- **Must** be able to open transfer window through transfer button under key, account history page and collateral options (<aname="1003-TRAN-001"href="#1003-TRAN-001">1003-TRAN-001</a>)
- **Must** be able to close the window with the x (<aname="1003-TRAN-002"href="#1003-TRAN-002">1003-TRAN-002</a>)
- **Must** display a message showing obfuscated key that funds will be transferred from (<aname="1003-TRAN-003"href="#1003-TRAN-003">1003-TRAN-003</a>)
- **Must** each field has their label. Vega key, Asset, Amount (<aname="1003-TRAN-004"href="#1003-TRAN-004">1003-TRAN-004</a>)
## Vega Key
- **Must**
if the user has multiple keys they must be able to swap between dropdown and manual entry (<aname="1003-TRAN-005"href="#1003-TRAN-005">1003-TRAN-005</a>)
- **Must**
if the user has multiple keys they must be able to select from their list of keys(<aname="1003-TRAN-006"href="#1003-TRAN-006">1003-TRAN-006</a>)
## Asset
- **Must** display a drop down with all assets in the portfolio (<aname="1003-TRAN-007"href="#1003-TRAN-007">1003-TRAN-007</a>)
- **Must** the holdings of each asset is displayed (<aname="1003-TRAN-008"href="#1003-TRAN-008">1003-TRAN-008</a>)
- **Must** i can select any available assets and selected asset is displayed (<aname="1003-TRAN-009"href="#1003-TRAN-009">1003-TRAN-009</a>)
- **Must** selected asset shortname is displayed in the amount field (<aname="1003-TRAN-010"href="#1003-TRAN-010">1003-TRAN-010</a>)
## Validation
- **Must** cannot choose amount over current collateral. Message is displayed (<aname="1003-TRAN-011"href="#1003-TRAN-011">1003-TRAN-011</a>)
- **Must** display "required" message on each field if left blank when clicking button "Confirm Transfer" (<aname="1003-TRAN-012"href="#1003-TRAN-012">1003-TRAN-012</a>)
- **Must** display "Invalid vega key" message on Vega Key field if entered key doesn't pass validation(<aname="1003-TRAN-013"href="#1003-TRAN-013">1003-TRAN-013</a>)
- **Must** "Value below minimum" message is shown if amount is lower than minimum(<aname="1003-TRAN-014"href="#1003-TRAN-014">1003-TRAN-014</a>)
## Transfer
- **Must** display tooltip for "Transfer fee when hovered over.(<aname="1003-TRAN-017"href="#1003-TRAN-017">1003-TRAN-017</a>)
- **Must** display tooltip for "Amount to be transferred" when hovered over.(<aname="1003-TRAN-018"href="#1003-TRAN-018">1003-TRAN-018</a>)
- **Must** display tooltip for "Total amount (with fee)" when hovered over.(<aname="1003-TRAN-019"href="#1003-TRAN-019">1003-TRAN-019</a>)
- **Must** With all fields entered correctly, clicking "confirm transfer" button will start transaction(<aname="1003-TRAN-023"href="#1003-TRAN-023">1003-TRAN-023</a>)
- Visiting the page with a query param `?assetId=XYZ` should load the page with that asset selected if that asset exists (<aname="1003-TRAN-024"href="#1003-TRAN-024">1003-TRAN-024</a>)