Serkan Reis 7740841168
Upload assets and metadata (#4)
* Initial preview & upload logic

* Refactor image & metadata selection & preview logic

* Refactor image & metadata selection & preview logic - 2

* Establish metadata-modal connection

* Metadata attribute manipulation

* Successful metadata attribute removal & update

* Successful metadata attribute addition & update

* Update existing attributes success

* Display image uri among metadata following the upload

* Fix: buttons being displayed without an image overlay

* Separate upload logic & incorporate useRefs

* Clean up: removed unused imports and structures

* Add radio buttons for upload service selection

* Remove package-lock.json (duplicate .lock files)

* Refactor upload logic & metadata modal

* Utilize serviceType enum in upload logic

* Utilize serviceType enum in upload logic - 2

* Implement user input for NFT.Storage & Pinata API keys

* Update use an existing URI text

* Remove upload_old.tsx

* Fix: reset main metadata fields on metadata modal refresh

* Fix: reset main metadata fields on metadata modal refresh - 2

* Make linter happy

* Make linter happy - 2

* Move upload file under collections

* Post-review update - 1

* Source Pinata endpoint URL from environment variables

* Replace regular file arrays with states

Co-authored-by: findolor <>
2022-07-28 16:38:43 +03:00

86 lines
2.0 KiB

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