chore: regenerate types (#2295)
* chore: regenerate types * chore: remove unneeded type helper * test: fix test * chore: add wait for wallet dialog to disappear * chore: add wallet teardown Co-authored-by: sam-keen <> Co-authored-by: Joe <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ const market: MarketDealTicket = {
auctionEnd: null,
market: { __typename: 'Market', id: 'market-id' },
marketTimestamps: {},
marketTimestamps: {
open: null,
close: null,
const defaultWalletContext = {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export type ExplorerNodeVoteQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type ExplorerNodeVoteQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', withdrawal?: { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, createdTimestamp: string, withdrawnTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, decimals: number }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string } } | null, deposit?: { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, createdTimestamp: string, creditedTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, decimals: number }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string } } | null };
export type ExplorerNodeVoteQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', withdrawal?: { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, createdTimestamp: any, withdrawnTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, decimals: number }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string } } | null, deposit?: { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, createdTimestamp: any, creditedTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, decimals: number }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string } } | null };
export const ExplorerNodeVoteDocument = gql`
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type ExplorerProposalsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
export type ExplorerProposalsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', proposalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'ProposalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ProposalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: string, rejectionReason?: Types.ProposalRejectionReason | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: string, enactmentDatetime?: string | null, change: { __typename: 'NewAsset', symbol: string, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset', maxFaucetAmountMint: string } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', name: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset' } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter', networkParameter: { __typename?: 'NetworkParameter', key: string, value: string } } }, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null } } } } | null> | null } | null };
export type ExplorerProposalsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', proposalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'ProposalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ProposalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: any, rejectionReason?: Types.ProposalRejectionReason | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: any, enactmentDatetime?: any | null, change: { __typename: 'NewAsset', symbol: string, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset', maxFaucetAmountMint: string } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', name: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset' } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter', networkParameter: { __typename?: 'NetworkParameter', key: string, value: string } } }, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null } } } } | null> | null } | null };
export const ExplorerProposalsDocument = gql`
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type ExplorerMarketsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
export type ExplorerMarketsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, state: Types.MarketState, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, decimals: number, globalRewardPoolAccount?: { __typename?: 'AccountBalance', balance: string } | null } } }, riskModel: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', tau: number, riskAversionParameter: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', r: number, sigma: number, mu: number } } | { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModel', params: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } }, marginCalculator?: { __typename?: 'MarginCalculator', scalingFactors: { __typename?: 'ScalingFactors', searchLevel: number, initialMargin: number, collateralRelease: number } } | null }, openingAuction: { __typename?: 'AuctionDuration', durationSecs: number, volume: number }, priceMonitoringSettings: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringSettings', parameters?: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null } | null }, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, proposal?: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null } | null, accountsConnection?: { __typename?: 'AccountsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountEdge', node: { __typename?: 'AccountBalance', balance: string, type: Types.AccountType, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string } } } | null> | null } | null, data?: { __typename?: 'MarketData', markPrice: string, bestBidPrice: string, bestBidVolume: string, bestOfferPrice: string, bestOfferVolume: string, bestStaticBidPrice: string, bestStaticBidVolume: string, bestStaticOfferPrice: string, bestStaticOfferVolume: string, midPrice: string, staticMidPrice: string, timestamp: string, openInterest: string, auctionEnd?: string | null, auctionStart?: string | null, indicativePrice: string, indicativeVolume: string, trigger: Types.AuctionTrigger, extensionTrigger: Types.AuctionTrigger, targetStake?: string | null, suppliedStake?: string | null, marketValueProxy: string, priceMonitoringBounds?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringBounds', minValidPrice: string, maxValidPrice: string, referencePrice: string, trigger: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', auctionExtensionSecs: number, probability: number } }> | null, liquidityProviderFeeShare?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LiquidityProviderFeeShare', equityLikeShare: string, averageEntryValuation: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string } }> | null } | null } }> } | null };
export type ExplorerMarketsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, state: Types.MarketState, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, decimals: number, globalRewardPoolAccount?: { __typename?: 'AccountBalance', balance: string } | null } } }, riskModel: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', tau: number, riskAversionParameter: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', r: number, sigma: number, mu: number } } | { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModel', params: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } }, marginCalculator?: { __typename?: 'MarginCalculator', scalingFactors: { __typename?: 'ScalingFactors', searchLevel: number, initialMargin: number, collateralRelease: number } } | null }, openingAuction: { __typename?: 'AuctionDuration', durationSecs: number, volume: number }, priceMonitoringSettings: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringSettings', parameters?: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null } | null }, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, proposal?: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null } | null, accountsConnection?: { __typename?: 'AccountsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountEdge', node: { __typename?: 'AccountBalance', balance: string, type: Types.AccountType, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string } } } | null> | null } | null, data?: { __typename?: 'MarketData', markPrice: string, bestBidPrice: string, bestBidVolume: string, bestOfferPrice: string, bestOfferVolume: string, bestStaticBidPrice: string, bestStaticBidVolume: string, bestStaticOfferPrice: string, bestStaticOfferVolume: string, midPrice: string, staticMidPrice: string, timestamp: any, openInterest: string, auctionEnd?: string | null, auctionStart?: string | null, indicativePrice: string, indicativeVolume: string, trigger: Types.AuctionTrigger, extensionTrigger: Types.AuctionTrigger, targetStake?: string | null, suppliedStake?: string | null, marketValueProxy: string, priceMonitoringBounds?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringBounds', minValidPrice: string, maxValidPrice: string, referencePrice: string, trigger: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', auctionExtensionSecs: number, probability: number } }> | null, liquidityProviderFeeShare?: Array<{ __typename?: 'LiquidityProviderFeeShare', equityLikeShare: string, averageEntryValuation: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string } }> | null } | null } }> } | null };
export const ExplorerMarketsDocument = gql`
@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ context(
before('connect vega wallet', function () {
it('should have VEGA WALLET header visible', function () {
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('vega_wallet_connect', () => {
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
export type DeepPartial<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: DeepPartial<T[P]>;
@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ export interface Proposal_proposal_terms_change_UpdateMarket_updateMarketConfigu
export interface Proposal_proposal_terms_change_UpdateMarket_updateMarketConfiguration_riskParameters_UpdateMarketLogNormalRiskModel_logNormal_params {
__typename: "LogNormalModelParams";
* R parameter
* R parameter, annualised growth rate of the risk-free asset, used for discounting of future cash flows, can be any real number
r: number;
@ -790,13 +790,13 @@ export interface Proposal_proposal_terms {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when voting closes for this proposal.
* Constrained by "minClose" and "maxClose" network parameters.
closingDatetime: string;
closingDatetime: any;
* RFC3339Nano time and date when this proposal is executed (if passed). Note that it has to be after closing date time.
* Constrained by "minEnactInSeconds" and "maxEnactInSeconds" network parameters.
* Note: Optional as free form proposals do not require it.
enactmentDatetime: string | null;
enactmentDatetime: any | null;
* Actual change being introduced by the proposal - action the proposal triggers if passed and enacted.
@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ export interface Proposal_proposal_votes_yes_votes {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
export interface Proposal_proposal_votes_yes {
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ export interface Proposal_proposal_votes_no_votes {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
export interface Proposal_proposal_votes_no {
@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ export interface Proposal_proposal {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the proposal reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
* Why the proposal was rejected by the core
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ export interface ProposalFields_terms {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when voting closes for this proposal.
* Constrained by "minClose" and "maxClose" network parameters.
closingDatetime: string;
closingDatetime: any;
* RFC3339Nano time and date when this proposal is executed (if passed). Note that it has to be after closing date time.
* Constrained by "minEnactInSeconds" and "maxEnactInSeconds" network parameters.
* Note: Optional as free form proposals do not require it.
enactmentDatetime: string | null;
enactmentDatetime: any | null;
* Actual change being introduced by the proposal - action the proposal triggers if passed and enacted.
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ export interface ProposalFields_votes_yes_votes {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
export interface ProposalFields_votes_yes {
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ export interface ProposalFields_votes_no_votes {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
export interface ProposalFields_votes_no {
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ export interface ProposalFields {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the proposal reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
* Why the proposal was rejected by the core
@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ export interface Proposals_proposalsConnection_edges_node_terms {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when voting closes for this proposal.
* Constrained by "minClose" and "maxClose" network parameters.
closingDatetime: string;
closingDatetime: any;
* RFC3339Nano time and date when this proposal is executed (if passed). Note that it has to be after closing date time.
* Constrained by "minEnactInSeconds" and "maxEnactInSeconds" network parameters.
* Note: Optional as free form proposals do not require it.
enactmentDatetime: string | null;
enactmentDatetime: any | null;
* Actual change being introduced by the proposal - action the proposal triggers if passed and enacted.
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ export interface Proposals_proposalsConnection_edges_node_votes_yes_votes {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
export interface Proposals_proposalsConnection_edges_node_votes_yes {
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ export interface Proposals_proposalsConnection_edges_node_votes_no_votes {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the vote reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
export interface Proposals_proposalsConnection_edges_node_votes_no {
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ export interface Proposals_proposalsConnection_edges_node {
* RFC3339Nano time and date when the proposal reached Vega network
datetime: string;
datetime: any;
* Why the proposal was rejected by the core
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type ProposalFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: string, rejectionReason?: Types.ProposalRejectionReason | null, errorDetails?: string | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: string, enactmentDatetime?: string | null, change: { __typename: 'NewAsset', name: string, symbol: string, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset', maxFaucetAmountMint: string } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', name: string, code: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', quantum: string, assetId: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter', networkParameter: { __typename?: 'NetworkParameter', key: string, value: string } } }, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null } } };
export type ProposalFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: any, rejectionReason?: Types.ProposalRejectionReason | null, errorDetails?: string | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: any, enactmentDatetime?: any | null, change: { __typename: 'NewAsset', name: string, symbol: string, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset', maxFaucetAmountMint: string } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', name: string, code: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', quantum: string, assetId: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter', networkParameter: { __typename?: 'NetworkParameter', key: string, value: string } } }, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null } } };
export type ProposalsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
export type ProposalsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', proposalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'ProposalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ProposalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: string, rejectionReason?: Types.ProposalRejectionReason | null, errorDetails?: string | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: string, enactmentDatetime?: string | null, change: { __typename: 'NewAsset', name: string, symbol: string, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset', maxFaucetAmountMint: string } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', name: string, code: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', quantum: string, assetId: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter', networkParameter: { __typename?: 'NetworkParameter', key: string, value: string } } }, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null } } } } | null> | null } | null };
export type ProposalsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', proposalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'ProposalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ProposalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: any, rejectionReason?: Types.ProposalRejectionReason | null, errorDetails?: string | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: any, enactmentDatetime?: any | null, change: { __typename: 'NewAsset', name: string, symbol: string, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset', maxFaucetAmountMint: string } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', name: string, code: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', quantum: string, assetId: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter', networkParameter: { __typename?: 'NetworkParameter', key: string, value: string } } }, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalEquityLikeShareWeight: string, votes?: Array<{ __typename?: 'Vote', value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string } } }> | null } } } } | null> | null } | null };
export const ProposalFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment ProposalFields on Proposal {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import * as faker from 'faker';
import isArray from 'lodash/isArray';
import mergeWith from 'lodash/mergeWith';
import type { DeepPartial } from '../../../lib/type-helpers';
import type { PartialDeep } from 'type-fest';
import type {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import type {
} from '../proposal/__generated__/Proposal';
export function generateProposal(
override: DeepPartial<Proposal_proposal> = {}
override: PartialDeep<Proposal_proposal> = {}
): Proposal_proposal {
const defaultProposal: Proposal_proposal = {
__typename: 'Proposal',
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ export function generateProposal(
return mergeWith<Proposal_proposal, DeepPartial<Proposal_proposal>>(
return mergeWith<Proposal_proposal, PartialDeep<Proposal_proposal>>(
(objValue, srcValue) => {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type RewardFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Reward', rewardType: Types.AccountType, amount: string, percentageOfTotal: string, receivedAt: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string } };
export type RewardFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Reward', rewardType: Types.AccountType, amount: string, percentageOfTotal: string, receivedAt: any, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string } };
export type DelegationFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Delegation', amount: string, epoch: number };
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export type RewardsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type RewardsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, rewardsConnection?: { __typename?: 'RewardsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'RewardEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Reward', rewardType: Types.AccountType, amount: string, percentageOfTotal: string, receivedAt: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string } } } | null> | null } | null, delegationsConnection?: { __typename?: 'DelegationsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DelegationEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Delegation', amount: string, epoch: number } } | null> | null } | null } | null, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string, timestamps: { __typename?: 'EpochTimestamps', start?: string | null, end?: string | null, expiry?: string | null } } };
export type RewardsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, rewardsConnection?: { __typename?: 'RewardsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'RewardEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Reward', rewardType: Types.AccountType, amount: string, percentageOfTotal: string, receivedAt: any, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string }, party: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string } } } | null> | null } | null, delegationsConnection?: { __typename?: 'DelegationsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DelegationEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Delegation', amount: string, epoch: number } } | null> | null } | null } | null, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string, timestamps: { __typename?: 'EpochTimestamps', start?: any | null, end?: any | null, expiry?: any | null } } };
export const RewardFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment RewardFields on Reward {
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export type NodesFragmentFragment = { __typename?: 'Node', avatarUrl?: string |
export type NodesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
export type NodesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string, timestamps: { __typename?: 'EpochTimestamps', start?: string | null, end?: string | null, expiry?: string | null } }, nodesConnection: { __typename?: 'NodesConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Node', avatarUrl?: string | null, id: string, name: string, pubkey: string, stakedTotal: string, pendingStake: string, rankingScore: { __typename?: 'RankingScore', rankingScore: string, stakeScore: string, performanceScore: string, votingPower: string, status: Types.ValidatorStatus } } } | null> | null }, nodeData?: { __typename?: 'NodeData', stakedTotal: string } | null };
export type NodesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string, timestamps: { __typename?: 'EpochTimestamps', start?: any | null, end?: any | null, expiry?: any | null } }, nodesConnection: { __typename?: 'NodesConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Node', avatarUrl?: string | null, id: string, name: string, pubkey: string, stakedTotal: string, pendingStake: string, rankingScore: { __typename?: 'RankingScore', rankingScore: string, stakeScore: string, performanceScore: string, votingPower: string, status: Types.ValidatorStatus } } } | null> | null }, nodeData?: { __typename?: 'NodeData', stakedTotal: string } | null };
export const NodesFragmentFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment NodesFragment on Node {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type StakingQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type StakingQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string }, delegationsConnection?: { __typename?: 'DelegationsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DelegationEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Delegation', amount: string, epoch: number, node: { __typename?: 'Node', id: string } } } | null> | null } | null } | null, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string, timestamps: { __typename?: 'EpochTimestamps', start?: string | null, end?: string | null, expiry?: string | null } }, nodesConnection: { __typename?: 'NodesConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Node', id: string, name: string, pubkey: string, infoUrl: string, location: string, ethereumAddress: string, stakedByOperator: string, stakedByDelegates: string, stakedTotal: string, pendingStake: string, epochData?: { __typename?: 'EpochData', total: number, offline: number, online: number } | null, rankingScore: { __typename?: 'RankingScore', rankingScore: string, stakeScore: string, performanceScore: string, votingPower: string, status: Types.ValidatorStatus } } } | null> | null }, nodeData?: { __typename?: 'NodeData', stakedTotal: string, totalNodes: number, inactiveNodes: number, uptime: number } | null };
export type StakingQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, stakingSummary: { __typename?: 'StakingSummary', currentStakeAvailable: string }, delegationsConnection?: { __typename?: 'DelegationsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DelegationEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Delegation', amount: string, epoch: number, node: { __typename?: 'Node', id: string } } } | null> | null } | null } | null, epoch: { __typename?: 'Epoch', id: string, timestamps: { __typename?: 'EpochTimestamps', start?: any | null, end?: any | null, expiry?: any | null } }, nodesConnection: { __typename?: 'NodesConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'NodeEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Node', id: string, name: string, pubkey: string, infoUrl: string, location: string, ethereumAddress: string, stakedByOperator: string, stakedByDelegates: string, stakedTotal: string, pendingStake: string, epochData?: { __typename?: 'EpochData', total: number, offline: number, online: number } | null, rankingScore: { __typename?: 'RankingScore', rankingScore: string, stakeScore: string, performanceScore: string, votingPower: string, status: Types.ValidatorStatus } } } | null> | null }, nodeData?: { __typename?: 'NodeData', stakedTotal: string, totalNodes: number, inactiveNodes: number, uptime: number } | null };
export const StakingNodeFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment StakingNodeFields on Node {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type CandleFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Candle', periodStart: string, lastUpdateInPeriod: string, high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string };
export type CandleFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Candle', periodStart: any, lastUpdateInPeriod: any, high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string };
export type CandlesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
marketId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export type CandlesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type CandlesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string } }, candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', periodStart: string, lastUpdateInPeriod: string, high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string } } | null> | null } | null } | null };
export type CandlesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string } }, candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', periodStart: any, lastUpdateInPeriod: any, high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string } } | null> | null } | null } | null };
export type CandlesEventsSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
marketId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export type CandlesEventsSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type CandlesEventsSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', candles: { __typename?: 'Candle', periodStart: string, lastUpdateInPeriod: string, high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string } };
export type CandlesEventsSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', candles: { __typename?: 'Candle', periodStart: any, lastUpdateInPeriod: any, high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string } };
export const CandleFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment CandleFields on Candle {
@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type DepositFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: string, creditedTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } };
export type DepositFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: any, creditedTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } };
export type DepositsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type DepositsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, depositsConnection?: { __typename?: 'DepositsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DepositEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: string, creditedTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } } | null> | null } | null } | null };
export type DepositsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, depositsConnection?: { __typename?: 'DepositsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'DepositEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: any, creditedTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } } | null> | null } | null } | null };
export type DepositEventSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type DepositEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: string, creditedTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order' } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote' } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal' } }> | null };
export type DepositEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit', id: string, status: Types.DepositStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: any, creditedTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order' } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote' } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal' } }> | null };
export const DepositFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment DepositFields on Deposit {
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type FillFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, createdAt: string, price: string, size: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, aggressor: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, buyer: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, seller: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } };
export type FillFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, createdAt: any, price: string, size: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, aggressor: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, buyer: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, seller: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } };
export type FillEdgeFragment = { __typename?: 'TradeEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, createdAt: string, price: string, size: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, aggressor: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, buyer: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, seller: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } } };
export type FillEdgeFragment = { __typename?: 'TradeEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, createdAt: any, price: string, size: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, aggressor: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, buyer: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, seller: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } } };
export type FillsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ export type FillsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type FillsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, tradesConnection?: { __typename?: 'TradeConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, createdAt: string, price: string, size: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, aggressor: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, buyer: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, seller: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', startCursor: string, endCursor: string, hasNextPage: boolean, hasPreviousPage: boolean } } | null } | null };
export type FillsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, tradesConnection?: { __typename?: 'TradeConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, createdAt: any, price: string, size: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, aggressor: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, buyer: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, seller: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string }, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', startCursor: string, endCursor: string, hasNextPage: boolean, hasPreviousPage: boolean } } | null } | null };
export type FillsEventSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type FillsEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', trades?: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeUpdate', id: string, marketId: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, buyerId: string, sellerId: string, aggressor: Types.Side, price: string, size: string, createdAt: string, type: Types.TradeType, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }> | null };
export type FillsEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', trades?: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeUpdate', id: string, marketId: string, buyOrder: string, sellOrder: string, buyerId: string, sellerId: string, aggressor: Types.Side, price: string, size: string, createdAt: any, type: Types.TradeType, buyerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string }, sellerFee: { __typename?: 'TradeFee', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }> | null };
export const FillFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment FillFields on Trade {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export type UpdateMarketFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId
export type UpdateAssetFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', assetId: string, quantum: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } };
export type ProposalListFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: string, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string } }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: string, enactmentDatetime?: string | null, change: { __typename?: 'NewAsset' } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', code: string, name: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', assetId: string, quantum: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string, updateMarketConfiguration: { __typename?: 'UpdateMarketConfiguration', instrument: { __typename?: 'UpdateInstrumentConfiguration', code: string, product: { __typename?: 'UpdateFutureProduct', quoteName: string } }, priceMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null }, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, riskParameters: { __typename: 'UpdateMarketLogNormalRiskModel', logNormal?: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', riskAversionParameter: number, tau: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', mu: number, r: number, sigma: number } } | null } | { __typename: 'UpdateMarketSimpleRiskModel', simple?: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } | null } } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter' } } };
export type ProposalListFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: any, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string } }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: any, enactmentDatetime?: any | null, change: { __typename?: 'NewAsset' } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', code: string, name: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', assetId: string, quantum: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string, updateMarketConfiguration: { __typename?: 'UpdateMarketConfiguration', instrument: { __typename?: 'UpdateInstrumentConfiguration', code: string, product: { __typename?: 'UpdateFutureProduct', quoteName: string } }, priceMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null }, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, riskParameters: { __typename: 'UpdateMarketLogNormalRiskModel', logNormal?: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', riskAversionParameter: number, tau: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', mu: number, r: number, sigma: number } } | null } | { __typename: 'UpdateMarketSimpleRiskModel', simple?: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } | null } } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter' } } };
export type ProposalsListQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
proposalType?: Types.InputMaybe<Types.ProposalType>;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export type ProposalsListQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type ProposalsListQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', proposalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'ProposalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ProposalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: string, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string } }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: string, enactmentDatetime?: string | null, change: { __typename?: 'NewAsset' } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', code: string, name: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', assetId: string, quantum: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string, updateMarketConfiguration: { __typename?: 'UpdateMarketConfiguration', instrument: { __typename?: 'UpdateInstrumentConfiguration', code: string, product: { __typename?: 'UpdateFutureProduct', quoteName: string } }, priceMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null }, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, riskParameters: { __typename: 'UpdateMarketLogNormalRiskModel', logNormal?: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', riskAversionParameter: number, tau: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', mu: number, r: number, sigma: number } } | null } | { __typename: 'UpdateMarketSimpleRiskModel', simple?: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } | null } } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter' } } } } | null> | null } | null };
export type ProposalsListQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', proposalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'ProposalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'ProposalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, reference: string, state: Types.ProposalState, datetime: any, votes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVotes', yes: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string }, no: { __typename?: 'ProposalVoteSide', totalTokens: string, totalNumber: string, totalWeight: string } }, terms: { __typename?: 'ProposalTerms', closingDatetime: any, enactmentDatetime?: any | null, change: { __typename?: 'NewAsset' } | { __typename?: 'NewFreeform' } | { __typename?: 'NewMarket', instrument: { __typename?: 'InstrumentConfiguration', code: string, name: string, futureProduct?: { __typename?: 'FutureProduct', settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string } } | null } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateAsset', assetId: string, quantum: string, source: { __typename?: 'UpdateERC20', lifetimeLimit: string, withdrawThreshold: string } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateMarket', marketId: string, updateMarketConfiguration: { __typename?: 'UpdateMarketConfiguration', instrument: { __typename?: 'UpdateInstrumentConfiguration', code: string, product: { __typename?: 'UpdateFutureProduct', quoteName: string } }, priceMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null }, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, riskParameters: { __typename: 'UpdateMarketLogNormalRiskModel', logNormal?: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', riskAversionParameter: number, tau: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', mu: number, r: number, sigma: number } } | null } | { __typename: 'UpdateMarketSimpleRiskModel', simple?: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } | null } } } | { __typename?: 'UpdateNetworkParameter' } } } } | null> | null } | null };
export const NewMarketFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment NewMarketFields on NewMarket {
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type VoteEventFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Vote', proposalId: string, value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string };
export type VoteEventFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Vote', proposalId: string, value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any };
export type VoteEventSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type VoteEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', type: Types.BusEventType, event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit' } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order' } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote', proposalId: string, value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: string } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal' } }> | null };
export type VoteEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', type: Types.BusEventType, event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit' } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order' } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote', proposalId: string, value: Types.VoteValue, datetime: any } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal' } }> | null };
export const VoteEventFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment VoteEventFields on Vote {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type MarketInfoQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type MarketInfoQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, proposal?: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string } } | null, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open?: string | null, close?: string | null }, openingAuction: { __typename?: 'AuctionDuration', durationSecs: number, volume: number }, accountsConnection?: { __typename?: 'AccountsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountEdge', node: { __typename?: 'AccountBalance', type: Types.AccountType, balance: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string } } } | null> | null } | null, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, priceMonitoringSettings: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringSettings', parameters?: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null } | null }, riskFactors?: { __typename?: 'RiskFactor', market: string, short: string, long: string } | null, data?: { __typename?: 'MarketData', markPrice: string, bestBidVolume: string, bestOfferVolume: string, bestStaticBidVolume: string, bestStaticOfferVolume: string, bestBidPrice: string, bestOfferPrice: string, trigger: Types.AuctionTrigger, openInterest: string, suppliedStake?: string | null, targetStake?: string | null, marketValueProxy: string, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, priceMonitoringBounds?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringBounds', minValidPrice: string, maxValidPrice: string, referencePrice: string, trigger: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number } }> | null } | null, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', volume: string } } | null> | null } | null, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, name: string, decimals: number }, dataSourceSpecForSettlementData: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, dataSourceSpecBinding: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpecToFutureBinding', settlementDataProperty: string, tradingTerminationProperty: string } } }, riskModel: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', tau: number, riskAversionParameter: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', r: number, sigma: number, mu: number } } | { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModel', params: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } } }, depth: { __typename?: 'MarketDepth', lastTrade?: { __typename?: 'Trade', price: string } | null } } | null };
export type MarketInfoQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, proposal?: { __typename?: 'Proposal', id?: string | null, rationale: { __typename?: 'ProposalRationale', title: string, description: string } } | null, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open: any, close: any }, openingAuction: { __typename?: 'AuctionDuration', durationSecs: number, volume: number }, accountsConnection?: { __typename?: 'AccountsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'AccountEdge', node: { __typename?: 'AccountBalance', type: Types.AccountType, balance: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string } } } | null> | null } | null, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, priceMonitoringSettings: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringSettings', parameters?: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringParameters', triggers?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number }> | null } | null }, riskFactors?: { __typename?: 'RiskFactor', market: string, short: string, long: string } | null, data?: { __typename?: 'MarketData', markPrice: string, bestBidVolume: string, bestOfferVolume: string, bestStaticBidVolume: string, bestStaticOfferVolume: string, bestBidPrice: string, bestOfferPrice: string, trigger: Types.AuctionTrigger, openInterest: string, suppliedStake?: string | null, targetStake?: string | null, marketValueProxy: string, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, priceMonitoringBounds?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringBounds', minValidPrice: string, maxValidPrice: string, referencePrice: string, trigger: { __typename?: 'PriceMonitoringTrigger', horizonSecs: number, probability: number, auctionExtensionSecs: number } }> | null } | null, liquidityMonitoringParameters: { __typename?: 'LiquidityMonitoringParameters', triggeringRatio: number, targetStakeParameters: { __typename?: 'TargetStakeParameters', timeWindow: number, scalingFactor: number } }, candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', volume: string } } | null> | null } | null, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, name: string, decimals: number }, dataSourceSpecForSettlementData: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, dataSourceSpecBinding: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpecToFutureBinding', settlementDataProperty: string, tradingTerminationProperty: string } } }, riskModel: { __typename?: 'LogNormalRiskModel', tau: number, riskAversionParameter: number, params: { __typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams', r: number, sigma: number, mu: number } } | { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModel', params: { __typename?: 'SimpleRiskModelParams', factorLong: number, factorShort: number } } }, depth: { __typename?: 'MarketDepth', lastTrade?: { __typename?: 'Trade', price: string } | null } } | null };
export const MarketInfoDocument = gql`
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type MarketCandlesFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: string };
export type MarketCandlesFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: any };
export type MarketCandlesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
interval: Types.Interval;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export type MarketCandlesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type MarketCandlesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: string } } | null> | null } | null } }> } | null };
export type MarketCandlesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: any } } | null> | null } | null } }> } | null };
export type MarketCandlesUpdateSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
marketId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ export type MarketCandlesUpdateSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type MarketCandlesUpdateSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', candles: { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: string } };
export type MarketCandlesUpdateSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', candles: { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: any } };
export const MarketCandlesFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment MarketCandlesFields on Candle {
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type SingleMarketFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, name: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open?: any | null, close?: any | null }, depth: { __typename?: 'MarketDepth', lastTrade?: { __typename?: 'Trade', price: string } | null } };
export type SingleMarketFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, name: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open: any, close: any }, depth: { __typename?: 'MarketDepth', lastTrade?: { __typename?: 'Trade', price: string } | null } };
export type MarketQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
marketId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type MarketQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, name: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open?: any | null, close?: any | null }, depth: { __typename?: 'MarketDepth', lastTrade?: { __typename?: 'Trade', price: string } | null } } | null };
export type MarketQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, dataSourceSpecForTradingTermination: { __typename?: 'DataSourceSpec', id: string }, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, name: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open: any, close: any }, depth: { __typename?: 'MarketDepth', lastTrade?: { __typename?: 'Trade', price: string } | null } } | null };
export const SingleMarketFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment SingleMarketFields on Market {
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type MarketsCandlesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type MarketsCandlesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: string } } | null> | null } | null } }> } | null };
export type MarketsCandlesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, candlesConnection?: { __typename?: 'CandleDataConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'CandleEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Candle', high: string, low: string, open: string, close: string, volume: string, periodStart: any } } | null> | null } | null } }> } | null };
export const MarketsCandlesDocument = gql`
@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type MarketFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open?: any | null, close?: any | null } };
export type MarketFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open: any, close: any } };
export type MarketsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
export type MarketsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open?: any | null, close?: any | null } } }> } | null };
export type MarketsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', marketsConnection?: { __typename?: 'MarketConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'MarketEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, state: Types.MarketState, tradingMode: Types.MarketTradingMode, fees: { __typename?: 'Fees', factors: { __typename?: 'FeeFactors', makerFee: string, infrastructureFee: string, liquidityFee: string } }, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', id: string, name: string, code: string, metadata: { __typename?: 'InstrumentMetadata', tags?: Array<string> | null }, product: { __typename?: 'Future', quoteName: string, settlementAsset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, symbol: string, decimals: number } } } }, marketTimestamps: { __typename?: 'MarketTimestamps', open: any, close: any } } }> } | null };
export const MarketFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment MarketFields on Market {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type StatsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{ [key: string]: never; }>;
export type StatsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nodeData?: { __typename?: 'NodeData', stakedTotal: string, totalNodes: number, inactiveNodes: number } | null, statistics: { __typename?: 'Statistics', status: string, blockHeight: string, blockDuration: string, backlogLength: string, txPerBlock: string, tradesPerSecond: string, ordersPerSecond: string, averageOrdersPerBlock: string, vegaTime: string, appVersion: string, chainVersion: string, chainId: string, genesisTime: string } };
export type StatsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', nodeData?: { __typename?: 'NodeData', stakedTotal: string, totalNodes: number, inactiveNodes: number } | null, statistics: { __typename?: 'Statistics', status: string, blockHeight: string, blockDuration: string, backlogLength: string, txPerBlock: string, tradesPerSecond: string, ordersPerSecond: string, averageOrdersPerBlock: string, vegaTime: any, appVersion: string, chainVersion: string, chainId: string, genesisTime: any } };
export const StatsDocument = gql`
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type OrderFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Order', id: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: string | null, createdAt: string, updatedAt?: string | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, liquidityProvision?: { __typename: 'LiquidityProvision' } | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null };
export type OrderFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Order', id: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: any | null, createdAt: any, updatedAt?: any | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, liquidityProvision?: { __typename: 'LiquidityProvision' } | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null };
export type OrdersQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ export type OrdersQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type OrdersQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, ordersConnection?: { __typename?: 'OrderConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'OrderEdge', cursor?: string | null, node: { __typename?: 'Order', id: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: string | null, createdAt: string, updatedAt?: string | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, liquidityProvision?: { __typename: 'LiquidityProvision' } | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null } }> | null, pageInfo?: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', startCursor: string, endCursor: string, hasNextPage: boolean, hasPreviousPage: boolean } | null } | null } | null };
export type OrdersQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, ordersConnection?: { __typename?: 'OrderConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'OrderEdge', cursor?: string | null, node: { __typename?: 'Order', id: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: any | null, createdAt: any, updatedAt?: any | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string }, liquidityProvision?: { __typename: 'LiquidityProvision' } | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null } }> | null, pageInfo?: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', startCursor: string, endCursor: string, hasNextPage: boolean, hasPreviousPage: boolean } | null } | null } | null };
export type OrderUpdateFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'OrderUpdate', id: string, marketId: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: string | null, createdAt: string, updatedAt?: string | null, liquidityProvisionId?: string | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null };
export type OrderUpdateFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'OrderUpdate', id: string, marketId: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: any | null, createdAt: any, updatedAt?: any | null, liquidityProvisionId?: string | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null };
export type OrdersUpdateSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type OrdersUpdateSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', orders?: Array<{ __typename?: 'OrderUpdate', id: string, marketId: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: string | null, createdAt: string, updatedAt?: string | null, liquidityProvisionId?: string | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null }> | null };
export type OrdersUpdateSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', orders?: Array<{ __typename?: 'OrderUpdate', id: string, marketId: string, type?: Types.OrderType | null, side: Types.Side, size: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, remaining: string, expiresAt?: any | null, createdAt: any, updatedAt?: any | null, liquidityProvisionId?: string | null, peggedOrder?: { __typename: 'PeggedOrder' } | null }> | null };
export const OrderFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment OrderFields on Order {
@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type OrderEventFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Order', type?: Types.OrderType | null, id: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, createdAt: string, size: string, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, expiresAt?: string | null, side: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', name: string } } } };
export type OrderEventFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Order', type?: Types.OrderType | null, id: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, createdAt: any, size: string, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, expiresAt?: any | null, side: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', name: string } } } };
export type OrderEventSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type OrderEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', type: Types.BusEventType, event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit' } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order', type?: Types.OrderType | null, id: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, createdAt: string, size: string, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, expiresAt?: string | null, side: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', name: string } } } } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote' } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal' } }> | null };
export type OrderEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', type: Types.BusEventType, event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit' } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order', type?: Types.OrderType | null, id: string, status: Types.OrderStatus, rejectionReason?: Types.OrderRejectionReason | null, createdAt: any, size: string, price: string, timeInForce: Types.OrderTimeInForce, expiresAt?: any | null, side: Types.Side, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, decimalPlaces: number, positionDecimalPlaces: number, tradableInstrument: { __typename?: 'TradableInstrument', instrument: { __typename?: 'Instrument', name: string } } } } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote' } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal' } }> | null };
export const OrderEventFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment OrderEventFields on Order {
@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type PositionFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Position', realisedPNL: string, openVolume: string, unrealisedPNL: string, averageEntryPrice: string, updatedAt?: string | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } };
export type PositionFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Position', realisedPNL: string, openVolume: string, unrealisedPNL: string, averageEntryPrice: string, updatedAt?: any | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } };
export type PositionsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type PositionsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, positionsConnection?: { __typename?: 'PositionConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PositionEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Position', realisedPNL: string, openVolume: string, unrealisedPNL: string, averageEntryPrice: string, updatedAt?: string | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } } }> | null } | null } | null };
export type PositionsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, positionsConnection?: { __typename?: 'PositionConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'PositionEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Position', realisedPNL: string, openVolume: string, unrealisedPNL: string, averageEntryPrice: string, updatedAt?: any | null, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } } }> | null } | null } | null };
export type PositionsSubscriptionSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type PositionsSubscriptionSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', positions: Array<{ __typename?: 'PositionUpdate', realisedPNL: string, openVolume: string, unrealisedPNL: string, averageEntryPrice: string, updatedAt?: string | null, marketId: string }> };
export type PositionsSubscriptionSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', positions: Array<{ __typename?: 'PositionUpdate', realisedPNL: string, openVolume: string, unrealisedPNL: string, averageEntryPrice: string, updatedAt?: any | null, marketId: string }> };
export type MarginFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'MarginLevels', maintenanceLevel: string, searchLevel: string, initialLevel: string, collateralReleaseLevel: string, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string }, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } };
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export type MarginsSubscriptionSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type MarginsSubscriptionSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', margins: { __typename?: 'MarginLevelsUpdate', marketId: string, asset: string, partyId: string, maintenanceLevel: string, searchLevel: string, initialLevel: string, collateralReleaseLevel: string, timestamp: string } };
export type MarginsSubscriptionSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', margins: { __typename?: 'MarginLevelsUpdate', marketId: string, asset: string, partyId: string, maintenanceLevel: string, searchLevel: string, initialLevel: string, collateralReleaseLevel: string, timestamp: any } };
export const PositionFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment PositionFields on Position {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Schema as Types } from '@vegaprotocol/types';
import { gql } from '@apollo/client';
import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type TradeFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, price: string, size: string, createdAt: string, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } };
export type TradeFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, price: string, size: string, createdAt: any, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } };
export type TradesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
marketId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ export type TradesQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type TradesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, tradesConnection?: { __typename?: 'TradeConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, price: string, size: string, createdAt: string, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', startCursor: string, endCursor: string, hasNextPage: boolean, hasPreviousPage: boolean } } | null } | null };
export type TradesQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', market?: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string, tradesConnection?: { __typename?: 'TradeConnection', edges: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeEdge', cursor: string, node: { __typename?: 'Trade', id: string, price: string, size: string, createdAt: any, market: { __typename?: 'Market', id: string } } }>, pageInfo: { __typename?: 'PageInfo', startCursor: string, endCursor: string, hasNextPage: boolean, hasPreviousPage: boolean } } | null } | null };
export type TradesUpdateSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
marketId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type TradesUpdateSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', trades?: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeUpdate', id: string, price: string, size: string, createdAt: string, marketId: string }> | null };
export type TradesUpdateSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', trades?: Array<{ __typename?: 'TradeUpdate', id: string, price: string, size: string, createdAt: any, marketId: string }> | null };
export const TradeFieldsFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment TradeFields on Trade {
@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ export type Erc20WithdrawalApproval = {
* 0x + sig1 + sig2 + ... + sigN
signatures: Scalars['String'];
/** The target address which will receive the funds */
/** The target address that will receive the funds */
targetAddress: Scalars['String'];
@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ export type LedgerEntry = {
/** RFC3339Nano time at which the transfer was made */
timestamp: Scalars['Timestamp'];
/** Type of ledger entry */
type: Scalars['String'];
type: TransferType;
export enum LedgerEntryField {
@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ export type LogNormalModelParams = {
__typename?: 'LogNormalModelParams';
/** Mu parameter, annualised growth rate of the underlying asset */
mu: Scalars['Float'];
/** R parameter */
/** R parameter, annualised growth rate of the risk-free asset, used for discounting of future cash flows, can be any real number */
r: Scalars['Float'];
/** Sigma parameter, annualised volatility of the underlying asset, must be a strictly non-negative real number */
sigma: Scalars['Float'];
@ -1496,6 +1496,7 @@ export type MarketliquidityProvisionsConnectionArgs = {
/** Represents a product & associated parameters that can be traded on Vega, has an associated OrderBook and Trade history */
export type MarketordersConnectionArgs = {
dateRange?: InputMaybe<DateRange>;
filter?: InputMaybe<OrderFilter>;
pagination?: InputMaybe<Pagination>;
@ -1706,11 +1707,11 @@ export type MarketTick = {
export type MarketTimestamps = {
__typename?: 'MarketTimestamps';
/** Time when the market is closed */
close?: Maybe<Scalars['Timestamp']>;
close: Scalars['Timestamp'];
/** Time when the market is open and ready to accept trades */
open?: Maybe<Scalars['Timestamp']>;
open: Scalars['Timestamp'];
/** Time when the market has been voted in and waiting to be created */
pending?: Maybe<Scalars['Timestamp']>;
pending: Scalars['Timestamp'];
/** Time when the market is first proposed */
proposed?: Maybe<Scalars['Timestamp']>;
@ -1877,8 +1878,6 @@ export type NodeData = {
totalNodes: Scalars['Int'];
/** Total uptime for all epochs across all nodes. Or specify a number of epochs */
uptime: Scalars['Float'];
/** Number of nodes validating */
validatingNodes: Scalars['Int'];
/** Edge type containing the node and cursor information returned by a NodesConnection */
@ -2221,6 +2220,13 @@ export type OrderEstimate = {
totalFeeAmount: Scalars['String'];
export type OrderFilter = {
excludeLiquidity?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
status?: InputMaybe<Array<OrderStatus>>;
timeInForce?: InputMaybe<Array<OrderTimeInForce>>;
types?: InputMaybe<Array<OrderType>>;
/** Why the order was rejected by the core node */
export enum OrderRejectionReason {
/** Amending the order failed */
@ -2510,6 +2516,7 @@ export type PartymarginsConnectionArgs = {
/** Represents a party on Vega, could be an ethereum wallet address in the future */
export type PartyordersConnectionArgs = {
dateRange?: InputMaybe<DateRange>;
filter?: InputMaybe<OrderFilter>;
pagination?: InputMaybe<Pagination>;
@ -4222,31 +4229,54 @@ export enum TransferStatus {
export enum TransferType {
/** Bond returned to general account after liquidity commitment was reduced */
/** Bond account funded from general account to meet required bond amount */
/** Bond account penalised when liquidity commitment not met */
/** Balances are being restored to the user's account following a checkpoint restart of the network */
/** Market-related accounts emptied because market has closed */
/** Funds deposited to general account */
/** Infrastructure fee received into general account */
/** Infrastructure fee paid from general account */
/** Liquidity fee received into general account */
/** Liquidity fee paid from general account */
/** Funds deducted after final settlement loss */
/** Maker fee paid from general account */
/** Maker fee received into general account */
/** Margin confiscated from margin account to fulfil closeout */
/** Excess margin amount returned to general account */
/** Funds transferred from general account to meet margin requirement */
/** Funds deducted from margin account after mark to market loss */
/** Funds added to margin account after mark to market gain */
/** Staking reward received */
/** A network internal instruction for the collateral engine to move funds from the pending transfers pool account into the destination account */
/** A network internal instruction for the collateral engine to move funds from a user's general account into the pending transfers pool */
/** Default value, always invalid */
/** Funds added to general account after final settlement gain */
/** Funds withdrawn from general account */
/** A proposal to update an asset's details */
@ -385,7 +385,6 @@ export const TransferTypeMapping: TransferTypeMap = {
TRANSFER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: 'Default value, always invalid',
TRANSFER_TYPE_MTM_LOSS: 'Mark to market loss',
TRANSFER_TYPE_MTM_WIN: 'Mark to market win',
@ -399,7 +398,6 @@ export const TransferTypeMapping: TransferTypeMap = {
TRANSFER_TYPE_WITHDRAW_LOCK: 'Lock amount for withdraw',
TRANSFER_TYPE_WITHDRAW: 'Actual withdraw from system',
@ -407,6 +405,8 @@ export const TransferTypeMapping: TransferTypeMap = {
TRANSFER_TYPE_CLEAR_ACCOUNT: 'Market is closed, accounts are cleared',
'Initial balance after checkpoint restart',
export const DescriptionTransferTypeMapping: TransferTypeMap = {
@ -433,6 +433,6 @@ export const DescriptionTransferTypeMapping: TransferTypeMap = {
TRANSFER_TYPE_TRANSFER_FUNDS_DISTRIBUTE: `Transfer received: Funds added to your general account to fulfil a transfer`,
TRANSFER_TYPE_CLEAR_ACCOUNT: `Market accounts cleared: Market-related accounts emptied, and balances moved, because the market has closed`,
TRANSFER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: 'Default value, always invalid',
TRANSFER_TYPE_WITHDRAW_LOCK: 'Lock amount for withdraw',
'When the network is restored from a checkpoint this sets the balances of parties',
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export type Erc20ApprovalQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
export type Erc20ApprovalQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', erc20WithdrawalApproval?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalApproval', assetSource: string, amount: string, nonce: string, signatures: string, targetAddress: string, expiry: string, creation: string } | null };
export type Erc20ApprovalQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', erc20WithdrawalApproval?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalApproval', assetSource: string, amount: string, nonce: string, signatures: string, targetAddress: string, expiry: any, creation: string } | null };
export const Erc20ApprovalDocument = gql`
@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ import * as Apollo from '@apollo/client';
const defaultOptions = {} as const;
export type PendingWithdrawalFragment = { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, txHash?: string | null };
export type WithdrawalFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: string, withdrawnTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, status: Types.AssetStatus, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset' } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } }, details?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalDetails', receiverAddress: string } | null };
export type WithdrawalFieldsFragment = { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: any, withdrawnTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, status: Types.AssetStatus, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset' } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } }, details?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalDetails', receiverAddress: string } | null };
export type WithdrawalsQueryVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type WithdrawalsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, withdrawalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'WithdrawalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WithdrawalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: string, withdrawnTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, status: Types.AssetStatus, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset' } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } }, details?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalDetails', receiverAddress: string } | null } } | null> | null } | null } | null };
export type WithdrawalsQuery = { __typename?: 'Query', party?: { __typename?: 'Party', id: string, withdrawalsConnection?: { __typename?: 'WithdrawalsConnection', edges?: Array<{ __typename?: 'WithdrawalEdge', node: { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: any, withdrawnTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, status: Types.AssetStatus, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset' } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } }, details?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalDetails', receiverAddress: string } | null } } | null> | null } | null } | null };
export type WithdrawalEventSubscriptionVariables = Types.Exact<{
partyId: Types.Scalars['ID'];
export type WithdrawalEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit' } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order' } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote' } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: string, withdrawnTimestamp?: string | null, txHash?: string | null, pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, status: Types.AssetStatus, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset' } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } }, details?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalDetails', receiverAddress: string } | null } }> | null };
export type WithdrawalEventSubscription = { __typename?: 'Subscription', busEvents?: Array<{ __typename?: 'BusEvent', event: { __typename?: 'AccountEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Asset' } | { __typename?: 'AuctionEvent' } | { __typename?: 'Deposit' } | { __typename?: 'LiquidityProvision' } | { __typename?: 'LossSocialization' } | { __typename?: 'MarginLevels' } | { __typename?: 'Market' } | { __typename?: 'MarketData' } | { __typename?: 'MarketEvent' } | { __typename?: 'MarketTick' } | { __typename?: 'NodeSignature' } | { __typename?: 'OracleSpec' } | { __typename?: 'Order' } | { __typename?: 'Party' } | { __typename?: 'PositionResolution' } | { __typename?: 'Proposal' } | { __typename?: 'RiskFactor' } | { __typename?: 'SettleDistressed' } | { __typename?: 'SettlePosition' } | { __typename?: 'TimeUpdate' } | { __typename?: 'Trade' } | { __typename?: 'TransactionResult' } | { __typename?: 'TransferResponses' } | { __typename?: 'Vote' } | { __typename?: 'Withdrawal', id: string, status: Types.WithdrawalStatus, amount: string, createdTimestamp: any, withdrawnTimestamp?: any | null, txHash?: string | null, pendingOnForeignChain: boolean, asset: { __typename?: 'Asset', id: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, status: Types.AssetStatus, source: { __typename?: 'BuiltinAsset' } | { __typename?: 'ERC20', contractAddress: string } }, details?: { __typename?: 'Erc20WithdrawalDetails', receiverAddress: string } | null } }> | null };
export const PendingWithdrawalFragmentDoc = gql`
fragment PendingWithdrawal on Withdrawal {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user