diff --git a/apps/token-e2e/src/support/wallet.functions.js b/apps/token-e2e/src/support/wallet.functions.js
index 6f6e49e7b..d1fdc30d0 100644
--- a/apps/token-e2e/src/support/wallet.functions.js
+++ b/apps/token-e2e/src/support/wallet.functions.js
@@ -1,66 +1,91 @@
 import wallet from '../locators/wallet.locators';
 import staking from '../locators/staking.locators';
-import {StakingBridge} from '@vegaprotocol/smart-contracts';
+import { Vesting } from '@vegaprotocol/smart-contracts';
+import { ethers, Wallet } from 'ethers';
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-const vegaWalletName = Cypress.env("VEGA_WALLET_NAME");
-const vegaWalletLocation = Cypress.env("VEGA_WALLET_LOCATION");
-const vegaWalletPassphrase = Cypress.env("VEGA_WALLET_PASSPHRASE");
+const vegaWalletName = Cypress.env('VEGA_WALLET_NAME');
+const vegaWalletLocation = Cypress.env('VEGA_WALLET_LOCATION');
+const vegaWalletPassphrase = Cypress.env('VEGA_WALLET_PASSPHRASE');
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+const getAccount = (number = 0) => `m/44'/60'/0'/0/${number}`;
 Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_teardown', function () {
-  const token = new StakingBridge();
-  const vegaPubKey = '0bd8d51ac46d563af70e4c92fdc53552f800ad527109146e9dff72f6413c10c9';
+  cy.log(
+    process.env.NX_ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_URL,
+    process.env.NX_ETH_WALLET_MNEMONIC
+  );
+  const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider({
+    url: process.env.NX_ETHEREUM_PROVIDER_URL,
+  });
+  const privateKey = Wallet.fromMnemonic(
+    process.env.NX_ETH_WALLET_MNEMONIC,
+    getAccount(0)
+  ).privateKey;
+  const signer = new Wallet(privateKey, provider);
+  const vesting = new Vesting(provider, signer);
+  const vegaPubKey =
+    '0bd8d51ac46d563af70e4c92fdc53552f800ad527109146e9dff72f6413c10c9';
   const ethPubKey = '0xEe7D375bcB50C26d52E1A4a472D8822A2A22d94F';
-  token.stakeBalance(ethPubKey, vegaPubKey).then((amount => {
-    cy.log(amount)
-    token.removeStake(amount, vegaPubKey)
-  }))
+  return vesting.stakeBalance(ethPubKey, vegaPubKey).then((amount) => {
+    cy.log(amount);
+    vesting.removeStake(amount, vegaPubKey);
+  });
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_teardown_ui', function () {
-  cy.log('**Tearing down associated tokens from Vega Wallet**')
+  cy.log('**Tearing down associated tokens from Vega Wallet**');
   let vegaPresentInWallet = false;
-  cy.get(wallet.vegawallet).within(() => {
-    cy.contains('Associated', {timeout : 20000})
-      .parent()
-      .siblings()
-      .within(($associated) => {
-        if ($associated.text() != '0.000000000000000000')
-        vegaPresentInWallet = true;
-      })
-  }).then(() => {
-    if (vegaPresentInWallet == true) {
-      cy.root().ethereum_wallet_disassociateAllTokens()
-      cy.vega_wallet_check_associatedValue_is('0.0')
-    }
-    else {cy.log('**No need to teardown vega wallet - wallet empty**')}
-  })
-  cy.log('**Tearing down associated tokens from Vega Wallet = COMPLETE**')
+  cy.get(wallet.vegawallet)
+    .within(() => {
+      cy.contains('Associated', { timeout: 20000 })
+        .parent()
+        .siblings()
+        .within(($associated) => {
+          if ($associated.text() != '0.000000000000000000')
+            vegaPresentInWallet = true;
+        });
+    })
+    .then(() => {
+      if (vegaPresentInWallet == true) {
+        cy.root().ethereum_wallet_disassociateAllTokens();
+        cy.vega_wallet_check_associatedValue_is('0.0');
+      } else {
+        cy.log('**No need to teardown vega wallet - wallet empty**');
+      }
+    });
+  cy.log('**Tearing down associated tokens from Vega Wallet = COMPLETE**');
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_create', function () {
-  cy.log('**Initializing Vega Wallet** ' + vegaWalletName)
-  cy.exec(`vegawallet init -f --home ${vegaWalletLocation}`)
-  cy.exec(`echo ${vegaWalletPassphrase} > ./src/fixtures/vegaWalletPassphrase.txt`)
-  cy.exec(`vegawallet create -w ${vegaWalletName} -p ./src/fixtures//vegaWalletPassphrase.txt --home ${vegaWalletLocation}`,
-            { failOnNonZeroExit: false }).then(result => cy.log(result.stderr))
-  cy.exec(`vegawallet service run --network DV --automatic-consent  --home ${vegaWalletLocation}`)
+  cy.log('**Initializing Vega Wallet** ' + vegaWalletName);
+  cy.exec(`vegawallet init -f --home ${vegaWalletLocation}`);
+  cy.exec(
+    `echo ${vegaWalletPassphrase} > ./src/fixtures/vegaWalletPassphrase.txt`
+  );
+  cy.exec(
+    `vegawallet create -w ${vegaWalletName} -p ./src/fixtures//vegaWalletPassphrase.txt --home ${vegaWalletLocation}`,
+    { failOnNonZeroExit: false }
+  ).then((result) => cy.log(result.stderr));
+  cy.exec(
+    `vegawallet service run --network DV --automatic-consent  --home ${vegaWalletLocation}`
+  );
-  cy.log('**Initializing Vega Wallet = COMPLETE**')
+  cy.log('**Initializing Vega Wallet = COMPLETE**');
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_connect', function () {
-  cy.log('**Connecting Vega Wallet**')
-  cy.intercept('POST', 'http://localhost:3028/query').as('vegaWalletGrab')
+  cy.log('**Connecting Vega Wallet**');
+  cy.intercept('POST', 'http://localhost:3028/query').as('vegaWalletGrab');
   cy.get(wallet.vegawallet).within(() => {
       .contains('Connect Vega wallet to use associated $VEGA')
@@ -80,50 +105,59 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_connect', function () {
   cy.contains(`${vegaWalletName} key`, { timeout: 20000 }).should('be.visible');
   // We have to wait for two fetchs of wallet balances to finish
   // Since oddly the first fetch returns a balance of 0.0 (even if tokens present)
-  cy.wait('@vegaWalletGrab', {timeout : 10000}).wait('@vegaWalletGrab', {timeout : 10000});
+  cy.wait('@vegaWalletGrab', { timeout: 10000 }).wait('@vegaWalletGrab', {
+    timeout: 10000,
+  });
   // Then we turn off our intercept - so that we can use it again in the future
   cy.intercept('POST', 'http://localhost:3028/query', (req) => req.continue());
-  cy.log('**Connecting Vega Wallet = COMPLETE**')
+  cy.log('**Connecting Vega Wallet = COMPLETE**');
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  'vega_wallet_check_validator_stakeNextEpochValue_is',
   function (validatorName, expectedVal) {
-    cy.log(`**Checking Stake Next Epoch Value for ${validatorName} is ${expectedVal}**`)
+    cy.log(
+      `**Checking Stake Next Epoch Value for ${validatorName} is ${expectedVal}**`
+    );
     cy.get(wallet.vegawallet).within(() => {
       cy.contains(`${validatorName} (Next epoch)`)
         .contains(expectedVal, { timeout: 10000 });
-    cy.log('**Checking Stake Next Epoch Value = Complete**')
+    cy.log('**Checking Stake Next Epoch Value = Complete**');
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_check_unstakedValue_is', function (expectedVal) {
-    cy.log(`**Checking Vega Wallet Unstaked Value is ${expectedVal}**`)
+  'vega_wallet_check_unstakedValue_is',
+  function (expectedVal) {
+    cy.log(`**Checking Vega Wallet Unstaked Value is ${expectedVal}**`);
     cy.get(wallet.vegawallet).within(() => {
-      cy.contains('Unstaked', {timeout : 20000})
+      cy.contains('Unstaked', { timeout: 20000 })
         .contains(expectedVal, { timeout: 10000 });
-    cy.log('**Checking Vega Wallet Unstaked Value = Complete**')
+    cy.log('**Checking Vega Wallet Unstaked Value = Complete**');
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_check_associatedValue_is', function (expectedVal) {
-    cy.log(`**Checking Vega Wallet Asscoiated Value is ${expectedVal}**`)
+  'vega_wallet_check_associatedValue_is',
+  function (expectedVal) {
+    cy.log(`**Checking Vega Wallet Asscoiated Value is ${expectedVal}**`);
     cy.get(wallet.vegawallet).within(() => {
-      cy.contains('Associated', {timeout : 20000})
+      cy.contains('Associated', { timeout: 20000 })
-        .contains(expectedVal, {timeout : 40000});
+        .contains(expectedVal, { timeout: 40000 });
-    cy.log('**Checking Vega Wallet Asscoiated Value = COMPLETE**')
+    cy.log('**Checking Vega Wallet Asscoiated Value = COMPLETE**');
@@ -134,52 +168,70 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('ethereum_wallet_connect', function () {
   cy.get(wallet.ethWalletConnectToEth).within(() => {
     cy.contains('Connect Ethereum wallet to associate $VEGA')
-      .click()});
+      .click();
+  });
-  cy.get(wallet.ethWalletConnect, {timeout : 60000}).should('not.exist')
+  cy.get(wallet.ethWalletConnect, { timeout: 60000 }).should('not.exist');
   cy.contains('Ethereum wallet connected').should('be.visible');
-  cy.log('**Connecting Eth Wallet = COMPLETE**')
+  cy.log('**Connecting Eth Wallet = COMPLETE**');
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cypress.Commands.add('ethereum_wallet_associateTokens', function (amount) {
-  cy.log(`**Associating ${amount} tokens from Eth Wallet**`)
+  cy.log(`**Associating ${amount} tokens from Eth Wallet**`);
   cy.get(wallet.ethWallet).within(() =>
-    cy.get(wallet.ethWalletAssociate).click());
+    cy.get(wallet.ethWalletAssociate).click()
+  );
   cy.get(staking.stakeAssociateWalletRadio, { timeout: 30000 }).click();
   cy.get(staking.tokenAmountInput, { timeout: 10000 }).type(amount);
-  cy.get(staking.tokenInputSubmit, { timeout: 40000 }).should('be.enabled').click();
-  cy.contains('can now participate in governance and nominate a validator', { timeout: 60000 });
-  cy.log('**Associating tokens from Eth Wallet = COMPLETE**')
+  cy.get(staking.tokenInputSubmit, { timeout: 40000 })
+    .should('be.enabled')
+    .click();
+  cy.contains('can now participate in governance and nominate a validator', {
+    timeout: 60000,
+  });
+  cy.log('**Associating tokens from Eth Wallet = COMPLETE**');
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Cypress.Commands.add('ethereum_wallet_approveAndAssociateTokens', function (amount) {
-  cy.log(`**Associating ${amount} tokens from Eth Wallet**`)
-  cy.get(wallet.ethWallet).within(() =>
-    cy.get(wallet.ethWalletAssociate).click());
-  cy.get(staking.stakeAssociateWalletRadio, { timeout: 30000 }).click();
-  cy.get(staking.tokenAmountInput, { timeout: 10000 }).type(amount);
-  cy.get(staking.tokenInputApprove, { timeout: 40000 }).should('be.enabled').click();
-  cy.get(staking.tokenInputSubmit, { timeout: 40000 }).should('be.enabled').click();
-  cy.contains('can now participate in governance and nominate a validator', { timeout: 60000 });
-  cy.log('**Associating tokens from Eth Wallet = COMPLETE**')
+  'ethereum_wallet_approveAndAssociateTokens',
+  function (amount) {
+    cy.log(`**Associating ${amount} tokens from Eth Wallet**`);
+    cy.get(wallet.ethWallet).within(() =>
+      cy.get(wallet.ethWalletAssociate).click()
+    );
+    cy.get(staking.stakeAssociateWalletRadio, { timeout: 30000 }).click();
+    cy.get(staking.tokenAmountInput, { timeout: 10000 }).type(amount);
+    cy.get(staking.tokenInputApprove, { timeout: 40000 })
+      .should('be.enabled')
+      .click();
+    cy.get(staking.tokenInputSubmit, { timeout: 40000 })
+      .should('be.enabled')
+      .click();
+    cy.contains('can now participate in governance and nominate a validator', {
+      timeout: 60000,
+    });
+    cy.log('**Associating tokens from Eth Wallet = COMPLETE**');
+  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 Cypress.Commands.add('ethereum_wallet_disassociateAllTokens', function () {
-  cy.log('**Disassociating tokens from Eth Wallet**')
+  cy.log('**Disassociating tokens from Eth Wallet**');
   cy.get(wallet.ethWallet).within(() =>
-    cy.get(wallet.ethWalletDisassociate).click());
+    cy.get(wallet.ethWalletDisassociate).click()
+  );
   cy.get(staking.stakeAssociateWalletRadio, { timeout: 20000 }).click();
   cy.get(staking.stakeMaximumTokens, { timeout: 60000 }).click();
   cy.get(staking.tokenInputSubmit, { timeout: 10000 }).click();
-  cy.contains('$VEGA tokens have been returned to Ethereum wallet', { timeout: 60000 })
-  cy.log('**Disassociating tokens from Eth Wallet = Complete**')
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+  cy.contains('$VEGA tokens have been returned to Ethereum wallet', {
+    timeout: 60000,
+  });
+  cy.log('**Disassociating tokens from Eth Wallet = Complete**');
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------