/* eslint-disable eslint-comments/disable-enable-pair */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ import { toUtf8 } from '@cosmjs/encoding' import axios from 'axios' import clsx from 'clsx' import { Alert } from 'components/Alert' import { Conditional } from 'components/Conditional' import { useInputState } from 'components/forms/FormInput.hooks' import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast' import { API_URL } from 'utils/constants' import { useWallet } from 'utils/wallet' import { useDebounce } from '../../../utils/debounce' import { TextInput } from '../../forms/FormInput' import type { MinterType } from '../actions/Combobox' export type BaseMinterAcquisitionMethod = 'existing' | 'new' export interface MinterInfo { name: string minter: string contractAddress: string } interface BaseMinterDetailsProps { onChange: (data: BaseMinterDetailsDataProps) => void minterType: MinterType importedBaseMinterDetails?: BaseMinterDetailsDataProps } export interface BaseMinterDetailsDataProps { baseMinterAcquisitionMethod: BaseMinterAcquisitionMethod existingBaseMinter: string | undefined selectedCollectionAddress: string | undefined collectionTokenCount: number | undefined } export const BaseMinterDetails = ({ onChange, minterType, importedBaseMinterDetails }: BaseMinterDetailsProps) => { const wallet = useWallet() const [myBaseMinterContracts, setMyBaseMinterContracts] = useState([]) const [baseMinterAcquisitionMethod, setBaseMinterAcquisitionMethod] = useState('new') const [selectedCollectionAddress, setSelectedCollectionAddress] = useState(undefined) const [collectionTokenCount, setCollectionTokenCount] = useState(undefined) const existingBaseMinterState = useInputState({ id: 'existingMinter', name: 'existingMinter', title: 'Existing Base Minter Contract Address', subtitle: '', placeholder: 'stars1...', }) const fetchMinterContracts = async (): Promise => { const contracts: MinterInfo[] = await axios .get(`${API_URL}/api/v1beta/collections/${wallet.address || ''}`) .then((response) => { const collectionData = response.data const minterContracts = collectionData.map((collection: any) => { return { name: collection.name, minter: collection.minter, contractAddress: collection.contractAddress } }) return minterContracts }) .catch(console.error) console.log(contracts) return contracts } async function getMinterContractType(minterContractAddress: string) { if (wallet.isWalletConnected && minterContractAddress.length > 0) { const client = await wallet.getCosmWasmClient() const data = await client.queryContractRaw( minterContractAddress, toUtf8(Buffer.from(Buffer.from('contract_info').toString('hex'), 'hex').toString()), ) const contractType: string = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(data as Uint8Array)).contract return contractType } } const filterBaseMinterContracts = async () => { await fetchMinterContracts() .then((minterContracts) => minterContracts.map(async (minterContract: any) => { await getMinterContractType(minterContract.minter) .then((contractType) => { if (contractType?.includes('sg-base-minter')) { setMyBaseMinterContracts((prevState) => [...prevState, minterContract]) } }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) console.log('Unable to retrieve contract type') }) }), ) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) console.log('Unable to fetch base minter contracts') }) } const debouncedMyBaseMinterContracts = useDebounce(myBaseMinterContracts, 500) const renderBaseMinterContracts = useCallback(() => { return debouncedMyBaseMinterContracts.map((baseMinterContract, index) => { return ( ) }) }, [debouncedMyBaseMinterContracts]) const debouncedWalletAddress = useDebounce(wallet.address, 300) const debouncedExistingBaseMinterContract = useDebounce(existingBaseMinterState.value, 300) const displayToast = async () => { await toast.promise(filterBaseMinterContracts(), { loading: 'Retrieving previous 1/1 collections...', success: 'Collection retrieval finalized.', error: 'Unable to retrieve any 1/1 collections.', }) } const fetchSg721Address = async () => { if (debouncedExistingBaseMinterContract.length === 0) return await ( await wallet.getCosmWasmClient() ) .queryContractSmart(debouncedExistingBaseMinterContract, { config: {}, }) .then((response) => { console.log(response.collection_address) setSelectedCollectionAddress(response.collection_address) }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) console.log('Unable to retrieve collection address') }) } const fetchCollectionTokenCount = async () => { if (selectedCollectionAddress === undefined) return await ( await wallet.getCosmWasmClient() ) .queryContractSmart(selectedCollectionAddress, { num_tokens: {}, }) .then((response) => { console.log(response) setCollectionTokenCount(Number(response.count)) }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) console.log('Unable to retrieve collection token count') }) } useEffect(() => { if (debouncedWalletAddress && baseMinterAcquisitionMethod === 'existing') { setMyBaseMinterContracts([]) existingBaseMinterState.onChange('') void displayToast() } else if (baseMinterAcquisitionMethod === 'new' || !wallet.isWalletConnected) { setMyBaseMinterContracts([]) existingBaseMinterState.onChange('') } }, [debouncedWalletAddress, baseMinterAcquisitionMethod]) useEffect(() => { if (baseMinterAcquisitionMethod === 'existing') { void fetchSg721Address() } }, [debouncedExistingBaseMinterContract]) useEffect(() => { if (baseMinterAcquisitionMethod === 'existing') { void fetchCollectionTokenCount() } }, [selectedCollectionAddress]) useEffect(() => { const data: BaseMinterDetailsDataProps = { baseMinterAcquisitionMethod, existingBaseMinter: existingBaseMinterState.value, selectedCollectionAddress, collectionTokenCount, } onChange(data) // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [ existingBaseMinterState.value, baseMinterAcquisitionMethod, wallet.isWalletConnected, selectedCollectionAddress, collectionTokenCount, ]) useEffect(() => { if (importedBaseMinterDetails) { setBaseMinterAcquisitionMethod(importedBaseMinterDetails.baseMinterAcquisitionMethod) existingBaseMinterState.onChange( importedBaseMinterDetails.existingBaseMinter ? importedBaseMinterDetails.existingBaseMinter : '', ) } }, [importedBaseMinterDetails]) return (
{ setBaseMinterAcquisitionMethod('new') }} type="radio" value="New" />
{ setBaseMinterAcquisitionMethod('existing') }} type="radio" value="Existing" />
{baseMinterAcquisitionMethod === 'existing' && (
No previous 1/1 collections were found. You may create a new 1/1 collection or fill in the minter contract address manually. Please connect your wallet first.
) }