233 lines
8.2 KiB
233 lines
8.2 KiB
import clsx from 'clsx'
import { Button } from 'components/Button'
import { FormControl } from 'components/FormControl'
import { FormGroup } from 'components/FormGroup'
import { useInputState, useNumberInputState } from 'components/forms/FormInput.hooks'
import { InputDateTime } from 'components/InputDateTime'
import type { ChangeEvent } from 'react'
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import useCollapse from 'react-collapsed'
import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast'
import { useMutation } from 'react-query'
import { Conditional } from './Conditional'
import { NumberInput, TextInput } from './forms/FormInput'
import { JsonPreview } from './JsonPreview'
import { WhitelistUpload } from './WhitelistUpload'
export const CollectionInfo = () => {
const { getCollapseProps, getToggleProps } = useCollapse()
const [timestamp, setTimestamp] = useState<Date | undefined>()
const toggleProps = getToggleProps()
const collapseProps = getCollapseProps()
const [wlstartDate, setwlStartDate] = useState<Date | undefined>(undefined)
const [wlendDate, setwlEndDate] = useState<Date | undefined>(undefined)
const [whitelistArray, setWhitelistArray] = useState<string[]>([])
const [coverImage, setCoverImage] = useState<File | null>(null)
const nameState = useInputState({
id: 'name',
name: 'name',
title: 'Name',
subtitle: '',
const descriptionState = useInputState({
id: 'description',
name: 'description',
title: 'Description',
subtitle: '',
const externalImageState = useInputState({
id: 'externalImage',
name: 'externalImage',
title: 'External Image',
subtitle: '',
const numberOfTokensState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'numberoftokens',
name: 'numberoftokens',
title: 'Number Of Tokens',
subtitle: '',
placeholder: '100',
const unitPriceState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'unitPrice',
name: 'unitPrice',
title: 'Unit Price',
subtitle: '',
placeholder: '100',
const perAddressLimitState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'peraddresslimit',
name: 'peraddresslimit',
title: 'Per Address Limit',
subtitle: '',
placeholder: '1',
const royaltyPaymentAddressState = useInputState({
id: 'royalty-payment-address',
name: 'royaltyPaymentAddress',
title: 'Payment Address',
subtitle: 'Address to receive royalties',
placeholder: 'stars1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz...',
const royaltyShareState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'royalty-share',
name: 'royaltyShare',
title: 'Share Percentage',
subtitle: 'Percentage of royalties to be paid',
placeholder: '8',
const wlunitPriceState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'unit-price',
name: 'unitPrice',
title: 'Unit Price',
subtitle: 'Price of each tokens in collection',
placeholder: '500',
const wlmemberLimitState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'member-limit',
name: 'memberLimit',
title: 'Member Limit',
subtitle: 'Limit of the whitelisted members',
placeholder: '1000',
const wlperAddressLimitState = useNumberInputState({
id: 'per-address-limit',
name: 'perAddressLimit',
title: 'Per Address Limit',
subtitle: 'Limit of tokens per address',
placeholder: '5',
const { isLoading, mutate } = useMutation(
(event: FormEvent) => {
onError: (error) => {
const whitelistFileOnChange = (data: string[]) => {
const selectCoverImage = (event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
if (event.target.files === null) return toast.error('Error selecting cover image')
if (event.target.files.length === 0) {
return toast.error('No files selected.')
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = (e) => {
if (!e.target?.result) return toast.error('Error parsing file.')
if (!event.target.files) return toast.error('No files selected.')
const imageFile = new File([e.target.result], event.target.files[0].name, { type: 'image/jpg' })
return (
<form className="p-4 space-x-8" onSubmit={mutate}>
<div className="space-y-8">
<div className="rounded border-[1px] border-white/20" />
<div className="grid grid-cols-2">
<FormGroup subtitle="Information about your collection" title="Collection Info">
<TextInput {...nameState} />
<TextInput {...descriptionState} />
className="block mt-5 mr-1 mb-1 w-full font-bold text-white dark:text-gray-300"
Cover Image
'file:py-2 file:px-4 file:mr-4 file:bg-plumbus-light file:rounded file:border-0 cursor-pointer',
'before:hover:bg-white/5 before:transition',
{coverImage !== null && (
<div className="flex flex-row items-center mt-2 mr-4 border-2 border-dashed">
<img alt="cover-preview" src={URL.createObjectURL(coverImage)} />
<TextInput {...externalImageState} />
<FormGroup subtitle="Information about your minting settings" title="Minting Details">
<NumberInput {...numberOfTokensState} />
<NumberInput {...unitPriceState} />
<NumberInput {...perAddressLimitState} />
<FormControl htmlId="timestamp" isRequired subtitle="Start time for the minting" title="Start Time">
<InputDateTime minDate={new Date()} onChange={(date) => setTimestamp(date)} value={timestamp} />
<div className="flex justify-end">
<Button {...toggleProps} isWide type="button" variant="outline">
Advanced Options
<section {...collapseProps}>
<FormGroup subtitle="Your whitelisted addresses" title="Whitelist File" />
<div className="grid grid-cols-2">
<FormGroup subtitle="Information about your minting settings" title="Whitelist Minting Details">
<NumberInput isRequired {...wlunitPriceState} />
<NumberInput isRequired {...wlmemberLimitState} />
<NumberInput isRequired {...wlperAddressLimitState} />
<FormGroup subtitle="" title="">
<FormControl htmlId="start-date" isRequired subtitle="Start time for the minting" title="Start Time">
<InputDateTime minDate={new Date()} onChange={(date) => setwlStartDate(date)} value={wlstartDate} />
<FormControl htmlId="end-date" isRequired subtitle="End time for the minting" title="End Time">
<InputDateTime minDate={new Date()} onChange={(date) => setwlEndDate(date)} value={wlendDate} />
<WhitelistUpload onChange={whitelistFileOnChange} />
<Conditional test={whitelistArray.length > 0}>
<JsonPreview content={whitelistArray} initialState={false} title="File Contents" />
<FormGroup subtitle="Information about royalty" title="Royalty Details">
<TextInput {...royaltyPaymentAddressState} />
<NumberInput {...royaltyShareState} />