime}}": "every {{duration}} from {{initialTime}}",
"Factor applied to funding-rates. This scales the impact that spot price deviations have on funding payments.": "Factor applied to funding-rates. This scales the impact that spot price deviations have on funding payments.",
"Fees paid to validators as a reward for running the infrastructure of the network.": "Fees paid to validators as a reward for running the infrastructure of the network.",
"Filters": "Filters",
"For liquidity orders to count towards a commitment, they must be within the liquidity monitoring bounds.": "For liquidity orders to count towards a commitment, they must be within the liquidity monitoring bounds.",
"Funding": "Funding",
"How big the smallest order / position on the market can be.": "How big the smallest order / position on the market can be.",
"How long an epoch is. LP rewards from liquidity fees are paid out once per epoch. How much they receive depends on whether they met the liquidity SLA and their previous performance in recent epochs. This is a network parameter.": "How long an epoch is. LP rewards from liquidity fees are paid out once per epoch. How much they receive depends on whether they met the liquidity SLA and their previous performance in recent epochs. This is a network parameter.",
"How often the quality of liquidity supplied by each liquidity provider is evaluated and the fees arising from that period are earmarked for specific providers. This is a market parameter. ": "How often the quality of liquidity supplied by each liquidity provider is evaluated and the fees arising from that period are earmarked for specific providers. This is a market parameter. ",
"Instrument": "Instrument",
"Insurance pool": "Insurance pool",
"Insurance Pool Balance": "Insurance Pool Balance",
"Internal conditions": "Internal conditions",
"Invalid data source": "Invalid data source",
"involvedInMarkets_one": "Involved in {{count}} market",
"involvedInMarkets_other": "Involved in {{count}} markets",
"involvedInMarkets": "Involved in {{count}} markets",
"Key": "Key",
"Key details": "Key details",
"Liquidity": "Liquidity",
"Liquidations": "Liquidations",
"Liquidity monitoring parameters": "Liquidity monitoring parameters",
"Liquidity portion of the fee is paid to liquidity providers, and is transferred to the liquidity fee pool for the market.": "Liquidity portion of the fee is paid to liquidity providers, and is transferred to the liquidity fee pool for the market.",
"Liquidity price range": "Liquidity price range",
"Liquidity SLA protocol": "Liquidity SLA protocol",
"Lower bound for the funding-rate such that the funding-rate will never be lower than this value.": "Lower bound for the funding-rate such that the funding-rate will never be lower than this value.",
"Maker portion of the fee is transferred to the non-aggressive, or passive party in the trade (the maker, as opposed to the taker).": "Maker portion of the fee is transferred to the non-aggressive, or passive party in the trade (the maker, as opposed to the taker).",
"Margin scaling factors": "Margin scaling factors",
"Market": "Market",
"Market data": "Market data",
"Market governance": "Market governance",
"Market ID": "Market ID",
"Market price": "Market price",
"Market specification": "Market specification",
"Market volume": "Market volume",
"Maximum fraction of an LP's accrued fees that an LP would lose to liquidity providers that achieved a higher SLA performance than them. This is a market parameter.": "Maximum fraction of an LP's accrued fees that an LP would lose to liquidity providers that achieved a higher SLA performance than them. This is a market parameter.",
"Maximum value that a proposed fee amount can be, which is submitted as part of the LP commitment transaction. Note that a value of 0.05 = 5%. This is a network parameter.": "Maximum value that a proposed fee amount can be, which is submitted as part of the LP commitment transaction. Note that a value of 0.05 = 5%. This is a network parameter.",
"Metadata": "Metadata",
"moreProofs_one": "And {{count}} more proof",
"moreProofs_other": "And {{count}} more proofs",
"moreProofs": "And {{count}} more proofs",
"Multiplier used to translate an LP's commitment amount to their liquidity obligation. This is a network parameter.": "Multiplier used to translate an LP's commitment amount to their liquidity obligation. This is a network parameter.",
"No data": "No data",
"No oracle proof for settlement data": "No oracle proof for settlement data",
"No oracle proof for termination": "No oracle proof for termination",
"No oracle spec for trading termination. Internal timestamp used": "No oracle spec for trading termination. Internal timestamp used",
"Normalisers": "Normalisers",
"Not verified": "Not verified",
"Number of epochs over which past performance will continue to affect rewards. This is a market parameter.": "Number of epochs over which past performance will continue to affect rewards. This is a market parameter.",
"Oracle": "Oracle",
"Oracle repository": "Oracle repository",
"Oracle status for this market is <0>{{status}}</0>. {{description}} <1>Show more</1>": "Oracle status for this market is <0>{{status}}</0>. {{description}} <1>Show more</1>",
"Oracle status: {{status}}. {{description}}": "Oracle status: {{status}}. {{description}}",
"oracleInMarkets_one": "Oracle in {{count}} market",
"oracleInMarkets_other": "Oracle in {{count}} markets",
"oracleInMarkets": "Oracle in {{count}} markets",
"Price monitoring bounds {{index}}": "Price monitoring bounds {{index}}",
"Probability level for price projection, e.g. value of 0.95 will result in a price range such that over the specified projection horizon, the prices observed in the market should be in that range 95% of the time.": "Probability level for price projection, e.g. value of 0.95 will result in a price range such that over the specified projection horizon, the prices observed in the market should be in that range 95% of the time.",
"Probability level used in <0>Expected Shortfall</0> calculation when obtaining Risk Factor Long and Risk Factor Short": "Probability level used in <0>Expected Shortfall</0> calculation when obtaining Risk Factor Long and Risk Factor Short",
"Projection horizon measured as a year fraction used in <0>Expected Shortfall</0> calculation when obtaining Risk Factor Long and Risk Factor Short": "Projection horizon measured as a year fraction used in <0>Expected Shortfall</0> calculation when obtaining Risk Factor Long and Risk Factor Short",
"proofsOfOwnership_one": "{{count}} proof of ownership",
"proofsOfOwnership_other": "{{count}} proofs of ownership",
"proofsOfOwnership": "{{count}} proofs of ownership",
"Proposal": "Proposal",
"Propose a change to market": "Propose a change to market",
"Read more": "Read more",
"Results in {{auctionExtensionSecs}} seconds auction if breached": "Results in {{auctionExtensionSecs}} seconds auction if breached",
"Risk factors": "Risk factors",
"Risk model": "Risk model",
"Settlement": "Settlement",
"Settlement asset": "Settlement asset",
"Settlement oracle": "Settlement oracle",
"Settlement schedule oracle": "Settlement schedule oracle",
"Show less": "Show less",
"SLA protocol = a part of the Vega protocol that creates similar incentives within the decentralised system to those achieved by a Service Level Agreement between parties in traditional finance. The SLA protocol involves no discussion, agreement, or contracts between parties but instead relies upon rules and an economic mechanism implemented in code running on the network": "SLA protocol = a part of the Vega protocol that creates similar incentives within the decentralised system to those achieved by a Service Level Agreement between parties in traditional finance. The SLA protocol involves no discussion, agreement, or contracts between parties but instead relies upon rules and an economic mechanism implemented in code running on the network",
"Specifications": "Specifications",
"Specifies the minimum fraction of time LPs must spend 'on the book' providing their committed liquidity. This is a market parameter.": "Specifies the minimum fraction of time LPs must spend 'on the book' providing their committed liquidity. This is a market parameter.",
"Status": "Status",
"Succession line": "Succession line",
"Termination": "Termination",
"Termination oracle": "Termination oracle",
"The aggregated volume being bid at the best bid price on the market.": "The aggregated volume being bid at the best bid price on the market.",
"The aggregated volume being bid at the best static bid price on the market.": "The aggregated volume being bid at the best static bid price on the market.",
"The aggregated volume being offered at the best offer price on the market.": "The aggregated volume being offered at the best offer price on the market.",
"The aggregated volume being offered at the best static offer price on the market.": "The aggregated volume being offered at the best static offer price on the market.",
"The classification of the product. Examples: shares, commodities, crypto, FX.": "The classification of the product. Examples: shares, commodities, crypto, FX.",
"The current amount of liquidity supplied for this market.": "The current amount of liquidity supplied for this market.",
"The current state of the market": "The current state of the market",
"The first currency in a pair for a currency-based derivatives market.": "The first currency in a pair for a currency-based derivatives market.",
"The fraction of the insurance pool balance that is carried over from the parent market to the successor.": "The fraction of the insurance pool balance that is carried over from the parent market to the successor.",
"The ID of the market this market succeeds.": "The ID of the market this market succeeds.",
"The length of time over which open interest is measured.": "The length of time over which open interest is measured.",
"The liquidity price range is a {{liquidityPriceRange}} difference from the mid price.": "The liquidity price range is a {{liquidityPriceRange}} difference from the mid price.",
"The lower bound for the probability of trading calculation, used to measure liquidity available on a market to determine if LPs are meeting their commitment. This is a network parameter.": "The lower bound for the probability of trading calculation, used to measure liquidity available on a market to determine if LPs are meeting their commitment. This is a network parameter.",
"The market's liquidity requirement which is derived from the maximum open interest observed over a rolling time window.": "The market's liquidity requirement which is derived from the maximum open interest observed over a rolling time window.",
"The maximum amount, as a fraction, that an LP's bond can be slashed by if they fail to reach the minimum SLA. This is a network parameter.": "The maximum amount, as a fraction, that an LP's bond can be slashed by if they fail to reach the minimum SLA. This is a network parameter.",
"The percentage of their bond an LP forfeits if they reduce their commitment while the market is below target stake. If 100%, an LP's entire bond is forfeited when they cancel their full commitment. This is a network parameter.": "The percentage of their bond an LP forfeits if they reduce their commitment while the market is below target stake. If 100%, an LP's entire bond is forfeited when they cancel their full commitment. This is a network parameter.",
"The scaling between the liquidity demand estimate, based on open interest and target stake.": "The scaling between the liquidity demand estimate, based on open interest and target stake.",
"The second currency in a pair for a currency-based derivatives market.": "The second currency in a pair for a currency-based derivatives market.",
"The smallest price increment on the book.": "The smallest price increment on the book.",
"The total number of contracts traded in the last 24 hours.": "The total number of contracts traded in the last 24 hours.",
"The trading mode the market is currently running.": "The trading mode the market is currently running.",
"The triggering ratio for entering liquidity auction.": "The triggering ratio for entering liquidity auction.",
"The underlying that is being priced by the market, described by the market's oracle.": "The underlying that is being priced by the market, described by the market's oracle.",
"The volume at which all trades would occur if the auction was uncrossed now (when in auction mode).": "The volume at which all trades would occur if the auction was uncrossed now (when in auction mode).",
"The volume of all open positions in a given market (the sum of the size of all positions greater than 0).": "The volume of all open positions in a given market (the sum of the size of all positions greater than 0).",
"There is 1 unit of the settlement asset ({{assetSymbol}}) to every 1 quote unit ({{quoteUnit}}).": "There is 1 unit of the settlement asset ({{assetSymbol}}) to every 1 quote unit ({{quoteUnit}}).",
"This market": "This market",
"This oracle has not proven ownership of any accounts.": "This oracle has not proven ownership of any accounts.",
"This public key has been observed acting in bad faith.": "This public key has been observed acting in bad faith.",
"This public key is no longer in the control of its original owners.": "This public key is no longer in the control of its original owners.",
"This public key is no longer in use.": "This public key is no longer in use.",
"This public key is suspected to be acting in bad faith, pending investigation.": "This public key is suspected to be acting in bad faith, pending investigation.",
"This public key's proofs have been verified.": "This public key's proofs have been verified.",
"This public key's proofs have not been verified yet, or no proofs have been provided yet.": "This public key's proofs have not been verified yet, or no proofs have been provided yet.",
"Time horizon of the price projection in seconds.": "Time horizon of the price projection in seconds.",
"Updated": "Updated",
"Upper bound for the funding-rate such that the funding-rate will never be higher than this value.": "Upper bound for the funding-rate such that the funding-rate will never be higher than this value.",
"Used to calculate the penalty to liquidity providers when they cannot support their open position with the assets in their margin and general accounts. This is a network parameter.": "Used to calculate the penalty to liquidity providers when they cannot support their open position with the assets in their margin and general accounts. This is a network parameter.",
"Verified since {{lastVerified}}": "Verified since {{lastVerified}}",
"verifyProofs_one": "Verify {{count}} proof of ownership",
"verifyProofs_other": "Verify {{count}} proofs of ownership",
"verifyProofs": "Verify {{count}} proofs of ownership",
"View governance proposal": "View governance proposal",
"View liquidity provision table": "View liquidity provision table",
"View on Etherscan": "View on Etherscan",
"View settlement data specification": "View settlement data specification",
"View settlement schedule specification": "View settlement schedule specification",
"View termination specification": "View termination specification",
"Within {{horizonSecs}} seconds": "Within {{horizonSecs}} seconds"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
"{{tifLabel}}. Post Only": "{{tifLabel}}. Post Only",
"{{tifLabel}}. Reduce only": "{{tifLabel}}. Reduce only",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Cancel all": "Cancel all",
"Cancel order": "Cancel order",
"Cancels": "Cancels",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy order ID": "Copy order ID",
"Created": "Created",
"Edit order": "Edit order",
"Expires": "Expires",
"Expires at": "Expires at",
"Filled": "Filled",
"Iceberg order": "Iceberg order",
"Liquidity provision": "Liquidity provision",
"Market": "Market",
"MAX": "MAX",
"Minimum size": "Minimum size",
"No orders": "No orders",
"No stop orders": "No stop orders",
"One Cancels the Other": "One Cancels the Other",
"Order details": "Order details",
"Order ID": "Order ID",
"Peak size": "Peak size",
"Pegged": "Pegged",
"Post only": "Post only",
"Price": "Price",
"Reduce only": "Reduce only",
"Remaining": "Remaining",
"Reserved remaining": "Reserved remaining",
"Side": "Side",
"Size": "Size",
"Something went wrong: {{errorMessage}}": "Something went wrong: {{errorMessage}}",
"Status": "Status",
"Submit": "Submit",
"The maximum volume that can be traded at once. Must be less than the total size of the order.": "The maximum volume that can be traded at once. Must be less than the total size of the order.",
"The price cannot be negative": "The price cannot be negative",
"The size cannot be negative": "The size cannot be negative",
"Trigger": "Trigger",
"Type": "Type",
"Update": "Update",
"Updated": "Updated",
"View order details": "View order details",
"When the order trades and its size falls below this threshold, it will be reset to the peak size and moved to the back of the priority order. Must be less than or equal to peak size, and greater than 0.": "When the order trades and its size falls below this threshold, it will be reset to the peak size and moved to the back of the priority order. Must be less than or equal to peak size, and greater than 0.",
"Yes": "Yes",
"You need to provide a price": "You need to provide a price",
"You need to provide a size": "You need to provide a size"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"Best case": "Best case",
"Cross": "Cross",
"Close position": "Close position",
"Entry / Mark": "Entry / Mark",
"General account: {{balance}}": "General account: {{balance}}",
"Isolated": "Isolated",
"Lifetime loss socialisation deductions: {{losses}}": "Lifetime loss socialisation deductions: {{losses}}",
"Liquidation: {{maintenanceLevel}}": "Liquidation: {{maintenanceLevel}}",
"Maintained by network": "Maintained by network",
"Margin / Leverage": "Margin / Leverage",
"Margin: {{balance}}": "Margin: {{balance}}",
"Market": "Market",
"Order: {{balance}}": "Order: {{balance}}",
"No positions": "No positions",
"Profit or loss is realised whenever your position is reduced to zero and the margin is released back to your collateral balance. P&L excludes any fees paid.": "Profit or loss is realised whenever your position is reduced to zero and the margin is released back to your collateral balance. P&L excludes any fees paid.",
"Read more about loss socialisation": "Read more about loss socialisation",
"Read more about position resolution": "Read more about position resolution",
"Realised PNL": "Realised PNL",
"Realised PNL: {{value}}": "Realised PNL: {{value}}",
"Size / Notional": "Size / Notional",
"Status: {{status}}": "Status: {{status}}",
"The position was distressed, but could not be closed out - orders were removed from the book, and the open volume will be closed out once there is sufficient volume on the book.": "The position was distressed, but could not be closed out - orders were removed from the book, and the open volume will be closed out once there is sufficient volume on the book.",
"The position was distressed, but removing open orders from the book brought the margin level back to a point where the open position could be maintained.": "The position was distressed, but removing open orders from the book brought the margin level back to a point where the open position could be maintained.",
"Unrealised PNL": "Unrealised PNL",
"Unrealised profit is the current profit on your open position. Margin is still allocated to your position.": "Unrealised profit is the current profit on your open position. Margin is still allocated to your position.",
"Vega key": "Vega key",
"View settlement asset details": "View settlement asset details",
"Worst case": "Worst case",
"Worst case liquidation price": "Worst case liquidation price",
"You did not have enough {{assetSymbol}} collateral to meet the maintenance margin requirements for your position, so it was closed by the network.": "You did not have enough {{assetSymbol}} collateral to meet the maintenance margin requirements for your position, so it was closed by the network.",
"You received less {{assetSymbol}} in gains that you should have when the market moved in your favour. This occurred because one or more other trader(s) were closed out and did not have enough funds to cover their losses, and the market's insurance pool was empty.": "You received less {{assetSymbol}} in gains that you should have when the market moved in your favour. This occurred because one or more other trader(s) were closed out and did not have enough funds to cover their losses, and the market's insurance pool was empty.",
"Your open orders were cancelled.": "Your open orders were cancelled.",
"Your position is distressed.": "Your position is distressed.",
"Your position was closed.": "Your position was closed."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
"[This is {{network}} transaction only]": "[This is {{network}} transaction only]",
"{{proposalChange}} proposal {{proposalState}}": "{{proposalChange}} proposal {{proposalState}}",
"Awaiting network confirmation": "Awaiting network confirmation",
"blocks": "blocks",
"Changes have been proposed for this asset.": "Changes have been proposed for this asset.",
"Changes have been proposed for this market.": "Changes have been proposed for this market.",
"Closing date": "Closing date",
"Confirm transaction in wallet": "Confirm transaction in wallet",
"Enactment date": "Enactment date",
"Enactment date: {{date}}": "Enactment date: {{date}}",
"estimated time to protocol upgrade": "estimated time to protocol upgrade",
"estimating...": "estimating...",
"Market": "Market",
"Network upgrade in {{countdown}}": "Network upgrade in {{countdown}}",
"No proposed markets": "No proposed markets",
"numberOfBlocks": "<0>{{count}}</0> blocks",
"numberOfBlocks_one": "<0>{{count}}</0> block",
"numberOfBlocks_other": "<0>{{count}}</0> blocks",
"Parent market": "Parent market",
"Please open your wallet application and confirm or reject the transaction": "Please open your wallet application and confirm or reject the transaction",
"Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed": "Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed",
"Proposal declined": "Proposal declined",
"Proposal enacted": "Proposal enacted",
"Proposal failed": "Proposal failed",
"Proposal passed": "Proposal passed",
"Proposal rejected": "Proposal rejected",
"Proposal submitted": "Proposal submitted",
"Proposal waiting for node vote": "Proposal waiting for node vote",
"Rejection reason: {{reason}}": "Rejection reason: {{reason}}",
"Settlement asset": "Settlement asset",
"State": "State",
"Submission failed": "Submission failed",
"The network is being upgraded to {{vegaReleaseTag}}": "The network is being upgraded to {{vegaReleaseTag}}",
"The network will upgrade to {{vegaReleaseTag}} in {{countdown}}": "The network will upgrade to {{vegaReleaseTag}} in {{countdown}}",
"Trading activity will be interrupted, manage your risk appropriately.": "Trading activity will be interrupted, manage your risk appropriately.",
"Trading and other network activity has stopped until the upgrade is complete.": "Trading and other network activity has stopped until the upgrade is complete.",
"Transaction complete": "Transaction complete",
"Transaction failed": "Transaction failed",
"Unknown proposal {{proposalState}}": "Unknown proposal {{proposalState}}",
"Update <0>{{key}}</0> to {{value}}": "Update <0>{{key}}</0> to {{value}}",
"View details": "View details",
"View in block explorer": "View in block explorer",
"View proposal": "View proposal",
"View proposal details": "View proposal details",
"Voting": "Voting",
"Your transaction has been confirmed": "Your transaction has been confirmed"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"Created at": "Created at",
"No trades": "No trades",
"Price": "Price",
"Size": "Size"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"Failed to initialize Trading view": "Failed to initialize Trading view",
"Loading Trading View": "Loading Trading View"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
"(Combined set volume {{runningVolume}} over last {{epochs}} epochs)": "(Combined set volume {{runningVolume}} over last {{epochs}} epochs)",
"(Created at: {{createdAt}})": "(Created at: {{createdAt}})",
"(Tier {{tier}} as of last epoch)": "(Tier {{tier}} as of last epoch)",
"24h vol": "24h vol",
"24h volume": "24h volume",
"A percentage of commission earned by the referrer": "A percentage of commission earned by the referrer",
"A successor to this market has been proposed": "A successor to this market has been proposed",
"As a team creator, you cannot switch teams": "As a team creator, you cannot switch teams",
"About the referral program": "About the referral program",
"Active": "Active",
"Activity Streak": "Activity Streak",
"All": "All",
"All teams": "All teams",
"All teams are eligible": "All teams are eligible",
"Amount earned": "Amount earned",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Anyone with the referral link can apply it to their key(s) of choice via an on chain transaction": "Anyone with the referral link can apply it to their key(s) of choice via an on chain transaction",
"Assessed over": "Assessed over",
"Are you sure you want to join team: {{team}}": "Are you sure you want to join team: {{team}}",
"Asset (1)": "Asset (1)",
"Assets": "Assets",
"Available to withdraw this epoch": "Available to withdraw this epoch",
"Average position": "Average position",
"Avatar URL": "Avatar URL",
"Base commission rate": "Base commission rate",
"Base rate": "Base rate",
"Best bid": "Best bid",
"Best offer": "Best offer",
"Browse": "Browse",
"By using the Vega Console, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the <0>Vega Console Disclaimer</0>": "By using the Vega Console, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the <0>Vega Console Disclaimer</0>",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Change (24h)": "Change (24h)",
"Changes have been proposed for this market. <0>View proposals</0>": "Changes have been proposed for this market. <0>View proposals</0>",
"Chart": "Chart",
"Chart by <0>TradingView</0>": "Chart by <0>TradingView</0>",
"Close": "Close",
"Close menu": "Close menu",
"Closed": "Closed",
"Closed markets": "Closed markets",
"Code must be 64 characters in length": "Code must be 64 characters in length",
"Code must be be valid hex": "Code must be be valid hex",
"Collateral": "Collateral",
"Conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.": "Conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.",
"Confrim": "Confrim",
"Confirm in wallet...": "Confirm in wallet...",
"Confirming transaction...": "Confirming transaction...",
"Connect": "Connect",
"Connect wallet": "Connect wallet",
"Connect your wallet to join the team": "Connect your wallet to join the team",
"Connected node": "Connected node",
"Console": "Console",
"Continue sharing data": "Continue sharing data",
"Copied": "Copied",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Copy Market ID": "Copy Market ID",
"Could not configure web3 provider": "Could not configure web3 provider",
"Could not initialize app": "Could not initialize app",
"Countdown": "Countdown",
"Create a referral code": "Create a referral code",
"Create": "Create",
"Create a team": "Create a team",
"Create a simple referral code to enjoy the referrer commission outlined in the current referral program": "Create a simple referral code to enjoy the referrer commission outlined in the current referral program",
"Create solo team": "Create solo team",
"Make your referral code a Team to compete in Competitions with your friends, appear in leaderboards on the <0>Competitions Homepage</0>, and earn rewards": "Make your referral code a Team to compete in Competitions with your friends, appear in leaderboards on the <0>Competitions Homepage</0>, and earn rewards",
"Current tier": "Current tier",
"DISCLAIMER_P1": "Vega is a decentralised peer-to-peer protocol that can be used to trade derivatives with cryptoassets. The Vega Protocol is an implementation layer (layer one) protocol made of free, public, open-source or source-available software. Use of the Vega Protocol involves various risks, including but not limited to, losses while digital assets are supplied to the Vega Protocol and losses due to the fluctuation of prices of assets.",
"DISCLAIMER_P2": "Before using the Vega Protocol, review the relevant documentation at docs.vega.xyz to make sure that you understand how it works. Conduct your own due diligence and consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.",
"DISCLAIMER_P3": "As described in the Vega Protocol core license, the Vega Protocol is provided “as is”, at your own risk, and without warranties of any kind. Although Gobalsky Labs Limited developed much of the initial code for the Vega Protocol, it does not provide or control the Vega Protocol, which is run by third parties deploying it on a bespoke blockchain. Upgrades and modifications to the Vega Protocol are managed in a community-driven way by holders of the VEGA governance token.",
"DISCLAIMER_P4": "No developer or entity involved in creating the Vega Protocol will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of the Vega Protocol, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or legal costs, or loss of profits, cryptoassets, tokens or anything else of value.",
"DISCLAIMER_P5": "This website is hosted on a decentralised network, the Interplanetary File System (“IPFS”). The IPFS decentralised web is made up of all the computers (nodes) connected to it. Data is therefore stored on many different computers.",
"DISCLAIMER_P6": "The information provided on this website does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other sort of advice and you should not treat any of the website's content as such. No party recommends that any cryptoasset should be bought, sold, or held by you via this website. No party ensures the accuracy of information listed on this website or holds any responsibility for any missing or wrong information. You understand that you are using any and all information available here at your own risk.",
"DISCLAIMER_P7": "Additionally, just as you can access email protocols such as SMTP through multiple email clients, you can potentially access the Vega Protocol through many web or mobile interfaces. You are responsible for doing your own diligence on those interfaces to understand the associated risks and any fees.",
"Dark mode": "Dark mode",
"Date Joined": "Date Joined",
"Depending on data node retention you may not be able see the full 30 days": "Depending on data node retention you may not be able see the full 30 days",
"Deposit": "Deposit",
"Deposit funds": "Deposit funds",
"Deposits": "Deposits",
"Depth": "Depth",
"Description": "Description",
"Disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Discount": "Discount",
"Discounts are applied automatically during trading based on the key(s) used": "Discounts are applied automatically during trading based on the key(s) used",
"Docs": "Docs",
"Earn commission & stake rewards": "Earn commission & stake rewards",
"Earned by me": "Earned by me",
"Edit alias": "Edit alias",
"Eligible teams": "Eligible teams",
"Enactment date reached and usual auction exit checks pass": "Enactment date reached and usual auction exit checks pass",
"[empty]": "[empty]",
"Ends in": "Ends in",
"Entity scope": "Entity scope",
"{{entity}} scope": "{{entity}} scope",
"Environment not configured": "Environment not configured",
"Epoch": "Epoch",
"epochs in referral set": "epochs in referral set",
"Epochs in set": "Epochs in set",
"Epochs to next tier": "Epochs to next tier",
"Expected in {{distance}}": "Expected in {{distance}}",
"Expected {{distance}} ago": "Expected {{distance}} ago",
"Experiment for free with virtual assets on <0>Fairground Testnet</0>": "Experiment for free with virtual assets on <0>Fairground Testnet</0>",
"Expiry": "Expiry",
"Explore": "Explore",
"Favorite game": "Favorite game",
"Fees": "Fees",
"Fees paid": "Fees paid",
"Fees work like a CEX with no per-transaction gas for orders": "Fees work like a CEX with no per-transaction gas for orders",
"Fills": "Fills",
"Final commission rate": "Final commission rate",
"Find out more": "Find out more",
"For more info, visit the documentation": "For more info, visit the documentation",
"Free from the risks of real trading, Fairground is a safe and fun place to try out Vega yourself with virtual assets.": "Free from the risks of real trading, Fairground is a safe and fun place to try out Vega yourself with virtual assets.",
"From epoch": "From epoch",
"Fully decentralised high performance peer-to-network trading.": "Fully decentralised high performance peer-to-network trading.",
"Funding": "Funding",
"Funding Payments": "Funding Payments",
"Funding Rate": "Funding Rate",
"Funding history": "Funding history",
"Funding payments": "Funding payments",
"Funding rate": "Funding rate",
"Futures": "Futures",
"Games ({{count}})": "Games ({{count}})",
"Results ({{count}})": "Results ({{count}})",
"Generate a referral code to share with your friends and start earning commission.": "Generate a referral code to share with your friends and start earning commission.",
"Generate code": "Generate code",
"Get rewards for providing liquidity.": "Get rewards for providing liquidity.",
"Get started": "Get started",
"Get the Vega Wallet": "Get the Vega Wallet",
"Give Feedback": "Give Feedback",
"Go back and try again": "Go back and try again",
"Got to competitions": "Go to competitions",
"Governance": "Governance",
"Governance vote for this market has been rejected": "Governance vote for this market has been rejected",
"Governance vote for this market is valid and has been accepted": "Governance vote for this market is valid and has been accepted",
"Governance vote has passed and market is awaiting opening auction exit": "Governance vote has passed and market is awaiting opening auction exit",
"Governance vote passed to close the market": "Governance vote passed to close the market",
"Global staking reward for staking $VEGA on the network via the Governance app": "Global staking reward for staking $VEGA on the network via the Governance app",
"Help identify bugs and improve the service by sharing anonymous usage data.": "Help identify bugs and improve the service by sharing anonymous usage data.",
"Help us identify bugs and improve Vega Governance by sharing anonymous usage data.": "Help us identify bugs and improve Vega Governance by sharing anonymous usage data.",
"Hide closed markets": "Hide closed markets",
"Hoarder reward multiplier": "Hoarder reward multiplier",
"How it works": "How it works",
"I want a code": "I want a code",
"INTERVAL_I12H": "12H",
"INTERVAL_I15M": "15m",
"INTERVAL_I1H": "1h",
"INTERVAL_I1M": "1m",
"INTERVAL_I30M": "30m",
"INTERVAL_I5M": "5m",
"INTERVAL_I6H": "6h",
"INTERVAL_I8H": "8h",
"Improve vega console": "Improve vega console",
"Inactive": "Inactive",
"Index Price": "Index Price",
"Indicators": "Indicators",
"Invalid image URL": "Invalid image URL",
"Invalid URL": "Invalid URL",
"Individual": "Individual",
"Infrastructure": "Infrastructure",
"Interval: {{interval}}": "Interval: {{interval}}",
"Invite friends and earn rewards from the trading fees they pay. Stake those rewards to earn multipliers on future rewards.": "Invite friends and earn rewards from the trading fees they pay. Stake those rewards to earn multipliers on future rewards.",
"Join team": "Join team",
"Joined": "Joined",
"Joined at": "Joined at",
"Joined epoch": "Joined epoch",
"Key name": "Key name",
"gameCount_one": "Last game result",
"gameCount_other": "Last {{count}} game results",
"Learn about providing liquidity": "Learn about providing liquidity",
"Learn more": "Learn more",
"Ledger entries": "Ledger entries",
"Liquidity": "Liquidity",
"Liquidity fees": "Liquidity fees",
"Liquidity supplied": "Liquidity supplied",
"Locked {{assetSymbol}}": "Locked {{assetSymbol}}",
"Low fees and no cost to place orders": "Low fees and no cost to place orders",
"Mainnet status & incidents": "Mainnet status & incidents",
"Make withdrawal": "Make withdrawal",
"Make team private": "Make team private",
"Maker": "Maker",
"Mark Price": "Mark Price",
"Mark price": "Mark price",
"Market": "Market",
"Market ID": "Market ID",
"Market specification": "Market specification",
"Market triggers cancellation or governance vote has passed to cancel": "Market triggers cancellation or governance vote has passed to cancel",
"Markets": "Markets",
"Members": "Members",
"Members ({{count}})": "Members ({{count}})",
"Member ID": "Member ID",
"Menu": "Menu",
"Metamask Snap <0>quick start</0>": "Metamask Snap <0>quick start</0>",
"Min. epochs": "Min. epochs",
"Min. trading volume": "Min. trading volume",
"My current volume": "My current volume",
"My liquidity provision": "My liquidity provision",
"My trading fees": "My trading fees",
"Name": "Name",
"No alias": "No alias",
"No closed orders": "No closed orders",
"No data": "No data",
"No deposits": "No deposits",
"No funding history data": "No funding history data",
"No future markets.": "No future markets.",
"No games": "No games",
"No game results available": "No game results available",
"No ledger entries to export": "No ledger entries to export",
"No market": "No market",
"No markets": "No markets",
"No markets.": "No markets.",
"No members": "No members",
"No MetaMask version that supports snaps detected. Learn more about <0>MetaMask Snaps</0>": "No MetaMask version that supports snaps detected. Learn more about <0>MetaMask Snaps</0>",
"No open orders": "No open orders",
"No orders": "No orders",
"No party accepts any liability for any losses whatsoever.": "No party accepts any liability for any losses whatsoever.",
"No perpetual markets.": "No perpetual markets.",
"No referral program active": "No referral program active",
"No rejected orders": "No rejected orders",
"No rewards": "No rewards",
"No rows": "No rows",
"No thanks": "No thanks",
"No third party has access to your funds.": "No third party has access to your funds.",
"No volume discount program active": "No volume discount program active",
"No withdrawals": "No withdrawals",
"No. of participating members": "No. of participating members",
"No. of participating teams": "No. of participating teams",
"Node: {{VEGA_URL}} is unsuitable": "Node: {{VEGA_URL}} is unsuitable",
"Non-custodial and pseudonymous": "Non-custodial and pseudonymous",
"None": "None",
"Not connected": "Not connected",
"Number of epochs after distribution to delay vesting of rewards by": "Number of epochs after distribution to delay vesting of rewards by",
"Number of traders": "Number of traders",
"On-change alias": "On-change alias",
"Open": "Open",
"Open a position": "Open a position",
"Open markets": "Open markets",
"Optional": "Optional",
"Order": "Order",
"Orderbook": "Orderbook",
"Orders": "Orders",
"Owner": "Owner",
"Page not found": "Page not found",
"Parent of a market": "Parent of a market",
"Pennant": "Pennant",
"Perpetuals": "Perpetuals",
"place_ordinal_one": "{{count}}st",
"place_ordinal_two": "{{count}}nd",
"place_ordinal_few": "{{count}}rd",
"place_ordinal_other": "{{count}}th",
"Please choose another market from the <0>market list</0>": "Please choose another market from the <0>market list</0>",
"Please connect Vega wallet": "Please connect Vega wallet",
"Portfolio": "Portfolio",
"Positions": "Positions",
"Price": "Price",
"Profile updated": "Profile updated",
"Program ends:": "Program ends:",
"Propose a new market": "Propose a new market",
"Proposed final price is {{price}} {{assetSymbol}}.": "Proposed final price is {{price}} {{assetSymbol}}.",
"Proposed markets": "Proposed markets",
"Provide a link so users can learn more about your team": "Provide a link so users can learn more about your team",
"Provide a URL to a hosted image": "Provide a URL to a hosted image",
"Providing liquidity": "Providing liquidity",
"Public key allow list": "Public key allow list",
"Purpose built proof of stake blockchain": "Purpose built proof of stake blockchain",
"qUSD": "qUSD",
"qUSD provides a rough USD equivalent of balances across all assets using the value of \"Quantum\" for that asset": "qUSD provides a rough USD equivalent of balances across all assets using the value of \"Quantum\" for that asset",
"Rank": "Rank",
"Read the terms": "Read the terms",
"Ready to trade": "Ready to trade",
"Ready to trade with real funds? <0>Switch to Mainnet</0>": "Ready to trade with real funds? <0>Switch to Mainnet</0>",
"Redeem rewards": "Redeem rewards",
"Referee": "Referee",
"Referral benefits": "Referral benefits",
"Referral discount": "Referral discount",
"Referrals": "Referrals",
"Referrer commission": "Referrer commission",
"Referrer trading discount": "Referrer trading discount",
"Referrers earn commission based on a percentage of the taker fees their referees pay": "Referrers earn commission based on a percentage of the taker fees their referees pay",
"Referrers generate a code assigned to their key via an on chain transaction": "Referrers generate a code assigned to their key via an on chain transaction",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Required": "Required",
"Required epochs": "Required epochs",
"Required for next tier": "Required for next tier",
"Reset Columns": "Reset Columns",
"Resources": "Resources",
"Reward bonus": "Reward bonus",
"Reward {{reward}}x": "Reward {{reward}}x",
"Rewards": "Rewards",
"Rewards funded using the pro-rata strategy should be distributed pro-rata by each entity's reward metric scaled by any active multipliers that party has": " Rewards funded using the pro-rata strategy should be distributed pro-rata by each entity's reward metric scaled by any active multipliers that party has",
"Rewards history": "Rewards history",
"Rewards multipliers": "Rewards multipliers",
"Search": "Search",
"See all markets": "See all markets",
"Select market": "Select market",
"Set party alias": "Set party alias",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Settlement asset": "Settlement asset",
"Settlement date": "Settlement date",
"Settlement defined by product has been triggered and completed": "Settlement defined by product has been triggered and completed",
"Settlement price": "Settlement price",
"Share data": "Share data",
"Share usage data": "Share usage data",
"Show closed markets": "Show closed markets",
"Something went wrong": "Something went wrong",
"Spot": "Spot",
"Spot markets coming soon.": "Spot markets coming soon.",
"Spread": "Spread",
"Stake a minimum of {{minimumStakedTokens}} $VEGA tokens": "Stake a minimum of {{minimumStakedTokens}} $VEGA tokens",
"Stake some $VEGA now": "Stake some $VEGA now",
"Staked VEGA": "Staked VEGA",
"Staking multiplier": "Staking multiplier",
"Start trading": "Start trading",
"Start trading on the worlds most advanced decentralised exchange.": "Start trading on the worlds most advanced decentralised exchange.",
"Status": "Status",
"Stop": "Stop",
"Stop orders": "Stop orders",
"Streak reward multiplier": "Streak reward multiplier",
"Submit": "Submit",
"Successor of a market": "Successor of a market",
"Successors to this market have been proposed": "Successors to this market have been proposed",
"Supplied stake": "Supplied stake",
"Suspended due to price or liquidity monitoring trigger": "Suspended due to price or liquidity monitoring trigger",
"Switch team": "Switch team",
"Switching team will move you from '{{fromTeam}}' to '{{toTeam}}' at the end of the epoch. Are you sure?": "Switching team will move you from '{{fromTeam}}' to '{{toTeam}}' at the end of the epoch. Are you sure?",
"Target stake": "Target stake",
"Team": "Team",
"Team name": "Team name",
"Team name cannot be empty": "Team name cannot be empty",
"Team creation transaction successful": "Team creation transaction successful",
"Team joined": "Team joined",
"Team switch successful. You will switch team at the end of the epoch.": "Team switch successful. You will switch team at the end of the epoch.",
"The amount of fees paid to liquidity providers across the whole market during the last epoch {{epoch}}.": "The amount of fees paid to liquidity providers across the whole market during the last epoch {{epoch}}.",
"The commission is taken from the infrastructure fee, maker fee, and liquidity provider fee, not from the referee": "The commission is taken from the infrastructure fee, maker fee, and liquidity provider fee, not from the referee",
"The external time weighted average price (TWAP) received from the data source defined in the data sourcing specification.": "The external time weighted average price (TWAP) received from the data source defined in the data sourcing specification.",
"The final price will be {{price}} {{assetSymbol}}.": "The final price will be {{price}} {{assetSymbol}}.",
"The market has sufficient liquidity but there are not enough priced limit orders in the order book, which are required to deploy liquidity commitment pegged orders.": "The market has sufficient liquidity but there are not enough priced limit orders in the order book, which are required to deploy liquidity commitment pegged orders.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exists.": "The page you're looking for doesn't exists.",
"The successor market <0>{{instrumentName}}</0> has a 24h trading volume of {{successorVolume}}": "The successor market <0>{{instrumentName}}</0> has a 24h trading volume of {{successorVolume}}",
"The successor market is <0>{{instrumentName}}</0>": "The successor market is <0>{{instrumentName}}</0>",
"The transaction could not be sent": "The transaction could not be sent",
"This market URL is not available any more.": "This market URL is not available any more.",
"This market expires in {{duration}}.": "This market expires in {{duration}}.",
"This market expires when triggered by its oracle, not on a set date.": "This market expires when triggered by its oracle, not on a set date.",
"This market has been settled": "This market has been settled",
"This market has been succeeded": "This market has been succeeded",
"This market has been suspended via a governance vote and can be resumed or terminated by further votes.": "This market has been suspended via a governance vote and can be resumed or terminated by further votes.",
"This timestamp is user curated metadata and does not drive any on-chain functionality.": "This timestamp is user curated metadata and does not drive any on-chain functionality.",
"Tier": "Tier",
"Tier {{tier}}": "Tier {{tier}}",
"Tier {{userTier}}": "Tier {{userTier}}",
"To protect the network from spam, you must have at least {{requiredFunds}} qUSD of any asset on the network to proceed.": "To protect the network from spam, you must have at least {{requiredFunds}} qUSD of any asset on the network to proceed.",
"Toast location": "Toast location",
"Total amount of rewards paid out to this team in qUSD": "Total amount of rewards paid out to this team in qUSD",
"Total discount": "Total discount",
"Total distributed": "Total distributed",
"Total fee after discount": "Total fee after discount",
"Total fee before discount": "Total fee before discount",
"Total games": "Total games",
"Total number of games this team has participated in": "Total number of games this team has participated in",
"Total volume": "Total volume",
"totalCommission": "Total commission (<0>last {{count}} epochs</0>)",
"totalCommission_one": "Total commission (<0>last {{count}} epoch</0>)",
"totalCommission_other": "Total commission (<0>last {{count}} epochs</0>)",
"Trader": "Trader",
"Trades": "Trades",
"Trading": "Trading",
"Trading has been terminated as a result of the product definition": "Trading has been terminated as a result of the product definition",
"Trading mode": "Trading mode",
"Trading on market {{name}} may stop on {{date}}. There is an open proposal to close this market.": "Trading on market {{name}} may stop on {{date}}. There is an open proposal to close this market.",
"Trading on market {{name}} may stop. There are open proposals to close this market": "Trading on market {{name}} may stop. There are open proposals to close this market",
"Trading on market {{name}} will stop on {{date}}": "Trading on market {{name}} will stop on {{date}}",
"TradingView": "TradingView",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"Type": "Type",
"Staking rewards": "Staking rewards",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"Unknown settlement date": "Unknown settlement date",
"Unnamed key": "Unnamed key",
"Update team": "Update team",
"URL": "URL",
"Use a comma separated list to allow only specific public keys to join the team": "Use a comma separated list to allow only specific public keys to join the team",
"Vega Reward pot": "Vega Reward pot",
"Vega Wallet <0>full featured</0>": "Vega Wallet <0>full featured</0>",
"Vega chart": "Vega chart",
"Vesting": "Vesting",
"Vesting multiplier": "Vesting multiplier",
"Vesting {{assetSymbol}}": "Vesting {{assetSymbol}}",
"Vesting {{vesting}}x": "Vesting {{vesting}}x",
"View as public key": "View as public key",
"View liquidity provision table": "View liquidity provision table",
"View on Explorer": "View on Explorer",
"View oracle specification": "View oracle specification",
"View parent market": "View parent market",
"View proposals": "View proposals",
"View settlement asset details": "View settlement asset details",
"View successor market": "View successor market",
"View team": "View team",
"Volume": "Volume",
"Volume (24h)": "Volume (24h)",
"Volume discount": "Volume discount",
"Volume to next tier": "Volume to next tier",
"Wallet": "Wallet",
"We're sorry but we don't have an active referral programme currently running. You can propose a new programme <0>here</0>.": "We're sorry but we don't have an active referral programme currently running. You can propose a new programme <0>here</0>.",
"Welcome to Vega trading!": "Welcome to Vega trading!",
"Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"Withdrawals": "Withdrawals",
"You can opt out any time via settings": "You can opt out any time via settings",
"You may encounter bugs, loss of functionality or loss of assets.": "You may encounter bugs, loss of functionality or loss of assets.",
"You must be connected to the Vega wallet.": "You must be connected to the Vega wallet.",
"You need a <0>Vega wallet</0> to start trading in this market.": "You need a <0>Vega wallet</0> to start trading in this market.",
"You need at least {{requiredStake}} VEGA staked to generate a referral code and participate in the referral program.": "You need at least {{requiredStake}} VEGA staked to generate a referral code and participate in the referral program.",
"You will no longer be able to hold a position on this market when it closes in {{duration}}.": "You will no longer be able to hold a position on this market when it closes in {{duration}}.",
"Your code has been rejected": "Your code has been rejected",
"Your identity is always anonymous on Vega": "Your identity is always anonymous on Vega",
"Your key's private name, can be changed in your wallet": "Your key's private name, can be changed in your wallet",
"Your referral code": "Your referral code",
"Your tier": "Your tier",
"Your public alias, stored on chain": "Your public alias, stored on chain",
"checkOutProposalsAndVote": "Check out the terms of the proposals and vote:",
"checkOutProposalsAndVote_one": "Check out the terms of the proposal and vote:",
"checkOutProposalsAndVote_other": "Check out the terms of the proposals and vote:",
"epochStreak_one": "{{count}} epoch streak",
"epochsStreak": "{{count}} epochs streak",
"minTradingVolume": "Min. trading volume (last {{count}} epochs)",
"minTradingVolume_one": "Min. trading volume (last {{count}} epoch)",
"minTradingVolume_other": "Min. trading volume (last {{count}} epochs)",
"myVolume": "My volume (last {{count}} epochs)",
"myVolume_one": "My volume (last {{count}} epoch)",
"myVolume_other": "My volume (last {{count}} epochs)",
"numberEpochs": "{{count}} epochs",
"numberEpochs_one": "{{count}} epoch",
"Rewards earned": "Rewards earned",
"Rewards paid out": "Rewards paid out",
"{{reward}}x": "{{reward}}x",
"userActive": "{{active}} trader: {{count}} epochs so far",
"userInactive": "{{active}} trader: {{count}} epochs so far, you will lose your streak in {{remaining}} epochs!",
"volumeLastEpochs": "Volume (last {{count}} epochs)",
"volumeLastEpochs_one": "Volume (last {{count}} epoch)",
"volumeLastEpochs_other": "Volume (last {{count}} epochs)",
"youAreJoiningTheGroup": "You are joining the group shown, but will not have access to benefits until you have completed at least {{count}} epochs.",
"youAreJoiningTheGroup_one": "You are joining the group shown, but will not have access to benefits until you have completed at least {{count}} epoch.",
"youAreJoiningTheGroup_other": "You are joining the group shown, but will not have access to benefits until you have completed at least {{count}} epochs.",
"{{amount}} $VEGA staked": "{{amount}} $VEGA staked",
"{{assetSymbol}} Reward pot": "{{assetSymbol}} Reward pot",
"{{checkedAssets}} Assets": "{{checkedAssets}} Assets",
"{{distance}} ago": "{{distance}} ago",
"{{instrumentCode}} liquidity provision": "{{instrumentCode}} liquidity provision",
"My team": "My team",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Last {{games}} games result_one": "Last game result",
"Last {{games}} games result_other": "Last {{games}} games result",
"Leaderboard": "Leaderboard",
"View all teams": "View all teams",
"Competitions": "Competitions",
"Create a public team": "Create a public team",
"Create a private team": "Create a private team",
"Choose a team": "Choose a team",
"Join a team": "Join a team",
"Solo team / lone wolf": "Solo team / lone wolf",
"Choose a team to get involved": "Choose a team to get involved",
"Go back to the team's profile": "Go back to the team's profile",
"Go back to the competitions": "Go back to the competitions",
"Your team ID:": "Your team ID:",
"Changes successfully saved to your team.": "Changes successfully saved to your team.",
"Results {{games}}": "Results {{games}}",
"End time": "End time",
"Reward asset": "Reward asset",
"Daily reward amount": "Daily reward amount",
"Amount earned this epoch": "Amount earned this epoch",
"Cumulative amount earned": "Cumulative amount earned",
"Game details": "Game details",
"Check the cards below to see what community-created, on-chain games are active and how to compete. Joining a team also lets you take part in the on-chain <0>referral program</0>.": "Check the cards below to see what community-created, on-chain games are active and how to compete. Joining a team also lets you take part in the on-chain <0>referral program</0>.",
"Got an idea for a competition? Anyone can define and fund one -- <0>propose an on-chain game</0> yourself.": "Got an idea for a competition? Anyone can define and fund one -- <0>propose an on-chain game</0> yourself.",
"Create a new team, share your code with potential members, or set a whitelist for an exclusive group.": "Create a new team, share your code with potential members, or set a whitelist for an exclusive group.",
"Want to compete but think the best team size is one? This is the option for you.": "Want to compete but think the best team size is one? This is the option for you.",
"Browse existing public teams to find your perfect match.": "Browse existing public teams to find your perfect match.",
"See all the live games on the cards below. Every on-chain game is community funded and designed. <0>Find out how to create one</0>.": "See all the live games on the cards below. Every on-chain game is community funded and designed. <0>Find out how to create one</0>.",
"Teams can earn rewards if they meet the goals set in the on-chain trading competitions. Track your earned rewards here, and see which teams are top of the leaderboard this month.": "Teams can earn rewards if they meet the goals set in the on-chain trading competitions. Track your earned rewards here, and see which teams are top of the leaderboard this month.",
"Currently no active games on the network.": "Currently no active games on the network.",
"Currently no active teams on the network.": "Currently no active teams on the network.",
"It looks like you're connection is slow, try switching to another node.": "It looks like you're connection is slow, try switching to another node.",
"It appears that the connection to the node <0>{{VEGA_URL}}</0> does not return necessary data, try switching to another node.": "It appears that the connection to the node <0>{{VEGA_URL}}</0> does not return necessary data, try switching to another node."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"{{fee}} Fee": "{{fee}} Fee",
"Auction Trigger stake {{trigger}}": "Auction Trigger stake {{trigger}}",
"Collapse": "Collapse",
"Copied": "Copied",
"Dark mode": "Dark mode",
"Dismiss all": "Dismiss all",
"Dismiss all toasts": "Dismiss all toasts",
"Exit view as": "Exit view as",
"Expand": "Expand",
"Light mode": "Light mode",
"Loading...": "Loading...",
"No data": "No data",
"Providers greater than 2x target stake not shown": "Providers greater than 2x target stake not shown",
"Show more": "Show more",
"Something went wrong: {{errorMessage}}": "Something went wrong: {{errorMessage}}",
"Target stake {{target}}": "Target stake {{target}}",
"This is an example of a toast notification": "This is an example of a toast notification",
"Try again": "Try again",
"Viewing as Vega user: {{pubKey}}": "Viewing as Vega user: {{pubKey}}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"{{field}} accepts up to {{decimals}} decimal places": "{{field}} accepts up to {{decimals}} decimal places",
"{{field}} must be a multiple of {{step}} for this market": "{{field}} must be a multiple of {{step}} for this market",
"{{field}} must be whole numbers for this market": "{{field}} must be whole numbers for this market",
"Expired": "Expired",
"Expired on {{date}}": "Expired on {{date}}",
"Invalid Ethereum address": "Invalid Ethereum address",
"Invalid Vega key": "Invalid Vega key",
"Invalid URL": "Invalid URL",
"Mark": "Mark",
"Must be valid JSON": "Must be valid JSON",
"Not time-based": "Not time-based",
"Required": "Required",
"Value is above maximum": "Value is above maximum",
"Value is below minimum": "Value is below minimum"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"Approve the connection from your wallet app.": "Approve the connection from your wallet app.",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Connect to Vega": "Connect to Vega",
"Connecting...": "Connecting...",
"Don't have a wallet?": "Don't have a wallet?",
"Get MetaMask": "Get MetaMask",
"Get the Vega Wallet": "Get the Vega Wallet",
"I agree": "I agree",
"Once you have added the extension, <0>refresh</0> your browser.": "Once you have added the extension, <0>refresh</0> your browser.",
"Successfully connected": "Successfully connected",
"Transaction was not successful": "Transaction was not successful",
"Wallet rejected transaction": "Wallet rejected transaction"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
"{{title}} complete": "{{title}} complete",
"{{title}} failed": "{{title}} failed",
"{{title}} pending": "{{title}} pending",
"Action required": "Action required",
"Approved": "Approved",
"Await Ethereum transaction": "Await Ethereum transaction",
"Awaiting confirmation": "Awaiting confirmation",
"Awaiting confirmations {{confirmations}}/{{requiredConfirmations}}": "Awaiting confirmations {{confirmations}}/{{requiredConfirmations}}",
"Awaiting Ethereum transaction {{confirmations}}/{{requiredConfirmations}} confirmations...": "Awaiting Ethereum transaction {{confirmations}}/{{requiredConfirmations}} confirmations...",
"Batch market instruction": "Batch market instruction",
"Cancel all orders": "Cancel all orders",
"Cancel all orders for <strong>{{marketName}}</strong>": "Cancel all orders for <strong>{{marketName}}</strong>",
"Cancel all stop orders": "Cancel all stop orders",
"Cancel all stop orders for <strong>{{marketName}}</strong>": "Cancel all stop orders for <strong>{{marketName}}</strong>",
"Cancel order": "Cancel order",
"Cancel order - {{status}}": "Cancel order - {{status}}",
"Cancel stop order": "Cancel stop order",
"Cannot be completed until {{time}}": "Cannot be completed until {{time}}",
"Change network": "Change network",
"Close": "Close",
"Close position for <strong>{{marketName}}</strong>": "Close position for <strong>{{marketName}}</strong>",
"Coinbase": "Coinbase",
"Complete withdrawal": "Complete withdrawal",
"Confirm transaction": "Confirm transaction",
"Confirm transaction in wallet": "Confirm transaction in wallet",
"Confirmed": "Confirmed",
"Confirmed in wallet": "Confirmed in wallet",
"Connect to your Ethereum wallet": "Connect to your Ethereum wallet",
"Connect wallet": "Connect wallet",
"Connect wallet to withdraw": "Connect wallet to withdraw",
"Copy": "Copy",
"Delayed": "Delayed",
"Deposit": "Deposit",
"Edit order": "Edit order",
"Edit order - {{status}}": "Edit order - {{status}}",
"Error": "Error",
"Error occurred": "Error occurred",
"Error: {{errorMessage}}": "Error: {{errorMessage}}",
"Ethereum transaction complete": "Ethereum transaction complete",
"Filled": "Filled",
"Funds unlocked": "Funds unlocked",
"Go to your Ethereum wallet and connect to the network {{networkName}}": "Go to your Ethereum wallet and connect to the network {{networkName}}",
"If the network is reset or has an outage, records of your withdrawal may be lost. It is recommended that you save these details in a safe place so you can still complete your withdrawal.": "If the network is reset or has an outage, records of your withdrawal may be lost. It is recommended that you save these details in a safe place so you can still complete your withdrawal.",
"Invalid asset source: {{source}}": "Invalid asset source: {{source}}",
"Isolated margin mode, leverage: {{leverage}}x": "Isolated margin mode, leverage: {{leverage}}x",
"Loading": "Loading",
"MetaMask": "MetaMask",
"MetaMask, Brave or other injected web wallet": "MetaMask, Brave or other injected web wallet",
"No data": "No data",
"Order cancelled'": "Order cancelled'",
"Order expired'": "Order expired'",
"Order filled": "Order filled",
"Order parked": "Order parked",
"Order partially filled": "Order partially filled",
"Order rejected": "Order rejected",
"Order stopped": "Order stopped",
"Order submitted": "Order submitted",
"Pending approval": "Pending approval",
"Please go to your Vega wallet application and approve or reject the transaction.": "Please go to your Vega wallet application and approve or reject the transaction.",
"Please go to your wallet application and approve or reject the transaction.": "Please go to your wallet application and approve or reject the transaction.",
"Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed": "Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed",
"Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed.": "Please wait for your transaction to be confirmed.",
"Processing": "Processing",
"Processing deposit": "Processing deposit",
"Return": "Return",
"Save withdrawal details": "Save withdrawal details",
"save your withdrawal details": "save your withdrawal details",
"Something went wrong": "Something went wrong",
"Submission failed": "Submission failed",
"Submit order": "Submit order",
"Submit order - {{status}}": "Submit order - {{status}}",
"Submit stop order": "Submit stop order",
"The amount you're withdrawing has triggered a time delay": "The amount you're withdrawing has triggered a time delay",
"The connection to your Vega Wallet has been lost.": "The connection to your Vega Wallet has been lost.",
"The withdrawal has been approved.": "The withdrawal has been approved.",
"To {{address}}": "To {{address}}",
"To complete this withdrawal, connect the Ethereum wallet {{receiverAddress}}": "To complete this withdrawal, connect the Ethereum wallet {{receiverAddress}}",
"Transaction confirmed": "Transaction confirmed",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"Transfer complete": "Transfer complete",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"Update margin mode": "Update margin mode",
"Vega confirmation": "Vega confirmation",
"Vega is confirming your transaction...": "Vega is confirming your transaction...",
"Verifying withdrawal approval": "Verifying withdrawal approval",
"Verifying...": "Verifying...",
"View in block explorer": "View in block explorer",
"View on Etherscan": "View on Etherscan",
"View transaction on Etherscan": "View transaction on Etherscan",
"Waiting for deposit confirmation.": "Waiting for deposit confirmation.",
"Wallet disconnected": "Wallet disconnected",
"WalletConnect": "WalletConnect",
"WalletConnect Legacy": "WalletConnect Legacy",
"WalletConnect v1": "WalletConnect v1",
"WalletConnect v2": "WalletConnect v2",
"Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"Withdraw {{amount}} {{symbol}}": "Withdraw {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"Withdraw dependencies not met.": "Withdraw dependencies not met.",
"Withdraw failure": "Withdraw failure",
"Your {{timeInForce}} order was not filled and it has been stopped": "Your {{timeInForce}} order was not filled and it has been stopped",
"Your Ethereum wallet is connected to the wrong network.": "Your Ethereum wallet is connected to the wrong network.",
"Your funds have been unlocked for withdrawal.": "Your funds have been unlocked for withdrawal.",
"Your order has been rejected": "Your order has been rejected",
"Your order has been rejected because: {{rejectionReason}}": "Your order has been rejected because: {{rejectionReason}}",
"Your order has been stopped": "Your order has been stopped",
"Your order has been stopped because: {{rejectionReason}}": "Your order has been stopped because: {{rejectionReason}}",
"Your order was rejected.": "Your order was rejected.",
"Your transaction has been completed.": "Your transaction has been completed.",
"Your transaction has been confirmed": "Your transaction has been confirmed",
"Your transaction has been confirmed.": "Your transaction has been confirmed."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"All {{symbol}} withdrawals are subject to a {{delay}} delay.": "All {{symbol}} withdrawals are subject to a {{delay}} delay.",
"Amount": "Amount",
"Asset": "Asset",
"Available to withdraw in {{availableTimestamp}}": "Available to withdraw in {{availableTimestamp}}",
"Balance available": "Balance available",
"Complete the withdrawal to release your funds": "Complete the withdrawal to release your funds",
"Complete withdrawal": "Complete withdrawal",
"Completed": "Completed",
"completeWithdrawals": "Complete these {{count}} withdrawals to release your funds",
"completeWithdrawals_one": "Complete these {{count}} withdrawal to release your funds",
"completeWithdrawals_other": "Complete these {{count}} withdrawals to release your funds",
"Connect": "Connect",
"Connect Ethereum wallet to complete": "Connect Ethereum wallet to complete",
"Created": "Created",
"Delay time": "Delay time",
"Delayed (ready in {{readyIn}})": "Delayed (ready in {{readyIn}})",
"Delayed withdrawal threshold": "Delayed withdrawal threshold",
"Disconnect": "Disconnect",
"Failed": "Failed",
"Insufficient amount in account": "Insufficient amount in account",
"Invalid asset source: {{source}}": "Invalid asset source: {{source}}",
"No withdrawals": "No withdrawals",
"None": "None",
"Pending": "Pending",
"Please select an asset": "Please select an asset",
"Read more": "Read more",
"Ready to complete": "Ready to complete",
"Recipient": "Recipient",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Release funds": "Release funds",
"Status": "Status",
"Step 1 - Release funds from Vega": "Step 1 - Release funds from Vega",
"Step 2 - Transfer funds to your Ethereum wallet": "Step 2 - Transfer funds to your Ethereum wallet",
"There are two steps required to make a withdrawal": "There are two steps required to make a withdrawal",
"This app only works on {{chainName}}. Please change chain.": "This app only works on {{chainName}}. Please change chain.",
"To (Ethereum address)": "To (Ethereum address)",
"Transaction": "Transaction",
"Use maximum": "Use maximum",
"Verifying withdrawal approval": "Verifying withdrawal approval",
"View withdrawal details": "View withdrawal details",
"View withdrawals": "View withdrawals",
"Withdraw": "Withdraw",
"Withdraw {{amount}} {{symbol}}": "Withdraw {{amount}} {{symbol}}",
"Withdraw funds": "Withdraw funds",
"Withdrawal ready": "Withdrawal ready",
"Withdrawals of {{threshold}} {{symbol}} or more will be delayed for {{delay}}.": "Withdrawals of {{threshold}} {{symbol}} or more will be delayed for {{delay}}.",
"Withdrawals ready": "Withdrawals ready",
"You have no assets to withdraw": "You have no assets to withdraw",
"Your funds have been unlocked for withdrawal - <0>View in block explorer<0>": "Your funds have been unlocked for withdrawal - <0>View in block explorer<0>",
"Gas fee": "Gas fee",
"Estimated gas fee for the withdrawal transaction (refreshes each 15 seconds)": "Estimated gas fee for the withdrawal transaction (refreshes each 15 seconds)",
"It seems that the current gas prices are exceeding the amount you're trying to withdraw": "It seems that the current gas prices are exceeding the amount you're trying to withdraw",
"The current gas price range": "The current gas price range",
"min": "min",
"max": "max"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"name": "Vega Protocol - Trading",
"short_name": "Console",
"description": "Vega Protocol - Trading dApp",
"start_url": "/",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"theme_color": "#000000",
"background_color": "#ffffff",
"icons": [
"src": "/android-chrome-192x192.png",
"sizes": "192x192",
"type": "image/png"
"src": "/android-chrome-512x512.png",
"sizes": "512x512",
"type": "image/png"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# https://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html
User-agent: *

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 419 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 419 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 85 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 88 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 90 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 99 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 90 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 91 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 92 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 87 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 81 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 89 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 90 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 97 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 108 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 100 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 86 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 101 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 109 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 88 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 97 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 98 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 21 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(function () {
var storedTheme = window.localStorage.getItem('theme');
if (
storedTheme === 'dark' ||
(!storedTheme && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches)
) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
:~ title+'Vegas'
glob-http+['https://vega-zack.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/glob-0v1.vt5qf.66jmt.2lto4.6h7ks.kt3ud.glob' 0v1.vt5qf.66jmt.2lto4.6h7ks.kt3ud]
version+[0 0 1]

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
/- *docket
++ mime
+$ draft
$: title=(unit @t)
info=(unit @t)
color=(unit @ux)
glob-http=(unit [=url hash=@uvH])
glob-ames=(unit [=ship hash=@uvH])
base=(unit term)
site=(unit path)
image=(unit url)
version=(unit version)
website=(unit url)
license=(unit cord)
++ finalize
|= =draft
^- (unit docket)
?~ title.draft ~
?~ info.draft ~
?~ color.draft ~
?~ version.draft ~
?~ website.draft ~
?~ license.draft ~
=/ href=(unit href)
?^ site.draft `[%site u.site.draft]
?~ base.draft ~
?^ glob-http.draft
`[%glob u.base hash.u.glob-http %http url.u.glob-http]:draft
?~ glob-ames.draft
`[%glob u.base hash.u.glob-ames %ames ship.u.glob-ames]:draft
?~ href ~
=, draft
:- ~
:* %1
++ from-clauses
=| =draft
|= cls=(list clause)
^- (unit docket)
=* loop $
?~ cls (finalize draft)
=* clause i.cls
=. draft
?- -.clause
%title draft(title `title.clause)
%info draft(info `info.clause)
%color draft(color `color.clause)
%glob-http draft(glob-http `[url hash]:clause)
%glob-ames draft(glob-ames `[ship hash]:clause)
%base draft(base `base.clause)
%site draft(site `path.clause)
%image draft(image `url.clause)
%version draft(version `version.clause)
%website draft(website `website.clause)
%license draft(license `license.clause)
loop(cls t.cls)
++ to-clauses
|= d=docket
^- (list clause)
%- zing
:~ :~ title+title.d
?~ image.d ~ ~[image+u.image.d]
?: ?=(%site -.href.d) ~[site+path.href.d]
=/ ref=glob-reference glob-reference.href.d
:~ base+base.href.d
?- -.location.ref
%http [%glob-http url.location.ref hash.ref]
%ames [%glob-ames ship.location.ref hash.ref]
== == ==
++ spit-clause
|= =clause
^- tape
%+ weld " {(trip -.clause)}+"
?+ -.clause "'{(trip +.clause)}'"
%color (scow %ux color.clause)
%site (spud path.clause)
"['{(trip url.clause)}' {(scow %uv hash.clause)}]"
"[{(scow %p ship.clause)} {(scow %uv hash.clause)}]"
=, version.clause
"[{(scow %ud major)} {(scow %ud minor)} {(scow %ud patch)}]"
++ spit-docket
|= dock=docket
^- tape
;: welp
`tape`(zing (join "\0a" (turn (to-clauses dock) spit-clause)))
++ enjs
=, enjs:format
++ charge-update
|= u=^charge-update
^- json
%+ frond -.u
^- json
?- -.u
%del-charge s+desk.u
%- pairs
%+ turn ~(tap by initial.u)
|=([=desk c=^charge] [desk (charge c)])
%- pairs
:~ desk+s+desk.u
charge+(charge charge.u)
++ num
|= a=@u
^- ^tape
=/ p=json (numb a)
?> ?=(%n -.p)
(trip p.p)
++ version
|= v=^version
^- json
:- %s
%- crip
"{(num major.v)}.{(num minor.v)}.{(num patch.v)}"
++ merge
|= [a=json b=json]
^- json
?> &(?=(%o -.a) ?=(%o -.b))
[%o (~(uni by p.a) p.b)]
++ href
|= h=^href
%+ frond -.h
?- -.h
%site s+(spat path.h)
%- pairs
:~ base+s+base.h
glob-reference+(glob-reference glob-reference.h)
++ glob-reference
|= ref=^glob-reference
%- pairs
:~ hash+s+(scot %uv hash.ref)
location+(glob-location location.ref)
++ glob-location
|= loc=^glob-location
^- json
%+ frond -.loc
?- -.loc
%http s+url.loc
%ames s+(scot %p ship.loc)
++ charge
|= c=^charge
%+ merge (docket docket.c)
%- pairs
:~ chad+(chad chad.c)
++ docket
|= d=^docket
^- json
%- pairs
:~ title+s+title.d
color+s+(scot %ux color.d)
href+(href href.d)
image+?~(image.d ~ s+u.image.d)
version+(version version.d)
++ chad
|= c=^chad
%+ frond -.c
?+ -.c ~
%hung s+err.c

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
|_ bil=(list dude:gall)
++ grow
++ mime `^mime`[/text/x-bill (as-octs:mimes:html hoon)]
++ noun bil
++ hoon
^- @t
|^ (crip (of-wall:format (wrap-lines (spit-duz bil))))
++ wrap-lines
|= taz=wall
^- wall
?~ taz ["~"]~
:- (weld ":~ " i.taz)
%- snoc :_ "=="
(turn t.taz |=(t=tape (weld " " t)))
++ spit-duz
|= duz=(list dude:gall)
^- wall
(turn duz |=(=dude:gall ['%' (trip dude)]))
++ txt (to-wain:format hoon)
++ grab
++ noun (list dude:gall)
++ mime
|= [=mite len=@ud tex=@]
~_ tex
!<((list dude:gall) (slap !>(~) (ream tex)))
++ grad %noun

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
:::: /hoon/css/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
=, mimes:html
|_ mud=@t
++ grow :: convert to
++ mime [/text/css (as-octs mud)] :: convert to %mime
++ hymn :: convert to %hymn
|^ html
++ style ;style
;- (trip mud)
++ html ;html:(head:"{style}" body)
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] (@t q.q))
++ noun @t :: clam from %noun
++ grad %mime

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/+ dock=docket
|_ =docket:dock
++ grow
++ mime
^- ^mime
[/text/x-docket (as-octt:mimes:html (spit-docket:mime:dock docket))]
++ noun docket
++ json (docket:enjs:dock docket)
++ grab
++ mime
|= [=mite len=@ud tex=@]
^- docket:dock
%- need
%- from-clauses:mime:dock
!<((list clause:dock) (slap !>(~) (ream tex)))
++ noun docket:dock
++ grad %noun

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
:::: /hoon/hoon/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
|_ own=@t
++ grow :: convert to
++ mime `^mime`[/text/x-hoon (as-octs:mimes:html own)] :: convert to %mime
++ hymn
;link(rel "stylesheet", href "//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/".
;link/"/lib/syntax/codemirror.css"(rel "stylesheet");
;textarea#src:"{(trip own)}"
;script:'CodeMirror.fromTextArea(src, {lineNumbers:true, readOnly:true})'
++ txt
(to-wain:format own)
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q)
++ noun @t :: clam from %noun
++ txt of-wain:format
++ grad %txt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
:::: /hoon/html/mar
/? 310
:::: compute
=, html
|_ htm=@t
++ grow :: convert to
|% ::
++ mime [/text/html (met 3 htm) htm] :: to %mime
++ hymn (need (de-xml htm)) :: to %hymn
-- ::
++ grab ^?
|% :: convert from
++ noun @t :: clam from %noun
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q) :: retrieve form %mime
++ grad %mime

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
|_ dat=@
++ grow
++ mime [/image/x-icon (as-octs:mimes:html dat)]
++ grab
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q)
++ noun @
++ grad %mime

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
|_ dat=@
++ grow
++ mime [/image/jpeg (as-octs:mimes:html dat)]
++ grab
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] q.q)
++ noun @
++ grad %mime

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
:::: /hoon/js/mar
/? 310
=, eyre
|_ mud=@
++ grow
++ mime [/application/javascript (as-octs:mimes:html (@t mud))]
++ hymn :: convert to %hymn
|^ html
++ script ;script
;- (trip (@t mud))
++ html ;html:(head:"{script}" body)
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] (@t q.q))
++ noun cord :: clam from %noun
++ grad %mime

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
:::: /hoon/json/mar
/? 310
:::: compute
=, eyre
=, format
=, html
|_ jon=^json
++ grow :: convert to
++ mime [/application/json (as-octs:mimes -:txt)] :: convert to %mime
++ txt [(en:json jon)]~
++ grab
|% :: convert from
++ mime |=([p=mite q=octs] (fall (de:json (@t q.q)) *^json))
++ noun ^json :: clam from %noun
++ numb numb:enjs
++ time time:enjs
++ grad %mime

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More